cuneatum Lam.
990468 F. S. Axelrod 7203 1993-10-24
Patillas, Bo. Muñoz Rivera, Carite Forest Reserve, rt 184, km 18.1, trail down ravine and up slope., 625 - 675m
cacuminis Alain
84550 A. H. Liogier 35926 1986-02-20
Patillas, On slope, summit of Cerro La Torrecilla, Patillas, 600 - 600m
uncinatus Sw.
1622041 A. H. Liogier 10421 1963-12-14
Patillas, Guavate State Forest., 800 - 800m
monophyllum (Lam.) P. Wilson
994359 F. S. Axelrod 3083 1991-10-13
Patillas, Bo. Guardarraya, Cerro Mala Paqua, on trail and then up ravines from Rt 3 Km 109.6., 50 - 150m
pedata (L.) Fée
1665451 F. S. Axelrod 3071 1991-10-13
Patillas, Bo. Guardarraya, Cerro Mala Paqua, on trail and then up ravines from Rt 3 Km 109.6., 50 - 150m
inermis (Spreng.) Krug & Urb.
1330751 F. S. Axelrod 3061 1991-10-13
Patillas, Bo. Guardarraya, Cerro Mala Paqua, on trail and then up ravines from Rt 3 Km 109.6., 50 - 150m
lutea (Aubl.) Schult.
01090028 A. H. Liogier 35913 1986-02-20
Patillas, Punta la Torrecilla, Marin Alto., 500 - 500m
linifolium L.
962682 J. D. Ackerman 2446 1988-08-02
Patillas, Sierra de Cayey, Bo. Mulas, E. of Rd. 184 km 16.1, Tropic Ventures property, headwaters of Quebrada Hormiga., 300 - 600m
ocymifolia Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.
1331293 A. H. Liogier 35916 1986-02-20
Patillas, Marin Alto, 400m
rubripetala Stimson
110962 F. S. Axelrod 7217 1993-10-24
Patillas, Barrio Muñoz Rivera, Carite Forest Reserve, Rt. 184, Km. 18.1, trail down ravine and up slope, 625 - 675m
occidentalis (L.) A. Rich.
1324538 F. S. Axelrod 3069 1991-10-13
Patillas, Bo. Guardarraya, Cerro Mala Paqua, on trail and then up ravines from Rt 3 Km 109.6., 50 - 150m
occidentalis (L.) A. Rich.
1324557 F. S. Axelrod 3069 1991-10-13
Patillas, Bo. Guardarraya, Cerro Mala Paqua, on trail and then up ravines from Rt 3 Km 109.6., 50 - 150m
inermis H.B. & K.
786109 C. M. Taylor 7863 1987-12-31
Patillas, N of Patillas, in the upper drainage od the Río Icacos, borderof the barrios Mulas and Marin., 400 - 600m
nodosa (L.) Sm.
962739 F. S. Axelrod 7201 1993-10-20
Patillas, Muñoz Rivera, Carite Forest Reserve, Rt. 184, km. 18.1, trail down ravine and up slope., 625 - 675m
1326984 F. S. Axelrod 3066 1991-10-13
Patillas, Bo. Guardarraya, Cerro Mala Paqua, on trail and then up ravines from Rt 3 Km 109.6., 50 - 150m
rigida Urb.
952914 A. H. Liogier 35921 1986-02-20
Patillas, On exposed slope, summit of Cerro La Torrecilla., 600 - 600m
02140046 H. L. Blomquist | L. R. Almodovar 3242 1958-04-25
Patillas, East of Patillas
02140051 L. R. Almodovar | V. M. Rosado 4660 1962-11-06
tulae Urb.
01921978 A. H. Liogier 35925 1986-02-20
Patillas, Summit of Cerro La Torrecilla., 600m
foliosa (Lindl. ex Hook.) Rchb. f.
59294 E. J. Meléndez 209 1988-12-03
Patillas, Bo. Mulas, Rd 184 km 16.1, Tropic Ventures Property, just E of Quebrada Hormiga., 600 - 650m
microstachya Willd.
1036104 F. S. Axelrod 3067 1991-10-13
Patillas, Bo. Guardarraya, Cerro Mala Paqua, on trail and then up ravines from Rt 3 Km 109.6., 50 - 150m
undetermined L.
