Edward Gilbert 2001-04-24
Arizona, Coconino County, Lower West Fork Canyon of Oak Creek, 9 mile north of Sedona. About 500' up stream from canyon mouth, where trail crosses creek for the first time; within northern section of Red Rock/Secret Mountain Wilderness., 34.9881 -111.748
Edward Gilbert 2001-05-02
Arizona, Coconino County, Upper West Fork Canyon of Oak Creek, 9 mile north of Sedona, upper end of Fernow Draw a little ways down from forest service road 231; within north section of Red Rock/Secret Mountain Wilderness., 35.0145 -111.86
Edward Gilbert 2001-06-14
Arizona, Coconino County, Upper West Fork Canyon of Oak Creek, starting 9 miles N. of Sedona. About 8 miles up stream from canyon mouth; within northern section of Red Rock/Secret Mountain Wilderness., 35.0203 -111.809
BRIT20612 Sonnia Hill 86 2010-04-14
Texas, Van Zandt County, 32.3983 -95.5504
BRIT20612 Sonnia Hill 86 2010-04-14
Texas, Van Zandt County, 32.3983 -95.5504
DES00053898 Wendy C. Hodgson 14854 2001-09-03
Arizona, Coconino County, Arizona Trail, northwest of Lindberg Hill and parking lot., 36.32847 -112.1131, 2715m
DES00063175 Wendy Hodgson 24497 2008-06-29
Arizona, Coconino County, Barbership Spring area, open meadow., 34.5391 -111.161467, 2283m
DES00051297 Dixie Z. Damrel V-966 2003-10-16
Arizona, Gila County, Tonto National Forest, Peterson Meadow: just NE of the meadow on S-facing slope; uphill from the aspen belt off FSRD 487 (on the way to Aztec Peak)., 33.81638 -110.9202, 2142m
DES00060227 Glen Rink 6418 2007-08-07
Arizona, Coconino County, The Basin, meadow. UTM: 12S 400090E 401374N NAD27., 36.265246 -112.112228, 2514m
DES00065217 G. Rink 7146 2008-05-26
Arizona, Coconino County, Coconino National Forest Trail 28, west of Barbershop Canyon., 34.498071 -111.168832, 2194m
G. Rink 3263 2008-06-29
ARIZONA, Coconino County, McClintock Spring@ end of McClintock Ridge, wet meadow, spring runs for a short distance, 34.491694 -111.1525, 2207m
G. Rink 9929 2010-07-01
ARIZONA, Coconino County, Barbershop Canyon, Quail Spring, 34.532253 -111.166721, 2091m
Jessa Fisher 2008-06-29
ARIZONA, Coconino County, At the confluence of Dane Spring and creek through Dane Canyon, open sunny area, very lush, 34.467861 -111.368736, 2179m
Jessa Fisher 2008-06-28
ARIZONA, Coconino County, By roadside of Forest Road 145, Turkey Spring, wet meadow with standing water, 34.423698 -111.191616, 2347m
Max Licher 2074 2008-06-29
ARIZONA, Coconino County, Coyote Spring, 34.443587 -111.157372, 2277m
V. Markgraf 9923 2005-09-22
ARIZONA, Coconino County, In an ephemeral drainage on Vincett Ranch., 34.459405 -110.974415, 2240m
Wendy Hodgson sn- 2008-06-29
ARIZONA, Coconino County, Barbershop Spring area, open meadow, 34.5391 -111.161467, 2283m
C. A. Huff 1539 1994-06-27
New Mexico, Catron County, Gila National Forest; Gwynn Tank, FS 141, 1 mile west from the junction with FS 28, 33.54228103 -108.5296131, 2377m
01007451 A. H. Liogier 30203 1980-01-22
In Lago area., 600 - 600m
01439190 A. H. Liogier 17671 1970-11-14
San Cristóbal, 50m
1509554 W. H. Harris 10114 1908-02-19
Hardware Gap. Growing in damp places along sides of road.
01509553 T. A. Zanoni 18609 1981-12-18
Sud-Est, Morne La Selle: en el sitio denominado "Fond du Blanche", 2 km. del aserradero viejo de Mare Rouge en la direccion de Pic La Selle., 18.33 -72.03, 1768m
484948 T. A. Zanoni 20933 1982-06-10
La Vega, Cordillera Central: 29 km Sur de Constanza (via poblado de RÃo Grande) en el camino a San José de Ocoa, 18.77 -70.63, 2134 - 2134m
1509556 P. Acevedo-RodrÃguez 12466 2003-05-22
La Vega, Valle Nuevo, Reserva Cientifica Valle Nuevo; eastern side of house, 18.7742 -70.6401997, 2260m
1509555 E. L. Ekman 9085 1918-02-19
Oriente: Sierra de Nipe, Woodfred, near stables, where American hay has been used, 500m
1067 Chiricahua Vegetation-Study Team 1958-255 1958-07-21
Arizona, Cochise, Barfoot Park, Chiricahua Mountains
1561721 Alan E. Brant Brant 4683 2001-05-31
Missouri, Iron, T34, R1E, NE4, Sec 26. Johnson Mountain Quadrangle. Margins of igneous glades on low cliffs and ledges on northwest-facing slopes of Bell Mountain, Bell Mtn. Wilderness., 37.6166667 -90.9, 396 - 427m
730426 Mary Susan Taylor Taylor 1424 1977-08-02
California, Humboldt, In mountains above and east of Eureka.
