fendleri (Gray) S. Wats.
DES00050987 Andrew Salywon 861 1999-07-25
Durango, Durango, 18 km SW of Yerbanis, between Durango & Torreon; km post 103., 24.600956 -103.915983, 1935m
avenaceum (Kunth) Tateoka
DES00051403 Y. Herrera 682 1985-09-04
Durango, Loc a 11 km de noMBRE DE Dios, sobre la carretera a Durango., 23.894167 -104.330278
parryi A. Gray
DES00023672 Wendy C. Hodgson H-1795 1982-07-09
Durango, 30 mi W of Mapami, off Hwy 30., 25.837778 -104.311667
parryi A. Gray
DES00015998 R. G. Engard 659 1975-07-29
Durango, 32 miles east of Zarca on Mexico Highway 30., 25.867222 -104.2625, 1738m
davisiorum Tharp & F. A. Barkley.
DES00005889 L. McGill 8020 1971-08-21
Durango, 8.8 miles south of Nazareno in Rio Aquanaval Valley., 25.308056 -103.496111
undetermined Lag.
DES00007537 L. McGill 9309 1972-07-24
Durango, Along Rt. 45, ca. 23 miles N of LaZarca, 26.058333 -104.964167
undetermined (Engelm.) Lem.
DES00027217 D. J. Pinkava
Durango, detailed locality information protected
simaruba (L.) Sarg.
DES00046834 Howard Scott Gentry 5251 1939-12-18
Durango, Canyon 5 miles N of Tamazula., 24.934722 -106.98, 305m
DES00035626 Edward F. Anderson
Durango, detailed locality information protected
lyrata Benth.
DES00007369 L. McGill 9369 1972-07-25
Durango, Along Rte. 39, ca. 12 miles NW of Canatlan; Durango, 24.680927844224797 -104.851970672607
spinosa (Benth.) Nesom
DES00005607 L. McGill 8010 1971-08-20
Durango, Railroad crossing Hwy, 5.3 mi. E. of Nazareno (Durango), 1.9 mi. N. of San Isidro jct. (Coahuila) at Aguanaval River ford on Coahuila 21., 25.397208 -103.339989
coulteri (Gray) Nesom
DES00007392 D. J. Pinkava 9485 1972-07-26
Durango, Along Rte 40, 5.3 mi W of Los Mimbres, 23.902778 -105.040556
barrancana Gentry
DES00057285 Howard S. Gentry 5298 1939-12-20
Durango, Sierra Tres Picos, 25.020207 -107.016191, 1067m
texana (Torr. & Gray) Greene
DES00007353 D. J. Pinkava 9307 1972-07-24
Durango, Along Rte 45, ca. 23 mi N of La Zarca, 26.058333 -104.964167
gymnocephala (DC>) Shinners
DES00012369 Howard S. Gentry 23585 1975-07-28
Durango, 7 miles E of La Zarca crucero along the road to Bermejillo, 25.738611 -104.858056, 1981m
scabrella (Greene) Shinners
DES00012960 L. McGill 8043 1971-08-21
Durango, 22 miles southwest of Nazareno, 2.0 miles east of jct, with Mex. Hwy 40, 25.194444 -103.6675
argentatum A. Gray
DES00030713 A. C. Sanders 6667 1986-07-02
Durango, Top of Puerto de la Cadena, the pass through the Sierra de la Cadena, 28 km W of Mapimi on Hwy 30., 25.866667 -104.1, 1524m
argentatum A. Gray
DES00023635 W. Hodgson H-1801 1963-06-10
Durango, Ca. 33 mi W of Mapami, off Hwy 30., 25.826111 -104.3625
mexicana R. C. Brown
DES00016902 R. C. Brown 803A 1972-07-24
Durango, 2.7 mi S of LaZarca on Hwy 45 to Durango., 25.749444 -104.739167, 548m
pauciflorus (D. Don) DC.
DES00007383 Lyle McGill 9424 1972-07-26
Durango, Along Rte 40, 8 mi E. of Los Mimbres., 23.936667 -104.879444
ocymoides Dc.
DES00007356 D. J. Pinkava 9332 1972-07-24
Durango, Along Rte 45, 5.7 mi N of Rio Nazas crossing, 25.138743 -104.513351
amplexicaulis (Cav.) Pers.
DES00033667 Howard S. Gentry 18151 1959-11-12
Durango, 8 - 10 miles SW of San Juan del Rio., 24.728333 -104.611667, 2133m
lucida Cav.
