TEX00071220 Meredith A. Lane|D. W. Longstreth 2480 1978-08-23
Mexico, Chihuahua, 162.2 Km (100.8 mi) SW of Parral and 106.7 (66.3 mi) W of intersection of rd to Balleza and Guadalupe y Calvo, on the Balleza rd
TEX00071221 Richard Spellenberg|C. Moore 8624 1986-09-14
Mexico, Chihuahua, Bocoyna, Back streets of Creel
TEX00071222 Meredith A. Lane|D. W. Longstreth 2498 1978-08-26
Mexico, Chihuahua, 12.2 Km (7.6 mi) N of Madera on rd to Las Varas
TEX00071223 Guy L. Nesom|Linda Vorobik 5743 1987-10-21
Mexico, Chihuahua, Balleza, Hwy 24, 27.4 mi NE of El Vergel, Mpio San Pablo Balleza, 26.66667 -106.26667
TEX00071224 Quintana|T. Lebgue|E. Estrada L. 3257 1994-08-18
Mexico, Chihuahua, Gómez Farías, Laguna de Babícora, camino Las Varas-El Alamillo
TEX00071225 Meredith A. Lane|D. W. Longstreth 2794 1979-08-26
Mexico, Chihuahua, 62.3 Km (38.7 mi) E of Río Tomochic, on Hwy from Basaseachic to Cuahutémoc
TEX00071226 Meredith A. Lane|D. W. Longstreth 2492 1978-08-25
Mexico, Chihuahua, 11.1 Km (6.9 mi) S of the RR track at La Junta
TEX00071227 Meredith A. Lane|D. W. Longstreth 2477 1978-08-21
Mexico, Chihuahua, 19.7 Km (12.3 mi) S of Parral on Hwy 45
TEX00071228 James L. Reveal|William Hess 3123 1972-09-15
Mexico, Chihuahua, Between Hidalgo del Parral and El Vergel, about 66 mi W of Parral and 31.2 mi W of Ojito, at Arroyo de Agua
TEX00071229 Fred R. Barrie|Mark E. Leidig 975 1984-09-09
Mexico, Chihuahua, 7 Km W of San José Barbicora on the rd to Madera, 29.25 -107.78333
TEX00071230 Scott Sundberg|Matt Lavin 2737 1984-09-20
Mexico, Chihuahua, NW of Chihuahua, 14.1 mi W of Hwy 45, 6.1 mi E of Cumbres de Majalca
TEX00071231 Fred R. Barrie|Mark E. Leidig 996 1984-09-10
Mexico, Chihuahua, Guerrero, 32 Km N of San Jacinto (31 Km S of jct with rd to Cuahutémoc), 28.33333 -107.58333
TEX00071232 D. S. Correll|Howard Scott Gentry 22845 1959-10-04
Mexico, Chihuahua, About 5 mi N of Villa Matamoros
TEX00071233 Mark H. Mayfield|Burford L. Westlund|D. C. Severinson 283 1989-08-31
Mexico, Chihuahua, E of Madera along Hwy 28 (map no; on rd sign Hwy 37) ca 9.8 mi E of Madera; ca 3.8 mi E of RR crossing with Hwy 28 (=Hwy 37) in Preson de Golondrinas, 29.15556 -107.98333
TEX00071234 Mark H. Mayfield|Burford L. Westlund|D. C. Severinson 212 1989-08-30
Mexico, Chihuahua, WSW of San Buenaventura, ca 12 air mi, Rancho La Tinaja, 29.70833 -107.59167
TEX00071235 Meredith A. Lane|D. W. Longstreth 2482 1978-08-24
Mexico, Chihuahua, 132.7 Km (82.8 mi) toward Guachochi from the intersection of the rds to Balleza and Guadalupe y Calvo, on the Balleza rd
TEX00071236 Meredith A. Lane|Roger W. Sanders 2262 1977-09-10
Mexico, Chihuahua, 12.5 rd mi (20.1 Km) S of Namiquipa (going toward Hwy 10), and across the rd from Ejido El Pacifico
TEX00071237 Meredith A. Lane|Roger W. Sanders 2265 1977-08-10
Mexico, Chihuahua, 8.1 rd mi (13.0 Km) SSE of Cd Guerrero (going toward Hwy 16)
TEX00071238 Tod F. Stuessy 1044 1967-08-20
Mexico, Chihuahua, 2 mi S of Cuahutémoc, on rte 16
TEX00071240 Youngbae Suh|David Morgan|Gregg Dieringer|R. Sánchez 94 1988-08-22
Mexico, Chihuahua, 11.3 mi W from Guatemock (exactly from the atatue on the street -Hwy 16- st downtown)
TEX00071242 Albert Michael Powell|J. R. Edmondson 986 1961-08-29
Mexico, Chihuahua, 0.5 mi W of Cuahutémoc, rte 16
TEX00071245 Harde LeSueur 30 1936-08-18
Mexico, Chihuahua, Culebra Mts
TEX00071247 Harde LeSueur Méx-337 1935-10-10
Mexico, Chihuahua, Namaquipa
TEX00071248 Meredith A. Lane|D. W. Longstreth 2467 1978-08-20