731447 James C. Solomon Solomon 483 1973-06-11
Illinois, Knox, Knox College Field Station. 4 mi. S of Victoria. R4E T11N Sec. 6., 40.9868 -90.0929, 230m
732311 James C. Solomon Solomon 222 1972-06-17
Illinois, Knox, Knox College Field Station. 4.5 mi S of Victoria. Sec 6, R4E, T11N., 40.9868 -90.0929, 230m
732288 John K. Myers|James S. Miller Myers 16 1990-06-13
Delaware, Broadkill Beach, State Route 16 E of Highway 1., 38.8166667 -75.2
732220 James C. Solomon Solomon 78 1971-06-10
Illinois, McLean, 0.5 mi. N of Normal along Illinois Central Railroad right-of-way. Sec. 16, R2E, T24N., 40.515 -88.984
732835 Mary Susan Taylor Taylor 170 1974-04-10
California, Monterey, Between beach and Hwy 1, ca. 15 mi S of Carmel, N of Big Sur. Coastal Sage Scrub., 15m
733997 Peter H. Raven Raven 27076 1986-06-14
Missouri, Jefferson, 6.5 mi (10.5 W of DeSoto). T39N, R3E, Sec. 11. South end of large pasture, ca. 0.3 mi (500 m) N of confluence of Parker Creek with Big River. Elev. 600 ft (185 m)., 38.125 -90.675, 185m
733952 Lowell Ahart|Peter Ahart Ahart 5170 1985-09-26
California, Plumas, Below the high water line of Little Grass Valley Reservoir, where the South Fork of the Feather River flows into the lake, about 4 1/4 miles north-east of La Porte.
733683 Mary Susan Taylor Taylor 1806 1978-07-21
California, Butte, On N and S side of Oroville-Quincy Hwy, ca. 9 mi N of Lake Madrone, ca. 19 mi NE of Oroville; Yellow Pine Forest., 914m
1683936 Ernest J. Palmer Palmer 60446 1955-06-25
Missouri, Newton, Thicket; moist ground, George Washington Carver National Monument, Diamond.
1683903 Vera Komarkova|Holly Hansell|Karen Seabert Komarkova 210 1976-07-19
Alaska, North Slope, Arctic Slope District: 70 air mi S of Point Barrow, near Eskimo village of Atkasook; 4.75 km I of Meade River Camp., 15m
1683973 Gordon T. Maupin Maupin 966 1975-04-16
Missouri, Dent, Flora of Montauk State Park. Field N of Hwy 119.
1683992 Norlan C. Henderson Henderson 67-583 1967-05-23
Missouri, Ralls, Roadside, along US #61, about 5 mi S of Hannibal.
1684017 Norlan C. Henderson Henderson 67-358 1967-05-05
Missouri, Dallas, Roadside, along MO #32, about 1 mi E of the Polk County line.
1684098 Marjorie O. (Vicki) Love Love 84 1968-06-04
Ontario, Along roadside of Hwy 17, 2 mi W of Thessalon, Ontario. Sandy, granitic, rocky soil. Algoma Co.
1684111 Patricia L. Kenney Kenney 638 1976-06-08
Washington, Clallam, Collected at the jct of Hwy 112 & 101 in W end of Port Angeles. Open field with scotchbroom, red and white clover, smartweed, and thistle.
1684062 Billy Joe Cox|David B. Dunn|Lewis S. Fleak Cox 1824 1970-06-02
Idaho, Clearwater, Ahsahka, on US Hwy 12, along Clearwater River bank in rocky-sandy soil, rather acid.
1684088 ALMSTEDT ALMSTEDT UMO 6445 1929-00-00
Missouri, Boone, Columbia, MO., 38.95167 -92.33389
1684040 Jeffrey Huber Huber 205 1971-06-04
Oregon, Grant, 14 mi N of Mt. Vernon on US Hwy 395; along wet stream side with PInus ponderosa on W facing slopes and Larix, Pseudotsuga, etc. on E facing slopes., 45.5614 -119.0916, 1189m
1684051 Mason Mason 8597 1971-05-29
Oregon, Lane, Georgia-Pacific Tree Farm, Wendling, OR. Douglas Fir forest; moist shady woods; with Trientalis, Vancouveria, Rosa, Cornus, Corylus and Acer., 183m
1684510 Norlan C. Henderson Henderson 67-530 1967-05-18
Missouri, Morgan, Roadside, along MO # 5, about 5 miles North of Versailles.
