1435717 G. R. Proctor 24719 1964-03-21
St. James Parish, Glencoe District, 1 mile southeast of Stonehenge, 427 - 624m
escallonioides Schltdl. & Cham.
01496461 H. A. Hespenheide 1553 1965-08-23
St. James Parish, Forested limestone hill about 0.5 mile west northwest of Mocho Crossroads on road to Catadupa., 671 - 732m
01117341 G. R. Proctor 23182 1963-01-27
St. James Parish, White Rock Hill, c. 1 mile south of Sweet Water., 610 - 671m
uncinata (Schwägr.) Brid.
647378 W. R. Buck 5990 1981-04-22
St. James Parish, 4 mi NE of Maroon Town on road to Spring Vale, on western edge of Cockpit Country, 18.35 -77.78, 150 - 150m
uncinata (Schwägr.) Brid.
647385 M. R. Crosby 13941 1981-04-22
St. James Parish, 4 mi NE of Maroon Town on road to Spring Vale, on western edge of Cockpit Country, 18.35 -77.78, 150 - 150m
prasina (Sw.) DC.
01130141 G. R. Proctor 10391 1955-07-30
St. James Parish, Mocho district., 640 - 640m
obscura Proctor
99366 G. R. Proctor 34507 1974-12-22
St. James Parish, White Rock Hill, 1 mile south of Sweet Water, 1000 - 1000m
587259 W. R. Buck 5984 1981-04-22
St. James Parish, 4 mi NE of Maroon Town on road to Spring Vale, on western edge of Cockpit Country, 18.35 -77.78, 150 - 150m
involvens (Hedw.) W.R. Buck & H.A. Crum
810870 W. R. Buck 5992 1981-04-22
St. James Parish, 4 mi NE of Maroon Town on road to Spring Vale; western edge of Cockpit Country., 18.35 -77.78, 46 - 46m
afzelii Sw.
606724 M. R. Crosby 13946 1981-04-22
St. James Parish, 4 mi NE of Maroon Town on road to Spring Vale; on western edge of Cockpit Country, 18.35 -77.78, 150 - 150m
599621 W. R. Buck 5972 1981-04-22
St. James Parish, 4 mi. E of Maroon Town on road to Spring Vale., 18.35 -77.78, 150 - 150m
ligustrina (L.) Irwin & Barneby
01493194 W. H. Lewis 10588 1986-05-21
St. James Parish, County of Cornwall.
palisotii Schwägr.
607096 W. R. Buck 5981 1981-04-22
St. James Parish, 4 mi NE of Maroon Town on road to Spring Vale; on wsetern edge of Cockpit Country, 18.35 -77.73, 150 - 150m
vesicularis (Brid.) W.R.Buck
706036 M. R. Crosby 13948 1981-04-22
St. James Parish, 4 mi NE of Maroon Town on road to Spring Vale, on western edge of Cockpit Country., 18.35 -77.78, 150 - 150m
vesicularis (Brid.) W.R.Buck
706037 W. R. Buck 5987 1981-04-22
St. James Parish, 4 mi NE of Maroon Town on road to Spring Vale, on western edge of Cockpit Country., 18.35 -77.78, 150 - 150m
involvens (Hedw.) W.R. Buck & H.A. Crum
810862 M. R. Crosby 13957 1981-04-22
St. James Parish, 4 mi NE of Maroon Town on road to Spring Vale; western edge of Cockpit Country., 18.35 -77.78, 46 - 46m
1512597 M. R. Crosby 1195 1963-08-14
St. James Parish, Rocky beach near Little River.
schiedeana Steud.
407304 W. R. Maxon 1684 1920-03-29
St. James Parish, Orange River Valley, near Montego Bay
58405 G. R. Proctor 22988 1962-12-02
St. James Parish, White Rock Hill, ca. 1 mile south of Sweet Water, 610 - 671m
foetidissimum Jacq.
1443486 G. R. Proctor 28869 1968-07-13
St. James Parish, Ironshore, 30m
americanum (Miller) T.D.Penn.
