TEX00022652 Benjamin Carroll Tharp s.n. 1926-07-06
United States, Texas, Milam, "Bryan - Cameron, Texas". [That is, between Bryan (Brazos Co.) and Cameron (Milam Co.). We arbitrarily database as Milam Co.].
TEX00022653 Benjamin Carroll Tharp s.n. 1939-06-24
United States, Texas, Caldwell, Palmetto State Park.
TEX00022654 William R. Carr 7738 1986-06-26
United States, Texas, Bastrop, SE margin of Sawicki Bog, in Alum Creek drainage ca. 1.0-1.1 mi N of its crossing under St. Rt. 21. Smithville NW 7.5' Quad., 30.03083 -97.20333
TEX00022655 Carl Clarence Albers s.n. 1932-06-23
United States, Texas, Gonzales, Soefge Marsh; near Ottine.
TEX00022658 Warren A. Watson 36 1977-07-12
United States, Texas, Bowie, N entrance to Lake Wright Patman in immediate vicinity of the N end of dam.
TEX00022659 J. C. Cross s.n. 1927-01-01
United States, Texas, Titus, Mt. Pleasant.
TEX00022664 Cyrus Longworth Lundell 13958 1945-06-27
United States, Texas, Marion, SE of Jefferson, along road to Millers Camp on Carter Lake., 32.73361845 -94.15977042
TEX00022667 Christopher L. York s.n. 1939-07-19
United States, Texas, Gregg, Gregg Co.
TEX00022669 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 10463 1989-06-07
United States, Texas, Milam, Along FM 1786 (road to Alcoa plant), ca. 2.6 mi S of int US 79, ca. 6 mi SW of Rockdale; Alcoa Lake 7.5' Quad., 30.59778 -97.12639
TEX00022670 Grady L. Webster|Chester M. Rowell, Jr. 1900 1948-08-21
United States, Texas, Robertson, 4 mi E of New Baden.
TEX00022672 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 10425 1989-06-07
United States, Texas, Burleson, Ca. 1.1 mi NE of N end of east lake, ca. 4 air mi due W of Caldwell and 2.7 air mi NNW of jct. TX 21 & FR 908; Chriesman 7.5' Quad., 30.53194 -96.76389
TEX00022673 Paul A. Fryxell 181 1971-07-05
United States, Texas, Brazos, Near Navasota River on Rte. 2038.
TEX00022674 Paul A. Fryxell 2747 1976-07-25
United States, Texas, Grimes, 5 mi S of Plantersville (FM 1774 and Deerwood Drive)., 30.263286 -95.830781
TEX00022677 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 8413 1988-09-21
United States, Texas, Panola, Ca. 2.6 air mi SSW of Tatum, ca. 0.8 mi W on Panola Co. Rd. 257 from jct. Panola Co. Rd. 256, Tatum 7.5' Quad., 32.27222 -94.52583
TEX00022680 Addison Lee s.n. 1946-09-01
United States, Texas, Shelby, 12 mi NW of Center.
TEX00022681 Michael J. Warnock 990 1978-07-07
United States, Texas, Houston, 1.5 mi E of Jct. Rt. 7 and 1733 on 7; Crockett National Forest; N of road, edge of pine woods.
TEX00022683 Larry D. Hedrick 109 1973-08-07
United States, Texas, Walker, Huntsville State Park.
TEX00022687 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 10978 1989-07-18
United States, Texas, Newton, Ca. 1.4 air mi SW of Fawil and ca. 1 air mi NE of Hughes Cem, ca. 6 mi WSW of Bon Wier and 8 mi SSE of Newton; Bon Wier 7.5' Quad., 30.71389 -93.72083
TEX00022688 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 5897 1987-10-13
United States, Texas, Montgomery, 0.8 mi N of Fostoria on W side of gravel rd, SW of San Jacinto and Liberty Co. lines, Fostoria 7.5' Quad., 30.30639 -95.16722
TEX00022690 M. B. Wood s.n. 1931-01-29
United States, Texas, Orange, Vidor.
