pinnata (Pursh) Britton
Marc A. Baker 11359 1994-04-15
NEVADA, Clark County, T22S R61E NW3 NW3 S23, ca. 15k south of Central Las Vegas, just south of Paradise Valley, just south of Duck Creek, 36.02 -115.13, 665m
lentiginosus Dougl. ex Hook.
Marc A. Baker 11360 1994-04-15
NEVADA, Clark County, ca. 15k south of Central Las Vegas, just south of Paradise Valley, just south of Duck Creek, 36.02 -115.13, 665m
fremontii S. Watson
Marc A. Baker 11361 1994-04-15
NEVADA, Clark County, ca. 15k south of Central Las Vegas, just south of Paradise Valley, just south of Duck Creek, 36.02 -115.13, 665m
ramosissima (Engelmann) F. M. Knuth
Marc A. Baker
NEVADA, Clark County, detailed locality information protected
polycephalus Engelmann & Bigel.
Marc A. Baker 11363 1994-04-15
NEVADA, Clark County, T20S R60E SW3 SW3 S28, ca. 10k west of Central Las Vegas, 14k NE of Blue Diamond Hill, east of Durango Rd, 36.17 -109.27, 787m
echinocarpa Engelmann & Bigel.
Marc A. Baker 11364 1994-04-15
NEVADA, Clark County, ca. 10k west of Central Las Vegas, 14k NE of Blue Diamond Hill, east of Durango Rd, 36.17 -109.27, 787m
chlorantha Engelmann
Marc A. Baker
NEVADA, Clark County, detailed locality information protected
spinescens A. Gray
Marc A. Baker 11366 1994-04-15
NEVADA, Clark County, T21S R60E SW3 SE3 S17, ca. 10k SW of Central Las Vegas, 10k east of Blue Diamond Hill, 36.11 -109.28, 793m
chlorantha Engelmann
Marc A. Baker
NEVADA, Clark County, detailed locality information protected
utahensis (Trel.) Nelson
Marc A. Baker 11367 1994-04-16
NEVADA, Clark County, T22S R60E SW3 SW3 S6, ca. 20k SW of Central Las Vegas, 6k east of Blue Diamond Hill, 36.05 -109.31, 945m
Marc A. Baker 11368 1994-04-16
NEVADA, Clark County, ca. 20k SW of Central Las Vegas, 6k east of Blue Diamond Hill, 36.05 -109.31, 945m
racemosa (S. Wats.) Greene
Marc A. Baker 11369 1994-04-16
NEVADA, Clark County, ca. 20k SW of Central Las Vegas, 6k east of Blue Diamond Hill, 36.05 -109.31, 945m
undetermined Ell.
Marc A. Baker 11370 1994-04-16
NEVADA, Clark County, ca. 20k SW of Central Las Vegas, 6k east of Blue Diamond Hill, 36.05 -109.31, 945m
tetrancista Engelmann
Marc A. Baker 11370.1 1994-04-16
NEVADA, Clark County, ca. 20k SW of Central Las Vegas, 6k east of Blue Diamond Hill, 36.05 -109.31, 945m
ramosissima (Engelmann) F. M. Knuth
Marc A. Baker
NEVADA, Clark County, detailed locality information protected
bicolor (T.S. Brand.) Clokey & Keck
Marc A. Baker 11372 1994-04-16
NEVADA, Clark County, T21S R60E SE3 SW3 S14, ca. 15k SW of Central Las Vegas, 8k east of Blue Diamond Hill, dry wash, 36.1 -109.3, 823m
ramosissima (Engelmann) F. M. Knuth
Marc A. Baker
NEVADA, Clark County, detailed locality information protected
bicolor (T.S. Brand.) Clokey & Keck
Marc A. Baker 11373 1994-04-16
NEVADA, Clark County, T21S R60E Center of east half of S19, ca. 15k SW of Central Las Vegas, 8k east of Blue Diamond Hill, dry wash ca. (155' º 5ft) elevation, 36.1 -109.3, 808m
multigeniculata Clokey
Marc A. Baker 11374-A 1994-04-17
NEVADA, Clark County, T22S R59E NW3 S8, just north of Blue Diamond, 35.15 -109.41, 1159m
multigeniculata Clokey
Marc A. Baker 11374.2 1994-04-17