905487 A. González Más 1326 1961-01-10
Patillas, Roadside ditch P.R. road 3 km 129.4.
borinquensis Urb.
952618 J. S. Miller 6596 1991-06-28
Patillas, On the prperty of Tropic Ventures, along route 184 just S of Carite., 18.07 -66.05, 580 - 580m
haspan L.
905441 A. H. Liogier 10359 1963-11-02
Patillas, Guavate State Forest., 800 - 800m
fucata Ker Gawl.
1038317 F. S. Axelrod 3059 1991-10-13
Patillas, Bo. Guardarraya, Cerro Mala Paqua, on trail and then up ravines from Rt 3 Km 109.6., 50 - 150m
01117260 P. Acevedo-Rodríguez 14580 2007-07-02
Patillas, Tropic Ventures, km 15.9.
urbanii Engl. ex Urb.
01342144 P. Acevedo-Rodríguez 14579 2007-07-02
Patillas, Tropic Ventures, km 15.9.
debilis Sw.
992874 C. M. Taylor 8097 1988-05-15
Patillas, Municipio. de Patillas: rte. 184, along southern end of reservoir N of Patillas.
cymosa (Wendl. ex Spreng.) Alain
948053 C. M. Taylor 7860 1987-12-31
Patillas, N. of Patillas, in the upper drainage of the Rio Icacos, border of the barrios Mulas and Marin., 400 - 600m
deflexa DC.
946418 C. Taylor 8235 1988-09-25
Patillas, Km 16..1 of rte 184, at the edge of the Carite Reserve on the property of Las Casa de la Selva., 1800 - 1800m
polystachyos Rottb.
905707 C. M. Taylor 8101 1988-05-15
Patillas, Finca las Casas de La Selva. km 16.1 of route 184. Roadsides.
992227 A. González Más 1331 1961-01-10
Patillas, P.R. road to Maunabo.
992252 A. H. Liogier 29732 1979-10-17
Patillas, Dam., 100 - 100m
dominicense Schott
992831 B. Hansen 9187 1981-11-19
Patillas, Mun. de Patillas: Carite Forest Reserve, along Hwy 7740 at km marker 7.2, 0.4 mi. NE of the junction with Hwy 184; ca. 8.5 mi. SE of Hwy. 52 (Autopista).
jamaicense Sw., nom. illeg.
988193 A. H. Liogier 35912 1986-02-20
Patillas, Punta La Torrecilla, Marín Alto., 500 - 500m
guianensis Aubl.
1025242 C. Taylor 8233 1988-09-25
Patillas, Mpio. de Patillas: km 16.1 of rte 184, at the edge of the Carite Reserve on the property of Las Casas de la Selva., 1800 - 1800m
suffruticosa Mill.
00989064 P. E. E. Sintenis 5210 1886-10-04
Patillas, Ad Guardaraya ni litore maris.
axillaris Sw.
00858497 J. D. Ackerman 2444 1988-08-02
Patillas, Sierra de Cayey, Bo. Mulas, E of Rd 184 km 16.1, Tropic Ventures property, Quebrada Hormiga., 300 - 600m
glabrum Willd.
1036425 C. M. Taylor 8098 1988-05-15
Patillas, rte 184, along southern end of reservoir N of Patillas
1652484 A. H. Liogier 35915 1986-02-20
Patillas, MarÃn Alto., 400 - 400m
candicans Sw.
819764 P. E. E. Sintenis 5213 1886-10-04
Patillas, Patillas ad [at] Guardaraya.
elliptica Sw.
1325378 F. S. Axelrod 3060 1991-10-13
Patillas, Bo. Guardarraya, Cerro Mala Paqua, on trail and then up ravines from Rt 3 Km 109.6., 50 - 150m
elliptica Sw.
1325380 F. S. Axelrod 3060 1991-10-13
Patillas, Bo. Guardarraya, Cerro Mala Paqua, on trail and then up ravines from Rt 3 Km 109.6., 50 - 150m
elliptica Sw.
1325407 F. S. Axelrod 3060 1991-10-13
Patillas, Bo. Guardarraya, Cerro Mala Paqua, on trail and then up ravines from Rt 3 Km 109.6., 50 - 150m
sensitiva Sw.