1443210 G. R. Proctor 23068 1962-12-30
St. James Parish, Between Lousy Point and Ironshore, 2m
111419 W. T. Stearn 451[=Proctor 11753] 1956-03-10
St. James Parish, Chatworth district, 1.5 miles north northwest of MaroonTown, 488 - 488m
54090 G. R. Proctor 23188 1963-01-27
St. James Parish, White Rock hill, c. 1 mile wouth of SWEET WATER., 610 - 671m
hysterophorus L.
1675726 G. R. Proctor 23234
St. James Parish, Hills overlooking Ironshore estate, 61 - 244m
serrulata (DC.) Naud.
01130478 G. R. Proctor 10392 1955-07-30
St. James Parish, Mocho district., 640 - 640m
flavum Vahl
1342630 G. R. Proctor 28863 1968-07-13
St. James Parish, Ironshore, 30m
albidum Hedw.
606381 M. R. Crosby 13959 1981-04-22
St. James Parish, 4 mi NE of Maroon Town on road to Spring Vale; on western edge of Cockpit Country, 18.35 -77.78, 150 - 150m
806188 M. L. Farr 414 1954-06-25
St. James Parish, Near Montpelier., 152 - 152m
paludicola Nicolson ex Fryxell
1440517 G. R. Proctor 7964 1953-05-23
St. James Parish, 1 mile south of Sweet Water, 640m
1512305 G. R. Proctor 23012
St. James Parish, Crown Land, 610 - 671m
1624671 Illegible collector name 8876 1902-05-24
St. James Parish, Above Maroon Town
1624663 G. R. Proctor 23239 1963-02-16
St. James Parish, Hills overlooking Ironshore estate, 61 - 244m
royoc Sessé & Moc.
1327396 C. Norman 103 1924-01-00
St. James Parish, Montego Bay. (Glen Dwon[?] Road).
01377554 R. F. Thorne 48048 1976-06-06
St. James Parish, White Rock Hill, Johnson District., 640m
1377555 G. R. Proctor 22604 1962-08-07
St. James Parish, White Rock Hill, 1 mile south of Sweet Water, 640m
1377557 G. R. Proctor 22590 1962-08-07
St. James Parish, Garlands district, 2-3 miles SSW of Flamstead Gardens PO, 610 - 671m
arboreum Aubl.
1373215 G. R. Proctor 22570 1962-08-06
St. James Parish, 0.5 mile south of Point PO, 488 - 549m
cordidactylus Ackerman
02065713 G. R. Proctor 11741 1956-03-10
St. James Parish, White Rock Hill, 1 mile south of Sweet Water, 640m
pruinosa Lindl.
59816 G. R. Proctor 23004 1962-12-02
St. James Parish, White Rock Hill, ca. 1 mile south of Sweet Water., 610 - 671m
swartzii Meisn.
1509018 H. A. Hespenheide 1569 1965-08-23
St. James Parish, Forested limeston hill about 0.5 mile west northwest of Mocho Crossroads on road to Catadupa., 671 - 732m
71357 G. R. Proctor 22571 1962-08-06
St. James Parish, 0.5 mile south of POINT P.O., 488 - 549m
colona (L.) Link
1601615 W. H. Harris 11806 1914-12-15
St. James Parish, Montpelier.
amplexicaulis Nees
1602770 W. H. Harris 11805 1914-12-15
St. James Parish, Montpelier.
salicifolium (L.) Lam.
1443835 G. R. Proctor 23227 1963-02-16
St. James Parish, Hills overlooking Ironshore estate, 61 - 244m
exaltatum (L.) Salisb. ex G. Don
1624562 G. R. Proctor 27501 1966-06-19
St. James Parish, 0.5 mile east of Long Bay
asiatica (L.) Brongn.
1447951 W. H. Harris 11952 1915-04-16
St. James Parish, Near Holland Bay. Along banks of Plantain Garden River.
indica (L.) Kuntze
1624932 G. R. Proctor 10395 1955-07-30
St. James Parish, Mocho district, 640m
lebbeck (L.) Benth.
