BRIT24712 W. L. McCart 1804 1939-04-26
Texas, Denton County
BRIT24712 W. L. McCart 1804 1939-04-26
Texas, Denton County
435997 Peter H. Raven Raven 27043 1986-06-01
Missouri, Jefferson, 6.5 mi (10.5 W of DeSoto). T39N, R3E, Sec. 11. Open woods on cherty ridgetop, above bluff near Big River, ca. 0.1 mi (0.16 km) NNE of its confluence with Parker Creek. Elev. 600 ft (185 m)., 38.125 -90.675, 185m
435934 James C. Solomon Solomon 34 1971-05-10
Illinois, Knox, Knox College campus, Galesburg. Sec. 15, T11N, R1E., 40.9427 -90.3714, 230m
435891 James S. Miller Miller 4893 1990-04-20
Missouri, Saint Louis City, Missouri Botanical Garden., 38.6 -90.25, 160m
436056 Guang Hua Zhu Zhu 1012 1992-04-26
Missouri, Saint Charles, Riverlands Environmental Demonstration Area (REDA), [US Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District]. Along the Mississippi River directly across from Alton, Illinois, adjacent to the Melvin Price Lock and Dam (26)., 38.86388 -90.15555, 125m
436093 James C. Solomon Solomon 172 1971-06-04
Missouri, Gasconade, Bridge over First Creek, ca. 0.5 mi. SW on County J from Highway 100 (ca. 4 mi SE of Gasconade). Riverine bottom land along First Creek., 38.63333 -91.51666, 160m
1631743 Ernest J. Palmer Palmer 57390 1954-04-29
Missouri, Newton, Along indian creek about 3-4 miles se of christopher
1689717 Joe Ryan Ryan 1591 1990-05-05
Missouri, Boone, In low moist woods along sinkhole trail about 150m s of the trailhead., 193m
1086800 Alan Lievens Lievens 5760 1995-05-22
Missouri, Saint Louis City, Weed growing in the Mausoleum area, coordinates 24 E, Missouri Botanical Garden., 38.6 -90.25, 160m
3464938 Delzie Demaree Demaree 53696 1966-05-28
Nebraska, Cass, P.O. Plattsmouth. Platt River bottoms. Common., 305m
100506490 Rebekah Mohn Mohn 4-12-12-3 2012-04-12
Missouri, Andrew, Farm of Ken and Joanna Mohn, 40.07 -94.98
957849 James C. Solomon Solomon 790 1974-06-08
Illinois, Knox, Knox College Field Station. 4 mi. S of Victoria., 40.48 -90.06, 230m
1749007 Gerrit Davidse Davidse 1113 1968-06-01
Iowa, Story, Ames., 42.03472 -93.61972
3521299 Hoffmann, Ralph Hoffmann s.n. 1917-05-27
Missouri, Jackson, Dodson rich woods, 38.975 -94.55277
3523757 John H. Kellogg Kellogg 1950 1928-05-09
Missouri, Franklin, Gray Summit, 38.48972 -90.81666
3526133 Robert J. Lemaire Lemaire 1179 1961-05-10
Missouri, Daviess, Wayside Park on S bank of Grand River, ca. 2 mi. S of Pattonsburg park on bank of river, very common
3526007 Douglas G. LeDoux LeDoux 1399 1974-05-05
Missouri, Warren, Wegener Woods, 0.5 mi. N of Holstein, along county road N virgin oak-hickory forest, succeeding to Sugar Maple
3527102 Gordon T. Maupin Maupin 1068 1975-05-11
Missouri, Dent, Montauk State Park base of N facing bluff, 37.44472 -91.67361
3529454 Wanda Oskins Oskins 126 1978-05-13
Missouri, Johnson, 1.1 mi. on BB, W from Highway 13, S of Warrensburg growing on creekbank
3527633 Paul M. McKenzie McKenzie 1356 1994-04-28
Missouri, Montgomery, Graham Cave State Park; Montgomery City 7.5 Quadrangle abundant in low depression just E of the Loutre River boat ramp and adjacent to small leveeFloerkea proserpinacoides, 38.90111 -91.57305
3509993 Melvin L. Conrad Conrad 5363 1969-05-08
Missouri, Adair, Chariton River valley, 6.3 mi N67.W of Kirksville weed in disturbed field ar margin of deciduous woods
3512113 Billy Joe Cox Cox 1196 1969-06-01
Missouri, Boone, Columbia, 10 mi NE sandstone bluffs, 38.95166 -92.33388, 226m
3512205 Thomas B. Croat Croat 17104 1972-05-13
Missouri, Camden, Lake of the Ozarks State Park rich loam in rocky forest; flowers white with dark dots on lobes near base; fruits green, probably immature
3512299 Donald R. Crookshanks Crookshanks 11 1937-04-09
Missouri, Linn, open woods
