Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Ambrosia confertiflora (Franseria confertiflora, Franseria strigulosa, Gaertneria tenuifolia)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 619

Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0097027Richard Bond   1882002-08-03
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Coconino National Forest, Clear Creek Wilderness Area, Forest Service Rd. 142 USFS and Toms Creek crossing (6600 ft.) to Clover Creek (6200 ft.) bottom, rim ponderosa pine, oak, Stream bed, boulder strewn with gravel beds. USGS Quad. CALLOWAY BUTTE, ARIZ. USDA Permit LOV0048, BOND, R, 34.508312 -111.404418, 1981m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0097062David J. Keil   58091969-10-11
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Sycamore Canyon Wilderness Area, 34.9494 -112.054, 1400 - 1400m

pilotorch2 - Now TEX for TORCH Georef testing

TEX00002497Barton H. Warnock   T1631937-10-19
United States, Texas, Presidio, Presidio; Frequent along railroad track.

TEX00002499Tod F. Stuessy   11311967-08-25
United States, Texas, Pecos, 1/4 mi. E of Bakersville; On Rte 290. Common in limestone gravel on roadside., 30.891267 -102.293686

TEX00002500Billie Lee Turner   56711967-05-23
United States, Texas, Terrell, 5 mi. W of Sanderson; Along roadside, not in flower as yet.

TEX00002502Tom J. Mabry   171968-06-10
United States, Texas, Borden, GailCollected at little side road (E-W) that goes from Hwy 180 to Gail School.

TEX00002503Tom J. Mabry   191968-06-11
United States, Texas, Scurry, Ca. 100 yds S of Snyder - US 84 intersection with TX 1606.

TEX00002504N. H. Fischer   201966-12-04
United States, Texas, Nolan, W of Roscoe; Along roadside of Hwy 89 on the W city limit of R.

TEX00002506H. R. Reed   407161942-10-15
United States, Texas, Tom Green, S of San Angelo.

TEX00002507David S. Seigler   15951969-08-10
United States, Texas, McCulloch, Downtown Brady.

TEX00002508David S. Seigler   14871969-06-16
United States, Texas, San Saba, 7 mi. N of Richland Springs; On Ranch Road 45.

TEX00002509Henry Kagan   31965-10-04
United States, Texas, Menard, 9 mi. E of Menard; Collected along Hwy 29.

TEX00002510David S. Seigler|Walter Renold   9711968-11-14
United States, Texas, Mason, 5 mi. E of Hext; Abundant along roadside of Rte. 29.

TEX00002511Mary L. Butterwick|J. Lamb   29771976-07-23
United States, Texas, Llano, N of Enchanted Rock, the campground; Scattered along bank of Sandy Creek floodplain.

TEX00002513David S. Seigler|W. W. Payne   19401969-12-13
United States, Texas, Blanco, W of Johnson City; On US 290.

TEX00002514David S. Seigler|Walter Renold   9281968-11-12
United States, Texas, Kerr, 13.8 mi. W of Hunt; On FM 1340. Near ditch just by turnoff to "Kerr Wildlife Mgmt. Area." Large popl'n growing in and near dry river bed.

TEX00002529Thomas R. Van Devender|N. F. McCarten   s.n.1977-09-24
United States, Texas, El Paso, Mountains; Between East and North mountains.

TEX00002530L. David Flyr   189B1964-10-03
United States, Texas, Crockett, 30 mi W of Ozone; At roadside park overlooking Pecos River.

TEX00002531David S. Seigler|Walter Renold   9651968-11-14
United States, Texas, Schleicher, 8.0 mi. SW of Fort McKavett - Sonora; On RR 864 towards Sonora. Mesquite grassland; isolated population along roadside.

TEX00002532David S. Seigler|Walter Renold   9641968-11-14
United States, Texas, Sutton, Ca. 9 mi. NE of Sonora; 5.6 mi. NE of junction route 290 and RR 864 on RR 864 towards Ft. McKavett. Isolated roadside popl'n. Mesquite grassland.