NEVADA, Clark County, just north of Blue Diamond, 35.15 -109.41, 1159m
acanthocarpa L. Benson
Marc A. Baker 11374.3 1994-04-17
NEVADA, Clark County, just north of Blue Diamond, 35.15 -109.41, 1159m
armata (S. Watson) H. Irwin & Barneby
Marc A. Baker 11375 1994-04-17
NEVADA, Clark County, T22S R63E NE3 SW3 S35, ca. 5k SE of Henderson, 1k north of Railroad Pass, west base of the River Mtns., 35.98 -108.91, 747m
fremontii (A. Gray) Barneby
Marc A. Baker 11376 1994-04-17
NEVADA, Clark County, T22S R63E NE3 SW3 S35, ca. 5k SE of Henderson, 1k north of Railroad Pass, west base of the River Mtns., 35.98 -108.91, 747m
johnsonii (Parry ex Engelm.) E.M. Baxter
Marc A. Baker
NEVADA, Clark County, detailed locality information protected
echinocarpa Engelmann & J. M. Bigelow
Marc A. Baker 11953 1995-09-19
NEVADA, Esmeralda County, T4N R36E, south of Mina, ca. 6k NNW of Rock Hill, Candelaria Hills, 38.18 -111.97, 1512m
echinocarpa Engelmann & J. M. Bigelow
Marc A. Baker 11953 1995-09-19
NEVADA, Esmeralda County, south of Mina, ca. 6k NNW of Rock Hill, Candelaria Hills, west side of Hwy 95, 38.18 -111.97, 1512m
polycephalus Engelmann & J. M. Bigelow
Marc A. Baker 11955 live 1995-09-19
NEVADA, Clark County, T17S R58E NW3 SW3 NW3 S15, lower bajada, gravelly, 36.47 -109.47, 1024m
ramosissima (Engelmann) F. M. Knuth
Marc A. Baker
NEVADA, Clark County, detailed locality information protected
chlorantha Engelmann
Marc A. Baker
NEVADA, Clark County, detailed locality information protected
polyacantha (Engelmann & J. M. Bigelow) B. D. Parfitt
Marc A. Baker
NEVADA, Nye County, detailed locality information protected
polycephalus Engelmann & Bigel.
Marc A. Baker 12959 (live only) 1998-06-09
NEVADA, Nye County, T16N R22E NW3 S15, north of the intersection between Hwys 160 & 95, 36.56 -116.11, 865m
multigeniculata (Clokey) Backeb.
Marc A. Baker 13666 (live) 1999-11-01
NEVADA, Clark County, 2.8km north of the town of Blue Diamond, SW-facing rocky limestone slope, 36.07 -115.4, 1300m
undetermined Clokey
Marc A. Baker 13667 (live) 1999-11-01
NEVADA, Clark County, 2.8km north of the town of Blue Diamond, SW-facing rocky limestone slope, 36.07 -115.4, 1300m
heermanii (S. Watson) Munz & Reveal
Marc A. Baker 13668 1999-11-01
NEVADA, Clark County, 2.8km north of the town of Blue Diamond, SW-facing rocky limestone slope, 36.07 -115.4, 1300m
bigelovii A. Gray
Marc A. Baker 13669 1999-11-01
NEVADA, Clark County, 2.8km north of the town of Blue Diamond, SW-facing rocky limestone slope, 36.07 -115.4, 1300m
echinocarpa (Engelmann & J. M. Bigelow) F. M. Knuth
Marc A. Baker 13670 1999-11-01
NEVADA, Clark County, just NW of the town of Blue Diamond, 36.05 -115.4, 1030m
undetermined Clokey
Marc A. Baker 13671 (live) 1999-11-01
NEVADA, Clark County, 1km NNE of the town of Blue Diamond, SW-facing rocky limestone slope, 36.05 -115.39, 1130m
tetrancistra Engelmann
Marc A. Baker
NEVADA, Clark County, detailed locality information protected
maritima (E. Greene) E. Greene
Marc A. Baker 15919 2005-05-05
NEVADA, Clark County, lower bajada of the Las Vegas Range, 17km NE of Las Vegas, 36.29 -115.03, 665m
multigeniculata (Clokey) Backeb.
