cernuum L.
1044109 M. H. Nee 44093 1993-10-31
Las Marías, Naranjales, Along Hwy. 119, 0.4 miles NE of junction with Hwy. 106, near old and new bridges over Río Cañas., 18.20833 -67.033, 365 - 365m
lobata L.
01008125 M. H. Nee 44090 1993-10-31
Las Marías, Bo. Naranjales, along Hwy. 119, 0.4 miles NE of junction with Hwy. 106, near old and new bridges over Río Cañas., 18.2083 -67.03, 365 - 365m
pectinata (Willd.) Underwood
989736 M. H. Nee 44089 1993-10-31
Las Marías, Naranjales, Along Hwy. 119, 0.4 miles NE of junction with Hwy. 106, near old and new bridges over Río Cañas., 18.2083 -67.03, 365 - 365m
horrida (L.) Sm.
990161 M. H. Nee 44092 1993-10-31
Las Marías, Naranjales, Along hwy. 119, 0.4 miles NE of junction with Hwy. 106, near old and new bridges over Río Cañas., 18.2083 -67.03, 365 - 365m
1044092 M. H. Nee 44088 1993-10-31
Las Marías, Naranjales, Along Hwy. 119, 0.4 miles NE of junction with Hwy. 106, near old and new bridges over Río Cañas., 18.2083 -67.03, 365 - 365m
sintenisii Cogn.
962525 I. Vélez 1894 1943-05-14
Las Marías, El Guasio.
tetraphylla (Aubl.) Howard
819157 P. E. E. Sintenis 5990 1887-01-21
Las Marías, Ad [at] Tabomeo.
tetraphylla (Aubl.) Howard
819159 P. E. E. Sintenis 5990 1887-01-21
Las Marías, Ad [at] Tabomeo.
tetraphylla (Aubl.) Howard
819161 P. E. E. Sintenis 5990 1887-01-21
Las Marías, Ad [at] Tabomeo.
tetraphylla (Aubl.) Howard
819162 P. E. E. Sintenis 5990 1887-01-21
Las Marías, Ad [at] Tabomeo. [loc inferred from duplicates]
00914650 F. L. Stevens 3551a 1913-03-22
Las Marías, 18.25152 -66.98919
americana L.
626782 M. H. Nee 44091 1993-10-31
Las Marías, Naranjales, Along Hwy. 119, 0.4 miles NE of junction with Hwy. 106, near old new bridges over Río Cañas., 18.2083 -67.03, 365 - 365m
prasina (Sw.) DC.
892871 M. H. Nee 44096 1993-10-31
Las Marías, Naranjales, Along Hwy. 119, 0.4 miles NE of junction with Hwy. 106, near old and new bridges over Río Cañas., 18.2083 -67.03, 365 - 365m
crocea (Benth.) Griseb.
00858697 M. H. Nee 44136 1993-11-05
Las Marías, Bo. Naranjales, along Hwy. 119, 0.4 miles NE of junction with Hwy. 106, near old and new bridges over Río Cañas., 18.2083 -67.03, 365 - 365m
lobata L.
01008126 M. H. Nee 44090 1993-10-31
Las Marías, Bo. Naranjales, along Hwy. 119, 0.4 miles NE of junction with Hwy. 106, near old and new bridges over Río Cañas., 18.2083 -67.03, 365 - 365m