G. Rink 3914 2004-07-26
COLORADO, San Juan County, San Juan National Forest, Forested slope in Elk Creek about one third of the way from the the Animas River to the Beaver Ponds at the confluence of Vestal Creek., 37.724325 -107.637997, 2804m
D. H. Pellissier 61 1970-09-15
New Mexico, Grant County, Gila National Forest; Upper S Diamond Creek along crest, 33.22814365 -107.8859373, 2682m
R. P. Boone 118-B 1930-07-10
New Mexico, Grant County, Gila National Forest; South Diamond Creek, crest, 33.23694894 -107.8534325, 2865m
Jack L. Carter 162 1991-06-22
New Mexico, Rio Arriba County, State property; 5 miles north of Hwy 84 junction on Hwy 17, 36.8997052 -106.5790597, 2576m
TEX00517571 Harold N. Moldenke 11576 1941-06-22
United States, New York, Suffolk, Bridgehampton., 40.937878 -72.300916
399042 James S. Miller|et al. Miller 6780 1991-08-15
Colorado, Park, Along Park County road 23, 5.1 mi N of U.S. route 24., 39.13333 -105.5, 2970m
398685 Bruce A. Stein Stein 1846 1984-08-07
Colorado, Larimer, Roosevelt National Forest, Hwy 28, 14 miles west of Poudre (Hwy 237). Elev. 7,100 ft. Lodgepole pine forest., 215m
398360 Bruce A. Stein Stein 1939 1984-08-18
Colorado, Larimer, east slope of Lily Mountain, ca. 5 miles south of Estes Park off Hwy 7. Elev. 8800 ft. Open Pinus ponderosa and P. contorta woodland on decomposed granite soil and large granite outcrops., 270m
1591928 John R. Stone Stone 3355 2001-12-14
Missouri, Saint Louis City, St. Louis, Missouri Botanical Garden. Garden grounds south of Ridgeway under Magnolia trees.
1184656 Mary Klinger|Alan Lievens Klinger 322 1997-08-13
Missouri, Saint Louis City, Cultivated at the Missouri Botanical Garden., 38.6 -90.25, 160m
1182947 William G. D'Arcy D'Arcy 14779 1981-07-02
Alberta, Ca. 14 mi. W of Alta. 22. Top of Plateau Mountain (West of Turner Valley)., 2000m
100428504 Karen M. Meyer|Andrew Townesmith Meyer 1143 2011-07-21
South Dakota, Pennington, Black Hills National Forest. 4.2 miles on FS road 530 (Horse Creek Rd.) off FS rd. 249, at Slate Dam. Pine & Spruce forest, with slate outcroppings, opening into meadows., 44.0388889 -103.6252778, 1619m
100440506 Otto Degener|Isa Degener|W. Fleming Degener 25038[A] 1959-03-27
Hawaii, Maui, West Maui, east of Honokowai Valley, on grassy pastured plateau., 457m
1305257 James S. Miller|John K. Myers Miller 10147 1998-11-15
Washington, King, Seattle, El Mercado Latino, 1514 Pike Place.
100543965 Gerrit Davidse|Collotzi, Albert William Davidse 548 1966-06-05
Oregon, Wallowa, 14.5 miles NE of Wallowa.
1370441 John K. Myers Myers 860 1999-07-14
Washington, King, Seattle. Tenzing Momo, 93 Pike., 47.60639 -122.33083
1900547 John R. Stone|Greg Gust Stone 3904 2003-07-14
Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest, 5 km west of Fraser. Pinus-Populus forest., 39.95916 -105.75305, 2800m
100193416 Otto Degener|Isa Degener|W. Fleming Degener 25038 1959-03-27
Hawaii, Maui, West Maui, east of Honokowai Valley, on grassy pastured plateau., 457m
100784382 Benjamin W. van Ee van Ee 1322 2011-08-28
South Dakota, Lawrence, Spearfish Canyon, Botany Bay., 44.4214723 -103.8836805, 1310m
100759320 Clyde F. Reed Reed 31157 1953-01-03
New Jersey, Ocean, Along Rt. #70, SW of Lakehurst.
2906846 Andrew Townesmith|Greg Gust|Leith Nye Townesmith 226 2005-07-21
Colorado, Gunnison, Gunnison National Forest, 0.15 miles up unnumbered side road off Forest Service Road 237, 2.95 miles E of junction with Forest Service Road 888, vicinity of Monarch Pass. Dry, open Pinus contorta ssp. latifolia forest with Populus tremuloides and Arctostaphylos uva-ursi., 38.49944 -106.39583, 2991m
100215486 Francis P. Daniels Daniels s.n. 1900-05-00
Michigan, Manistee, Sand dunes of Lake Michigan, Manistee, MI.
