undetermined Nutt.
Rachel Ostlund 2011-07-26
Colorado, Montrose, Take Highway 550 S from Montrose, turn right onto Government Springs Road, follow the road until Cornerstone Colorado (private community); population off of construction road inside the property., 38.247417 -107.917722, 2560m
undetermined L.
M. Licher 3624 2012-08-19
Colorado, Montezuma County, Summit Reservoir, near Mancos, Colorado, 37.423972 -108.385889, 2260m
undetermined Wahlenb.
M. Licher 3592 2012-08-17
Colorado, Dolores County, Snow Spur Creek, Lizard Head Pass, 37.802222 -107.925, 3078m
undetermined (Greene ex Rydb.) J.M. Gillett
M. Licher 3593 2012-08-17
Colorado, Dolores County, Snow Spur Creek, Lizard Head Pass, 37.802222 -107.925, 3078m
undetermined (Kuntze) Iltis
M. Licher 3594 2012-08-17
Colorado, Dolores County, Snow Spur Creek, Lizard Head Pass, 37.802222 -107.925, 3078m
undetermined Rydb.
M. Licher 3595 2012-08-17
Colorado, Dolores County, West slope above Lizard Head Pass, 37.811639 -107.936556, 3307m
undetermined Mackenzie
M. Licher 3596a 2012-08-17
Colorado, Dolores County, West slope above Lizard Head Pass, 37.811639 -107.936556, 3307m
undetermined Mackenzie
M. Licher 3597 2012-08-17
Colorado, Dolores County, West slope above Lizard Head Pass, 37.806417 -107.937194, 3231m
undetermined Holm
M. Licher 3598 2012-08-18
Colorado, San Juan County, East side of Ophir Pass, approx. 1/4 mile north of road, San Juan Mountains., 37.85275 -107.772667, 3597m
undetermined Holm
M. Licher 3599 2012-08-18
Colorado, San Juan County, East side of Ophir Pass, approx. 1/4 mile north of road, San Juan Mountains., 37.85275 -107.772667, 3597m
undetermined E. Mey.
M. Licher 3600 2012-08-18
Colorado, San Juan County, East side of Ophir Pass, approx. 1/4 mile north of road, San Juan Mountains., 37.85275 -107.772667, 3597m
undetermined Piper
M. Licher 3601 2012-08-18
Colorado, San Juan County, East side of Ophir Pass, approx. 1/4 mile north of road, San Juan Mountains., 37.85275 -107.772667, 3597m
undetermined R. Br.
M. Licher 3602 2012-08-18
Colorado, San Juan County, East side of Ophir Pass, approx. 1/4 mile north of road, San Juan Mountains., 37.85275 -107.772667, 3597m
undetermined (Torr. & A.Gray) Greene
M. Licher 3603 2012-08-18
Colorado, San Juan County, East side of Ophir Pass, approx. 1/4 mile north of road, San Juan Mountains., 37.853167 -107.769417, 3688m
undetermined Greene
M. Licher 3604 2012-08-18
Colorado, San Juan County, East side of Ophir Pass, approx. 1/4 mile north of road, San Juan Mountains., 37.853167 -107.769417, 3688m
undetermined R. Br.
M. Licher 3605 2012-08-18
Colorado, San Juan County, East side of Ophir Pass, approx. 1/4 mile north of road, San Juan Mountains., 37.853167 -107.769417, 3688m
undetermined Rydb.
M. Licher 3606 2012-08-18
Colorado, San Juan County, East side of Ophir Pass, approx. 1/4 mile north of road, San Juan Mountains., 37.853167 -107.769417, 3688m
undetermined Olney
M. Licher 3607 2012-08-18
Colorado, San Juan County, East side of Ophir Pass, approx. 1/4 mile north of road, San Juan Mountains., 37.853167 -107.769417, 3688m
undetermined Holm
M. Licher 3608 2012-08-18
Colorado, San Juan County, East side of Ophir Pass, approx. 1/4 mile north of road, San Juan Mountains., 37.853167 -107.769417, 3688m
undetermined Holm
M. Licher 3608 2012-08-18
Colorado, San Juan County, East side of Ophir Pass, approx. 1/4 mile north of road, San Juan Mountains., 37.853167 -107.769417, 3688m
undetermined Olney
M. Licher 3609 2012-08-18
Colorado, San Juan County, East side of Ophir Pass, approx. 1/4 mile north of road, San Juan Mountains., 37.853167 -107.769417, 3688m
undetermined (L.) Dc.