Marc A. Baker 13671.2 (live) 1999-11-01
NEVADA, Clark County, 1km NNE of the town of Blue Diamond, SW-facing rocky limestone slope, 36.05 -115.39, 1130m
parishii (Orcutt) Pinkava
Marc A. Baker 13837 (live) 2000-06-16
NEVADA, Clark County, 1km NW of Blue Diamond, at entrance road to Blue Diamond Mine, 36.05 -115.41, 1050m
utahensis Engelmann
Marc A. Baker
NEVADA, Clark County, detailed locality information protected
multigeniculata (Clokey) Backeberg º C. whipplei (Engelmann & J. M. Bigelow) F. M. Knuth
Marc A. Baker 13960 2001-04-19
NEVADA, Clark County, NNW of Las Vegas, Black Gate Canyon and ridgeline between it and Little Joe May Canyon, 1-1.5km east of Joe May Canyon, 36.51 -115.29
multigeniculata (Clokey) Backeberg º C. whipplei (Engelmann & J. M. Bigelow) F. M. Knuth
Marc A. Baker 13960.1 2001-04-19
NEVADA, Clark County, NNW of Las Vegas, Black Gate Canyon and ridgeline between it and Little Joe May Canyon, 1-1.5km east of Joe May Canyon, 36.51 -115.29
undetermined (Engelmann & J.M. Bigelow) F. M. Knuth
Marc A. Baker 14307.1 2002-04-09
NEVADA, Clark County, Las Vegas Range, 400m ESE of Gass Spring, 3km NNE of Gass Peak, 36.42 -115.16, 1560m
parishii (Orcutt) Pinkava
Marc A. Baker 14308 2002-04-10
NEVADA, Clark County, 14km WNW of Searchlight, Piute Valley, 1.5km north of Hwy 164, 35.52 -115.05, 1280m
acanthocarpa (Engelmann & J. M. Bigelow) F. Knuth
Marc A. Baker 14309 2002-04-10
NEVADA, Clark County, 14km WNW of Searchlight, Piute Valley, 1.5km north of Hwy 164, 35.52 -115.05, 1280m
echinocarpa (Engelmann & J.M. Bigelow) F. Knuth
Marc A. Baker 14310 2002-04-10
NEVADA, Clark County, 14km WNW of Searchlight, Piute Valley, 1.5km north of Hwy 164, 35.52 -115.05, 1280m
engelmannii (Parry ex Engelmann) Rümpler
Marc A. Baker 14311 2002-04-10
NEVADA, Clark County, 14km WNW of Searchlight, Piute Valley, 1.5km north of Hwy 164, 35.52 -115.05, 1280m
eatoni A. Gray
Marc A. Baker 16228 2006-06-16
NEVADA, Clark County, Spring Mountains, Kyle Canyon, 6.8km SSW of Angel Peak, 40km NW of Las Vegas, 36.26 -115.6, 2090m
pratensis L.