1683865 Harry E. Ahles Ahles 82563 1977-05-29
Massachusetts, Hampshire, Garden weed, E side of Horse Moutain, Hatfield.
1683840 Tseng Chieng Huang Huang 3055 1962-05-18
Iowa, Cedar
1683596 Bruce Jarvis Jarvis UMO 155894 1973-05-25
Kentucky, Laurel, Rt 25, S of Livingstone. Roadside grass.
1683788 David L. Spellman|et al. Spellman S-272 1962-06-23
Illinois, Hamilton, 1 mi N of Dale, IL.
1683813 Delzie Demaree Demaree 25825-B 1947-04-22
Arkansas, Craighead, Old fields. P.O. Jonesboro., 85m
1683665 Gregory Kunkel|Leila M. Schultz Kunkel UMO 114040 1973-06-07
Colorado, Jefferson, 7 mi S of Boulder, on Rocky Flats Pediment.
1683673 Norlan C. Henderson Henderson 67-174 1967-04-18
Missouri, Johnson, Roadside embankment, along US #50, about 8 mi E of Warrensburg.
1683634 Lewis S. Fleak|Billy Joe Cox|David B. Dunn Fleak 1424 1970-06-01
Idaho, Boise, 57.8 mi W of Stanley, along S fork of Payette River, in decomposed granite, Ponderosa pine-grassland association.
1683622 R. Dale Thomas Thomas 13753 1969-05-19
Louisiana, Ouachita, Mrs. A.E Oglesby's farm, Camp Road Cheniere.
1683647 Jeffrey Huber Huber 319 1971-06-11
California, Lassen, 3 mi E of Westwood, on CA Hwy 36; in volcanic soils (basalt), in Pinus jeffreyi., 1608m
1683750 Charles H. Boxmeyer Boxmeyer UMO 22806 1894-00-00
California, Santa Clara
1683741 Paul Gallian|David B. Dunn Gallian 482 1971-06-02
California, Lassen, 5 mi S of Milford near Honey Lake on US Hwy 395; along roadside in grass-Artemesia tridentata assoc.; Quercus-Jeffrey Pine on mountain range to W at approximately the same altitude., 1250m
1683700 Ernest J. Palmer Palmer 17377 1920-05-07
Missouri, Jasper, Rocky open ground, near Oronogo.
1683727 Delzie Demaree Demaree 45487 1962-05-03
Arkansas, Montgomery, Near Lake Ouachita. Common. P.O. Mount Ida., 229m
1643640 Chester T. Dziekanowski Dziekanowski 2370 1976-06-09
Wisconsin, Ashland, Ashland, on grounds of new hospital.
1643800 Ernest J. Palmer Palmer 55552 1953-05-11
Missouri, Dade, Sandy open ground, 1 1/2 mi W of Bona.
1643843 Chester T. Dziekanowski Dziekanowski 2796 1977-06-22
Wisconsin, Grant, 0.2 mi S of S side of Boscobel city limits and Crooked Creek. In sand pit area; oaks, pines, and black locust trees.
1643748 Francis E. Drouet Drouet 2875 1936-05-06
Missouri, Boone, On old fields and barrens on ridges, Federal Wildlife Area E of Ashland.
1643541 E.S. Link Link UMO 10001 1892-07-16
Missouri, Henry
1644031 Ernest J. Palmer Palmer 65371 1957-05-27
Missouri, Newton, Thickets and waste ground, George Washington Carver National Monument, Diamond.
1643996 Anderson, * Anderson K77 1976-05-08
Missouri, Johnson, SEE NOTE. Warrensburg; Pertle Springs; pasture area very grassy.
1643891 Ernest J. Palmer Palmer 62405 1956-05-23
Missouri, Polk, Waste open ground, 2 mi N of Eudora.
1656915 Mary Susan Taylor Taylor 1801 1988-05-17
Missouri, Carroll, In upland timothy-orchard grass pasture.
1630626 ELROD ELROD UMO 172727 1902-06-28
Montana, Flathead, From the Biological Station at Flathead Lake.
1643212 Jesse H. Holms Holms UMO 22800 1888-00-00
District of Columbia
1643084 Lyster H. Dewey Dewey 211 1895-05-22
Virginia, Arlington, Mouth of Four Mile Run. Abundant everywhere.