M. Licher 3610 2012-08-18
Colorado, San Juan County, East side of Ophir Pass, approx. 1/4 mile north of road, San Juan Mountains., 37.853167 -107.769417, 3688m
undetermined Wahlenb.
M. Licher 3611 2012-08-18
Colorado, San Juan County, East side of Ophir Pass, approx. 1/4 mile north of road, San Juan Mountains., 37.853167 -107.769417, 3688m
undetermined F. J. Herm.
M. Licher 3612 2012-08-18
Colorado, San Juan County, East side of Ophir Pass, approx. 1/4 mile north of road, San Juan Mountains., 37.853167 -107.769417, 3688m
undetermined Bailey
M. Licher 3613 2012-08-18
Colorado, San Juan County, East side of Ophir Pass, wetland to south of road near pass., 37.851139 -107.776972, 3581m
undetermined Wahlenb.
M. Licher 3614 2012-08-18
Colorado, San Juan County, East side of Ophir Pass, wetland to south of road near pass., 37.851139 -107.776972, 3581m
undetermined Bong.
M. Licher 3615 2012-08-18
Colorado, San Juan County, East side of Ophir Pass, wetland to south of road near pass., 37.851139 -107.776972, 3581m
undetermined Kit.
M. Licher 3616 2012-08-18
Colorado, San Juan County, East side of Ophir Pass, north side of road near small unnamed lake., 37.85351 -107.77699, 3627m
undetermined Piper
M. Licher 3617 2012-08-18
Colorado, San Juan County, East side of Ophir Pass, north side of road near small unnamed lake., 37.85351 -107.77699, 3627m
undetermined C.A. Mey.
M. Licher 3618 2012-08-18
Colorado, San Juan County, East side of Ophir Pass, north side of road near small unnamed lake., 37.85351 -107.77699, 3627m
undetermined Rydb.
M. Licher 3619 2012-08-18
Colorado, San Miguel County, West side of Ophir Pass, meadow below road at second switchback below pass., 37.851778 -107.785944, 3481m
undetermined Gray
M. Licher 3620 2012-08-18
Colorado, San Miguel County, West side of Ophir Pass, meadow below road at second switchback below pass., 37.851778 -107.785944, 3481m
undetermined Torr. & Gray
M. Licher 3621 2012-08-18
Colorado, San Miguel County, West side of Ophir Pass, meadow below road at second switchback below pass., 37.851778 -107.785944, 3481m
undetermined Boott
M. Licher 3622 2012-08-17
Colorado, Dolores County, Snow Spur Creek, Lizard Head Pass, 37.802222 -107.925, 3078m
undetermined Bailey
M. Licher 3623 2012-08-17
Colorado, Dolores County, Snow Spur Creek, Lizard Head Pass, 37.802222 -107.925, 3078m
undetermined Bailey
M. Licher 3596b 2012-08-17
Colorado, Dolores County, West slope above Lizard Head Pass, 37.811639 -107.936556, 3307m
americanus (Pers.) Volk. ex Schinz & R. Keller
Adolf Bravo sn- 2002-06-12
COLORADO, Montezuma, Yucca House National Monument, Near stock tank, west of west complex of Yucca House Ruin., 37.250936 -108.687106, 1804m
balticus Willd.
B. Phillips 2002-06-12
COLORADO, Montezuma, Yucca House National Monument, Near seep, west complex of Yucca House Ruin., 37.250236 -108.685854, 1804m
arizonica Vasey
G. Rink 32 2002-06-12
COLORADO, Montezuma, Yucca House National Monument, Vicinity of stock tank, southwest of Ishmay House, west of the west complex of Yucca House Ruin., 37.250735 -108.686966, 1804m
glomerata L.