DES00007378 D. J. Pinkava 9364 1972-07-24
Durango, Along Rte. 39, ca. 9 mi NW of Canatlan, 24.635 -104.832222
acerosa (DC.) Strother
DES00030708 A. C. Sanders 6699 1986-07-02
Durango, San Pedro del Gallo, Lomeria del Refugio, W foothills of Sierra de los Alamos, 11 km S of the village of Cinco de Mayo, 30 km S of Hwy 30 on the road to San Pedro del Gallo, ca. 40 km SW (airline) of Mapimi., 25.666667 -104.266667, 1706m
DES00030712 A. C. Sanders 1986-07-02
Durango, Mpio. De Mapimi. Top of Puerto de la Cadena, the pass through the Sierra de la Cadena, 28 km W of Mapimi on Hwy 30., 25.871111 -104.111111, 1524m
DES00007354 D. J. Pinkava 9308 1972-08-24
Durango, Along Rte 45, ca. 23 mi N of La Zarca, 26.058333 -104.964167
angustifolia DC.
DES00007376 D. J. Pinkava 9398 1972-07-25
Durango, Along Rte. 39, just N of Santiago Papasquiaro, 25.05 -105.416667
encelioides Robins. & Greenm.
DES00026142 Tilton Davis IV 4110 1982-07-04
Durango, S of Cuencame., 24.85 -103.7
rothrockii Robins. & Greenm.
DES00031589 A. C. Sanders 6645 1986-07-02
Durango, Top of Puerto de la Cadena, the pass through the Sierra de la Cadena, 28 km W of Mapimi on Hwy 30., 25.866667 -104.1, 1524m
serrata Cav.
DES00011566 D. J. Pinkava 9396 1972-07-25
Durango, Along Rte 39, 9.1 mi SE of Santiago Papasquiaro, 24.949722 -105.373333, 1730m
leucotricha A. P. de Candolle
DES00023793 Donald J. Pinkava 9345 1972-07-24
Durango, Along Rte. 45, 14.7 mi S of Rodeo, 24.999722 -104.505278, 200m
macrocentra Engelm.
DES00027213 R. K. Brown B-286 1972-07-26
Durango, One mi N of where Rte 45 crosses the Rio Nazas, and 3 mi W on gravel mine road. High hill on north side of road, 25.583333 -103.5, 1524m
imbricata (Haw.) F.M. Knuth
DES00023795 Donald J. Pinkava 9374 1972-07-25
Durango, Along Rte. 39, 3.5 mi SE of Arnulfo R. Gomez, 24.680556 -104.850556
peruviana (L.) L.
DES00007367 D. J. Pinkava 9360 1972-07-24
Durango, Along Rte 39, ca. 9 miles NW of Canatlan., 24.635 -104.831667
puberula S. Watson
DES00030706 A. C. Sanders 6680 1986-07-02
Durango, Mpio. de Mapimi, top of Puerto de la Cadena, the pass through the Sierra de la Cadena, 28 km W of Mapimi on Hwy 30., 25.866667 -104.1, 1524m
peruviana (L.) L.
DES00007317 D. J. Pinkava 9291 1972-07-23
Durango, Along Rte 45, 35 miles S of V. Ocampo jct near Uires and ca. 60 miles S of V. Matamoros., 26.177037 -105.057303
pottsii Scheer ex. Salm-Dyck
DES00035808 Edward F. Anderson 5007 1979-07-24
Durango, 400 mE on Est. Microondas Conejo road at KM 85 from Highway 49 between Bermejillo and Jimenez. 37 km N of Bermejillo, 26.233333 -103.816667, 1100m
greggii (Engelmann) Britt. & Rose
DES00015322 R. G. Engard
Durango, detailed locality information protected
unguispinus (Engel.) Britt. & Rose
DES00035722 Edward F. Anderson 5006 1979-07-24
Durango, 400 m E of Est Microondas Conejo road at KM marker 85 from Hwy 49 between Bermejillo and Jimemez, 37 km N of Bermejillo, 26.233333 -103.816667, 1100m
unguispinus (Engel.) Britt. & Rose
DES00035721 Edward F. Anderson 5006 1979-07-24
Durango, 400 m E of Est Microondas Conejo road at KM marker 85 from Hwy 49 between Bermejillo and Jimemez, 37 km N of Bermejillo, 26.233333 -103.816667, 1100m
asperrima Jacobi
DES00001890 McCleary 24 1956-05-27
Durango, 123 mi S of Parral, 25.866389 -104.835556, 1706m
applanata Kochne
DES00019022 Gentry and Gilly 10557 1951-06-06
Durango, In old cemetary. Tapias Coloradas, 17 1/2 miles N of El Pino in Rio Chico Basin., 24.616667 -106.366667
durangensis Gentry
DES00007503 D. J. Pinkava 9601 1972-07-29
Durango, Along Rte. 45, SE of Durango and 11.5 miles NW of Nombre de Dios, 23.965278 -104.349444
flexispina Trel.