TEX00002534David S. Seigler|Walter Renold   9311968-11-12
United States, Texas, Edwards, 14.2 mi. S of Junction Rte 377 and RR 674; On ranch road 674, scattered roadside popl'n.

TEX00002535David S. Seigler   15901969-08-10
United States, Texas, Throckmorton, 19.3 mi. N of Albany.

TEX00002536David S. Seigler   15921969-08-10
United States, Texas, Shackelford, Intersection of US 283, 180, and 380 - Albany; On the S side of Albany.

TEX00002537David S. Seigler   14781969-06-16
United States, Texas, Stephens, 0.2 mi. S of Breckenridge; Downtown B. on US 183.

TEX00002538William L. Tolstead   58621942-11-07
United States, Texas, Taylor, Camp Barkeley., 32.349914 -99.861148

TEX00002539David S. Seigler   15931969-08-10
United States, Texas, Callahan, S of Baird; Southside of B.

TEX00002540David S. Seigler   14791969-06-16
United States, Texas, Eastland, Cisco.

TEX00002541David S. Seigler   15941969-08-10
United States, Texas, Coleman, W of Santa Anna; West side of S.A.

TEX00002561N. H. Fischer   411967-05-05
United States, Texas, San Patricio, S of Mathis - Hwy. 359; At the S city limit of M. on 359.

TEX00002562Ferdinand Lindheimer   9131850-01-01
United States, Texas, Comal, New Braunfels - Comanche Spring.

TEX00002563David S. Seigler|Charles Bohnstedt   19191969-10-15
United States, Texas, Travis, Austin; One block W of the intersection of 35th & Crawford.

TEX00002564David S. Seigler   14931969-06-16
United States, Texas, Burnet, Marble Falls - US 281S end of the bridge on 281 at M.F.

TEX00002565David S. Seigler   15541969-08-06
United States, Texas, Lampasas, Lampasas - Corner of 4th & Key Sts. Corner of 4th & Key.

TEX00002566Janet L. Potter   391968-11-10
United States, Texas, Cameron, W of Port Isabel; Intersection of FM 510 w/ Hwy 100, at entrance to Yturria ranch.

TEX00002567Raymond J. Fleetwood   81871966-11-04
United States, Texas, Hidalgo, Santa Anna Nat'l Wildlife Refuge; Levee S of Alamo, near S.A.N.W.R.

TEX00002569David S. Seigler   12581969-05-11
United States, Texas, Brooks, Falfurrias - Corner of St. Marys & E. Forest St.

TEX00002570Maria de Jesus Solis   91962-11-04
United States, Texas, Zapata, 15 mi. N of San Ygnacio; US 83; in sand with caliche., 27.2823 -99.4246

TEX00002571Gene Miller   331965-10-20
United States, Texas, Kleberg, 6 mi. W of Kingsville; Along the roadside.

TEX00002572Marshall C. Johnston   5423011954-11-30
United States, Texas, Nueces, 1/2 mi. SW of Agua Dulce Creek crossing of Hwy 44; Remnant of prairie, somewhat brushed, on black clay soil. Railroad right-of-way., 27.7926 -97.8149

TEX00002573Marshall C. Johnston   542112
United States, Texas, Jim Wells, 11.7 mi. S of Alice; Clearing in brush near a swale, black clayey sand.

TEX00002575William Larrey McCart|Joe Ramirez   86931962-11-11
United States, Texas, Webb, 14 mi. E of Laredo; State Hwy 359 Lobo Creek; in fine sandy silt.

TEX00002576David S. Seigler   12671969-05-11
United States, Texas, Bee, 1/2 mi. NE of Pawnee - State 72; On St. 72.

TEX00002577Billie Lee Turner|Jerry S. Thompson   131956-03-24
United States, Texas, Live Oak, 3 mi. N of Three Rivers; Plants with running rootstock in silty clay soil.