G. Rink 1958 2002-06-12
COLORADO, Montezuma, Yucca House National Monument, Vicinity of stock tank, west of west complex of Yucca House Ruin., 37.250735 -108.686966, 1804m
trilobata Nutt.
G. Rink 3001 2002-06-12
COLORADO, Montezuma, Yucca House National Monument, Near stock tank, west of west complex of Yucca House Ruin., 37.249097 -108.687106, 1804m
saximontanus A. Nels.
G. Rink 3003 2002-06-12
COLORADO, Montezuma, Yucca House National Monument, Near seep, west complex of Yucca House Ruin., 37.250236 -108.685854, 1804m
osteosperma (Torr.) Little
G. Rink 3006 2002-06-12
COLORADO, Montezuma, Yucca House National Monument, Pasture surrounding stock pond, southwest of Ishmay House and west of west complex of Yucca House Ruin., 37.250936 -108.687106, 1804m
japonicus Thunb.
G. Rink 3096 2002-06-12
COLORADO, Montezuma, Yucca House National Monument, Near stock tank, west of west complex of Yucca House Ruin., 37.250936 -108.687106, 1804m
cuneata Sheld.
G. Rink 3099 2002-06-12
COLORADO, Montezuma, Yucca House National Monument, Vicinity of stock tank, southwest of Ishmay House, west of the west complex of Yucca House Ruin., 37.250735 -108.686966, 1804m
wingatanus S. Wats.
G. Rink 3513 2004-05-26
COLORADO, Montezuma, Near Yucca House National Monument, hillock on south side of property on east side of highway., 37.224091 -108.661996, 1850m
hutchinsifolia Rydb.
G. Rink 3514 2004-05-26
COLORADO, Montezuma, Near Yucca House National Monument, hillock on south side of property on east side of highway., 37.224091 -108.661996, 1850m
coloradoense W. Wight
G. Rink 3515 2004-05-26
COLORADO, Montezuma, Near Yucca House National Monument, steep arroyo on east side of highway., 37.22307 -108.659131, 1830m
cordatus Nutt.
G. Rink 3517 2004-05-26
COLORADO, Montezuma, Near Yucca House National Monument, slopes on east side of highway., 37.22307 -108.659131, 1830m
gracilis (Nutt.) Shinners
G. Rink 3518 2004-05-26
COLORADO, Montezuma, Near Yucca House National Monument, slopes on east side of highway., 37.220169 -108.652809, 1830m
lentus Pennell
G. Rink 3519 2004-05-26
COLORADO, Montezuma, Near Yucca House National Monument, steep slopes on east side of highway., 37.217414 -108.645683, 1880m
barbatus (Cav.) Roth
G. Rink 3520 2004-05-26
COLORADO, Montezuma, Near Yucca House National Monument, steep slopes on east side of highway., 37.217414 -108.645683, 1880m
albicaulis (Dougl. ex Hook.) Dougl. ex To
G. Rink 3521 2004-05-26
COLORADO, Montezuma, Near Yucca House National Monument, south-facing shale slope on east side of the highway., 37.225773 -108.647305, 1951m
pratensis L.
G. Rink 3522 2004-05-27
COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m
parviflora Lindl.
G. Rink 3526 2004-05-27
COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m
inermis Leyss.
G. Rink 3527 2004-05-27
COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m
tectorum L.
G. Rink 3528 2004-05-27
COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m
pratensis L.
G. Rink 3530 2004-05-27
COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m
altissimum L.
G. Rink 3532 2004-05-27
COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m
tridentata (Pursh.) H.C.
G. Rink 3533 2004-05-27
COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m
stellatum (L.) Link
G. Rink 3534 2004-05-27
COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road, along water course., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m
nuttallianum Pritzel ex Walpers
G. Rink 3535 2004-05-27
COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road, along water course., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m
officinale G.H. Weber ex Wiggers
G. Rink 3537 2004-05-27
COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road, along water course., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m
virginiana (A. Nels.) Sarg.
G. Rink 3537 2004-05-27
COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road, along water course., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m
alnifolia (Nutt.) Nutt. ex M. Roemer
G. Rink 3538 2004-05-27
COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road, along water course., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m
divaricarpa A. Nels.
