versicolor Vahl
01007145 G. J. Breckon 6403 2001-05-15
Sabana Grande, Susúa Alta. Susúa Forest Reserve. By power line access road along E side of Quebrada Peces near where it turns NE and goes down to the Río Loco., 18.063333 -66.897778, 171 - 171m
lima Desv.
967171 D. E. Atha 672 1994-10-29
Sabana Grande, Bosque Estatal de Susúa., 18.07 -66.9153, 200 - 200m
lima Desv.
967167 M. H. Nee 44177 1993-11-10
Sabana grande, Bo. Santana, along abandoned Hwy. 362, 1 km SSW of junction with Hwy. 120, just above Campamento Campana for juvenile delinquents., 18.13 -66.97, 675 - 675m
1330367 I. Vélez 778 1936-04-18
Sabana Grande, Near castle grooves
domingensis Jacq.
1043697 F. S. Axelrod 4514 1992-05-25
Sabana Grande, Susúa Forest Reserve. Roadside, from 0.5 to 1 km W of E entrance., 200 - 200m
01008806 D. E. Atha 658 1994-10-29
Sabana Grande, Bosque Estatal de Susúa., 18.07 -66.9153, 200 - 200m
inermis (Spreng.) Krug & Urb.
1330752 F. S. Axelrod 692 1986-11-28
Sabana Grande, Maricao Forest Reserve, ridge above Rt 120, between kms 7.2 & 9.6., 650 - 710m
01952196 R. C. Harris 27644 1992-01-13
Sabana Grande, Bosque Estatal de Susúa., 18.07 -66.9153, 200 - 200m
antillana Urb.
1676209 F. S. Axelrod 227 1985-09-02
Sabana Grande, Maricao Forest Reserve, Sendero Santana near Campamento Santana, along 1 km stretch of trail., 610 - 640m
piperoides (Kunth) Trel.
01007198 G. J. Breckon 6474 2001-05-31
Sabana Grande, Rincón, Susúa Forest Reserve. Church on road 365 at beginning of dirt road leading to small dam on Río Coco., 18.095833 -66.923889, 300 - 300m
cuneifolius (Britton) Croizat
988076 C. Taylor 7002 1986-05-03
Sabana Grande, NE of Sabana Grande, in the Susúa Reserve, 0-2 km from recreation area on the Río Loco.
plantaginifolium (L.) Urb.
2005091 M. A. Sundue 2092 2010-01-30
Sabana Grande, PR-120, Km. 12.2, between Sabana Grande and Sabana Torre de Piedra., 18.07 -66.95, 750m
croceoides Ham.
02065287 D. K. Christopher 76 2003-02-12
Sabana Grande, Maricao Forest Reserve, on side of main trail off Highway 120, 18.15 -67, 734 - 734m
monosperma (Tul.) Urb.
994000 G. R. Proctor 41631 1986-05-13
Sabana Grande, Barrio Torre: Road 368, km. 2.2, 105m
elemifera L.
994254 F. S. Axelrod 3818 1992-01-18
Sabana Grande, Susúa Forest Reserve, up along dry stream bed c. 0.5 km E of entrance to reserve., 200 - 260m
minutiflora P. Beauv.
651109 M. H. Nee 44144 1993-11-06
Sabana Grande, Bo. Santana, junction of hwy. 366 and Hwy. 120, 18.1417 -66.9583, 775 - 775m
pleeana (Pierre ex Baill.) Cronquist
1029036 P. E. E. Sintenis 3829 1886-02-24
Sabana Grande, Limón, Ad ripam vivuli., 18.0882 -66.94805
cynapiifolia Kunth
1034528 F. S. Axelrod 688 1986-11-28
Sabana Grande, Maricao Forest Reserve, ridge above Rt 120, between kms 7.2 & 9.6., 650 - 710m
antillana Urb.
1676193 E. L. Little Jr. 13290 1950-07-09
Sabana Grande, Bosque Insular de Susua., 100m
citrifolia Mill.
1368590 E. L. Little Jr. 13293 1950-07-09
Sabana Grande, Bosque Insular de Susua., 244 - 305m
antillana Urb.
