polypodioides (L.) E.G.Andrews & Windham
01087682 D. E. Atha 6700 2008-08-20
Municipio Ciales, Reserva Tres Picachos, E of the town of Jayuya and road 141 and W of the town of Ciales and road 149, ± north of road 533 at km marker 3.5, 18.2326769 -66.5407281, 630 - 630m
occidentale L.
01087177 D. E. Atha 6698 2008-08-20
Municipio Ciales, Reserva Tres Picachos, E of the town of Jayuya and road 141 and W of the town of Ciales and road 149, ± north of road 533 at km marker 3.5, 18.23273 -66.5406711, 630 - 630m
buxifolia (Hook. f.) Heimerl
01087701 D. E. Atha 6721 2008-08-28
Municipio Ciales, NW of Ciales town center, ca 1 km (by air) WNW of road 149 bridge across the Rio Grande de Manatí, 18.3477881 -66.4762281, 100 - 100m
rivularis (Vahl) Mett. ex Krug
01087698 D. E. Atha 6718 2008-08-26
Municipio Ciales, Reserva Tres Picachos, E of the town of Jayuya and road 141 and W of the town of Ciales and road 149, ± north of road 533 at km marker 3.5, 18.2380089 -66.5397189, 673 - 673m
01087597 D. E. Atha 6897 2008-04-02
Municipio Ciales, Reserva Tres Picachos, E of the town of Jayuya and road 141 and W of the town of Ciales and road 149, ± north of road 533 at km marker 3.5, 18.234906 -66.541724, 606 - 606m
domingensis Jacq.
01087700 D. E. Atha 6720 2008-08-28
Municipio Ciales, NW of Ciales town center, ca 1 km (by air) WNW of road 149 bridge across the Rio Grande de Manatí, 18.3477881 -66.4762281, 100 - 100m
inermis (Spreng.) Krug & Urb.
01087615 D. E. Atha 6724 2008-08-28
Municipio Ciales, NW of Ciales town center, ca 1 km (by air) WNW of road 149 bridge across the Rio Grande de Manatí, 18.3477881 -66.4762281, 100 - 100m
striata Radlk.
01087618 D. E. Atha 6727 2008-08-29
Municipio Ciales, NW of Ciales town center, ca 1 km (by air) WNW of road 149 bridge across the Rio Grande de Manatí, 18.3477881 -66.4762281, 100 - 100m
elemifera L.
01087617 D. E. Atha 6726 2008-08-29
Municipio Ciales, NW of Ciales town center, ca 1 km (by air) WNW of road 149 bridge across the Rio Grande de Manatí, 18.3477881 -66.4762281, 100 - 100m
01087688 D. E. Atha 6706 2008-08-21
Municipio Ciales, Reserva Tres Picachos, E of the town of Jayuya and road 141 and W of the town of Ciales and road 149, ± north of road 533 at km marker 3.9, 18.2356 -66.540705, 601 - 601m
fascicularis (Sw.) G. Maza
01087694 D. E. Atha 6712 2008-08-26
Municipio Ciales, Reserva Tres Picachos, E of the town of Jayuya and road 141 and W of the town of Ciales and road 149, ± north of road 533 at km marker 3.5, 18.2372311 -66.5396589, 657 - 657m
verticillata (L.) D.H.Nicolson & C.Jarvis
01087175 D. E. Atha 6696 2008-08-20
Municipio Ciales, Reserva Tres Picachos, E of the town of Jayuya and road 141 and W of the town of Ciales and road 149, ± north of road 533 at km marker 3.5, 18.23273 -66.5406711, 630 - 630m
glabrescens (Miq.) C. DC.
01087689 D. E. Atha 6707 2008-08-21
Municipio Ciales, Reserva Tres Picachos, E of the town of Jayuya and road 141 and W of the town of Ciales and road 149, ± north of road 533 at km marker 3.9, 18.2356 -66.540705, 601 - 601m
deflexa DC.
01087692 D. E. Atha 6710 2008-08-22
Municipio Ciales, Reserva Tres Picachos, E of the town of Jayuya and road 141 and W of the town of Ciales and road 149, ± north of road 533 at km marker 3.5, 18.2326011 -66.5403611, 625 - 625m
brachiata Sw.