TEX00022691 William R. Carr 13003 1993-09-21
United States, Texas, Harris, SW corner of National Guard lease in Barker Reservoir, ca. 200-1000 ft. N of dirt road on S edge of tract, ca. 1 airmile W of jct. St. Rt. 6 and Briar Forest Road or ca. 2.2 air mi SSW of I-10 and St. Rt. 6 interchange. Addicks Quad., 29.75694 -95.62917
TEX00022692 Val Lehmann s.n. 1934-06-02
United States, Texas, Liberty, Cleveland.
TEX00022694 Floyd R. Waller, Jr.|Camille Butler 3664 1975-08-19
United States, Texas, Galveston, State Hwy 146 at Gordy Road, Bacliff.
TEX00024626 Mary J. White 23 1912-06-16
United States, Texas, Cherokee, Chronister.
TEX00198777 William R. Carr|Troy Ettel|John Maresh|C. Smith 18333 1999-06-14
United States, Texas, Calhoun, Along unnamed tributary to Powderhorn Lake, ca. 1.4 airmiles S to SSW of FM 1289 bridge over Coloma Creek. Powderhorn Ranch. Seadrift NE Quadrangle., 28.45417 -96.56139
TEX00198778 William R. Carr 18396 1999-08-23
United States, Texas, Newton, Ca. 200 ft. S of R-255 from a point ca. 6.8 mi. E of Jct. US Rt. 96, or ca. 1.2 mi. E of Jasper Co. line, ca. 0.9 airmiles WNW of confluence of Burns and Big Cow creeks. Weeks Settlement Quadrangle., 31.05417 -93.86889
TEX00212461 Nicholas R. Kolbe s.n. 2016-06-15
United States, Texas, Brown, Texas Army National Guard Camp Bowie National Guard Training Center, SE side of Brownwood on E side of Road FM45 just S of junction with Road FM2126., 31.65806 -98.95722
TEX00212486 Grady L. Webster|Burford L. Westlund|John Young 33686 2002-05-16
United States, Texas, Angelina, Angelina National Forest, just N of Jasper Co. line, c. 3 mi NE of rte 69., 31.11667 -94.4
TEX00347106 Guy L. Nesom 12 1995-09-29
United States, Texas, Sabine, Ca. 2 mi immediately E of Brookeland, E side of Hwy 96, ca. 1/4 mi N of Jasper Co. line, E of RR. Sabine National Forest - Exchange tract S-20c (trading to Temple-Inland Corporation). Across from Remlig Cemetery.
TEX00347108 William R. Carr|David Wolfe 16535 1997-05-27
United States, Texas, Galveston, On S shoreline of Galveston Bay at mouth of Dickinson Bayou, NW corner of Galveston Bay Prairie Chicken Preserve, ca. 4.0 airmiles N of jct. St. Rt. 146 and St. Rt. 197. Texas City Quad.
TEX00347111 Barbara R. MacRoberts|Michael H. MacRoberts 3489 1997-08-15
United States, Texas, Hardin, Big Thicket National Preserve. NE corner of Lance Rosier Unit. South of dirt road which enters Preserve just north of Little Rock Church off of 326: 0.3-0.4 mile from junct of dirt road and 326.
TEX00347112 Barbara R. MacRoberts|Michael H. MacRoberts 3942 1998-05-24
United States, Texas, Tyler, Turkey Creek Pitcher Plant Bog/Savanna. On Pitcher Plant Trail. Ca. 3.5 km south of FM 1943 on east side of Turkey Creek Unit. Big Thicket National Preserve.