01300167 G. R. Proctor 23053 1962-12-21
St. James Parish, Hope Road, grounds of Mayfield Guest House., 107m
01117519 G. R. Proctor 22596 1962-08-07
St. James Parish, Garlands district, 2-3 miles S.S.W. of Flamstead Gardens P.O., 610 - 701m
lineata (Sw.) Greene
01528517 G. R. Proctor 23242 1963-02-16
St. James Parish, Hills overlooking Ironshore estate, 61 - 244m
astrotricha Stearn
1911770 W. H. Harris 10351 1908-03-25
St. James Parish, Montego Bay to Round Hill Bluff
lamarckiana (Schult.) Blume
1506991 G. R. Proctor 23226 1963-02-16
St. James Parish, Hills overlooking Ironshore estate, 61 - 244m
01204886 S. Turnbull 33 2003-02-20
St. James Parish, Grange Pen, between Rose Hall and Salt Marsh, 8.1 km W of Salt Marsh intersection with road to Kent, off highway in housing development, 18.50767 -77.76633, 76 - 76m
01129748 G. R. Proctor 22592 1962-08-07
St. James Parish, Garlands district, 2-3 miles S.S.W. of Flamstead Gardens P.O., 610 - 701m
01129729 G. R. Proctor 10389 1955-07-30
St. James Parish, Mocho district., 640 - 640m
indica (Hook.) Spreng.
641966 W. R. Buck 5970 1981-04-22
St. James Parish, 4 mi NE of Maroon Town on road to Spring Vale., 18.35 -77.78, 46 - 46m
indica (Hook.) Spreng.
641970 M. R. Crosby 13943 1981-04-22
St. James Parish, 4 mi NE of Maroon Town on road to Spring Vale., 18.35 -77.78, 46 - 46m
gymnopus (A.Braun) Allen
01192171 G. R. Proctor 6557 1952-04-06
St. James Parish, Catadupa., 18.282866 -77.874583
1329376 C. Norman 98 1924-00-00
St. James Parish, Roads behind Montego Bay.
planum (Brid.) Mitt.
699987 W. R. Buck 5978 1981-04-22
St. James Parish, 4 mi NE of Maroon Town on road to Spring Vale, on western edge of Cockpit Country., 18.35 -77.78, 150 - 150m
planum (Brid.) Mitt.
699995 M. R. Crosby 13958 1981-04-22
St. James Parish, 4 mi NE of Maroon Town on road to Spring Vale, on western edge of Cockpit Country, 18.35 -77.78, 150 - 150m
cymbifolia (Sull.) Cardot
794763 M. R. Crosby 13944 1981-04-22
St. James Parish, 4 mi NE of Maroon Town on road to Spring Vale; on western edge of Cockpit Country, 18.35 -77.78, 46 - 46m
microphyllum (Hedw.) Broth.
806069 W. R. Buck 5977 1981-04-22
St. James Parish, 4 mi NE of Maroon Town on road to Spring Vale, on western edge of Cockpit Country., 18.35 -77.78, 150 - 150m
microphyllum (Hedw.) Broth.