DES00012003 Howard S. Gentry 22049 1966-10-25
Durango, Crossroad to Canutillo along Rt. 45 by Rio Florida., 26.389444 -105.350833, 3m
flexispina Trel.
DES00026825 Howard S. Gentry 18142 1959-11-11
Durango, 15-18 miles NW of La Zarca, 25.978333 -104.909444, 3m
flexispina Trel.
DES00027359 Howard S. Gentry 18142 1959-11-11
Durango, 15-18 miles NW of La Zarca, 25.978333 -104.909444, 3m
flexispina Trel.
DES00007486 D. J. Pinkava 9405 1972-07-25
Durango, Along Rte. 39, about 23 miles NW of Santiago Papasquiaro, 25.274444 -105.637222, 3m
inaequidens Gentry
DES00037209 R. D. Worthington 7919 1982-01-06
Durango, Along Hwy 40, 50 road miles SW of El Salto, 5.7 road miles NE Durango-Sinaloa state line across Hwy 40., 23.633333 -105.833333, 1980m
inaequidens C. Koch
DES00037210 R. D. Worthington 7921 1982-01-06
Durango, 0.5 mile by Hwy 40 Swof Revalcaderon, 5.5 road miles NE of Durango-Sinaloa state line, across Hwy 40, 23.603538 -105.844829, 1900m
inaequidens C. Koch
DES00009521 Mieg, McCleary & Diaz 89 1956-06-01
Durango, 55 miles from Durango along road to Mazatlan., 23.784722 -105.377222, 2529m
jaiboli Gentry
DES00030821 Juan Arguelles 78 1959-05-01
Durango, San Bernardo and vicinity, Rio Mayo watershed., 26 -105.518056, 400 - 1000m
lecheguilla Torr.
DES00041769 R. L. Bezy 406A 1965-04-17
Durango, 6.0 mi (by MEX 40) S. Pedricena, 25.045 -103.721944
lecheguilla Torr.
DES00001889 Mcleary 30 1956-05-27
Durango, 6 mi from Cuencame toward Torrin, 24.870581 -103.699748
lecheguilla Torr.
DES00026821 Howard S. Gentry 20467 1963-09-24
Durango, 9-10 mi N of Cuencame, along Rte 40, 24.983889 -103.7425
lecheguilla Torr.
DES00007502 Donald J. Pinkava 9747 1972-07-02
Durango, Along Rte 40 at Higueras, 1.9 mi W of Coahuila-Nuevo Leon State line, 25.266667 -104.416667
parryi Engelm.
DES00012004 H. S. Gentry 10541 1951-06-01
Durango, Rio Chico ca. 20 miels W of Cd. Durango along hwy to El Salto., 25.45 -103.683333, 1981m
parryi Engelm.
DES00019017 H. S. Gentry 10553 1951-06-04
Durango, 6 miles S of Chinacates along road to Patos and Guatimape., 24.958333 -105.148333, 1981m
scabra Salm-Dyck
DES00008355 Howard S. Gentry 23268 1973-05-15
Durango, East bajada of Sierra del Sarnoso near Dinamita., 25.691389 -103.641944, 1219m
scabra Salm-Dyck
DES00026874 Howard S. Gentry 8632 1948-10-05
Durango, Zarca Mesa, 25.781667 -104.755833, 2240m
scabra Salm-Dyck
DES00032507 R. Spellenberg 5179 1979-07-23
Durango, About 4 miles E of Sombreretillo., 24.072222 -104.642222, 2240m
schidigera Lemaire
DES00026849 Howard S. Gentry 20473 1963-09-25
Durango, 32 km E of Palmito along road to Mazatlan, 24.065556 -104.701389, 2438 - 2590m
undetermined L.
