undetermined Harvey & A. Gray
Matt Chew 2011-08-02
Arizona, Maricopa, South Central Phoenix approximately 2 miles N of South Mountain Park, 33.37053 -112.08803
undetermined A(A. Gray) Sarg.
Mendoza, Anthony 2010-09-15
Arizona, Rose Canyon Lake, Santa Catalina Mountains, 32.388333 -110.710556, 2120m
undetermined Torr.
Mendoza, Anthony 2011-07-23
Arizona, Finger Rock Trail, Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona, 32.359722 -110.891389, 1520m
undetermined Engelm.
Mendoza, Anthony 2011-07-22
Arizona, Pima, after first creek crossing on Pima Canyon Trail., 32.363056 -110.921667
undetermined (L.) Dc.
Mendoza, Anthony 2011-07-31
Arizona, Oracle Junction, Arizona on right side of the road near a driveway., 33.554147 -110.932303, 1010m
undetermined (L.) L.
M. Licher 3024 2011-03-27
Arizona, Yavapai, Tent Rocks, SE of Camp Verde, south side of tuff formations, 34.496667 -111.748972, 1030m
undetermined Cav.
S. Holiday 657 2011-08-04
Arizona, Navajo, Homolovi State Park, by visitor's center, 35.046312 -110.652705, 1493m
undetermined A. Gray
M. Licher 3025 2011-03-30
Arizona, Yavapai County, Bill Ensign Trail, at south end of the Verde Valley Botanical Area, east of Cottonwood, 34.747194 -111.989278, 1040m
undetermined (Walt.) Rydb.
M. Licher 3026 2011-03-30
Arizona, Yavapai County, Bill Ensign Trail, at south end of the Verde Valley Botanical Area, on high mesa top above Verde River, east of Cottonwood, 34.747417 -111.992222, 1070m
undetermined (DC.) Strother
M. Licher 3027 2011-03-30
Arizona, Yavapai County, Bill Ensign Trail, at south end of the Verde Valley Botanical Area, on high mesa top above Verde River, east of Cottonwood, 34.747417 -111.992222, 1070m
undetermined (A. Gray) M.E. Jones
M. Licher 3028 2011-03-30
Arizona, Yavapai County, South end of the Verde Valley Botanical Area, in saddle between two mesas above the Verde River, east of Cottonwood, 34.746389 -111.992333, 1050m
undetermined A. Gray
M. Licher 3029 2011-03-30
Arizona, Yavapai County, Mesa top adjacent to ruin, just south of the Verde Valley Botanical Area, above the Verde River, east of Cottonwood, 34.742667 -111.9945, 1070m
undetermined (Dougl. ex Hook.) Greene
M. Licher 3030 2011-03-30
Arizona, Yavapai County, Slope above Rocking Chair Road, just south of Mingus Ave, east of the Verde River near Cottonwood., 34.737778 -111.995806, 1020m
undetermined (A.Gray) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz
M. Licher 3031 2011-03-30
Arizona, Yavapai County, Chasm Creek, just upstream from narrows above 2nd. creek crossing, where trail leaves creek., 34.444528 -111.829361, 1090m
undetermined Sheldon
M. Licher 3032 2011-03-30
Arizona, Yavapai County, Salt Mine Road, south of Camp Verde, 34.506694 -111.839694, 960m
undetermined Greene
M. Licher 3033 2011-04-13
Arizona, Yavapai County, Turkey Creek, about 1 mile south of Crown King Road, near Cleator, 34.264167 -112.207222, 940m
undetermined A. Gray
M. Licher 3034 2011-04-16
Arizona, Yavapai County, West of the Bumble Bee exit from I-17, at end of paved road, at intersection with Maggie Mine/Crown King Road, 34.15211 -112.16262, 770m
undetermined (Dunal) A. Gray
S. Holiday 658 2011-08-04
Arizona, Navajo, Homolovi State Park near visitor center, 35.046312 -110.6552705, 1493m
undetermined Engelm.