01087691 D. E. Atha 6709 2008-08-22
Municipio Ciales, Reserva Tres Picachos, E of the town of Jayuya and road 141 and W of the town of Ciales and road 149, ± north of road 533 at km marker 3.5, 18.2326011 -66.5403611, 625 - 625m
01087614 D. E. Atha 6713 2008-08-26
Municipio Ciales, Reserva Tres Picachos, E of the town of Jayuya and road 141 and W of the town of Ciales and road 149, ± north of road 533 at km marker 3.5, 18.2372311 -66.5396589, 657 - 657m
adansonii Schott
01087172 D. E. Atha 6693 2008-08-20
Municipio Ciales, Reserva Tres Picachos, E of the town of Jayuya and road 141 and W of the town of Ciales and road 149, ± north of road 533 at km marker 3.5, 18.2323219 -66.5410869, 630 - 630m
purpurea L.
01087680 D. E. Atha 6690 2008-08-20
Municipio Ciales, Reserva Tres Picachos, E of the town of Jayuya and road 141 and W of the town of Ciales and road 149, ± north of road 533 at km marker 3.5, 18.232705 -66.540775, 630 - 630m
floribunda L.B. Sm.
01087173 D. E. Atha 6694 2008-08-20
Municipio Ciales, Reserva Tres Picachos, E of the town of Jayuya and road 141 and W of the town of Ciales and road 149, ± north of road 533 at km marker 3.5, 18.2326489 -66.5406761, 630 - 630m
tulae Urb.
01087695 D. E. Atha 6714 2008-08-26
Municipio Ciales, Reserva Tres Picachos, E of the town of Jayuya and road 141 and W of the town of Ciales and road 149, ± north of road 533 at km marker 3.5, 18.2372311 -66.5396589, 657 - 657m
erecta L.
01087685 D. E. Atha 6703 2008-08-21
Municipio Ciales, Reserva Tres Picachos, E of the town of Jayuya and road 141 and W of the town of Ciales and road 149, ± north of road 533 at km marker 3.9, 18.2356811 -66.540655, 600 - 600m
robusta Sm.
01087681 D. E. Atha 6691 2008-08-20
Municipio Ciales, Reserva Tres Picachos, E of the town of Jayuya and road 141 and W of the town of Ciales and road 149, ± north of road 533 at km marker 3.5, 18.232705 -66.540775, 630 - 630m
robusta Sm.
01088491 D. E. Atha 6691 2008-08-20
Municipio Ciales, Reserva Tres Picachos, E of the town of Jayuya and road 141 and W of the town of Ciales and road 149, ± north of road 533 at km marker 3.5, 18.232705 -66.540775, 630 - 630m
pinnata L.
01087176 D. E. Atha 6697 2008-08-20
Municipio Ciales, Reserva Tres Picachos, E of the town of Jayuya and road 141 and W of the town of Ciales and road 149, ± north of road 533 at km marker 3.5, 18.23273 -66.5406711, 630 - 630m
01087616 D. E. Atha 6725 2008-08-29
Municipio Ciales, NW of Ciales town center, ca 1 km (by air) WNW of road 149 bridge across the Rio Grande de ManatÃ, 18.3477881 -66.4762281, 100 - 100m
cordata L.
01087703 D. E. Atha 6723 2008-08-28
Municipio Ciales, NW of Ciales town center, ca 1 km (by air) WNW of road 149 bridge across the Rio Grande de ManatÃ, 18.3477881 -66.4762281, 100 - 100m
portoricensis Bello
01087696 D. E. Atha 6715 2008-08-26
Municipio Ciales, Reserva Tres Picachos, E of the town of Jayuya and road 141 and W of the town of Ciales and road 149, ± north of road 533 at km marker 3.5, 18.2380089 -66.5397189, 673 - 673m
excelsa Vahl
01087697 D. E. Atha 6717 2008-08-26
Municipio Ciales, Reserva Tres Picachos, E of the town of Jayuya and road 141 and W of the town of Ciales and road 149, ± north of road 533 at km marker 3.5, 18.2380089 -66.5397189, 673 - 673m
rubra L.