806072 W. R. Buck 5965 1981-04-22
St. James Parish, 4 mi NE of Maroon Town on road to Spring Vale, on western edge of Cockpit Country., 18.35 -77.78, 150 - 150m
geniculatum (Mitt.) W.R.Buck
634932 W. R. Buck 5968 1981-04-22
St. James Parish, 4 mi NE of Maroon Town on road to Spring Vale, on western edge of Cockpit Country, 18.35 -77.78, 150 - 150m
subpinnatum (Brid.) E. Britton
699357 W. R. Buck 5960 1981-04-22
St. James Parish, 4 mi NE of Maroon Town on road to Spring Vale, on western edge of Cockpit Country., 18.35 -77.78, 150 - 150m
jamaicensis (Mitt.) Grout
808838 W. R. Buck 5973 1981-04-11
St. James Parish, 4 mi NE of Maroon Town on road to Spring Vale; on western edge of Cockpit Country., 18.35 -77.78, 150 - 150m
ruderale (Brid.) W.R.Buck
817854 M. R. Crosby 13942 1981-04-22
St. James Parish, 4 mi NE of Maroon Town on road to Spring Vale; on western edge of Cockpit country., 18.35 -77.78, 150 - 150m
ruderale (Brid.) W.R.Buck
817856 W. R. Buck 5881 1981-04-22
St. James Parish, 4 mi NE of Maroon Town on road to Spring Vale; on western edge of Cockpit country., 18.35 -77.78, 150 - 150m
serrulatum (Hedw.) A. Jaeger
671567 M. R. Crosby 13950 1981-04-22
St. James Parish, 4 mi NE of Maroon Town on road to Spring Vale, on western edge of Cockpit Country., 18.35 -77.78, 150 - 150m
serrulatum (Hedw.) A. Jaeger
671568 M. R. Crosby 13952 1981-04-22
St. James Parish, 4 mi NE of Maroon Town on road to Spring Vale, on western edge of Cockpit Country., 18.35 -77.78, 150 - 150m
serrulatum (Hedw.) A. Jaeger
671569 W. R. Buck 5961 1981-04-22
St. James Parish, 4 mi NE of Maroon Town on road to Spring Vale, on western edge of Cockpit Country., 18.35 -77.78, 150 - 150m
serrulatum (Hedw.) A. Jaeger
671572 W. R. Buck 5963 1981-04-22
St. James Parish, 4 mi NE of Maroon Town on road to Spring Vale, on western edge of Cockpit Country., 18.35 -77.78, 150 - 150m
tomentosum (Hedw.) Brid.
667423 W. R. Buck 5980 1981-04-22
St. James Parish, 4 mi NE of Maroon Town on road to Spring Vale; on western edge of Cockpit Country, 18.35 -77.78, 150 - 150m
tomentosum (Hedw.) Brid.
667424 M. R. Crosby 13954 1981-04-22
St. James Parish, 4 mi NE of Maroon Town on road to Spring Vale; on western edge of Cockpit Country, 18.35 -77.78, 150 - 150m
nigrescens (Sw. ex Hedw.) Dozy & Molk.
691214 M. R. Crosby 13945 1981-04-22
St. James Parish, 4 mi NE of Maroon Town on road to Spring Vale, on western edge of Cockpit Country., 18.35 -77.78, 150 - 150m
disticha (Hedw.) Kindb.
795647 M. R. Crosby 13949 1981-04-22
St. James Parish, 4 mi NE of Maroon Town on road to Spring Vale; western edge of Cockpit Country, 18.35 -77.78, 150 - 150m
tenerum (Sw.) Mitt.
705622 M. R. Crosby 13947 1981-04-22
St. James Parish, 4 mi NE of Maroon Town on road to Spring Vale, on western edge of Cockpit Country, 18.35 -77.78, 150 - 150m
tenerum (Sw.) Mitt.
705623 M. R. Crosby 13956 1981-04-22
St. James Parish, 4 mi NE of Maroon Town on road to Spring Vale, on western edge of Cockpit Country, 18.35 -77.78, 150 - 150m
tenerum (Sw.) Mitt.
705624 M. R. Crosby 13960 1981-04-22
St. James Parish, 4 mi NE of Maroon Town on road to Spring Vale, on western edge of Cockpit Country, 18.35 -77.78, 150 - 150m
patulum (Hedw.) Man.
691759 W. R. Buck 5964 1981-04-22
St. James Parish, 4 mi NE of Maroon Town on road to Spring Vale, on western edge of Cockpit Country., 18.35 -77.78, 150 - 150m
patulum (Hedw.) Man.
691761 M. R. Crosby 13955 1981-04-22
St. James Parish, 4 mi NE of Maroon Town on road to Spring Vale; western edge of Cockpit Country, 18.35 -77.78, 150 - 150m
incompletus Schwägr.
631364 M. R. Crosby 13951 1981-04-22
St. James Parish, 4 mi NE of Maroon Town on road to Spring Vale; on western edge of Cockpit Country, 18.35 -77.78, 150 - 150m