S. Holiday 659 2011-08-04
Arizona, Navajo, Homolovi State Park, 35.05483 -110.645214, 1476m
undetermined L.
S. Holiday 662 2011-08-04
Arizona, Navajo, Homolovi State Park, 35.05483 -110.645214, 1476m
undetermined (Hook.) Torr.
S. Holiday 665 2011-08-04
Arizona, Navajo, Homolovi State Park, near Little Colorado River, 35.0626 -110.649804, 1474m
undetermined Thurb.
M. Licher 3035 2011-04-17
Arizona, Yavapai County, Black Canyon, just northwest of the last private parcels on the outskirts of Black Canyon City, 34.105278 -112.154694, 630m
undetermined (Benth.) Muell.-Arg.
M. Licher 3036 2011-04-17
Arizona, Yavapai County, Black Canyon, just northwest of the last private parcels on the outskirts of Black Canyon City, 34.105278 -112.154694, 630m
undetermined Rose
M. Licher 3037 2011-04-17
Arizona, Yavapai County, Black Canyon, just northwest of the last private parcels on the outskirts of Black Canyon City, 34.105278 -112.154694, 630m
undetermined Pallas
S. Holiday 666 2011-08-04
Arizona, Navajo, Homolovi State Park, near Little Colorado River, 35.0626 -110.649823, 1476m
undetermined (Lam.) A.S. Hitchc.
S. Holiday 660 2011-08-04
Arizona, Navajo, Homolovi State Park, 35.05483 -110.645214, 1476m
undetermined (Pursh) Britt.
S. Holiday 668 2011-08-04
Arizona, Navajo, Homolovi State Park, 35.068086 -110.645113, 1481m
undetermined (L.) Cronq.
S. Holiday 669 2011-08-04
Arizona, Navajo, Homolovi State Park, 35.077257 -110.640805, 1478m
undetermined L.
S. Holiday 672 2011-08-04
Arizona, Navajo, Homolovi State Park, 35.077257 -110.640805, 1478m
undetermined (Torr.) G. Don
S. Holiday 676 2011-08-04
Arizona, Navajo, Homolovi State Park, 35.030733 -110.636616, 1498m
undetermined L.
S. Holiday 680 2011-08-22
Arizona, Navajo, Homolovi State Park, 35.077981 -110.638256, 1482m
undetermined L.
S. Holiday 681 2011-08-22
Arizona, Navajo, Homolovi State Park, 35.077981 -110.638256, 1482m
undetermined (L.) Beauv.
S. Holiday 687 2011-08-22
Arizona, Navajo, Homolovi State Park, 35.077981 -110.638256, 1482m
undetermined Nash
S. Holiday 693 2011-08-22
Arizona, Navajo, Homolovi State Park, 35.02901 -110.62649, 1490m
undetermined Greene
G. Kluwin 39 2011-05-22
Arizona, Coconino County, The Nature Conservancy Hart Prairie, about 14 miles N of Flagstaff off FR 151, 35.348417 -111.729528
undetermined (L.) F.K. Mey.
G. Kluwin 40 2011-05-22
Arizona, Coconino County, Fern Mountain, about 14 miles N of Flagstaff off FR 151, 35.349667 -111.737222, 2620m
undetermined (S. Wats.) W.A. Weber
G. Kluwin 41 2011-05-22
Arizona, Coconino County, Fern Mountain, about 14 miles N of Flagstaff off FR 151, 35.349222 -111.739139, 2680m
undetermined Nutt.
G. Kluwin 42 2011-05-22
Arizona, Coconino County, Fern Mountain, about 14 miles N of Flagstaff off FR 151, 35.348342 -111.742604, 2680m
undetermined Nutt.
V. Markgraf 10 2011-06-01
Arizona, Coconino County, The Nature Conservancy Hart Prairie about 14 miles NE of Flagstaff off FR 151, 35.351167 -111.732167, 2530m
undetermined Lindl.