100656473 Robert Kral Kral 59873 1976-09-01
Wyoming, Albany, By I-80, Laramie Mts, Medicine Bow National Forest., 2621m
100656474 Robert Kral Kral 58973 1976-09-01
Wyoming, Albany, By I-80, Laramie Mts, Medicine Bow National Forest., 2621m
100224687 Charles A. Geyer Geyer s.n. 1839-00-00
South Dakota, Near Cedars or Pines; [? tected?] at Castle Rock near Vermillion River, upper Mississippi; 15 miles S from Fort Snelling. Soil: sandy, mouldy, dry.
uva-ursi (Fernald & J.F. Macbr.) Á. Löve, D. Löve & S.L. Kapoor
1951473 George B. Rossbach Rossbach 2551 1932-10-09
Massachusetts, Barnstable, Abundant in open sandy woods.
100201014 Horace Mann|W.T. Brigham Mann 623
Hawaii, Kauai, Koloa.
100201016 Charles N. Forbes Forbes 488K 1916-10-04
Hawaii, Kauai, Lihue.
100201019 Gunnel|Bo-Hagard Peterson Gunnel 4723 1984-01-20
Hawaii, Honolulu, Bishop Museum between the restaurant and the halau.
100201057 Emilio Ordoñez Ordoñez 12935 1940-09-15
Hawaii, Maui, Waihee., 914m
100802417 William J. Cody Cody 12545 1962-10-01
Ontario, Lanark Co, 'The Burnt Lands', 1 mile NE of Almonte.
100827814 Leroy J. Korschgen Korschgen s.n. 1980-08-13
Michigan, Mackinac, 10 mi. W of St. Ignace.
100347171 Gregory A. Wahlert Wahlert 84 2007-06-05
Colorado, Gunnison, Gunnison National Forest, NF road 839 ("Alpine Tunnel Road") 3 miles east of Pitkin, along Middle Quartz Creek., 38.6 -106.45, 3155m
100347176 Gregory A. Wahlert Wahlert 85 2007-06-05
Colorado, Gunnison, Gunnison National Forest, NF road 839 ("Alpine Tunnel Road") 3 miles east of Pitkin, along Middle Quartz Creek., 38.6 -106.45, 3155m
100895885 R.H. Zander Zander s.n.
California, San Francisco
100289595 Heinrich Wawra Wawra von Fernsee 1990
Hawaii, Kauai, Pandanus-Wälder.
100289599 Heinrich Wawra Wawra von Fernsee 1961
Hawaii, Maui, Trockene Höhen um Waihee.
100269898 E.J. Rémy Rémy 225 1851-00-00
Hawaii, Kauai, Iles Sandwich - Kauai.
100386433 U.S. Expl. Exped. U.S. Expl. Exped. s.n.
Hawaii, U.S. South Pacific Exploring Expedition 1838-1842. Oahu and Kauai.
100410609 Walter H. Lewis|Memory Elvin-Lewis Lewis 14668 1989-10-14
Ontario, Algoma Dist. Hwy 17 N of Sault Ste Marie, Harmony Black Rd, beach on Lake Superior.
100289593 Heinrich Wawra Wawra von Fernsee 1812b
Hawaii, Maui, Kahle Hügel um Waihee.
398258 Bruce A. Stein Stein 1890 1984-08-11
Wyoming, Albany, Medicine Bow Mountains Snowy Range ca. 60 miles west of Larimie. East slope of Medicine Bow Peak. Elev. 11,000 - 11,500 ft. Alpine meadows and fell-fields., 300m
100215494 Francis P. Daniels Daniels s.n. 1900-07-00
Michigan, Manistee, Sand dunes of Lake Michigan, Manistee, MI.
100288223 Folke Fagerlind|Carl Skottsberg Fagerlind 6476 1948-03-04
Hawaii, Kauai, Lawai valley, near the sea.
100201024 Otto Degener|Isa Degener|W. Fleming Degener 25032 1959-03-30
Hawaii, Maui, West Maui, Punalau.
100215302 Francis P. Daniels Daniels s.n. 1899-05-00
Michigan, Ottawa, Dunes of Lake Michigan, Grand Haven, MI.
1368559 John K. Myers Myers 638 1999-07-14
Washington, King, Seattle. El Mercado Latino, 1514 Pike Place, No. 6., 47.6087 -122.3406
1375881 James C. Solomon Solomon 1429 1975-08-03
Minnesota, Cook, East end of Sea Gull Lake.
1655869 Robin C. Kennedy Kennedy RK93WYO-7-5 1993-07-15
Wyoming, Fremont, S side of the Little PoPo Agie River., 2670m
100201021 Charles N. Forbes Forbes 81M 1910-05-00
Hawaii, Maui, Napiki, W. Maui.
1305519 James S. Miller|John K. Myers Miller 10224 1998-11-16
Washington, King, Seattle, Mari Dow Health Way, 1900 N. 45th. Street.