988264 C. Taylor 8096 1988-05-15
Patillas, Rte 184, along southern end of rervoir N of Patillas.
gundlachii Stahl
1036810 C. Taylor 8236 1988-09-25
Patillas, Mpio. de Patillas: km 16.1 of rte 184, at the edge of the Carite Reserve on the property of Las Casas de la Selva., 1800 - 1800m
pallens Griseb.
946243 A. H. Liogier 10414 1963-12-14
Patillas, Guavate State Forest., 800 - 800m
decandra Pav. ex A. DC.
01053544 C. Taylor 7556 1987-04-26
Patillas, Barrio Mulas, from the bridge on the Rio Icaco, upstream along the river ca. 3/4 mile., 61 - 122m
sensitiva Sw.
988294 A. H. Liogier 35914 1986-02-20
Patillas, MarÃn Alto., 400 - 400m
diffusa Zoll. ex C.B.Clarke
992513 C. M. Taylor 7573 1987-04-26
Patillas, Mulas, From the bridge on the RÃo Icaco, upstream along the river ca. 3/4 mile., 200 - 400m
nocturnum Jacq.
57098 J. D. Ackerman 57098 1988-08-02
Patillas, Sierra de Cayey, Barrio Mulas, east of Road 184 Km. 16.1, Tropic Ventures property, Quebrada Hormiga, "hero valley", 300 - 600m
nocturnum Jacq.
57122 E. J. Meléndez 207b 1988-12-03
Patillas, Bario Mulas, Road 184, KM. 16.1, Tropic Ventures property, just east of Quebrada Hormiga, 600 - 650m
nocturnum Jacq.
57139 E. J. Meléndez 207d 1988-12-03
Patillas, Bario Mulas, Road 184, Km. 16.1, Tropic Ventures property, just east of Quebrada Hormiga, 600 - 650m
adscendens (Sw.) DC.
988917 F. S. Axelrod 1496 1990-10-20
Patillas, Carite Forest Reserve, along trail to Charco Azul (off Rte 184m, km 17.7)., 560 - 560m
coriacea Sieber ex A.DC.
1029696 B. F. Hansen 9168 1981-11-19
Patillas, Reserva Forestal de Carite; along Hwy 7740; 8.0 mi. SE of the junction with Hwy. 52 (Autopista).
geniculata (L.) Roemer & J.A. Schultes
905301 A. González Más 1335 1961-01-10
Patillas, P.R. road 3 Km 114.
dichotoma Vahl
991904 A. González Más 1333 1961-01-10
Patillas, Spring near road ditch. P.R. 3 km 114 Patillas to Maunabo.
dichotoma Vahl
992076 A. González Más 1334 1961-01-10
Patillas, Road 3 km 114.
alba Rusby
1652422 F. S. Axelrod 3062 1991-10-13
Patillas, Bo. Guardarraya, Cerro Mala Paqua, on trail and then up ravines from Rt 3 Km 109.6., 50 - 150m
multifida J.V.Lamour.
02142297 L. R. Almodovar | V. M. Rosado 4211 1961-08-13
Patillas, Near outlet of river, 17.973623 -65.965197
elliptica Poir.
1025256 F. S. Axelrod 5401 1992-11-19
Patillas, PATILLAS: Carite Forest Reserve, up south fork of river beyond Charco Azul (off Rt 184, km 17.7)., 575 - 575m
maculata (Lindl.) Lindl.
60247 F. S. Axelrod 3068 1991-10-13
Patillas, Barrio Guardarraya, Cerro Mala Pasqua, on trail and then up ravines from Route 3, Km 109.6, 50 - 150m
hassleriana (Cogn.) Schltr.
33194 J. D. Ackerman 2436 1988-07-13
Patillas, Sierra de Cayey, Bo. Mulas, beyond Rd 754, above Quebrada Icaco, tropic Ventures property., 410 - 410m
globosa (Jacq.) Schltr.