V. Markgraf 11 2011-06-01
Arizona, Coconino County, The Nature Conservancy Hart Prairie, 14 miles N of Flagstaff off FR 151, 35.351272 -111.732384, 2530m
undetermined (A. Gray) Coult. & Rose
G. Kluwin
Arizona, Coconino County, detailed locality information protected
undetermined Chaix
G. Kluwin 64 2011-07-16
Arizona, Coconino County, The Nature Conservancy Hart Prairie, 14 miles N of Flagstaff off FR 151, East Spring, 35.3485 -111.728944, 2610m
undetermined L.
G. Kluwin 65 2011-07-16
Arizona, Coconino County, The Nature Conservancy Hart Prairie, 14 miles N of Flagstaff off FR 151, East Spring, 35.3485 -111.728944, 2610m
undetermined L.
G. Kluwin 66 2011-07-16
Arizona, Coconino County, The Nature Conservancy Hart Prairie, 14 miles N of Flagstaff off FR 151, East Spring, 35.3485 -111.728944, 2610m
undetermined (Nash) Batchelder
G. Kluwin 67 2011-07-16
Arizona, Coconino County, The Nature Conservancy Hart Prairie, 14 miles N of Flagstaff off FR 151, East Spring, 35.3485 -111.728944, 2610m
undetermined Vasey
G. Kluwin 68 2011-07-16
Arizona, Coconino County, The Nature Conservancy Hart Prairie, 14 miles N of Flagstaff off FR 151, 35.348583 -111.73575, 2560m
undetermined A. Braun
G. Kluwin 69 2011-07-16
Arizona, Coconino County, The Nature Conservancy Hart Prairie, 14 miles N of Flagstaff off FR 151, 35.348583 -111.73575, 2560m
undetermined Torr.
S. Holiday 677 2011-08-22
Arizona, Navajo, Homolovi State Park, 35.081483 -110.639942, 1490m
undetermined Torr. & A. Gray
S. Holiday 670 2011-08-04
Arizona, Navajo, Homolovi State Park, 35.077257 -110.640805, 1478m
undetermined J.B.S. Norton
S. Holiday 689 2011-08-22
Arizona, Navajo, Homolovi State Park, 35.077981 -110.638256, 1482m
undetermined (Engelm.) Munz & W. Klein
S. Holiday 712 2011-08-30
Arizona, Navajo, Homolovi State Park, 35.03113 -110.64113, 1490 - 1480m
undetermined (Heller) W.A. Weber & A. Löve
G. Kluwin 43 2011-06-26
Arizona, Coconino County, Bismarck Lake trail on west side of San Francisco Mountains off FR 151, 35.363806 -111.72975, 2640m
undetermined Dewey
G. Kluwin 44 2011-06-26
Arizona, Coconino County, Bismarck Lake trail on west side of San Francisco Mountains off FR 151, 35.363806 -111.72975, 2640m
undetermined (Hook.) Greene
G. Kluwin 45 2011-06-26
Arizona, Coconino County, Bismarck Lake trail off FR 151 on west side of San Francisco Mountains, 35.363806 -111.72975, 2640m
undetermined (Piper) Rydb.
G. Kluwin 46 2011-06-26
Arizona, Coconino County, Bismarck Lake trail off FR 151 on west side of San Francisco Mountains, 35.363806 -111.72975, 2640m
undetermined (L.) Roemer & J.A. Schultes
G. Kluwin 47 2011-06-26
Arizona, Coconino County, Bismarck Lake on west side of San Francisco Mountains, 35.364611 -111.721167, 2680m
undetermined L.
G. Kluwin 48 2011-06-26
Arizona, Coconino County, Bismarck Lake on west side of San Francisco Mountains, 35.364611 -111.721167, 2680m
undetermined L.