1676194 A. H. Liogier 29594 1979-10-03
Sabana Grande, Susúa Forest., 100 - 150m
domingensis Jacq.
1366268 W. R. Stimson 3279 1966-07-06
Sabana Grande, On mountainside along road to Susua Insular Forest from Sabana Grande several miles from forest reserve.
racemosa (Mill.) J.W.Moore
946480 A. M.Salywon 1226 2001-08-11
Sabana Grande, Bo. Santana, Maricao Forest Reserve, along Hwy 120, km 5.75., 18.117 -66.94933, 465 - 465m
racemosa (Mill.) J.W.Moore
1437842 F. S. Axelrod 6939 1993-09-05
Sabana Grande, Susúa Forest Reserve, along trail up slope E of Río Loco across from Reserve Office, 150 - 300m
hirsuta (Jacq.) K. Schum.
1325099 G. T. Prance 29393 1985-04-03
Sabana Grande, Maricao State Forest., 820m
racemosa (Aubl.) DC.
892847 M. H. Nee 44145 1993-11-06
Sabana Grande, Santana, Junction of Hwy. 366 and Hwy. 120., 18.1417 -66.9583, 775 - 775m
01007175 G. J. Breckon 6429 2001-05-15
Sabana Grande, Susúa Alta. Susúa Forest Reserve. Along dirt road power line access road that runs along the east side of Quebrada Peces and continues on to the Río Loco., 18.0661 -66.9017, 150 - 150m
cubense (Griseb.) T.D. Penn.
1029142 M. H. Nee 44146 1993-11-07
Sabana Grande, Santana, Junction of Hwy. 366 and Hwy. 120., 18.083 -66.573, 775 - 775m
retusa L.
988753 F. S. Axelrod 3847 1992-01-18
Sabana Grande, Road to Susúa Forest reserve, roadside c. 0.5 km W of entrance to reserve., 200 - 200m
02065239 D. K. Christopher 73 2003-02-12
Sabana Grande, Maricao Forest Reserve, on side of main trail off Highway 120, 18.15 -67, 734 - 734m
krugii Urb.
819912 M. H. Nee 44142 1993-11-06
Sabana Grande, Bo. Santana, S-forcing slopes below Hwy. 120, along abandoned Hwy. 632, W of Santana juvenile detention center., 18.13 -66.97, 650 - 650m
ulmifolia Sessé & Moc.
01053563 I. Vélez 963 1936-08-08
Sabana Grande, Río Cruces.
coriaceus Rich.
1921029 D. K. Christopher 72 2003-02-12
Sabana Grande, Maricao Forest Reserve, km 16 on Highway 120, 18.15 -66.98, 800 - 800m
coriaceus Rich.
01206735 D. K. Christopher 72 2003-02-12
Sabana Grande, Maricao Forest Reserve, km 16 on Highway 120, 18.15 -66.98, 800 - 800m
coriaceus Rich.
2608831 G. T. Prance 29395 1985-04-03
Sabana Grande, Maricao State Forest., 820m
pilosa L.
993113 P. E. E. Sintenis 3969 1886-03-05
Sabana Grande, Ad ripam fluminis [at riverbank] "Estero".
1004147 F. S. Axelrod 3720 1992-01-16
Sabana Grande, Maricao Forest Reserve, along Rt 362 beyond Campamento and along Sendero Santana (trail along ridge)., 600 - 650m
pyrifolia Desf.
1036275 F. S. Axelrod 3708 1992-01-16
Sabana Grande, Maricao Forest Reserve, along Rt 362 beyond Campamento and along Sendero Santana (trail along ridge)., 600 - 650m
guianensis Aubl.
1025234 F. S. Axelrod 7437 1994-02-06
Sabana Grande, Santana, SABANA GRANDE: Bo. Santana, Maricao Forest Reserve, slope N of Rt 120, km 11.75., 18.146 -66.96867, 775 - 825m
1104414 J. C. Trejo-Torres 2616 2004-04-11
Sabana Grande, Torre, Susúa Forest Preserve, Quebrada Peces area, between the main course of the quebrada and the power lines that cross the road, up the ravine, 18.069617 -66.911033, 205 - 205m
1104413 J. C. Trejo-Torres 2382 2003-09-12
Sabana Grande, Torre, Susúa Forest Reserve. Quebrada Peces area, between the main course of the quebrada and the power lines that cross the road, about 15 [meters?] from the road, up the rasvine., 18.069667 -66.91125, 216 - 216m
littoralis Sw.