58274 J. D. Ackerman 2450 1988-08-02
Patillas, Sierra de Cayey, Bario Mulas, east of Road 184, Km. 16.1, Tropic Ventures property, Quebrada Hormiga, "hero valley": on ridge above headwaters of Quebrada Hormiga, 300 - 600m
02186764 H. L. Blomquist 3248 1958-04-25
02215021 L. R. Almodovar 4205 1961-08-13
Patillas, Pn gravelly beach, near outlet of river
02268007 L. R. Almodovar 4209 1961-08-13
domingensis (Kütz.) Sonder ex Dickie
02198045 H. L. Blomquist 3236 1958-04-25
Patillas, in the surf, near gravelly beach, 17.973623 -65.965197
glauca Vahl
969421 C. Taylor 8234 1988-09-25
Patillas, Km 16.1 of rte 184, at the edge of the Carite Reserve on the property of Las Casas de la Selva., 1800 - 1800m
muscosa Sw.
56097 F. S. Axelrod 1920 1991-02-10
Patillas, Patillas, Carite Forest Reserve. Trail off Route 184, km. 17.7 to Charco Azul, 18.095 -66.0319444, 560 - 560m
sintenisii Cogn.
962526 B. F. Hansen 9167 1981-11-19
Patillas, Reserva Forestal Carite; along Hwy 184 at the junction with Hwy 7740; 8.0 mi. SE of the junction with Hwy. 52 (Autopista)., 18.10046 -66.04217
948533 B. F. Hansen 9173 1981-11-19
Patillas, Reserva Forestal Carite; along Hwy 184 at the junction with Hwy 7740; 8.0 mi. SE of the junction with Hwy. 52 (Autopista)., 18.10046 -66.04217
borinquensis Urb.
952617 B. F. Hansen 9178 1981-11-19
Patillas, Reserva Forestal Carite; along Hwy 184 at the junction with Hwy 7740; 8.0 mi. SE of the junctionwith Hwy. 52 (Autopista)., 18.10046 -66.04217
sintenisii Urb.
01053432 B. Hansen 9186 1981-11-19
Patillas, Reserva Forestal Carite; along Hwy 7740 at km marker 7.2, 0.4 mi. NE of the junction with Hwy 184; ca. 8.5 mi. SE of Hwy. 52 (Autopista)., 18.10046 -66.04217
pernambucensis Arruda
01007326 C. Taylor 7844 1987-12-23
Patillas, On the property of Tropic Ventures, at km 16.1 of rte 184., 18.073702 -66.045568
domingensis (DC.) Radlk.
01008513 C. Taylor 7417 1987-03-08
Patillas, On the property of Tropic Ventures, at km. 16.1 of rte 184., 18.073702 -66.045568, 500 - 500m
guyanensis (A.DC.) Pierre
1029076 C. M. Taylor 7419 1987-03-08
Patillas, On the property of Tropic Ventures, at km 16.1 of rte. 184., 18.073702 -66.045568, 500 - 500m
rugosum Dunal
00744932 C. M. Taylor 7420 1987-03-08
Patillas, On the property of Tropic Ventures, at km 16.1 of rte 184, 18.073702 -66.045568, 500 - 500m
sensitiva Sw.
988456 C. Taylor 9092 1989-06-04
Patillas, On the property of Tropic Ventures, km 16.1 of rte 184., 18.073702 -66.045568, 549 - 549m
volubilis Sw.
843581 F. S. Axelrod 3063 1991-10-13
Patillas, Guardarraya, Cerro Mala Pasqua, on trail and then up ravines from Rt 3, km 109.6., 17.983766 -65.93985, 100 - 100m
dichotoma Vahl
992159 F. S. Axelrod 3088 1991-10-13
Patillas, Guardarraya, Cerro Mala Pasqua, on trail and then up ravines from Rt. 3, km. 109.6., 17.983766 -65.93985, 50 - 150m
parvifolia (Lam.) Kosterm.
01113847 F. S. Axelrod 3082 1991-10-13
Patillas, Guardarraya, Cerro Mala Pasqua, on trail and then up ravines from Rt 3, km 109.6., 17.983766 -65.93985, 50 - 150m
obovata Desv. ex Ham.