S. Holiday 679 2011-08-22
Arizona, Navajo, Homolovi State Park, 35.081483 -110.639942, 1490m
undetermined (Campbell) Whitemore
G. Kluwin 49 2011-06-26
Arizona, Coconino County, Bismarck Lake on west side of San Francisco Mountains, 35.364611 -111.721167, 2680m
undetermined Chaix
G. Kluwin 50 2011-06-26
Arizona, Coconino County, Bismarck Lake on west side of San Francisco Mountains, 35.364611 -111.721167, 2680m
undetermined Olney
G. Kluwin 51 2011-06-26
Arizona, Coconino County, Bismarck Lake on west side of San Francisco Mountains, 35.364611 -111.721167, 2680m
undetermined Greene
G. Kluwin
Arizona, Coconino County, detailed locality information protected
undetermined (I.M. Johnston) A. Richards.
S. Holiday 695 2011-08-22
Arizona, Navajo, Homolovi State Park, 35.031218 -110.622366, 1516m
undetermined (Klotzsch) Muell.-Arg.
S. Holiday 675 2011-08-04
Arizona, Navajo, Homolovi State Park, 35.031238 -110.649696, 1486m
undetermined (L.) Roemer & J.A. Schultes
G.Kluwin 70 2011-08-02
Arizona, Coconino County, Bismarck Lake off FR 151 on west side of San Francisco Peaks, 35.364611 -111.721167, 2680m
undetermined (Hook. & Arn.) I.M. Johnston
G.Kluwin 71 2011-08-02
Arizona, Coconino County, Bismarck Lake off FR 151 on west side of San Francisco Peaks, 35.364611 -111.721167, 2680m
undetermined L.
G.Kluwin 72 2011-08-02
Arizona, Coconino County, Bismarck Lake off FR 151 on west side of San Francisco Peaks, 35.364611 -111.721167, 2680m
undetermined (Host) Barkworth & D.R. Dewey
G.Kluwin 73 2011-08-02
Arizona, Coconino County, Bismarck Lake off FR 151 on west side of San Francisco Peaks, 35.364611 -111.721167, 2680m
undetermined A. Nels.
M. Licher 2792 2010-07-16
Arizona, Yavapai County, Mesquite Spring, Cottonwood Basin SE of Camp Verde, 34.484028 -111.771306, 930m
undetermined (All.) Vign. ex Janchen
M. Licher 2793 2010-07-16
Arizona, Yavapai County, Confluence of Mesquite and Cottonwood Springs, Cottonwood Basin SE of Camp Verde, 34.483111 -111.772806, 920m
undetermined (F.X. Hartmann) Schwarz
M. Licher 2758 2010-06-19
Arizona, Coconino County, The Nature Conservancy Hart Prairie, 14 miles NE of Flagstaff, south meadow at main drainage, 35.347028 -111.733083, 2580m
undetermined (Pursh) Raf.
M. Licher 2759a 2010-06-19
Arizona, Coconino County, Meadow finger above Bismarck Lake, west of the San Francisco Peaks, 35.348389 -111.724167, 2620m
undetermined Rydb.
M. Licher 2759b 2010-06-19
Arizona, Coconino County, Meadow finger above Bismarck Lake, west of the San Francisco Peaks, 35.348389 -111.724167, 2620m
undetermined L.
M. Licher 2760 2010-06-19
Arizona, Coconino County, Main wash south of Fern Mountain, off FR 151, 35.345167 -111.7405, 2560m
undetermined (Raf.) Raf.
M. Licher 2756 2010-06-19
Arizona, Coconino County, The Nature Conservancy Hart Prairie, 14 miles NE of Flagstaff, top of tree island in montane meadow, 35.351167 -111.732167, 2530m
undetermined Nutt.
M. Licher 2757 2010-06-19
Arizona, Coconino County, The Nature Conservancy Hart Prairie, 14 miles NE of Flagstaff, top of tree island in montane meadow, 35.351167 -111.732167, 2530m
undetermined S. Wats.
