TEX00091556 Marshall C. Johnston 12886 1985-10-05
Mexico, Chihuahua, Near Río Grande, NE of Sa Mulato, above a narrow side canyon, 1 km below the narrow box canyon in the upper part of Colorado Canyon, 29.3 -104.025
TEX00091557 Fernando Chiang C.|Tom Wendt|Marshall C. Johnston 9716 1972-10-20
Mexico, Chihuahua, Ca 9 Km W of Ojinaga, on the Hwy to Chihuahua City, 29.57778 -104.46667
TEX00091558 Ivan M. Johnston 8027 1941-08-10
Mexico, Chihuahua, Along rd from Ojinaga to Castillon, Coah, via La Mula, Trincheras, Pirámide and San Salvador
TEX00091559 Fernando Chiang C.|Tom Wendt|Marshall C. Johnston 9718-A 1972-10-20
Mexico, Chihuahua, Ca 9 Km W of Ojinaga, on the Hwy to Chihuahua City, 29.57778 -104.46667
TEX00091560 Marshall C. Johnston 12883 1985-10-05
Mexico, Chihuahua, Near Río Grande, NE of Sa Mulato, above a narrow side canyon ca 1 Km below the narrow box canyon in the upper part of Colorado Canyon, 29.3 -104.025
TEX00091561 Fernando Chiang C.|Tom Wendt|Marshall C. Johnston 9654 1972-10-02
Mexico, Chihuahua, 33.5 Km by winding rd SE of Ejido Paso de San Antonio, toward Rancho El Carrizal Grande (Coah.), NE flank of Sa de Hechiceros, 28.85 -103.56667
TEX00091562 Mark H. Mayfield 1478 1992-06-04
Mexico, Coahuila, Muzquiz, Ca 140 rd Km NW of Muzquiz, on Coa Hwy 2A (Mzq-Boquillas), Cuesta del Plomo area, ca 3 rd Km S along rd originating just SE of crest of 2A, 28.675 -102.49167
TEX00091563 Mark H. Mayfield 1477 1992-06-04
Mexico, Coahuila, Muzquiz, Ca 140 rd Km NW of Muzquiz, on Coa Hwy 2A (Mzq-Boquillas), Cuesta del Plomo area, ca 3 rd Km S along rd originating just SE of crest of 2A, 28.71944 -102.51389
TEX00091564 Fernando Chiang C.|Tom Wendt|Marshall C. Johnston 9627 1972-10-01
Mexico, Coahuila, 4 Km by winding rd N of Rancho Santa Anita, and about 5 Km due E of Castillón, 28.35 -103.51667
TEX00091565 Fernando Chiang C.|Tom Wendt|Marshall C. Johnston 9639 1972-10-01
Mexico, Coahuila, W slope of Picacho de Noche Buena, 28.43333 -103.43333
TEX00473486 William R. Carr|Lynn Loomis|et al. 34275 2014-08-26
United States, Texas, Presidio, In Alamito Creek; ca. 0.7-1.2 airmiles N of R. M. 169 bridge near Plata (Alamito); W part of Kennedy Ranch., 29.89092 -104.01531
TEX00473509 William R. Carr|Mary Lou Price 31501 2012-08-22
United States, Texas, Presidio, Just north of HQ and barns ca. 1.9 airmiles E to ESE of St. Rt. 169 bridge over Alamito Creek just N of Plata. Kennedy Ranch (Dixon Water Foundation). Puerto Potrillo Quadrangle., 29.87342 -103.99117
TEX00479344 Grady L. Webster 32542 1997-10-11
United States, Texas, Presidio, 2 mi. NW of Redford, below Bofecillos Canyon. Big Bend State Natural Area., 29.46667 -104.2
TEX00479920 Albert Michael Powell 3562 1981-03-14
United States, Texas, Brewster, Near Tornillo Creek.
TEX00488160 William R. Carr|Brush Freeman|Diane Sherrill 34321 2014-08-28
United States, Texas, Presidio, Along Alamito Creek ca. 0.7-1.2 airmiles N of R. M. 169 bridge near Plata (Alamito). W part of Kennedy Ranch., 29.89414 -104.01431
TEX00528873 Richard D. Worthington 14696 1986-08-23
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana, West Potrillo Mts, Guzman's Lookout Mtn., 31.821553 -107.225422
TEX00528874 Richard D. Worthington 21621 1992-10-03
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana, Potrillo Mts, West Potrillo Mts, Guzman's Lookout Mtn., 31.82334 -107.225679
NLU0147934 John A. Churchill 94220 1994-09-24
United States, Texas, Brewster, Lajita. Along the Rio Grande near village.