TEX00347107 William R. Carr|David Wolfe 16677 1997-06-18
United States, Texas, Jasper, N side of Little Rocky Creek in NE corner of Little Rocky Preserve, ca. 3.4-3.5 airmiles E of jct. US Rt. 96 and F. M. 1007 near Browndell. Harrisburg Quadrangle., 31.11583 -93.93139
TEX00347109 William R. Carr|David Wolfe 16663 1997-06-17
United States, Texas, Jasper, N side of tributary of Little Rocky Creek, ca. 3.9 airmiles E of jct. US Rt. 96 and F. M. 1007 near Browndell. Harrisburg Quadrangle., 31.11444 -93.92389
TEX00347110 William R. Carr 16778 1997-08-05
United States, Texas, Tyler, W side of Co. Rd. 4774 ca. 300-500 ft. S of Co. Rd. 4770 near Lake Hyatt, ca. 2.2 airmiles S of jct. US Rt. 69 and F. M. 1943 at Warren. Warren Quadrangle., 30.57778 -94.38972
TEX00440199 Roger W. Sanders 6151 2003-08-23
United States, Texas, Hardin, Village Creek State Park, E edge of Lumberton. Pipeline easement at end of Water Oak Trail., 30.25 -94.16667
TEX00440198 Roger W. Sanders 6095 2003-08-21
United States, Texas, Montgomery, Lake Houston State Park, along and S of FM 1485, 3 mi. E of New Caney, along "5-mile Road" in northern third of park. Between Caney Creek and E Fork San Jacinto River., 30.13333 -95.15
TEX00441262 David J. Rosen 2984 2004-07-17
United States, Texas, Brazoria, Nash Ranch, 275 acre hay meadow W of CR 25, ca. 8.7 mi. N of its intersection with Hwy 35 in West Columbia., 29.25415 -95.60333
TEX00441101 William R. Carr|Judy Teague 19028 2000-06-14
United States, Texas, Chambers, Ca. 1.1-1.2 airmiles S of F. M. 1985 from a point ca. 2 mi W of its crossing of East Bay Bayou, or ca. 2.3 airmiles WSW of same crossing. Anahuac NWR. Stanolind Reservoir Quadrangle., 29.65944 -94.46444
TEX00441754 Marvin Kruger s.n. 1933-09-28
United States, Texas, Chambers, Eagle.
TEX00441755 Mrs. A. F. Nelson s.n. 1942-06-27
United States, Texas, Galveston, Galveston Co.
TEX00441756 Effie Boon 299 1946-07-12
United States, Texas, Harris, Hockley, S 4 mi.
TEX00441757 Effie Boon 111 1943-07-02
United States, Texas, Harris, Humble N 6 mi.
TEX00441759 Effie Boon 418 1946-08-10
United States, Texas, Harris, Hockley S 4 mi.
TEX00441761 Cyrus Longworth Lundell 14066 1945-07-18
United States, Texas, Hardin, Ca. 4 mi. N of Voth.
TEX00441764 Donovan S. Correll 16480 1957-05-26
United States, Texas, Hardin, In savannah 4 mi. S of Hountze.
TEX00441765 Benjamin Carroll Tharp s.n. 1929-07-20
United States, Texas, Hardin, Sour Lake, Pine Ridge.
TEX00441768 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 5803 1987-09-23
United States, Texas, Hardin, 0.3 mi. S of dirt road, 2.1 mi. E of end of FR 420, 5.8 mi. E of US 69, Hountze N 7.5' Quadrangle. Hut Pond., 30.44889 -94.31472
TEX00441769 Benjamin Carroll Tharp s.n. 1939-07-23
United States, Texas, Newton, Newton Co.
TEX00441786 D. B. Austin 24 1949-07-08
United States, Texas, Robertson, Hearne. 7 mi. S of Hearne on Hwy 6.
TEX00441787 Lois Chambers Taylor 3576 1944-08-27
United States, Texas, Milam, 4.3 mi. E of Milano.
TEX00441788 Lois Chambers Taylor 3575 1944-08-27
United States, Texas, Milam, 4.3 mi. E of Milano.
TEX00441789 Alice Jack 19 1990-04-21
United States, Texas, Milam, Seven Cedars Ranch. 2 mi. E of Milano.
TEX00441790 Donovan S. Correll 16780 1957-06-13
United States, Texas, Harrison, Ca. 3 mi. NW of Karnack.
TEX00441791 James A. Mears|Helen Mears 2427 1967-08-12
United States, Texas, Wood, Dam at Lake Hawkins.
TEX00441792 E. McMullen s.n. 1927-07-04
United States, Texas, Wood, Golden.
TEX00441793 James A. Mears 914 1966-09-03
United States, Texas, Wood, In field near stream at the Rambling Rose farm on the turnoff from the Hainesville road 4 mi. E of Mineola.