S. Holiday 663 2011-08-04
Arizona, Navajo, Homolovi State Park, 35.05483 -110.645214, 1476m
undetermined (Torr. & A. Gray) Small
S. Holiday 724 2011-08-30
Arizona, Navajo, Homolovi State Park, 35.046312 -110.652705, 1493m
undetermined Barneby
S. Holiday 699 2011-08-22
Arizona, Navajo, Homolovi State Park, 35.031318 -110.622366, 1516m
undetermined J.T. Howell
M. Licher
Arizona, Coconino County, detailed locality information protected
undetermined Dewey
M. Licher 3164 2011-07-31
Arizona, Gila County, Oak Flat Spring, upper Rock Creek, west of Roosevelt Lake, 33.714167 -111.305611, 1170m
undetermined W. Boott
M. Licher 3189 2011-08-02
Arizona, Gila County, Oak Flat Spring, upper Rock Creek, west of Roosevelt Lake, 33.714167 -111.305611, 1170m
undetermined (A. Gray) Cockerell
G. Rink 10797 2011-08-07
Arizona, Mohave, North side of Mount Logan, 36.388045 -113.170458, 1950m
undetermined (Pers.) Small
G. Rink 10798 2011-08-08
Arizona, Mohave, South side of Mount Logan, 36.332832 -113.18451, 2030m
undetermined (Vahl) Palla
G. Rink 10799 2011-08-08
Arizona, Mohave, Salt Spring, 36.371667 -113.512864, 1750m
undetermined Torr. ex S. Wats.
G. Rink 10801 2011-08-08
Arizona, Mohave, South slope of Grassy Mountain, 36.26074 -113.471044, 1710m
undetermined Raf.
G. Rink 10805 2011-08-09
Arizona, Mohave, Lower Pigeon Spring, 36.299838 -113.685794, 1580m
undetermined L.
G. Rink 10806 2011-08-09
Arizona, Mohave, Lower Pigeon Spring, 36.299838 -113.685794, 1580m
undetermined (L.) Hilliard & Burtt
G. Rink 10807 2011-08-09
Arizona, Mohave, Upper Pigeon Spring, 36.29237 -113.663473, 1550m
undetermined Britt.
G. Rink 10808a 2011-08-09
Arizona, Mohave, Upper Pigeon Spring, 36.29237 -113.663473, 1550m
undetermined Coville
G. Rink 10808b 2011-08-09
Arizona, Mohave, Upper Pigeon Spring, 36.29237 -113.663473, 1550m
undetermined (L.) Hill
G. Rink 10809a 2011-08-09
Arizona, Mohave, Upper Pigeon Spring, 36.29237 -113.663473, 1550m
undetermined (Greene) Wherry
G. Rink 10809b 2011-08-09
Arizona, Mohave, Upper Pigeon Spring, 36.29237 -113.663473, 1550m
undetermined (S. Wats.) S. Stokes
G. Rink 10810 2011-08-09
Arizona, Mohave, Above Upper Pigeon Spring on Kaibab Limestone cliffs, 36.29237 -113.663473, 1620m
undetermined S. Wats.
G. Rink 10811 2011-08-09
Arizona, Mohave, Above Upper Pigeon Spring on Kaibab Limestone cliffs, 36.29237 -113.663473, 1620m
undetermined (Sarg.) Little
G. Rink 10812 2011-08-10
Arizona, Mohave, On slopes below Upper Pigeon Spring, 36.294862 -113.664894, 1520m
undetermined Torr.
G. Rink 10813 2011-08-10
Arizona, Mohave, On slopes below Upper Pigeon Spring, 36.294862 -113.664894, 1520m
undetermined Nutt.
G. Rink 10814 2011-08-10
Arizona, Mohave, Between Whitney Pass and Cedar Spring, 36.52843 -114.06227, 1370m
undetermined Britt.
G. Rink 10815 2011-08-10
Arizona, Mohave, Cedar Spring, 36.567576 -114.010149, 1160m
undetermined (Nutt.) Hook. & Arn.
G. Rink 10816 2011-08-10
Arizona, Mohave, Cedar Spring, 36.567576 -114.010149, 1160m