1643176 Francis P. Daniels Daniels UMO 22798 1898-00-00
Massachusetts, Middlesex, Weed in fields, Cambridge, MA.
1643133 James A. Kelsey Kelsey 84 1891-06-00
New Jersey, Somerset, Middlebush, NJ.
1642992 Harold W. Rickett Rickett UMO 22802 1926-06-22
Wisconsin, Wood, Wisconsin Rapids, WI.
1642923 Harold W. Rickett Rickett UMO 6444 1927-05-08
Missouri, Boone, Tin Spout Hill, S of Columbia, MO.
1642459 Francis P. Daniels Daniels UMO 1873 1903-00-00
Missouri, Boone, Fields, Columbia, MO.
1642497 Billy Joe Cox|David B. Dunn Cox 1282 1969-06-07
Colorado, Gunnison, 17.3 mi W of muddy pass on US 40. Rocky ridge on mt. side. Scrub oak, Aspen. Semi chapparal.
1642538 Katherine L. Morris|et al. Morris 396 1973-06-07
California, Mendocino, In a deep valley with douglas fir and oaks. 6 mi S of junction 101 and 162 on Hwy 101.
1642586 Ronald Flaspohler Flaspohler 17 1960-06-24
Missouri, Callaway, Collected along the east side of the Tucker Prarie near the margin of the uncut and cut areas, from the east gate and Laboratory northward to the area around the pond near Highway 40, prior to devel-Hwy. 70., 38.9488889 -91.9944444, 247m
1642874 Harold W. Rickett Rickett UMO 6443 1927-05-13
Missouri, Boone, Columbia, MO., 38.95167 -92.33389
1642823 Frank C. Gates Gates 15417 1928-08-02
Michigan, Emmet, A herb in railway ballas N of Carp Lake. Collected in the vicinity of the University of Michigan Biological Station.
1642626 Benjamin F. Bush Bush 14637 1935-04-25
Missouri, Lawrence, Roadsides, Mount Vernon, MO.
1642677 Ernest H. Favor Favor UMO 1872 1902-05-06
Missouri, Boone
1642732 Ernest H. Favor Favor UMO 10000 1901-06-16
Missouri, Saint Louis
1619377 Jonathan A. Ellis|David B. Dunn|Rob Dunn Ellis 451 1975-05-02
Missouri, Callaway, Forest #4. Oak-hickory, with q. Alba dominating. Understory with cornus, Acer, sassafras, prunus, vitis, & rubus. Rhus aromatica abundant. Vicinity of Reform, mo.
187297 Mary Merello|et al. Merello 588 1992-11-25
Florida, Orange, Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom Grounds., 28.5 -81.45, 200m
1681383 DUGGER DUGGER s.n. 1894-06-11
New Hampshire, White wood sorrel. Lary's swamp, shelburne.
1681458 DUGGER DUGGER s.n. 1894-06-11
New Hampshire, Lary's swamp. Shelburne,n.h. White wood sorrel.
112560 Peter H. Raven Raven 28045 1992-08-02
New York, Franklin, Birch Island, Upper St. Regis Lake. In woods., 44.28055 -74.27222, 500m
1746754 Peter H. Raven Raven 28364 2002-07-30
Washington, Skagit, Guemes Island., 48.53333 -122.61666
100503492 Shane R. Miller Miller 100 2005-05-20
Pennsylvania, Beaver, Clinton, Raccoon Creek State Park Wildflower Reserve., 40.5044485 -80.3610108
100504632 W.D. Longbottom Longbottom 12854 2009-05-25
Maryland, Caroline, Idylwild Wildlife Management Area, parking area just south of Bloomery Road on Smithwille Road, growing around parking lot., 38.7613333 -75.74275
3534842 Paul L. Redfearn, Jr. Redfearn Jr. 27311 1971-04-25
Missouri, Saint Clair, Glade along east bank of Salt Creek just north of Highway B, ca 4.5 mi E of Osceola open soil of sandstone glade, 38.05916 -93.79166
3535154 Paul L. Redfearn, Jr. Redfearn Jr. 731 1969-07-19
Missouri, Shannon, Botanical Survey of the Ozark National Scenic Riverways, near Bay Creek, N bank of Jack's Fork River, ca. 4 mi SW of Alley Springs; Station 8, Site 1 old field, 37.1266667 -91.4991666, 238m
3533287 Ernest J. Palmer Palmer 64950 1957-05-06
Missouri, Christian, Billings waste open ground, 37.0675 -93.55194
3530290 Ernest J. Palmer Palmer 150 1902-05-25
Missouri, Jasper, Webb City common in fields, 37.1463889 -94.4627778
3532821 Ernest J. Palmer Palmer 5736 1914-05-25
Missouri, Stone, Galena dry open ground, 36.8052778 -93.4663889