G. Rink 3546 2004-05-27
COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road, along water course., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m
angustifolia James
G. Rink 3549 2004-05-27
COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road, along water course., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m
septentrionalis L.
G. Rink 3551 2004-05-27
COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road, along water course., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m
missouriensis Nutt.
G. Rink 3552 2004-05-27
COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road, along water course., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m
trilobata Nutt.
G. Rink 3553 2004-05-27
COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road, along water course., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m
fendleriana (Steud.) Vasey
G. Rink 3554 2004-05-27
COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road, along water course., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m
G. Rink 3558 2004-05-27
COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road, along water course., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m
fendleri (S. Wats.) Greene
G. Rink 3559 2004-05-27
COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road, along water course., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m
porteri Coult. & Rose
G. Rink
COLORADO, La Plata County, detailed locality information protected
adunca Sm.
G. Rink 3577 2004-05-27
COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road, along water course., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m
pulcherrima Lehm.
G. Rink 3578 2004-05-27
COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road, along water course., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m
flagellaris A. Gray
G. Rink 3587 2004-05-27
COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road, along water course., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m
parvifolia Nutt.
G. Rink 3591 2004-05-27
COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road, along water course., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m
holboellii Rydb.
G. Rink 3592 2004-05-27
COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m
minus (C.A. Mey.) Dudley
G. Rink 3600 2004-05-27
COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m
umbellata (L.) Nutt.
G. Rink 3602 2004-05-27
COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m
drummondii A. Gray
G. Rink 3611 2004-05-27
COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road, along water course., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m
gambelii Nutt.
G. Rink 3620 2004-05-27
COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m
montanum L.
G. Rink 3622 2004-05-27
COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m
linearis Nutt.
G. Rink 3624 2004-05-27
COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m
rubellus A. Gray
G. Rink 3638 2004-05-27
COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m
humile Juss.
G. Rink 3642 2004-05-27
COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m
douglasii Greene
G. Rink 3643 2004-05-27
COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m
ophianthus Pennell
G. Rink 3647 2004-05-28
COLORADO, Montezuma, Near Yucca House National Monument, NW corner of Ishmay Ranch., 37.266595 -108.682726, 1835m
acuminatum Hook.
G. Rink
COLORADO, Montezuma, detailed locality information protected
pumilus Nutt.
G. Rink 3650 2004-05-28
COLORADO, Montezuma, Near Yucca House National Monument, NW corner of Ishmay Ranch., 37.266595 -108.682726, 1835m
incana Nutt.
G. Rink 3651 2004-05-28
COLORADO, Montezuma, Near Yucca House National Monument, NW corner of Ishmay Ranch., 37.266595 -108.682726, 1835m
ovalifolium (Nutt.) Dur.
G. Rink 3653 2004-05-28
COLORADO, Montezuma, Near Yucca House National Monument, NW corner of Ishmay Ranch., 37.264692 -108.697465, 1870m
crassisepala (Torr. & A. Gray) Greene
G. Rink 3658 2004-05-28
COLORADO, Montezuma, Near Yucca House National Monument, NW corner of Ishmay Ranch., 37.264692 -108.697465, 1870m
G. Rink 3717 2004-06-05
COLORADO, Dolores County, South of the Dolores River Overlook., 37.762793 -108.776327, 2360m
X divaricarpa A. Nels. (pro sp.)
G. Rink 3720 2004-06-05
COLORADO, Dolores County, South of the Dolores River Overlook., 37.762793 -108.776327, 2360m
drummondii A. Gray
G. Rink 3731 2004-06-05
COLORADO, Dolores County, South of the Dolores River Overlook., 37.800135 -108.792958, 2440m
undulatum (Rydb.)Welsh
G. Rink 3738 2004-07-08
COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m
compressa L.
G. Rink 3740 2004-07-08
COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m
divergens Torr. & A. Gray
G. Rink 3742 2004-07-08
COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m