TEX00565727 Dora Sylvester 1517 1987-10-18
United States, Texas, Brewster, Huff Canyon, Chihuahuan Desert.
BRIT279341 Toney M. Keeney 10239 1992-04-15
United States, Texas, Val Verde, SWTJC building #7 and east of the S.F.D.R.C.I.S.D. administrative building on Cantu Drive at Del Rio.
BRIT279340 Frank W. Gould 6969 1955-11-10
United States, Texas, Val Verde, 3 miles east of Del Rio.
BRIT279339 Barton H. Warnock 716 1949-05-01
United States, Texas, Val Verde, Along hiway 163, 3 mi N. Comstock., 488m
BRIT279338 George L. Fisher B 15172 1932-08-20
United States, Texas, Val Verde, Del Rio., 290m
BRIT279337 Toney Keeney 909 1973-04-29
United States, Texas, Uvalde, [No additional locality data on sheet]
BRIT279336 Toney M. Keeney 3653 1983-10-13
United States, Texas, Uvalde, Along the Frio River on South Texas Aggregates northwest of Knippa.
BRIT279335 V. L. Cory 52139 1946-05-07
United States, Texas, Reeves, 18½ miles southwest of Pecos.
BRIT279334 U. T. Waterfall 4385 1943-06-08
United States, Texas, Reeves, 2 miles west of Toyah.
BRIT279332 L. C. Hinckley 1741 1941-06-18
United States, Texas, Presidio, Near mouth narrow gorge just SW. Capote Peak, Sierra Tierra Vieja., 1433m
BRIT279331 Eula Whitehouse 10139 1941-06-19
United States, Texas, Presidio, 12 miles south of Valentine on Espy Miller Ranch in Sierra Vieja Mts.
BRIT279330 Geo. L. Fisher B 15074 1932-08-24
United States, Texas, Pecos, Fort Stockton, 1006m
BRIT279329 Toney Keeney 9984 1990-06-09
United States, Texas, Kinney, Along Sycamore Creek on the west side of Kickapoo Caverns State Park site.
BRIT279328 D. S. Correll 19457 1958-07-08
United States, Texas, Kinney, Hill 17 miles southeast of Del Rio, route #277.
BRIT279327 Scott Lewis 331 1976-08-19
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis, Davis Mountain State Park. At scenic overlook at top of "scenic loop" in park
BRIT279326 D. S. Correll 13557 1946-07-30
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis, Sprowles Ranch, about ten miles northwest of Fort Davis.
BRIT279325 Kim I. Miller 1218 1961-07-29
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis, 4-5 miles north of the junction of Rts. 505 & 166 on Rt. 166, roadside
BRIT279324 Geyata Ajilvsgi 6624 1979-11-05
United States, Texas, Duval, ca. 4.5 mi. n. of Hebbronville, ca. .5 mi. n. of county line, ca. .9 mi. w. of Hwy. 16; near Mesquite creek.
BRIT279323 U. T. Waterfall 5783 1944-10-10
United States, Texas, Culberson, North of Van Horn.
BRIT279322 C. L. Lundell 13288 1944-08-27
United States, Texas, Brewster, Chisos Mts, in Basin near cabins.
BRIT279320 V. L. Cory 53170 1946-05-17
United States, Texas, Brewster, 5 miles northwest of Alpine; low place on shoulder of highway.
BRIT279319 Barton H. Warnock 46572 1946-10-21
United States, Texas, Brewster, Along highway; about 18 miles east of Alpine.