Marc A. Baker 16229 2006-06-16
NEVADA, Clark County, Spring Mountains, Kyle Canyon, 6.8km SSW of Angel Peak, 40km NW of Las Vegas, 36.26 -115.6, 2090m
lavandulifolius (Torrey & A. Gray) Raven
Marc A. Baker 16230 2006-06-16
NEVADA, Clark County, Spring Mountains, ridge immediately south of Telephone Canyon, 3.5km ESE of Fletcher Peak, 38km NW of Las Vegas, 36.28 -115.58, 2230m
shockleyi Munz
Marc A. Baker 16231 2006-06-16
NEVADA, Clark County, Spring Mountains, ridge immediately south of Telephone Canyon, 3.5km ESE of Fletcher Peak, 38km NW of Las Vegas, 36.28 -115.58, 2230m
aristatum Engelmann
Marc A. Baker 16232 2006-06-16
NEVADA, Clark County, Spring Mountains, ridge immediately south of Telephone Canyon, 3.5km ESE of Fletcher Peak, 38km NW of Las Vegas, 36.28 -115.58, 2220m
tumulosa (Payson) Payson
Marc A. Baker 16233 2006-06-16
NEVADA, Clark County, Spring Mountains, ridge immediately south of Telephone Canyon, 4km ESE of Fletcher Peak, 38km NW of Las Vegas, 36.28 -115.57, 2105m
shockleyi Munz
Marc A. Baker 16234 2006-06-16
NEVADA, Clark County, Spring Mountains, ridge immediately south of Telephone Canyon, 4km ESE of Fletcher Peak, 38km NW of Las Vegas, 36.28 -115.57, 2105m
engelmannii (Parry ex Engelmann) Rümpler
Marc A. Baker 15136 2003-01-29
NEVADA, Clark County, just NE of Christmas Tree Pass, just west of the Yellow Stone Mine, 35.26 -114.74, 1310m
undetermined (Engelmann & J.M. Bigelow) F. M. Knuth [O. deserta Griffiths
Marc A. Baker 15137 2003-01-29
NEVADA, Clark County, just NE of Christmas Tree Pass, just west of the Yellow Stone Mine, 35.26 -114.74, 1310m
bigelovii (Engelmann) F. M. Knuth
Marc A. Baker 15138 2003-01-29
NEVADA, Clark County, 1km north of Hwy 164, along powerline road, mostly granitic rock and gravel of upper bajada, 35.48 -114.8, 685m
johnsonii (Parry ex Engelmann in S. Watson) E. M. Baxter
Marc A. Baker 15139 2003-01-29
NEVADA, Clark County, Eldorado Mountains, 1.5km SSW of Ireteba Peak, above St. Louis Mine, rocky rhyolite ridge, 35.55 -114.84, 1270m
polycephalus Engelmann & J. Bigelow
Marc A. Baker 15140 2003-01-29
NEVADA, Clark County, Eldorado Mountains, 1.1km NW of Ireteba Peak, dissected west-facing lower bajada of sand, rock, 35.57 -114.85, 1070m
echinocarpa (Engelmann & J.M. Bigelow) F. M. Knuth
Marc A. Baker 15142 2003-01-30
NEVADA, Clark County, 40km south of Boulder City, Eldorado Mountains, Ireteba Peaks, east-west running ridgeline of pale granitic grus, gravel, boulders, 35.59 -114.82, 1450m
chlorotica Engelmann & J. M. Bigelow
Marc A. Baker 15143 2003-01-30
NEVADA, Clark County, 40km south of Boulder City, Eldorado Mtns., 35.58 -114.83, 1325m
tetrancistra Engelmann
Marc A. Baker
NEVADA, Clark County, detailed locality information protected
nana Nuttall
Marc A. Baker 15149 2003-02-12
NEVADA, Clark County, 4km WSW of Lone Mountain, NW of Las Vegas, 36.22 -115.35, 1175m
chlorantha Engelmann
Marc A. Baker
NEVADA, Clark County, detailed locality information protected
multigeniculata (Clokey) Backeberg
Marc A. Baker 15153 2003-02-13
NEVADA, Clark County, McCullough Range, 8.3km WSW of the summit of Black Mountain, 20km SW of Henderson, ravine bottom, 35.89 -115.12, 1000m
mojavensis Engelmann & J. M. Bigelow
Marc A. Baker
NEVADA, Clark County, detailed locality information protected
undetermined (Engelm.) Lem.
