V.W. Steinmann, A. Búrquez, J.T. Columbus, J.M. Porter, L. Raz, A.L. Reina G., E.H. Roalson, T.R. Van Devender, L. Varela E. 1024 1996-09-06
Sonora, Yécora, Mesa del Campanero, Arroyo Largo at the head of Barranca El Salto., 28.33333 -109.025, 2000m
John Wiens, Mark Fishbein, Shelley McMahon, Karen Hooper, David Yetman, Cynthia Lindquist, John Wiens, Rigoberto Lopez s.n. 1995-09-09
Sonora, Álamos, Rio Mayo region. Mesa El Campanero, Arroyo Largo, at head of Barranca El Salto. At large waterfall in pine oak forest with Pinus engelmannii, Quercus arizonica, Q. hypoleucoides, Juniperus deppena, Lasianthaea, Hedeoma, Commelina, Glandularia, Ipomopsis, Monarda, Peperomia campylotropa, Salvia microphylla. 28º21 1/2.N, 109º02.W., 28.35 -109.03333, 2060m
Elaine Joyal 1896 1991-10-21
Sonora, Yécora, Yecora hwy 2.6 mi. W of old Yecora turn-off; steep N face with drainage with perennial spring. Oak-pine forest, with Platanus, Brahea, Nolina, Vitis, Ribes Prunus, Rhus toxicodendron, Agave, many pteridophytes. 28 21.N, 109 03-04.W. c. 1300(?) m., 28.35 -109.06667, 1300m
A.L. Reina G., T.R. Van Devender, M.E. Fishbein, R. Spellenberg, G.M. Ferguson 98-947 1998-08-16
Sonora, Yécora, Microwave tower on north edge of Mesa del Campanero; pine-oak forest., 28.36667 -109.03194, 2240m
1431940 Bro. Clemente Cl. 5005 1946-04-17
HolguÃn, Play de Moa, Este, Oriente.
1431941 A. H. Liogier A. 991 1949-07-00
HolguÃn, Cerro de Miraflores, Cananova. Or., 20.617629 -75.039103
01431938 C. Wright 3710
1431939 J. P. Carabia 3802 1940-04-21
Oriente: Sierra de Nipe, Loma La Bandera.
1431942 J. A. Shafer 1288 1909-04-09
Oriente: across savanna to Loma Frayle
83602 E. L. Ekman 5948 1915-06-08
Prov. Oriente: Sierra de Nipe, Loma de Estrella, in "charrascales", 20.416666 -75.850015
584043 Marshall R. Crosby|Nancy R. Morin Crosby 14527 1982-09-04
Illinois, Saint Clair, St. Clair County. At intersection of State Roads 13 and 156.
1798082 Zack E. Murrell Murrell 174 1969-09-15
Louisiana, Lincoln, 3 miles south of Ruston off U.S. 167. Off side of road.
1370379 James C. Solomon Solomon 1285 1974-09-12
Illinois, Knox, Marshy area along Pig Creek. NW quarter, Sec. 2, Chestnut township., 40.796 -90.232
1704579 M. Naibi Naibi 37 2000-06-07
Missouri, Saint Louis City, Missouri Botanical Garden. Orchid greenhouses., 38.61306 -90.25917
1798086 Delzie Demaree Demaree 56986 1967-09-07
Arkansas, Montgomery, Rocky creek bottoms. P.O. Norman., 226m
1372286 James C. Solomon Solomon 1307 1974-09-12
Illinois, Knox, West center, Sec. 2, Cedar township., 40.881 -90.363
1625570 Ernest J. Palmer Palmer 34378 1928-06-06
Texas, Jeff Davis, On porphyritic cliff, Upper Limpia Canyon, Davis Mountains., 2100m
100757267 J. Richard Abbott|Ralph L. Thompson Abbott 4259 1992-09-01
Kentucky, Madison, Fort Boonesborough State Park, southwest of junction of KY 627 and the Kentucky River., 37.90056 -84.268333
3436025 J. Richard Abbott|Ralph L. Thompson Abbott 4259 1992-09-01
Kentucky, Madison, Fort Boonesborough State Park, southwest of junction of KY 627 and the Kentucky River. Disturbed areas and woodland edges.