Claopodium crispifolium (Hooker) Renauld & Cardot (Hooker) Renauld & Cardot
MT00152912 unknown 29
Canada, British Columbia, British Columbia
Claopodium crispifolium (Hooker) Renauld & Cardot (Hooker) Renauld & Cardot
MT00152916 unknown 19
Canada, British Columbia, British Columbia
1645 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Woodward, Paige 2000-03-10
Canada, British Columbia, Chilliwack Mountain, near summit., 49.1500015259 -122.0166702271
7308 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1981-08-19
Canada, British Columbia, Brooks Peninsula, Vancouver Island. Near basecamp at lagoon., 50.1666679382 -127.75
7309 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1998-02-15
Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver, Musquem Park, Southland area., 49.25 -123.1833343506
7310 Nelson, John B; Wnek, Richard H 2000-05-11
Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver. SW part of Sanly Park just NW of English Beach.
21488 Schofield, Wilfred B.; McIntosh, T T 2000-10-24
Canada, British Columbia, Yale, Fraser River canyon, E side of river., 49.5666656494 -121.4333343506
154988 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1994-06-28
Canada, British Columbia, Queen Charlotte Islands, Copper River, ca. 5 mi from mouth, Moresby Island, 52.4166666667 -131.5
164890 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Ellis, Shona; Schofield, M. I. 2002-06-23
Canada, British Columbia, Near Watson Landing, Queen Charlotte Islands, 53.3666666667 -132.3
164891 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Ellis, Shona; Schofield, M. I. 2002-06-21
Canada, British Columbia, Masset Inlet, mouth of Awun River, Awun Bay, Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, 53.5833333333 -132.5333333333
165085 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Ellis, Shona; Schofield, M. I. 2002-06-19
Canada, British Columbia, Queen Charlotte Islands: Graham Island, Tow Hill, 54.0833333333 -131.85
165479 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1986-08-11
Canada, British Columbia, Banks Island, Kooryet Bay, 53.3333333333 -129.8666666667
165480 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1986-08-11
Canada, British Columbia, Pitt Island: Patterson Inlet, northern arm of inlet, 53.45 -129.7833333333
165481 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Ellis, Shona; Schofield, M. I. 2002-06-23
Canada, British Columbia, Queen Charlotte Islands: road to Rennell Sound, near height of land on road, 53.3 -132.2833333333
165482 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Ellis, Shona; Schofield, M. I. 2002-06-23
Canada, British Columbia, Queen Charlotte Islands: road to Rennell Sound, near height of land on road, 53.3 -132.2833333333
165483 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Ellis, Shona; Schofield, M. I. 2002-06-23
Canada, British Columbia, Queen Charlotte Islands: road to Rennell Sound, near height of land on road, 53.3 -132.2833333333
165484 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Jamieson, D W; Henderson, P 2003-06-28
Canada, British Columbia, Sumas Mountain Escarpment, near Chilliwack, 49.05 -122.2166666667
177167 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Henderson, P 2005-12-27
Canada, British Columbia, Fraser Valley: Abbotsford, old Sumas Lake remnant ridges, 49.0333333333 -122.1166666667
177454 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1986-08-10
Canada, British Columbia, Campania Island: Sharp Bay on N end of Island, 53.170598 -129.54447
191089 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Henderson, P 2008-05-13
Canada, British Columbia, Fraser Valley area:N side of Sumas Mt, near Wade's Creek and slopes above Fraser River, 49.2 -122.3, 20 - 140m