01087687 D. E. Atha 6705 2008-08-21
Municipio Ciales, Reserva Tres Picachos, E of the town of Jayuya and road 141 and W of the town of Ciales and road 149, ± north of road 533 at km marker 3.9, 18.2356811 -66.540655, 600 - 600m
barbadensis (Lodd. ex Mart.) Becc.
01087699 D. E. Atha 6719 2008-08-28
Municipio Ciales, NW of Ciales town center, ca 1 km (by air) WNW of road 149 bridge across the Rio Grande de ManatÃ, 18.3477881 -66.4762281, 100 - 100m
nummulariifolia (Sw.) Weddell
01087174 D. E. Atha 6695 2008-08-20
Municipio Ciales, Reserva Tres Picachos, E of the town of Jayuya and road 141 and W of the town of Ciales and road 149, ± north of road 533 at km marker 3.5, 18.2325319 -66.5406461, 630 - 630m
martinicense (Lam.) DC.
01087708 D. E. Atha 6728 2008-08-29
Municipio Ciales, NW of Ciales town center, ca 1 km (by air) WNW of road 149 bridge across the Rio Grande de ManatÃ, 18.3477881 -66.4762281, 100 - 100m
glutinosa (Sw.) F. Zuloaga & Soderstr.
01087693 D. E. Atha 6711 2008-08-22
Municipio Ciales, Reserva Tres Picachos, E of the town of Jayuya and road 141 and W of the town of Ciales and road 149, ± north of road 533 at km marker 3.5, 18.2326011 -66.5403611, 625 - 625m
01087683 D. E. Atha 6701 2008-08-20
Municipio Ciales, Reserva Tres Picachos, E of the town of Jayuya and road 141 and W of the town of Ciales and road 149, ± north of road 533 at km marker 3.5, 18.2323219 -66.5410869, 630 - 630m
01087702 D. E. Atha 6722 2008-08-28
Municipio Ciales, NW of Ciales town center, ca 1 km (by air) WNW of road 149 bridge across the Rio Grande de ManatÃ, 18.3477881 -66.4762281, 100 - 100m
leucoxylon Mez
01087684 D. E. Atha 6702 2008-08-20
Municipio Ciales, Reserva Tres Picachos, E of the town of Jayuya and road 141 and W of the town of Ciales and road 149, ± north of road 533 at km marker 3.5, 18.2324039 -66.5404411, 630 - 630m
capitata (L.) L.
01087170 D. E. Atha 6688 2008-08-19
Municipio Ciales, Reserva Tres Picachos, E of the town of Jayuya and road 141 and W of the town of Ciales and road 149, ± north of road 533 at km marker 3.5, 18.2347331 -66.5434561, 604 - 604m
01087171 D. E. Atha 6692 2008-08-20
Municipio Ciales, Reserva Tres Picachos, E of the town of Jayuya and road 141 and W of the town of Ciales and road 149, ± north of road 533 at km marker 3.5, 18.2325089 -66.5409481, 630 - 630m
zerumbet Rosc. ex Sm.
01087690 D. E. Atha 6708 2008-08-21
Municipio Ciales, Reserva Tres Picachos, E of the town of Jayuya and road 141 and W of the town of Ciales and road 149, ± north of road 533 at km marker 3.9, 18.2356 -66.540705, 601 - 601m
arborea (Rich.) Urb.
01087686 D. E. Atha 6704 2008-08-21
Municipio Ciales, Reserva Tres Picachos, E of the town of Jayuya and road 141 and W of the town of Ciales and road 149, ± north of road 533 at km marker 3.9, 18.2356811 -66.540655, 600 - 600m
vera Willd.
01087169 D. E. Atha 6687 2008-08-19
Municipio Ciales, Reserva Tres Picachos, E of the town of Jayuya and road 141 and W of the town of Ciales and road 149, ± north of road 533 at km marker 3.5, 18.2347331 -66.5434561, 604 - 604m
pictus D.Don ex Lindl.
01087178 D. E. Atha 6699 2008-08-20
Municipio Ciales, Reserva Tres Picachos, E of the town of Jayuya and road 141 and W of the town of Ciales and road 149, ± north of road 533 at km marker 3.5, 18.23273 -66.5406711, 630 - 630m