TEX00002578William Larrey McCart|Felix G. Gongora|Juan D. Garza   85251962-11-03
United States, Texas, McMullen, 2 mi. N of Fowlerton; On State 72, roadside in gravel & white clay.

TEX00002579Marshall C. Johnston|Benjamin Carroll Tharp|Billie Lee Turner   34831954-05-01
United States, Texas, La Salle, 4 mi. S of Cotulla; In gravelly soil; bud only.

TEX00002580Tod F. Stuessy   8711967-07-06
United States, Texas, Dimmit, 6 mi. SW of El Indio - Farm Rd. 2644 jct. w/ 2776 mi. SW of junction of 277 heading toward El Indio on farm road 2644. In fields with Prosopis and Opuntia.

TEX00002581Gene Miller   311965-10-20
United States, Texas, Karnes, 1 mi. S of Kenedy; In pasture.

TEX00002582Tod F. Stuessy   8761967-07-06
United States, Texas, Maverick, 23 mi. NW of Eagle Pass - Rte. 277; On 277, edge of road near tall grass field. Irrigated land. Common on roadside & adjoining tall grass field.

TEX00002583Tod F. Stuessy   864a1967-07-05
United States, Texas, Frio, 14 mi. SW of Devine; On Rte. 81 (35). Common on disturbed gravelly roadside.

TEX00002585Carl Clarence Albers   440021944-10-21
United States, Texas, Bexar, San Antonio - Alamo Stadium.

TEX00002586David S. Seigler|Charles Bohnstedt|E. Seigler   DS-26991970-06-03
United States, Texas, Medina, 0.4 mi. E of Uvalde Co. line; On US 90.

TEX00002587William Larrey McCart|Joe Moore   88471963-11-02
United States, Texas, Uvalde, 4 mi. E of Kline; US 90, in limestone outcrop with large rocks and clay.

TEX00002588David S. Seigler|Walter Renold   9371968-11-12
United States, Texas, Kinney, 8.1 mi. S of Brackettville - Jct. Rte. 90 w/ Rte. 131; On Rte. 131, abundant along roadside.

TEX00084499C. Yen|E. Estrada L.   57971996-08-31
Mexico, Chihuahua, Chihuahua, 6 Km al E de Cd Chihuahua

TEX00120963Annetta Carter   41371960-11-08
Mexico, Baja California, Valle de Los Encinos, S side of Sa de la Giganta, 26.06667 -111.56667

TEX00120964Annetta Carter   43121961-11-13
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Comondu, Llanos de San Julio, E of Comondú, 26.05 -111.75

TEX00120966Ira L. Wiggins   150361959-10-15
Mexico, Baja California, Between Aguila and San Agustín, 4 mi W of San Agustín, 30.03333 -115.16667

TEX00120967W. Trauba   6-971997-10-14
Mexico, Sonora, Yecora, Yécora, 28.37361 -108.925

TEX00120968Thomas R. Van Devender|Ana Lilia Reina G.|A. M. Rea|C. Cassa|A. E. Gondor   97-14631997-11-18
Mexico, Sonora, Soyopa, NE side of Río Yaqui bridge on Méx 16, just S of Tonichi, 28.57083 -109.5525

TEX00120969Thomas R. Van Devender|Ana Lilia Reina G.   97-10341997-09-22
Mexico, Sonora, Yecora, 0.5 Km W of Son 12 (Tepoca-Cd Obregon Hwy) on rd to La Quema, 28.37083 -109.2625

TEX00120970Thomas R. Van Devender|Ana Lilia Reina G.|David A. Yetman   95-3241995-04-18
Mexico, Sonora, Las Avispas, 4.3 Km S of rd to Microondas, on Méx 15, Sa Libre, 28.45 -111.04167

