Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Anthurium microspadix
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-8 of 8

pilotorch2 - Now TEX for TORCH Georef testing

TEX00176274Thomas B. Croat   472351979-02-10
Mexico, Chiapas, Along Hwy between Huixtla and Motozintla de Mensoza, in vicinity of El Rosario ca 6 mi SE of Motozintla

TEX00520717A. Grijalva   4011979-04-16
Nicaragua, Atlantico Sur, Bluefields, Costado O. de El Cerro La Pimienta., 13.747222222 -84.995833333

TEX00520718F. Almeda|B. Anderson   52921986-03-02
Costa Rica, San Jose, 1 km north of Cascajal.

TEX00520719Kerry Barringer|Michael J. Huft   27831982-05-06
Costa Rica, Heredia, Rio Vueltas above San Raphael and Uvita. "Alto del Roble" on the old road to Carillo., 10.083333333 -84.083333333

TEX00520720K. Barringer|George Schatz|Jorge Gomez-Laurito   21261982-03-27
Costa Rica, Alajuela, Near San Ramon on the Calle Los Angeles.

TEX00520721Gerardo Herrera   2291986-11-06
Costa Rica, Heredia, Parque Nacional Braulio Carrilo, Cerro Tres Marias, San Rafael de Vara Blanca., 10.193055556 -84.104166667

TEX00520722Thomas B. Croat   691361988-07-07
Panama, Bocas del Toro, Cerro Colorado, ca. 8.6 mi W of Chame, ca. 3 mi beyond junction of road which goes S to old construction camp for copper ore exploration. Along trail N of divide toward Atlantic slope which leads down a rocky stream., 8.583333333 -81.833333333

TEX00534993Linder Suin|Grupo Post-Grado   4321999-11-07
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito, Reserva Orquideologica El Pahuma, carretera Calacali-Los Bancos, km 22.

Page 1, records 1-8 of 8


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