TEX00441794 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 11367 1989-08-05
United States, Texas, Wood, Ca. 0.6 airmiles ESE of dam of Gilead Lake on Mill Creek, ca. 1.8 airmiles SE of Jct. TX 154 and TX 312 at Little Hope, ca. 13 mi. ESE of Quitman. Floating Glade, Mill Creek Farms, Rhonesboro 7.5' Quadrangle., 32.75417 -95.24722
TEX00441795 Esther McClung s.n. 1926-08-09
United States, Texas, Cass, Marsh-Atlanta.
TEX00441797 Frank W. Gould 6880 1955-06-13
United States, Texas, Bowie, Along RR ROW, 2 mi. W of DeKalb.
TEX00441800 J. Frank Normand s.n. 1928-05-31
United States, Texas, Gonzales, Gonzales County.
TEX00441801 Eula Whitehouse|Pat Flemming s.n. 1934-10-07
United States, Texas, Gonzales, Ottine.
TEX00441802 R. W. Strandtmann s.n. 1940-08-12
United States, Texas, Gonzales, Palmetto State Park, Ottine.
TEX00441804 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 10495 1989-06-08
United States, Texas, Leon, On E side of TX 39 and W of Railroad, ca. 0.5 airmiles NE of Margie, ca. 1.5 mi. SE of TX 7 at Robbins. Ca. 9 mi. S of Jewett. Margie 7.5' Quadrangle., 31.23611 -96.12806
TEX00441805 Benjamin Carroll Tharp|et al. 541003 1954-06-03
United States, Texas, Leon, Along road on eastern flank of Marquex salt dome.
TEX00441807 Bernice Martin s.n. 1927-09-22
United States, Texas, Burleson, Lyons.
TEX00441808 Edward Palmer 31729 1926-09-27
United States, Texas, Smith, Along Sabine River near Gumwood.
TEX00441809 Elice McGregor 20 1927-06-03
United States, Texas, Smith, Troup.
TEX00441810 D. Belk|M. Belk|D. Scurlock 3 1968-06-10
United States, Texas, Anderson, Gus Engeling Wildlife Management Area.
TEX00441811 Ernest G. Marsh, Jr. 265 1951-08-05
United States, Texas, Anderson, D. D. Area, head of Big Marsh. Gus Engeling Wildlife Management Area. 6 mi. NW Tennessee Colony.
TEX00441812 Fred A. Barkley 13575 1943-08-01
United States, Texas, Anderson, Anderson Co., 31.813326 -95.652547
TEX00441813 D. Belk|M. Belk|D. Scurlock 4 1968-06-10
United States, Texas, Anderson, Gus Engeling Wildlife Management Area in and adjacent to two bogs.
TEX00441814 Benjamin Carroll Tharp 862 1920-06-08
United States, Texas, Houston, Grapeland.
TEX00441815 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 10634 1989-06-13
United States, Texas, Angelina, SW of FS Rd 313 and FS Rd 313A, N of Boykin Spring Recreation Area. Boykin Spring Longleaf, Angelina NF, Boykin Spring 7.5' Quad., 31.07417 -94.275
TEX00441816 M. J. D. White 304 1949-06-02
United States, Texas, Walker, Walker Co.
TEX00441818 W. P. Taylor s.n. 1941-07-22
United States, Texas, Polk, Corrigan.
TEX00441819 Benjamin Carroll Tharp|et al. 54794 1954-06-01
United States, Texas, Polk, 4.5 mi. due N of Camden. Near "Rock Island".
TEX00441820 Benjamin Carroll Tharp|et al. 54858 1954-06-01
United States, Texas, Tyler, 1.5 mi. E of Hillister on Rd. 1013.
TEX00443002 William R. Carr|Tim Schumann|Jason R. Singhurst 24783 2006-07-10
United States, Texas, Gonzales, Dead Hog Bog. W side of road to old railroad depot on Plum Creek Ranch, ca. 1.7 airmiles SSE of center of I-10 / US Rt. 183 interchange, ca. 0.8 airmiles E of confluence of Plum Creek and San Marcos River, at N29o37'43.0", W097o35'06.3". Harwood Quadrangl, 29.62861 -97.58508
TEX00458284 William R. Carr 29956 2011-09-08
United States, Texas, Smith, SE part of Sheff's Woods Preserve, roughly 3.1 airmiles NE to NNE of center of jct. I-20 and St. Rt. 14 N of Tyler., 32.49156 -95.25606
TEX00458937 David J. Rosen|S. Winzer 5328 2011-07-21
United States, Texas, Fort Bend, Brazos Bend State Park, on and E of FM 762, 2.5km north of its intersection with FM 1462, about 50km SW of the City of Houston. Near the entrance gate and park residence., 29.3725 -95.63906
TEX00459831 David J. Rosen 4150 2007-05-17
United States, Texas, Brazoria, Nash Ranch. Hay meadow S of CR 18, about 0.4 miles E of its intersection with Hwy. 36, SE of the town of Damon.