1029372 F. S. Axelrod 3077 1991-10-13
Patillas, Guardarraya, Cerro Mala Pasqua, On trail and then up ravines from Rt 3, km 109.6., 17.983766 -65.93985, 50 - 150m
plantaginea (Jacq.) Maxon
01043871 F. S. Axelrod 6620 1993-07-23
Patillas, Carite Forest Reserve, 0.5-1 km up S river flowing into Charco Azul., 18.09083 -66.03334, 630 - 630m
arborea (Rich.) Urb.
01020683 F. S. Axelrod 6626 1993-07-23
Patillas, Carite Forest reserve, 0.5-1 km up S river flowing into Charco Azul., 18.09083 -66.03334, 630 - 630m
decurrens (Jacq.) Sw.
989575 F. S. Axelrod 8570 1994-12-11
Patillas, Carite Forest Reserve, along river flowing from N into Charco Azul., 18.09083 -66.03334, 600 - 650m
asplenifolia (L.) A.R.Sm.
990126 F. S. Axelrod 8572 1994-12-11
Patillas, Carite Forest Reserve, along river flowing from N into Charco Azul., 18.09083 -66.03334, 600 - 650m
latifolium (Cogn.) Skean
00948408 C. Lumer 1402 1990-08-03
Patillas, Carite Forest Reserve, Rte. 184., 18.1027947 -66.047528, 600 - 600m
sintenisii Cogn.
962534 C. Lumer 1400 1990-08-03
Patillas, Carite Forest Reserve, Rte 184. Roadside in wet forest., 18.1027947 -66.047528, 600 - 600m
cymosa (Wendl. ex Spreng.) Alain
948054 C. Lumer 1399 1990-08-03
Patillas, Carite Forest Reserve, Rte 184. Roadside in wet forest., 18.1027947 -66.047528, 600 - 600m
ferrea (Jacq.) Benth.
00858952 F. S. Axelrod 1515 1990-10-20
Patillas, Carite Forest Reserve, trail from Rte 184, km 18.9, S of rd. About 0.5 km along trail and on ridge up from trail., 18.1027947 -66.047528, 560 - 560m
krugii Hieron.
989369 F. S. Axelrod 1518 1990-10-20
Patillas, Carite Forest Reserve, trail from Rte 184, km 18.9, S of rd. About 0.5 km along trail and on ridge up from trail., 18.1027947 -66.047528, 560 - 560m
woodburyana Stimson
58506 F. S. Axelrod 1937 1991-02-10
Patillas, Carite Forest Reserve. Trail off Route 184, Km. 17.7 to river north beyond Charco Azul, 18.1027947 -66.047528, 570 - 570m
taxifolium Sw.
989396 F. S. Axelrod 1944 1991-02-10
Patillas, Carite Forest Reserve. Trail off Rte 184, km 17.7 to Charco Azul., 18.0907878 -66.036478, 560 - 560m
rufipes Seubert
992666 F. S. Axelrod 1919 1991-02-10
Patillas, Carite Forest Reserve. Trail off Rte 184, km 17.7 to Charco Azul., 18.0907878 -66.036478, 560 - 560m
rufipes Seubert
992670 F. S. Axelrod 1919 1991-02-10
Patillas, Carite Forest Reserve. Trail off Rte 184, km 17.7 to Charco Azul., 18.0907878 -66.036478, 560 - 560m
krugii Hieron.
989361 F. S. Axelrod 1933 1991-02-10
Patillas, Carite Forest Reserve. Trail off Rte 184, km 17.7 to river N beyond Charco Azul., 18.0907878 -66.036478, 570 - 570m
glabrescens (Miq.) C. DC.
993473 F. S. Axelrod 1928 1991-02-10
Patillas, Carite Forest Reserve. Trail off Rte 184, km 17.7 to river N beyond Charco Azul., 18.0907878 -66.036478, 570 - 570m
plantaginea (Jacq.) Maxon
1043861 F. S. Axelrod 9035 1995-05-17
Patillas, Carite Forest Reserve, up N river flowing into Charco Azul., 18.0907878 -66.036478, 600 - 650m
krugii Kiaersk.
953395 F. S. Axelrod 5408 1992-11-19
Patillas, Carite Forest Reserve, up south fork of river beyond Charco Azul (off Rt 184, km 17.7)., 18.0907878 -66.036478, 575 - 575m