DES00041791 R. L. Bezy 408 1965-04-17
Durango, 6.0 miles by Mex. 40 S of Pedricena., 25.045 -103.721944
wocomahi H.S. Gentry
DES00012094 Howard S. Gentry 23467 1975-01-13
Durango, 2.5 mi S of Tepetates lumber mill, Sierra de los Huicholes, 24.083333 -104.916667, 2484m
brunnea (S.Wats.) Rose
DES00005763 Lyle A. McGill 8205B 1971-08-25
Durango, Between Torreon and Jimenez on MEX Hwy 49, 3.6 mi S of jct. To Escalon, 26.725833 -104.2575
brunnea (S.Wats.) Rose
DES00032506 R. Spellenberg 5172 1979-06-23
Durango, About 4 mi E of Sombreretillo, 24.072222 -104.642222
undetermined Salisb.
DES00011843 Howard S. Gentry 23610 1975-08-05
Durango, 19 mi SE of Cd. Durnago along Rte. 45, 23.990556 -104.369444, 1981m
nelsonii Rose
DES00010871 Donald J. Pinkava 9477 1972-07-26
Durango, Along Rte 40, 5.3 mi W of Los Mimbres, 23.902778 -105.040556
decipiens Trel.
DES00011845 Howard S. Gentry 23612 1975-08-06
Durango, 4 mi W of Cd. Durango along Rte 40. Edge of plateau, 24.035833 -104.729444, 1950m
decipiens Trel.
DES00011840 Howard S. Gentry 23581 1975-07-28
Durango, 31 mi N of La Zarca Curcero along Rte 45, 25.860833 -104.276944, 1920m
faxoniana (Trel.) Sarg.
DES00011846 Howard S. Gentry 23587 1975-07-29
Durango, 32 miles E of La Zarca along road to Mapimi., 25.867222 -104.2625, 1706m
rigida Standley
DES00011850 Howard S. Gentry 23588 1975-07-29
Durango, 32 miles E of La Zarca along road to Mapimi, 25.867222 -104.2625, 1706m
treculeana Carriere
DES00037203 A. C. Sanders 4859 1984-03-26
Durango, Mpio. De Durango, eastern edge of the Sierra Madre Occidental, ca. 6 miles W of Durango along Hwy 40, mesa about 3 miles due N of Presa Guadalupe Victoria., 23.983333 -104.75, 2103m
cedrosanum Trel.
DES00011839 Howard S. Gentry 23582 1975-07-28
Durango, 23 miiles N of La Zaerca Crucero along Rte. 45., 26.052778 -104.963611, 1981m
cedrosanum Trel.
DES00011851 Howard S. Gentry 23586 1975-07-28
Durango, 12 miles E of La Zarca Crucero along raod to Bernejillo., 25.79 -104.576944, 1981m
pumila Rose
DES00018097 P. Fryxell & D. Bates 2083 1972-10-16
Durango, Ca. 23 miles W of Durango at K40., 23.965 -104.998611, 2346m
longifolia (Benth.) Rollins
DES00060161 T. R. Van Devender 2005-1248 2005-09-12
Durango, 25.2 km east-northeast of Sinaloa border, 15.8 km east northeast Los Cedros on MEX 40 (ca. 26 km west-southwest La Ciudad)., 23.647778 -105.788611, 2365m
ervoides Barneby
DES00041171 C. D. Johnson 131-70 1980-02-10
Durango, 8 miles SW of El Salto., 23.740556 -105.455556, 2712m
multijuga (S.Wats.) Fisher
DES00023740 Wendy Hodgson H-1799 1982-07-09
Durango, 25-30 mi W of Mapani, off Hwy 30, 25.861944 -104.270833
multijuga (S.Wats.) Fisher
DES00041173 C. D. Johnson 123-70 1970-08-18
Durango, 13 mi SW of Guadalupe Victoria, 24.033333 -104.716667, 2072m
tenuis Rose
DES00002278 Donald J. Pinkava 9483 1972-07-26
Durango, Along Rte 40, 5.3 milse W of Los Mimbres, 23.902778 -105.040556
glauca (Ortega) Eifert
DES00015997 R. G. Engard 649 1975-07-28
Durango, Between Zarca and the Rio Florido on Hwy 45., 25.766667 -104.75, 1965m
montana Rose & Standl.
