Claopodium whippleanum (Sullivant) Renauld & Cardot (Sullivant) Renauld & Cardot
MT00142366 Kingman, Chester C. No. 776 1910-02-00
United States, California, Wilson's Trail, "L. Y. Mts [?]"
Claopodium whippleanum (Sullivant) Renauld & Cardot (Sullivant) Renauld & Cardot
MT00153456 Foster, Albert S. sn 1911-07-19
United States, Washington, Washington
Claopodium whippleanum (Sullivant) Renauld & Cardot (Sullivant) Renauld & Cardot
MT00158474 Macoun, John sn 1909-05-17
Canada, British Columbia, Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District, Indian Village, Ucluelet, V.I., 48.93778 -125.550025
Claopodium whippleanum (Sullivant) Renauld & Cardot (Sullivant) Renauld & Cardot
MT00201480 Bailey, John W. sn 1905-03-15
United States, Washington, Western Washington, Sound Country, Pontiac, 47.5 -122.5
305484 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1971-06-28
Canada, British Columbia, Torren Island, E end of Skidegate Channel, Queen Charlotte Islands., 53.25 -131.9833333333
305485 Schofield, Wilfred B. 1984-08-11
Canada, British Columbia, Near Jackobson Point, Brooks Peninsula, Vancouver Island., 50.1333333333 -127.75
305486 Shaw, Jonathan 1978-07-23
Canada, British Columbia, Glacier National Park. Top of Avalanche Crest Trail., 2134m
305487 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Belland, René J. 1986-07-15
Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver Island. Horne Lake, W of Qualicum Beach., 49.35 -124.6666666667
305488 Schofield, Wilfred B.; Talbot, Stephen S.; Myers, J. 1997-06-10
Canada, British Columbia, West Winchelsea Island, mouth of Nanoose Bay, Vancouver Island., 49.3 -124.0833333333