TEX00464564 David J. Rosen 5745 2012-06-15
United States, Texas, Galveston, Plants of Galveston Island State Park. Near the SW boundary of the park, about 1 km W of the bay side entrance gate (Management unit 4)., 29.19383 -94.96697
TEX00464420 William R. Carr|Tom Wendt|Kathleen Collins|Mary Lou Price 30740 2012-06-03
United States, Texas, Bastrop, W side of Alum Creek floodplain ca. 300-500 ft. downstream from (SW of) crossing of Hoppy Spring Tract road, ca. 1.3-1.4 airmiles SE to SSE of jct. St. Rt. 21 and F. M. 1441 NE of Bastrop. Bastrop State Park. Smithville NW Quadrangle., 30.13553 -97.21425
TEX00464421 William R. Carr|Tom Wendt|Kathleen Collins|Mary Lou Price 30740 2012-06-03
United States, Texas, Bastrop, W side of Alum Creek floodplain ca. 300-500 ft. downstream from (SW of) crossing of Hoppy Spring Tract road, ca. 1.3-1.4 airmiles SE to SSE of jct. St. Rt. 21 and F. M. 1441 NE of Bastrop. Bastrop State Park. Smithville NW Quadrangle., 30.13553 -97.21425
TEX00469610 Cate Bergman 756 2004-06-13
United States, Texas, Lee, Patschke property (private) - Patschke Bog and adjacent land. Bog created by Owens Branch of Middle Yegua Creek. Private residence off of CR 322, 0.7 mi W of junction with FM 1624., 30.3625 -97.09583
TEX00471767 David J. Rosen|J. Richard Carter|Christopher Reid 5824 2012-07-28
United States, Texas, Colorado, Attwater Prairie Chicken National wildlife Refuge. On and N of CORD 3013, 15.7 km W of its intersection with State Hwy. 36, SW of the town of Sealy., 29.67589 -96.26922
TEX00488578 David J. Rosen 6931 2015-06-02
United States, Texas, Galveston, Private property at the end of 2nd Street, about 1.8 miles south of its intersection with Hwy. 6 in the town of Hitchcock., 29.31318 -95.03563
TEX00511068 William R. Carr 28366 2009-07-30
United States, Texas, San Jacinto, W side of main road through Silverstone Tract, ca. 2.4 airmiles SE of jct. F. M. 2025 and F. M. 945, ca. 4-5 mi. N of Cleveland. Westcott Quadrangle., 30.40075 -95.08669
OKLA83879 Umalde T. Waterfall 7595 1947-07-18
United States, Oklahoma, McCurtain
OKLA83884 Umalde T. Waterfall 2115 1940-06-16
United States, Oklahoma, McCurtain
OKLA83885 Umalde T. Waterfall 8871 1949-06-05
United States, Oklahoma, McCurtain
BRIT228734 Ruth Loper s.n. 1996-09-07
United States, Texas, Wood, Pipaline right of way, Hainesville.
BRIT229575 Jimmy Rozell 249 1995-06-25
United States, Texas, Smith, Same as #314
BRIT229574 Jimmy Rozell 314 1995-07-10
United States, Texas, Smith, FM 848 S 6.7 mi, Rozell Farm Pond.
Umalde T. Waterfall 7595 1947-07-18
United States, Oklahoma, McCurtain, Tom; W of Tom
Umalde T. Waterfall 2115 1940-06-16
United States, Oklahoma, McCurtain, Broken Bow; 7 mi SE of Broken Bow
Umalde T. Waterfall 8871 1949-06-05
United States, Oklahoma, McCurtain, Eagletown; 2 mi S of Eagletown