Mexico, Durango, Along Hwy 40, 3.5 Km (2.2 mi) E of Navios and 11.5 Km (7.2 mi) W of the bridge at Los Mimbres
TEX00071249 Meredith A. Lane|D. W. Longstreth 2459 1978-08-20
Mexico, Durango, Ca 10 Km (6.2 mi) N of El Pino on rd to San Isidro (N of the Durango-Mazatlán Hwy)
TEX00071250 Meredith A. Lane|D. W. Longstreth 2719 1979-08-24
Mexico, Durango, 7.2 Km (4.5 mi) E (toward Cd Durango) of turnoff to El Pino on Hwy 40
TEX00071251 Meredith A. Lane|Roger W. Sanders 2281 1977-08-14
Mexico, Durango, 14.8 rd mi (23.8 Km) W of Cd Durango on Hwy 40
TEX00071252 Meredith A. Lane|D. W. Longstreth 2462 1978-08-20
Mexico, Durango, At Los Mimbres, which is along the Durango-Mazatlán Hwy, about 23.9 Km (14.9 mi) W of the rd to microondas Tecolote
TEX00071253 Meredith A. Lane|D. W. Longstreth 2134 1978-08-20
Mexico, Durango, 27.2 Km (16.9 mi) E of the Pemex in El Salto, on Hwy 40
TEX00071254 Meredith A. Lane|Roger W. Sanders 2282 1977-08-14
Mexico, Durango, 33.3 rd mi (53.6 Km) W of Cd Durango on Hwy 40
TEX00071255 Fred R. Barrie|Mark E. Leidig 1013 1984-09-12
Mexico, Durango, Durango, 11.7 Km N of El Pino (which is ca 37 Km W of Cd Durango on rte 40), on the rd to San Isidro. 500 m past 1st railrd crossing., 24.03333 -104.91667
TEX00071256 José García P. 785 1978-10-06
Mexico, Durango, Durango, 1 Km al W de Otinapa, cerca del arroyo que pasa por Otinapa, por la brecha que va haciala carrdurango-Mazatlán (Entronque a 43 Km al O de Durango)
TEX00071257 I. Solís 402 1985-09-28
Mexico, Durango, Mezquital, 8 Km de La Guajolota, Rancho de La Mesa
TEX00071258 Fred R. Barrie|Mark E. Leidig 1011 1984-09-12
Mexico, Durango, Durango, 50 Km W of Cd Durango on rd to El Salto (Hwy 40)
TEX00071259 M. González|Saturnino Acevedo 1515 1984-10-16
Mexico, Durango, Mezquital, W de Santa María de Ocotán, a lo largo de margenes de arroyo, Mezquital
TEX00071260 I. Solís 248 1985-09-10
Mexico, Durango, Mezquital, Gavilancillo; ca 7 Km de La Guajolota
TEX00071261 José García P. 887 1978-11-07
Mexico, Durango, Durango, 35 Km al W, por la carr Durango-Mazatlán
TEX00071262 M. González Espinosa 455 1982-08-11
Mexico, Durango, Mezquital, Camino Agua Zarca-Temoaya
TEX00071263 Rocío Jiménez Aponte 183 1984-10-10
Mexico, Durango, Vicente Guerrero, Rincón de Las Mulas, 5 Km al W de San Isidro
TEX00071264 F. Casillas|Rosa Flores|F. Ruíz 34 1984-08-30
Mexico, Durango, Durango, Parque El Tecuán, 58 Km al ESE de Durango
TEX00071265 Rafael Corral Díaz 863 1983-10-15
Mexico, Durango, Santiago Papasquiaro, 3.5 Km al W de La Soledad, 11 Km NW Santiago Papasquiaro, 25.08333 -105.53333
TEX00071267 I. Solís 488 1985-10-21
Mexico, Durango, Mezquital, 6 Km al N de La Guajolota
TEX00071268 Richard D. Worthington 8789 1982-08-18
Mexico, Durango, 28 rd Km S of the city of Durango, by Hwy to La Flor at a vista on an E canyon wall called El Mirador, 23.86667 -104.76667
TEX00071269 J. Alvarado 580
Mexico, Durango, Suchil, Potrero de Jacales, arroyo de San Pascual
TEX00071272 Frank W. Gould 8994 1959-10-30
Mexico, Durango, Río Cruz Pilar
TEX00071273 James H. Maysilles 7689 1952-08-08
Mexico, Durango, 34 mi W of Cd Durango, on Hwy to El Salto; plateau W of Arroyo Mimbres
TEX00071274 Robert Merrill King 3740 1960-08-16
Mexico, Durango, Mts along rte 40, ca 15 mi SW of Durango, 23.9639 -104.8622
TEX00071275 R. C. Jackson 7248 1965-09-08
Mexico, Durango, Ca 5 mi NE of El Salto, near Hwy 40
TEX00071276 Arthur Cronquist 9534 1962-09-27
Mexico, Durango, 9 mi W of Durango, 24.01 -104.79