00855595 C. Taylor 10531 1991-06-26
Sabana Grande, Near Sabana Grande dump, on road parallel to and just E of rte 365, ca. 1 km S and N of dump., 18.08 -66.92, 100 - 100m
undetermined (A.S. Hitchc. & Chase) Gould
01531554 I. Vélez 984 1936-09-12
Sabana Grande, Santana C.C. Camp
wydleriana A. Juss.
1038354 F. S. Axelrod 7445 1994-02-06
Sabana Grande, Bo. Santana, Maricao Forest Reserve, Rt 120, km 11.75. Roadside.
grandifolius Alain
1328279 G. T. Prance 29386 1985-04-03
Sabana Grande, Maricao State Forest., 820m
grandifolius Alain
1328281 F. S. Axelrod 3828 1992-01-18
Sabana Grande, Susúa Forest Reserve, up along dry stream bed c. 0.5 km E of entrance to reserve., 200 - 260m
grandifolius Alain
01007146 G. J. Breckon 6476 2001-05-31
Sabana Grande, Rincón, Susúa Forest Reserve. Church on road 365 at beginning of dirt road leading to small dam on RÃo Coco. In ravine at edge of road., 18.095833 -66.923889, 300 - 300m
hessii (Britton) Alain
1128870 I. Vélez 1054 1937-02-15
Sabana Grande, Las Relás.
exotica Reinw. ex Miq.
1342023 E. L. Little Jr. 13319 1950-07-10
Sabana Grande, Bosque Insular de Susua., 244 - 305m
racemiflora L.
01052751 M. H. Nee 44207 1993-11-13
Sabana Grande, Tabonuco, Along Hwy. 120, 0.4 km. S of junction with Hwy. 366., 18.13 -66.9583, 775 - 775m
cordata L.
00993004 F. S. Axelrod 858 1987-08-23
Sabana Grande, Maricao Forest Reserve, Sendero Santana near Campamento Santana, 0.5 km. stretch of trail., 620 - 640m
cordata L.
00993017 F. S. Axelrod 218 1985-09-02
Sabana Grande, Maricao Forest Reserve, Sendero Santana near Campamento Santana, 1 km. stretch of trail., 610 - 640m
sintenisii Urb. ex Lindau
1036287 F. S. Axelrod 3823 1992-01-18
Sabana Grande, Susúa Forest Reserve, up along dry stream bed c. 0.5 km E of entrance to reserve., 200 - 260m
sintenisii Urb. ex Lindau
1036296 A. H. Liogier 10493 1963-12-28
Sabana Grande, Susua., 250m
betulinus Vahl
969177 D. E. Atha 660 1994-10-29
Sabana Grande, Bosque estatal de Susúa., 18.07 -66.9153, 200 - 200m
1128836 B. Hansen 9535 1981-11-30
Sabana Grande, Along Hwy 120, 3 mi. N of Sabana Grande., 366 - 366m
assurgens (A. DC.) Urb.
01088732 D. K. Christopher 74 2003-02-12
Sabana Grande, Maricao Forest Reserve, on side of main trail off Highway 120, 18.1594 -67.002283, 734 - 734m
martinicense (Lam.) DC.
994320 A. H. Liogier 29577 1979-10-03
Sabana Grande, Susúa Forest., 100 - 150m
parvifolia (Lam.) Kosterm.
01113850 F. S. Axelrod 4515 1992-05-25
Sabana Grande, Susúa Forest Reserve, roadside, from 0.5 to 1 km W of E entrance., 200 - 200m
farctum (Aubl.) Soderstr. & Lourteig.
1561392 P. E. E. Sintenis 3891 1886-03-05
Sabana Grande, Sabana grande, ni arboribus alfissimis.
lithosperma (L.) Sw.
