Search Results (List)

Dataset: BRIT-BRIT
Search Criteria: Arkansas; Ashley; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-41 of 41

Botanical Research Institute of Texas - TEST

undetermined Hook. & Arn.
UARK045269D.M. Moore   681411968-05-04
Arkansas, Ashley, W of Crossett at Ouachita River Bridge., 33.150745 -92.109215

undetermined (Sarg.) Palmer
UARK045398B. Shepherd   1461983-06-23
Arkansas, Ashley, Long Prairie (or Big Prairie) in Felsenthal NWR in the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Sect. 19, T17S, R9W., 33.149146 -92.061585

undetermined Eggl.
UARK045189R.D. Thomas   95280 & 16471986-03-31
Arkansas, Ashley, Along Chemin-a-Haut Creek NE of Hamburg along dirt road, Sec. 1, T17S, R7W., 33.256328 -91.777745

undetermined L.
499677R.D. Thomas   1011781987-08-13
Arkansas, Ashley, Along paved road 5mi. E of Fountain Hill and Ark. 81; Sec. 1, T14S, R7W., 33.35141 -91.740625

undetermined Sarg. & Engelm.
UARK045085B. Baker   11-02762011-09-15
Arkansas, Ashley, West Gulf Coastal Plain. Floodplains and Low Terraces Ecoregion. Felsenthal National Wildlife Refuge, Pine Island Access Rd. About 1.2 mi. S of jct with US Hwy 82, at a point about 6 mi. W of jct with AR Hwy 169 in Crossett. T18S, R09W, S19, N2. N 33.13621, W 92.07355. Marais Saline 7.5' quadrangle., 33.131287 -92.072145

undetermined Sarg. & Engelm.
UARK045086S.L. Hooks   14101985-10-10
Arkansas, Ashley, Along road S of U.S. 82 and E of Ouachita River in Felsenthal National Wildlife Refuge W of Crossett, Sec. 18, T18S, R9W., 33.14585 -92.072372

undetermined Hook. & Arn.
UARK049465B. Shepherd   1311983-05-19
Arkansas, Ashley, NE1/4 of the SE1/4 of Sect. 19, T17S, R9W., 33.191222 -91.768449

undetermined Eggl.
TENN-V-0116650R.D. Thomas   952801986-03-31
Arkansas, Ashley, Along Chemin-a-Haut Creek NE of Hamburg along dirt road, Sec. 1, T17S, R7W., 33.256328 -91.777745

undetermined Sarg. & Engelm.
TENN-V-0116532R.D. Thomas   930741985-08-02
Arkansas, Ashley, Around Meridian Baptist Church W of SH 133 and about 2.2 mi. N of Louisiana state line, Sec. 24, T19S, R9W., 33.034847 -91.978742

undetermined L.
TENN-V-0116580R.D. Thomas   925321985-06-12
Arkansas, Ashley, Along dirt road N of Lonview Access Area, N of SH 160 at Saline River W of Fountain Hill, Sec. 19, T15S, R8W., 33.390676 -91.967518

undetermined L.
TENN-V-0116818R.D. Thomas   928371985-06-26
Arkansas, Ashley, N of dirt road along Louisiana state line 1 mi. E of LA SH 591 and about 15 mi. S of Hamburg, Sec. 32, T19S, R6W., 33.011385 -91.748458

undetermined Sarg. & Engelm.
NCU00277929T. Witsell   10-02102010-06-22
Arkansas, Ashley, West Gulf Coastal Plain. Floodplains and Low Terraces Ecoregion. 2.6 mi. WSW of Milo. Molpus Timber Company property E of the Saline River & N of Mill Creek. Vicinity of N 33.28068, W 91.99113. Milo 7.5' quadrangle., 33.280142 -91.991192

undetermined L.
1125246D. Demaree   147141937-04-25
Arkansas, Ashley, P.O. Mist., 33.274008 -91.691515, 37m

undetermined L.
1156494D. Demaree   138761936-10-11
Arkansas, Ashley, P.O. Portland., 33.237897 -91.51151

undetermined L.
1229350D. Demaree   220891941-05-11
Arkansas, Ashley, P.O. Fountain Hill., 33.357894 -91.850408

undetermined (Sarg.) Palmer
6550034B. Baker   12-02602012-09-20
Arkansas, Ashley, West Gulf Coastal Plain. Floodplains and Low Terraces/Pleistocene Fluvial Terraces Ecoregion boundary. Longview Saline Natural Area. Along old logging road/ATV trail running N-S about 0.25 mi. W of Ashley CR 452. T16S, R08W, S05, border with S06. Vicinity of N 33.34475, W 91.95895. UTM: 15S 596873E 3689991N. Milo 7.5' quadrangle., 33.344752 -91.958947

undetermined (Sargent) Eggleston
5492175D. Demaree   147411937-04-25
Arkansas, Ashley, P.O. Portland., 33.237897 -91.51151, 39m

undetermined Sarg. & Engelm.
1229014D. Demaree   220331941-05-03
Arkansas, Ashley, P.O. Crossett. Smith Prairie. Bovine., 33.128178 -91.961243

