TEX00086935 Andrew C. Sanders|M. Guzy|V. Van Way|D. Charlton|B. McIntosh 4515 1983-12-30
Mexico, Sinaloa, Sa Madre Occidental, along Hwy 40, 0.9 mi below Potrerillos, 6.7 mi above La Capilla del Taxte, and ca 32 mi NE of Concordia, 23.46667 -105.9
TEX00140041 E. Solano C. 554 1988-11-01
Mexico, Oaxaca, Mpio Putla, Dto de Putla, ca 2 Km al NE de San Pedro; orilla W del Río de la Cuchara
TEX00140042 E. Solano C. 581 1988-12-30
Mexico, Oaxaca, Mpio Putla, Dto de Putla, ca 2 Km al NE de San Pedro; orilla W del Río de la Cuchara
TEX00140043 D. Bates|O. Blanchard|Paul A. Fryxell 1539 1970-10-05
Mexico, Durango, Near Village of Potrerillos, near Sinaloa state line
TEX00140044 Paul A. Fryxell 1038 1969-06-13
Mexico, Jalisco, 4 mi S of Autlán at K1047
TEX00140045 Janice G. Saunders|Bill Scherrer|R. McMurry|C. K. McMurry 1993 1987-12-27
Mexico, Jalisco, 15.2 mi W of turnoff of Hwy 15 at Tepic on rd to San Blass; Los Otates
TEX00140046 L. Vázquez 1423 1991-10-17
Mexico, Colima, Comala, Rancho el Jabali, 20 Km (airline) N of Colima in the SW foothills of the Vol de Colima, at the upper end of the Avenida Bambues, 19.43333 -103.7
TEX00140047 Emily J. Lott|B. L. Phillips|Lucía Vázquez V.|I. Garcia Ruiz|Beth M. Rothschild 2936 1990-10-27
Mexico, Colima, Comala, Rancho El Jabalí, 22 Km NNW of Colima in the SW foothills of the Vol Colima, Colima/Jalisco line passes through ranch, 19.45 -103.7
TEX00140048 Andrew C. Sanders|B. L. Phillips|Beth M. Rothschild 10329 1991-01-07
Mexico, Jalisco, Along the rd between La Becerrera and Lago La María, 22 Km (airline) NNW of Colima in the SW foothills of the Vol de Colima, 19.455 -103.70833
TEX00140049 Andrew C. Sanders|B. L. Phillips|Beth M. Rothschild 10253 1991-01-05
Mexico, Colima, Comala, Rancho el Jabalí, 22 Km (airline) NNW of Colima in the SW foothills of the Vol de Colima, the Colima/Jalisco line cuts through the ranch, 19.45 -103.7
TEX00140050 Grady L. Webster|Gary Breckon 15763 1970-10-19
Mexico, Nayarit, Along rd between Compostela and Las Varas, 28 mi by rd SW of Tepic, 21.16667 -105
TEX00420064 Rogers McVaugh 25362 1970-12-14
Mexico, Jalisco, Cabo Corrientes, Río Las Juntas, 10-13 Km SE of El Tuito
TEX00420400 Jennie V. A. Dieterle 4043 1971-11-03
Mexico, Jalisco, Puerto Vallarta, in the gorge of Río Horcones, about 27 Km by rd S from Puerto Vallarta
TEX00420480 Rogers McVaugh 25556 1970-12-19
Mexico, Jalisco, Puerto Vallarta, Arroyo de las Palmas, 3 Km N of Las Palmas
TEX00450818 Ana L. Reina-Guerrero|Thomas R. Van Devender|A. M. van der Heiden|S. Guido S.|et al. 2007-158 2007-02-28
Mexico, Sinaloa, Concordia, Between Rancho El Coyote and Arroyo El Coco, Comunidad La Guásima (north-northeast of Concordia)., 23.39028 -105.97833