992304 A. González Más 2031 1961-08-18
Sabana Grande, Sasúa Res. Forest Trail.
pedunculosa Fritsch in Engl. & Prantl
00040646 D. E. Atha 636 1994-10-25
Sabana Grande, Rt 120 4.6 km N of Sabana Grande, area called Plato Colmar., 18.12 -66.95, 350 - 350m
leucoxylon Mez
1037319 G. T. Prance 29388 1985-04-03
Sabana Grande, Maricao State Forest, Municipio de Sabana Grande., 820m
alba Rusby
1652423 F. S. Axelrod 3832 1992-01-18
Sabana Grande, Susúa Forest Reserve, up along dry stream bed c. 0.5 km E of entrance to reserve., 200 - 260m
alba Rusby
1652442 A. H. Liogier 9895 1963-07-11
Sabana Grande, Susua., 400m
suaveolens Poit.
01113460 B. Hansen 9230 1981-11-20
Sabana Grande, Reserva Forestal Susua, along road in forest, 2.0 mi. E of Hwy 368; ca. 4 mi. NE of Sabana Grande.
1367894 E. L. Little Jr. 13306 1950-07-10
Sabana Grande, Bosque Insular de Susua., 244 - 305m
elliptica Poir.
1025248 J. L. Luteyn 11510 1985-04-03
Sabana Grande, Puerto Rico: Maricao State Forest. Km 13-16.7 N of Sabana Grande along Rt. 120., 18.1417 -66.975, 750 - 825m
laurina (Sw.) Willd.
1004698 E. L. Little Jr. 13274 1950-07-08
Sabana Grande, Bosque Insular de Susua., 244 - 305m
juliflora (Sw.) DC.
1004790 A. H. Liogier 29583 1979-10-03
Sabana Grande, Near Sabana grande., 50m
obtusata (Jacq.) Little
1036949 E. L. Little Jr. 13292 1950-07-09
Sabana Grande, Bosque Insular de Susua., 244 - 305m
obtusata (Jacq.) Little
1036950 E. L. Little Jr. 13308 1950-07-10
Sabana Grande, Bosque Insular de Susua., 244 - 305m
holdridgei (Camp & Monachino) Stearn
01007197 G. J. Breckon 6455 2001-05-30
Sabana Grande, Rincón, Along dirt road near little church on road 365., 18.095278 -66.923889, 300 - 300m
auriculatum Urb.
1287869 P. E. E. Sintenis 3946 1886-03-05
Sabana Grande, Prope Sabana Grande in rupibus ad flumen super Etero [=Gran Estero]
auriculatum Urb.
1287868 P. E. E. Sintenis 3946 1886-03-05
Sabana Grande, Prope Sabana Grande in rupibus ad flumen super Etero [=Gran Estero]
441204 M. H. Nee 44139 1993-11-06
Sabana Grande, Bo. Santana, S-facing slopes below Hwy. 120, along abandoned Hwy. 362, W of Santana juvenile detention center, 18.13 -66.97, 650 - 650m
lamarckiana (Schult.) Blume
1004318 E. L. Little Jr. 13277 1950-07-08
Sabana Grande, Bosque Insular de Susua., 244 - 305m
stahlii Krug & Urb.
1128917 B. Hansen 9224 1981-11-20
Sabana Grande, Along the road to Reserva Forestal Susua, 1.7 mi. E of Hwy 368; ca. 2 mi. NE of Sabana Grande.
stahlii Krug & Urb.
1128924 F. S. Axelrod 3824 1992-01-18
Sabana Grande, Susúa Forest Reserve, up along dry stream bed c. 0.5 km E of entrance to reserve., 200 - 260m
1035979 A. H. Liogier 10483 1963-12-28
Sabana Grande, Susua., 300 - 400m
826810 G. R. Proctor 40585 1984-07-19
Sabana Grande, Tabonuco, Road 365, km 5.8., 480 - 480m
flagelliformis (Lam.) Krug & Urb.
991870 F. S. Axelrod 3845 1992-01-19
Sabana Grande, Susúa Forest Reserve, roadside c. 0.5 Km E of entrance to reserve., 200m
domingensis (Spreng.) Eichl.