DES00007382 Donald J. Pinkava 9421 1972-07-26
Durango, Along Rte 40, ca. 10 miles E of Los Mimbres and 2 miles S of Rio Chico., 23.938333 -104.851389
wootonii (Britt.) Eifert ex. Isely
DES00007381 Donald J. Pinkava 9411 1972-07-25
Durango, Along Rte 39, ca. 23 miles NW of Santiago Papasquiaro., 25.274444 -105.637222, 60m
rigida Standley
DES00061496 Wendy C. Hodgson 21553 2007-03-05
Durango, Cultivated at Desert Botanical Garden, 33 deg 27min33 sec N, 111 deg 56min35sec W, accession number 1965 7813 0101; grown from seed, seed originally collected 1 January 1958 from 100 miles NE of Durango; seedlings grown 9 April 1965., 24.020319 -104.657555
rigida Standley
DES00061498 Wendy C. Hodgson 21556 2007-03-30
Durango, Cultivated at Desert Botanical Garden, 33 deg 27min33 sec N, 111 deg 56min35sec W, accession number 1965 7813 0102; grown from seed, seed originally collected 1 January 1958 from 100 miles NE of Durango; seedlings grown 9 April 1965., 24.020319 -104.657555
wrightii (Gray) Greene
DES00007363 Donald J. Pinkava 9353 1972-08-24
Durango, Along Rte 39, ca. 9 miles NW of Canatlan, 24.635 -104.831667
dysocarpa Benth.
DES00007327 Donald J. Pinkava 9319 1972-07-24
Durango, Along Rte. 45, 12.2 mi N of La Zarca, 25.908056 -104.853611
emoryana Benth.
DES00031590 A. Sanders 6622 1986-07-01
Durango, NW foothills of the Sierra Mapimi, 2 kms S of Mapimi at an old kiln, 25.816667 -103.833333, 1463m
wislizeni (Gray) Irwin & Barneby
DES00007743 Howard S. Gentry 23093 1972-10-05
Durango, Bajada of Sierra Sarnoso, SE of Dinamita., 25.691389 -103.641944, 1158m
wislizeni (Gray) Irwin & Barneby
DES00030709 A. C. Sanders 6623 1977-05-22
Durango, NW foothills of the Sierra Mapimi, 2 km S of Mapimi at an old kiln, Mpio. de Mapimi, 25.816667 -103.833333, 1463m
laevigata (Willd.) M.C. Johnst.
DES00030696 A. C. Sanders 6683 1986-07-02
Durango, Top of Puerto de la Cadena, the pass through the Sierra de la Cadena, 28 km W of Mapimi on Hwy 30, Mpio. de Mapimi, 25.868611 -104.115556, 1524m
undetermined L.
DES00043367 R. D. Worthington 11390 1983-08-25
Durango, Sierra Madre Occidental, approx. 20 air km WNW Santiago Papasquiaro, 3.3 rd mi N of crest of sierra from jct. with rd. to antenna. Mun. Santiago Papsquiaro, 25.083333 -105.8, 2400m
senna (Torr. & Gray) M.C. Johnston
DES00030697 A. C. Sanders 6738 1986-07-03
Durango, West side of the Sierra del Rosario, 4 km S of Linda Vista where the road drops into a canyon between low mesas, 12 km S of Santa Ines, Mpio. de Mapimi, 25.533333 -103.966667, 1676m
angustifolia Torr.
DES00030705 A. C. Sanders 6625 1986-07-01
Durango, NW foothills of the Sierra Mapimi, 2 km S of Mapimi at an old kiln, Mpio. de Mapimi., 25.816667 -103.833333
scabra Gray
DES00030710 A. C. Sanders 6678 1986-07-02
Durango, Top of Puerto de la Cadena, the pass thrugh the Sierra de la Cadena, 28 km W of Mapimi on Hwy 30. Mpio. de Mapimi., 25.866667 -104.1, 1524m
tridentata (Sessé & Moc. ex DC.) Coville
DES00026171 Vlad Siplivinsky 4113 1982-07-04
Durango, S of Cuencame, 24.85 -103.7
stans (L.) Juss. ex Kunth
DES00007375 Donald J. Pinkava 9397 1972-07-25
Durango, Along Rte 39, just N of Santiago Papasquiaro., 25.05 -105.416667
mexicana L.
DES00032027 Marc Mittleman 535 1984-11-02
Durango, 16 km NE of Palmito, 23.995 -104.736389
oblongifolia Mart. & Gal.
DES00029668 A. C. Sanders 4852 1984-03-25
Durango, Along Hwy 45, 26.5 mi S of the Rio Nazas bridge and 5.2 mi N of the turn-off to I. Lopez Rayon. Valley of Rio de San Juan, top of hill near Cuesta de Palmito, 25.016667 -104.483333, 1676m
tiliifolia Vahl
DES00032025 n 539 1984-11-03
Durango, 7 km S of Durango on road to Mezquital, 23.963333 -104.664444, 1828m