TEX00120971Alan T. Whittemore|Fred R. Barrie|John D. Bacon   83-0661983-03-18
Mexico, Sonora, 13 mi NE of Hornos, 23.4 mi SW of Tezopaco (ca 40 Km NE of Cd Obregón), 27.75 -109.75

TEX00120972Richard S. Felger|Lloyd T. Findley|Soni Findley|R. Schmalzel   85-7941985-06-25
Mexico, Sonora, Puerto Penasco, Puerto Peñasco, along RR tracks, middle of town, 31.33333 -113.5

TEX00120973Fred Seaman   1631973-04-02
Mexico, Sonora, Guaymas, N of Guaymas, on Méx Hwy 15 at turnoff to San Carlos, 28.08333 -111

TEX00120974Richard S. Felger|Ken Van Hounten   86-10021985-10-05
Mexico, Sonora, Pinacate Region, 7.5 Km E of Los Vidrios on Méx 15 (50 Km on Méx 2 W of Sonoyta), at jct of rd S to Crater Elegante

TEX00120975Andrew C. Sanders|Thomas R. Van Devender|Stephanie Meyer|B. Pitzer   127381992-10-08
Mexico, Sonora, Huatabampo, Camahuiroa, on the coast 27 Km (airline) SE of Yavaros, 26.51667 -109.26667

TEX00120976Andrew C. Sanders|G. K. Helmkamp|A. Mayor|L. Lubinsky   131881993-03-15
Mexico, Sonora, Navojoa, rd jct to Las Bocas, 2 Km (=1.3 mi) W of Hwy 15 on Hwy 176 (=Hwy 19) to Huatabampo, 20 Km E of Huatamampo, 26.75 -109.41667

TEX00120977Campbell W. Pennington   2111968-07-01
Mexico, Sonora, Maicoba, 28.33333 -108.7

TEX00120979Stephen S. White   44271941-09-15
Mexico, Sonora, Colonia Morelos, 30.88333 -109.06667

TEX00120980Richard S. Felger|Guillermo Moroyoke|Barbara Straub   85-13641985-11-19
Mexico, Sonora, Cuesta Alta, Río Yaqui, 2.5 Km S of Potam, 27.6 -110.41667

TEX00120982Richard S. Felger|John Miller Cooper   152091966-12-17
Mexico, Sonora, 8.9 mi by rd E of Bahía Kino (Village), 28.91667 -112

TEX00120983Elaine Joyal   17141991-09-22
Mexico, Sonora, Nacori Chico, Gentle drainage W to Nácori Chico drainage, due E of Buena, 29.61667 -108.98333

TEX00120984Richard S. Felger|Mark Dimmit   85-7161985-05-14
Mexico, Sonora, 38 Km W of Sonoyta, on Méx 2, 31.83333 -113.16667

TEX00120985Walter Renold|Verena Renold   411969-05-26
Mexico, Sonora, 34.2 mi S of Nogales, on Hwy 15, 30.66667 -110.83333

TEX00120986Walter Renold|Verena Renold   441969-05-26
Mexico, Sonora, 60 mi S of Santa Ana, on Hwy 15, 29.83333 -111.1

TEX00120987Walter Renold|Verena Renold   431969-05-26
Mexico, Sonora, 29.9 mi S of Santa Ana, on Hwy 15 near Km marker 2235, 30.16667 -111.08333

TEX00120988Walter Renold|Verena Renold   491969-05-27
Mexico, Sonora, 5.5 mi N of Cd Obregón, on Hwy 15 about 300 yds S of a bridge, 27.5 -110

TEX00120990Walter Renold|Verena Renold   401969-05-26
Mexico, Sonora, 5.1 mi S of Nogales, on Hwy 15, 31.16667 -110.95

TEX00120991Walter Renold|Verena Renold   451969-05-26
Mexico, Sonora, 93.9 mi S of Santa Ana, on Hwy 15, about 7 Km N of Hermosillo