1035998 F. S. Axelrod 4512 1992-05-25
Sabana Grande, Susúa Forest Reserve trail from 0.5 to 1 Km W of E entrance., 200m
glauca Vahl
969416 F. S. Axelrod 7438 1994-02-06
Sabana Grande, Bo. Sanatana, Maricao Forest Reserve, slope N of Rt 120, km 11.75., 18.146 -66.96867, 775 - 825m
hessii (Britton) Alain
1128876 F. S. Axelrod 3817 1992-01-18
Sabana Grande, Susua Forest Reserve, up along dry stream bed c. o.5 km E. of entrance to reserve., 200 - 260m
gundlachii Stahl
02065237 D. K. Christopher 75 2003-02-12
Sabana Grande, Maricao Forest Reserve, on side of main trail off Highway 120, 18.15 -67, 734 - 734m
impressus Urb.
969250 M. H. Nee 44138 1993-11-06
Sabana Grande, Bo. Santana, dry forest on serpentine, S-facing slopes below Hwy. 120, along abandoned Hwy. 362, W of Santana juvenile detention center., 18.13 -66.97, 650 - 650m
confusa DC.
1435616 E. L. Little Jr. 21730 1955-08-05
Sabana Grande, 7 mi N. of Sabana Grande, Hy. 120. Km 10.7, 732m
octandrum (L.) H. Walt.
1029611 P. E. E. Sintenis 3931 1886-03-24
Sabana Grande, Inter Sabana Grande et Yauco ad viam.
01026042 I. Vélez 956 1936-07-14
Sabana Grande, Rincón., 18.08565 -66.9479
hispida (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Kuntze
01014973 I. Vélez 1056 1937-02-15
Sabana Grande, Las Pelas., 18.09441 -66.93288
pleeana (Pierre ex Baill.) Cronquist
1029033 P. E. E. Sintenis 3829 1886-02-24
Sabana Grande, Limón, Ad ripam movili., 18.0882 -66.94805
nitida (Griseb.) P.A.González
01052772 F. S. Axelrod 3713 1992-01-16
Sabana Grande, Maricao Forest Reserve, Rt. 362 beyond campamento & Sendero Santana (trail along ridge)., 18.13823 -66.96968, 600 - 650m
inermis (Spreng.) Krug & Urb.
1330762 F. S. Axelrod 3706 1992-01-16
Sabana Grande, Maricao Forest Reserve, Rt. 362 beyond campamento & Sendero Santana (trail along ridge)., 18.13823 -66.96968, 600 - 650m
myrtilloides Griseb.
01328311 F. S. Axelrod 3985 1992-02-08
Sabana Grande, Maricao Forest Reserve, along rt 362 beyond Campamento and along Sendero Santana (up ridge)., 18.13823 -66.96968, 600 - 650m
bicolor Krug & Urb.
1035901 F. S. Axelrod 4618 1992-06-06
Sabana Grande, Maricao Forest Reserve, along rt 362 beyond Campamento and along Sendero Santana (up ridge)., 18.13823 -66.96968, 600 - 650m
cubense (Griseb.) T.D. Penn.
1029155 F. S. Axelrod 4609 1992-06-06
Sabana Grande, Maricao Forest Reserve, along rt 362 beyond Campamento and along Sendero Santana (up ridge)., 18.13823 -66.96968, 600 - 650m
bifoliolatum Leonard
01090152 F. S. Axelrod 4619 1992-06-06
Sabana Grande, Maricao Forest Reserve, along Rt 362 beyond Campamento and along Sendero Santana (up ridge)., 18.13823 -66.96968, 600 - 650m
01071850 G. R. Proctor 41636 1986-05-13
Sabana Grande, Barrio Torre: Road 368-ramal to Susúa State Forest (c. 2 km. from intersection with Road 368)., 18.07466 -66.91695, 250 - 260m
nitida (Rich.) Irwin & Barneby
00993943 F. S. Axelrod 9574 1996-01-15
Sabana Grande, Bo. Sanatana, Maricao Forest Reserve, along 2 km. stretch of dissused Rt. 362 (S of Rt. 120)., 18.1333 -67.9667, 600 - 650m