Marc A. Baker
NEVADA, Clark County, detailed locality information protected
multigeniculata (Clokey) Backeberg
Marc A. Baker 15304 2003-04-22
NEVADA, Clark County, 9.8km WNW of the summit of Lone Mountain, NE of Deer Pasture, NW of Las Vegas, south of Harris Spring Canyon, La Madre Mountain, 36.27 -115.41, 1475m
multigeniculata (Clokey) Backeberg
Marc A. Baker 15305 2003-04-22
NEVADA, Clark County, Garnet Valley, 500m WSW of Ruby Spring, 2.5km NNE of the summit of Bonelli Peak, 75km east of Las Vegas, 36.16 -114.24, 1035m
multigeniculata (Clokey) Backeberg
Marc A. Baker 15305.1 2003-04-22
NEVADA, Clark County, Garnet Valley, 420m SW of Ruby Spring, 2.5km NNE of the summit of Bonelli Peak, 75km east of Las Vegas, 36.17 -114.25, 1045m
multigeniculata (Clokey) Backeberg
Marc A. Baker 15305.3 2003-04-22
NEVADA, Clark County, Garnet Valley, 420m SW of Ruby Spring, 2.5km NNE of the summit of Bonelli Peak, 75km east of Las Vegas, 36.17 -114.25, 1045m
undetermined (Clokey) Backeberg
Marc A. Baker 15306 2003-04-22
NEVADA, Clark County, Garnet Valley, 420m SW of Ruby Spring, 2.5km NNE of the summit of Bonelli Peak, 75km east of Las Vegas, 36.17 -114.25, 1045m
multigeniculata (Clokey) Backeberg
Marc A. Baker 15307.1 2003-04-23
NEVADA, Clark County, Las Vegas Range, 400m ESE of Gass Spring, 3km NNE of Gass Peak, 36.42 -115.16, 1560m
multigeniculata (Clokey) Backeberg
Marc A. Baker 15307.2 2003-04-23
NEVADA, Clark County, Las Vegas Range, 400m ESE of Gass Spring, 3km NNE of Gass Peak, 36.42 -115.16, 1560m
multigeniculata (Clokey) Backeberg
Marc A. Baker 15307.3 2003-04-23
NEVADA, Clark County, Las Vegas Range, 400m ESE of Gass Spring, 3km NNE of Gass Peak, 36.42 -115.16, 1560m
schidigera Roezl ex K. E. Ortigies
Marc A. Baker 15484 2003-06-20
NEVADA, Clark County, 9km north of Bonelli Peak, 5km NW of Rattlesnake Peak, 3.3km east of confluence of Cataract and Willow Washes, 16km NW of the confluence of Virgin and Colorado Rivers, 65km ENE of Henderson, small bajada within @rolling hills of granite grus, gravel, 32.22 -114.25, 950m
ramosissima (Engelmann) F. M. Knuth
Marc A. Baker
NEVADA, Clark County, detailed locality information protected
echinocarpa (Engelmann & J. M. Bigelow) F. M. Knuth
Marc A. Baker 15487 2003-06-20
NEVADA, Clark County, 10km WNW of the summit of Lone Mountain, NE of Deer Pasture, NW of Las Vegas, south of Harris Spring Canyon, north lower arm of La Madre Mountain, 36.27 -115.41, 1505m
nitida S. Watson
Marc A. Baker 15488.1 2003-06-20
NEVADA, Clark County, McCullough Range, 8.5km WSW of the summit of Black Mountain, 20km SW of Henderson, ravine bottom, 35.89 -115.12, 975m
utahensis Engelmann
Marc A. Baker
NEVADA, Clark County, detailed locality information protected
arizonica A. Gray
Marc A. Baker 15893 2005-05-01
NEVADA, Clark County, Dry Lake Valley, 44km NE of Las Vegas, 36.48 -114.83, 625m