TEX00071277 James H. Maysilles 7547 1951-08-29
Mexico, Durango, 34 mi W of Cd Durango, on Hwy to El Salto; plateau W of Arroyo Mimbres
TEX00071278 Robert Merrill King 3735 1960-08-16
Mexico, Durango, Along rte 40, ca 6 mi SW of Durango
TEX00071279 Fred R. Barrie|Mark E. Leidig 1031 1984-09-14
Mexico, Aguascalientes, Jesus Maria, 15 Km W of Aguascalientes on rd to Jalpa (Hwy 70), 21.83333 -102.33333
TEX00071280 Fred R. Barrie|Mark E. Leidig 1025 1984-09-14
Mexico, Aguascalientes, 8.3 Km E on rd to microwave tower on Cerro Los Gallos & to Los Gallos (jct is 18 Km S of S-most jct of Hwys 70 & 45 in Aguascalientes), 21.66667 -102.25
TEX00071281 R. C. Jackson 2880 1959-08-13
Mexico, Aguascalientes, 5 mi NW of Lagos de Moreno
TEX00071282 R. C. Jackson 5197 1964-08-12
Mexico, Aguascalientes, Ca 7 mi N on Hwy 45 of Rincón del Romas, N of Aguascalientes
TEX00071283 Meredith A. Lane|D. W. Longstreth 2440 1978-08-17
Mexico, Aguascalientes, 4.7 Km (2.9 mi) N of intersection of Hwy 45 with rd to Teotaltiche, on Hwy 45
TEX00071284 Meredith A. Lane|D. W. Longstreth 2686 1979-08-23
Mexico, Aguascalientes, 18.9 Km (11.8 mi) W of Cd Aguascalientes (measured from the Banamex at intersection of Hwys 45 & 70), at the turnoff to Gracias a Dios
TEX00071286 Meredith A. Lane|D. W. Longstreth 2699 1979-08-23
Mexico, Zacatecas, on Hwy 41 N of Zapoqui, and 13 Km (8.1 mi) S of Villanueva
TEX00071287 Agustín Flores Macías 2160 1990-10-10
Mexico, Jalisco, Huejuquilla el Alto, Bajío de maderas 15 Km al N de Huejuquilla
TEX00071288 Agustín Flores Macías 2160 1990-10-10
Mexico, Jalisco, Huejuquilla el Alto, Bajío de maderas 15 Km al N de Huejuquilla
TEX00071289 Meredith A. Lane|D. W. Longstreth 2437 1978-08-16
Mexico, Jalisco, 35 Km (21.7 mi) E of Arandas on a secondary rd
TEX00071290 José Antonio Machuca Núñez 6090 1987-10-10
Mexico, Jalisco, Yahualica de Gonzalez Gallo, From Puente Los Timones to el Centro
TEX00071291 Carlos Luis Díaz Luna 2536 1971-09-26
Mexico, Jalisco, Teocaltiche, Km 56 Carr Yahualica-Teocaltiche
TEX00071292 Meredith A. Lane|D. W. Longstreth 2597 1979-08-20
Mexico, Jalisco, 15.9 Km (9.9 mi) E of Agua El Obispo (W of Lagos de Moreno) on Hwy 80 Beside and in a ditch on the NW side of the rd
TEX00071293 Meredith A. Lane|D. W. Longstreth 2732 1979-08-20
Mexico, Jalisco, 19.3 Km (12 mi) E of Arandas, on rd toward Manuel Doblado
TEX00071294 Meredith A. Lane|D. W. Longstreth 2439 1978-08-17
Mexico, Jalisco, 0.6-1.6 Km (0.4-1 mi) W of the intersection of Hwy 45 and the rd to Teotaltiche, on the latter
TEX00071295 Charles Feddema 2309 1963-10-31
Mexico, Jalisco, Rancho Viejo, about 10 Km E-NE of Huejuquilla el Alto, 22.69 -103.83
TEX00071297 Meredith A. Lane|D. W. Longstreth 2471 1978-08-15
Mexico, Michoacan, 16 Km (9.9 mi) S of Quiroga on rd to Pátzcuaro
TEX00136958 C. Yen|E. Estrada 8782 1997-09-26
Mexico, Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Parque Cumbres de Majalca, Mpio Chihuahua
TEX00136959 C. Yen|E. Estrada 8376 1997-09-06
Mexico, Chihuahua, Chihuahua, 1 Km al S de Mil Castillos, Parque Cumbres de Majalca
TEX00194848 Robert Merrill King|Robert M. Garvey s.n. 2004-10-04
Mexico, Durango, Durango, No locality name provided., 23.94389 -104.84861
TEX00455872 Rafael Hernández Magaña|et al. 8738 1982-08-12
Mexico, Chihuahua, Guachochi, Agua Azul, 12km. al E de Guachochi.
TEX00508366 Dennis E. Breedlove|F. Almeda 59288 1983-10-24
Mexico, Zacatecas, Villanueva, 13-16 km south of Villanueva.