TEX00514490 Charles S. Wallis 5748 1957-09-25
United States, Oklahoma, Mayes, 2 mi. N. and 2 W. of Peggs on State 82.
TEX00566192 Guy L. Nesom 2021-38 2021-09-24
United States, Illinois, Union, Area of McGee Hill Picnic Area along Pine Hills Rd, E of Hwy 3 and parallel to it, immediately E of LaRue on Hwy 3.
OKLA142647 C. Hayes 200 2001-10-06
United States, Oklahoma, Adair, 35.7325
OKLA146164 Mary E. Gard 347 2006-10-21
United States, Oklahoma, Adair, 35.7181
OKLA146556 William F. Lowry 852 2008-09-27
United States, Oklahoma, Adair, 35.7616
BRIT560429 Charles S. Wallis 6060 1957-10-05
United States, Oklahoma, Delaware, above Dripping Springs, 5½ mi. W. of State line on U.S. 59.
BRIT560430 John Taylor 28130 1979-08-30
United States, Oklahoma, Le Flore, Collected from a mesic north facing slope of Rich Mountain about 150 yards west of the Oklahoma-Arkansas state line near Hwy #1.
BRIT560431 John Taylor 28234 1979-09-25
United States, Oklahoma, Le Flore, Collected on a north facing slope along Rich Mt. about 4 miles west of the jct. of US Hwy. #1 and US Hwy. #259
BRIT560432 John Taylor 28235 1979-09-25
United States, Oklahoma, Le Flore, Collected in a mesic forest on the north slope of Rich Mt. about 7 road miles (US Hwy. #1) from the jct. of US Hwy. #1 and US Hwy. #259 in Sec. 33, T3N, R26E
BRIT560433 Delzie Demaree 54765 1966-10-05
United States, Oklahoma, Le Flore, West end of Rich Mountain. P. O. Page, 488m
BRIT560434 Charles S. Wallis 5770 1957-09-25
United States, Oklahoma, Mayes, 2.8 mi. N.E. of Locust Grove on State 82.
BRIT560435 Charles S. Wallis 5918 1957-09-28
United States, Oklahoma, Ottawa, on Spring R, 5½ mi. E. of Miami on State 10.