undetermined Sarg. & Engelm.
1229348D. Demaree   218801941-04-12
Arkansas, Ashley, P.O. Crossett. Smith Prairie. Crayfish prairie. Bovine., 33.128178 -91.961243

undetermined L.
1129841D. Demaree   163731937-09-27
Arkansas, Ashley, P.O. Hamburg., 33.228176 -91.797628, 76m

undetermined (Sargent) Eggleston
1125243D. Demaree   147371937-04-25
Arkansas, Ashley, P.O. Portland., 33.237897 -91.51151, 39m

undetermined Eggl.
1205803D. Demaree   189031939-04-15
Arkansas, Ashley, P.O. Hamburg., 33.228176 -91.797628, 76m

undetermined (Sargent) Eggleston
1125249D. Demaree   147411937-04-25
Arkansas, Ashley, P.O. Portland., 33.237897 -91.51151, 39m

undetermined Hook. & Arn.
1229512D. Demaree   220881941-05-11
Arkansas, Ashley, P.O. Fountain Hill., 33.357894 -91.850408

undetermined Pursh
1125244D. Demaree   147031937-04-25
Arkansas, Ashley, P.O. Mist., 33.274008 -91.691515, 37m

undetermined Sarg. & Engelm.
NCU00081166T. Witsell   11-03582011-09-22
Arkansas, Ashley, West Gulf Coastal Plain. Pleistocene Fluvial Terraces/Floodplains & Low Terraces Ecoregion boundary. Felsenthal National Wildlife Refuge. Along closed woods road N of CR 224 . 0.9 mi. SSW of jct. of Hwy 82 & CR 227. N33.13925, W92.08032. Marais 7.5' quadrangle., 33.136173 -92.078506

undetermined Hook. & Arn.
NCU00292897W.W. Ashe   1924-04-18
Arkansas, Ashley, S of Crossett, in willow-oak flats., 33.109775 -91.9609

undetermined (Sarg.) Palmer
NCU00297329W.W. Ashe   1924-04-23
Arkansas, Ashley, Sulphur Springs, Near Crossett., 33.128178 -91.961243

undetermined L.
NCU00297330W.W. Ashe   1924-04-23
Arkansas, Ashley, Sulphur Springs, Near Crossett., 33.128178 -91.961243

undetermined Hook. & Arn.
023375E. Sundell   103091992-06-24
Arkansas, Ashley, ca. 5 mi. NW of Crossett., 33.179466 -92.022504

undetermined (Sarg.) Palmer
023377E. Sundell   76111987-06-12
Arkansas, Ashley, Felsenthal National Wildlife Refuge. Sand Pit Prairie, near Ouachita River., 33.151572 -92.065072

undetermined (Sarg.) Palmer
000183232R.D. Thomas   1011781987-08-13
Arkansas, Ashley, Along paved road 5mi. E of Fountain Hill and Ark. 81; Sec. 1, T14S, R7W., 33.35141 -91.740625

undetermined L.
000183233R.D. Thomas   1011801987-08-13
Arkansas, Ashley, Along paved road 5mi. E of Fountain Hill and Ark. 81; Sec. 1, T14S, R7W., 33.35141 -91.740625

undetermined L.
APCR006244R. Dale Thomas   92051 & 3561985-05-09
Arkansas, Ashley, Pence row on south side of Ark. 8, 7.3 miles east of Hamburg, Sec. 2, T17S, R5W, 33.174633 -91.703878

undetermined L.
APCR006245E. Sundell   72081986-07-08
Arkansas, Ashley, Three Beech Prairie, 2 mi E of Ouachita River, 1 mi W of Deadpecker Sough near Louisiana line, 33.01957 -92.039021

undetermined Eggl.
APCR006206D.M. Moore   58.641958-04-14
Arkansas, Ashley, Mist; 5 mi. E of Hamburg., 33.228146 -91.710895

undetermined Hook. & Arn.
APCR006214R. Dale Thomas   930981985-08-02
Arkansas, Ashley, Edge of lowland woods at Gilliam Slough west of Ark. 133 and 1.2 miles north of Louisiana State Line, Sec. 27, T19S, R9W., 33.028583 -92.019283

undetermined Hook. & Arn.
APCR006213Sundell   72251986-07-08
Arkansas, Ashley, Three Beech Prairie, ca 2 mi E of Ouachita River, 1 mi W of Deadpecker Slough, near Louisiana line., 33.025758 -92.032507

undetermined L.
APCR006190Sundell   72301986-07-08
Arkansas, Ashley, wooded ridge above Overflow Creek, ca 5 mi W of Hwy 165, 1 mi N or Louisiana line, 33.00741 -91.692382

undetermined (Ashe) Kruschke
APCR006215Eric Sundell   71741986-06-27
Arkansas, Ashley, Beech Creek below Hogue Cemetary, ca 9 mi SE of Hamburg., 33.135543 -91.660125

undetermined Pursh
APCR006221Sundell   72321986-07-08
Arkansas, Ashley, Wooded slope above Overflow Creek, ca 5 mi W of Hwy 165, 1 mi N of Louisiana line, 33.00741 -91.692382

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