TEX00120992Walter Renold|Verena Renold   461969-05-26
Mexico, Sonora, 35.7 mi S of Hermosillo, on Hwy 15, 28.5 -111.08333

TEX00120993Walter Renold|Verena Renold   481969-05-27
Mexico, Sonora, 31.4 mi S of Guaymas, on Hwy 15

TEX00120994Walter Renold|Verena Renold   501969-05-27
Mexico, Sonora, 7.3 mi S of Navajoa, on Hwy 15, 27 -109.41667

TEX00120995Tod F. Stuessy   9581967-08-17
Mexico, Chihuahua, 50 mi NW of Yermo, on rte 49

TEX00120996Robert S. Irving|Walter Renold   11361968-07-09
Mexico, Chihuahua, 15.2 mi E of Parral, along rte 45, 26.83333 -105.5

TEX00120997Robert S. Irving|Walter Renold   11391968-07-09
Mexico, Chihuahua, 82.9 mi NE of Parral, along rte 45 (4 mi S of Camargo), 27.5 -105.08333

TEX00120998Walter Renold|Verena Renold   821969-06-05
Mexico, Chihuahua, Camargo, 0.2 mi N of city limits of Cd Camargo, on Hwy 45, 27.63333 -105.08333

TEX00120999Walter Renold|Verena Renold   861969-06-06
Mexico, Chihuahua, 23.5 mi N of Chihuahua on Hwy 45, dirt rd leading to Rancho El Mirador, 28.91667 -106.16667

TEX00121000Walter Renold|Verena Renold   851969-06-05
Mexico, Chihuahua, 12.9 mi N of Meoqui, on Hwy 45; a few yards N of Km-marker 1610, 28.26667 -105.5

TEX00121001Robert S. Irving|Walter Renold   11471968-09-09
Mexico, Chihuahua, 29.1 mi N of Delicias, along rte 45, 28.03333 -105.66667

TEX00121002Walter Renold|Verena Renold   881969-06-06
Mexico, Chihuahua, 97.1 mi N of Chihuahua, on Hwy 15; just a few 100 yards after a railrd-crossing along the rd-side, 30 -106.33333

TEX00121003Robert S. Irving|Walter Renold   11491968-07-10
Mexico, Chihuahua, 58.6 mi N of Chihuahua, along rte 45, 29.7 -106.3

TEX00121004Walter Renold|Verena Renold   831969-06-05
Mexico, Chihuahua, 2.6 mi N of Saucillo, on Hwy 45, 27 -104.83333

TEX00121005Robert S. Irving|Walter Renold   11511968-07-10
Mexico, Chihuahua, 87.5 mi N of Chihuahua, along rte 45, 29.91667 -106.35

TEX00121006Richard D. Worthington   77551981-09-07
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sa del Nido complex, 1.3 rd mi E of Bella Vista, 29.03333 -106.38333

TEX00121007Tod F. Stuessy   9781967-08-17
Mexico, Chihuahua, 20 mi SW of Jiménez, on rd to Santa Bárbara, 26.86667 -104.8

TEX00121008Tod F. Stuessy   9461967-08-16
Mexico, Chihuahua, 32 mi NW of Yermo, on rte 49

TEX00121009Walter Renold|Verena Renold   841969-06-05
Mexico, Chihuahua, 11.3 mi N of Meoqui, on Hwy 45

TEX00121010Robert S. Irving|Walter Renold   11351968-07-09
Mexico, Chihuahua, Motel Camino Real, just S of Hidalgo del Parral on rte 45, 26.75 -105.7

TEX00121011Robert S. Irving|Walter Renold   11381968-07-09
Mexico, Chihuahua, 56.9 mi NE of Parral, on rte 45 (after jct with rte 49), 27.16667 -106.16667

TEX00121012Walter Renold|Verena Renold   801969-06-05
Mexico, Chihuahua, 17 mi W of intersection Hwy 49 and 45 on Hwy 45 towards Hidalgo del Parral, 27 -106

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