demissus (A. Gray) E. Greene
Marc A. Baker 15895 2005-05-02
NEVADA, Clark County, lower bajada of the Las Vegas Range, 15km north of Las Vegas, 36.29 -115.07, 655m
trichopes Torrey
Marc A. Baker 15896 2005-05-02
NEVADA, Clark County, lower bajada of the Las Vegas Range, 15km north of Las Vegas, 36.29 -115.07, 655m
exigua (Nuttall) A. Gray
Marc A. Baker 15897 2005-05-02
NEVADA, Clark County, lower bajada of the Las Vegas Range, 15km north of Las Vegas, 36.29 -115.07, 655m
glanduliferus Jepson
Marc A. Baker 15898 2005-05-02
NEVADA, Clark County, lower bajada of the Las Vegas Range, 15km north of Las Vegas, 36.29 -115.07, 655m
latifolia S. Watson
Marc A. Baker 15900 2005-05-02
NEVADA, Clark County, lower bajada of the Las Vegas Range, 17km NE of Las Vegas, 36.29 -115.03, 665m
neglecta M. E. Jones
Marc A. Baker 15901 2005-05-02
NEVADA, Clark County, lower bajada of the Las Vegas Range, 17km NE of Las Vegas, 36.29 -115.03, 665m
carphoclinia A. Gray
Marc A. Baker 15902 2005-05-02
NEVADA, Clark County, lower bajada of the Las Vegas Range, 17km NE of Las Vegas, 36.29 -115.03, 665m
pusillum J. G. & S. A. Lemmon ex A. Gray
Marc A. Baker 15903 2005-05-02
NEVADA, Clark County, lower bajada of the Las Vegas Range, 17km NE of Las Vegas, 36.29 -115.03, 665m
crassifolia Bentham
Marc A. Baker 15904 2005-05-02
NEVADA, Clark County, lower bajada of the Las Vegas Range, 17km NE of Las Vegas, 36.29 -115.03, 665m
neomexicanum A. Gray
Marc A. Baker 15905 2005-05-02
NEVADA, Clark County, lower bajada of the Las Vegas Range, 17km NE of Las Vegas, 36.29 -115.03, 665m
munita Dur. & Hilg.
Marc A. Baker 15906 2005-05-02
NEVADA, Clark County, upper bajada of the Las Vegas Range, 22km NE of Las Vegas, 36.32 -114.99, 755m
nevadensis (Standley) Fowler & Turner
Marc A. Baker 15907 2005-05-03
NEVADA, Clark County, upper bajada of the Las Vegas Range, 23km NE of Las Vegas, 36.33 -114.99, 805m
whipplei (Engelmann & J. M. Bigelow) F. M. Knuth
Marc A. Baker 15925 2005-05-07
NEVADA, Clark County, Sheep Range, 1.1km south of junction with road to Sawmill Canyon, 14km west of Hwy 93, 9km NE of Hayford Peak, 55km north of Las Vegas, 36.69 -115.11, 1720m
mojavensis Engelmann & J. M. Bigelow
Marc A. Baker
NEVADA, Clark County, detailed locality information protected
whipplei (Engelmann & J. M. Bigelow) F. M. Knuth
Marc A. Baker 15927 2005-05-07
NEVADA, Clark County, Sheep Range, Peek-a-boo Canyon, 6km south of Twin Butte, 41km north of Las Vegas, 36.73 -115.11, 1755m
undetermined Britt. & Rose
Marc A. Baker
NEVADA, Clark County, detailed locality information protected
engelmannii (Parry ex Engelmann) Rümpler
Marc A. Baker 15930 2005-05-07
NEVADA, Clark County, Sheep Range, 58km north of Las Vegas, 11km NE of Hayford Peak, 200m east of junction of roads to Sawmill Canyon and Mormon Well, 36.69 -115.08, 1650m