3512329 Donald R. Crookshanks Crookshanks 243 1937-05-16
Missouri, Sullivan, shaded woods
3511221 Melvin L. Conrad Conrad 9056 1981-05-19
Missouri, Randolph, NEMO Coal Company Strip Mine Project n facing deciduous woods, 39.54888 -92.48583, 204m
3510725 Melvin L. Conrad|D. Kangas Conrad 10139 1985-04-19
Missouri, Randolph, Thomas Hill Reservoir, S; SW of State Highway 3; Middle Fork of Chariton River roadside, 39.50916 -92.67194, 204m
3514418 John Davis Davis 7264 1917-05-18
Missouri, Marion, Hannibal Park, Hannibal roadsides
3514420 John Davis Davis 7289 1917-05-19
Missouri, Lincoln, Davis farm, near Whiteside dry rocky slopes, 39.18527 -91.01666
3514257 John Davis Davis 2353 1914-05-10
Missouri, Pike, Falicon, near Clarksville roadside
3520325 Norlan C. Henderson Henderson 94-157 1994-05-09
Missouri, Platte, Along County Road FF, about 2 mi N of Parkville roadside
3520340 Norlan C. Henderson Henderson 94-177 1994-05-09
Missouri, Buchanan, At the junction of US Highway 59 and Missouri Highway 45 roadside embankment
3507222 Arthur Christ Christ s.n. 1931-05-02
Missouri, Saint Louis, Creve Coeur lake, 38.71111 -90.48861
3503031 Benjamin F. Bush Bush 1457 1902-04-29
Missouri, Wayne, Williamsville common in woods, 36.97111 -90.54944
3502770 Benjamin F. Bush Bush 13451 1934-05-06
Missouri, Clay, wooded hills
3503773 Benjamin F. Bush Bush 4377 1907-04-28
Missouri, Shannon, Montier bottoms, 36.98694 -91.57527
3540898 Julian A. Steyermark Steyermark 18767 1935-04-27
Missouri, Henry, Along Grand River, 3 mi NE of Finey low ground along base of bluffs
3538566 Julian A. Steyermark Steyermark 10186 1936-04-26
Missouri, Barry, Along White River, between Schreiner Ferry and Shell Knob rich woods at base of limestone bluffs
3538765 Julian A. Steyermark Steyermark 10752 1936-05-24
Missouri, Benton, E of Duroc gravel slopes along Osage River
3538840 Julian A. Steyermark Steyermark 10974 1936-06-07
Missouri, Harrison, W of Blythedale north-facing wooded slopes along creek tributary to Thompson River
3537120 Jesse R. Singleton Singleton 13 1938-04-26
Missouri, Nodaway, W Fourth Street, Maryville creek bank
3533290 Ernest J. Palmer Palmer 65006 1957-05-07
Missouri, Christian, Near Ozark low open woods, along river, 37.02083 -93.20583
3532459 Ernest J. Palmer Palmer 51708 1951-05-06
Missouri, Dade, 2.5 mi. E of Pennsboro moist shaded ground
3532720 Ernest J. Palmer Palmer 55938 1953-06-12
Missouri, Lafayette, Along Missouri River, 1.5 mi. NE of Dover shaded alluvial banks, along river
3532602 Ernest J. Palmer Palmer 5427 1914-04-30
Missouri, McDonald, Noel rich low woods, 36.54555 -94.485
3532580 Ernest J. Palmer Palmer 53657 1952-05-07
Missouri, Lawrence, 3.5 mi. NE of West Sycamore School moist ground along creek
3532684 Ernest J. Palmer Palmer 55406 1953-04-30
Missouri, Barton, 1 mi W of Nashville moist alluvial woods along creek
3532695 Ernest J. Palmer Palmer 55581 1953-05-20
Missouri, Newton, Along S side of Shoal Creek, 0.5 mi. E of Missouri-Kansas state line moist alluvial woods, along side of creek
3530479 Ernest J. Palmer Palmer 1853 1909-05-03
Missouri, Jasper, Webb City frequent in moist woods and thickets, 37.14638 -94.46277
3544587 Julian A. Steyermark Steyermark 5256 1938-04-29
Missouri, Ozark, Along North Fork of White River, near Arkansas line, between Pumphrey Ford and White Ferry, 1 1/2-2 1/2 mi S of Udall at base of wooded slopes of W-facing limestone bluffs, 36.52388 -92.25472
3544734 Julian A. Steyermark Steyermark 5693 1938-06-02
Missouri, Bates, Along Miami Creek, 2 mi SE of Mervin common in woods, 38.36194 -94.52027
3546329 Julian A. Steyermark Steyermark 7858 1934-05-27
Missouri, Mercer, Along Little River branch, 4 1/2 mi NE of Saline low woods
100608751 Francis P. Daniels Daniels s.n. 1903-05-00
Missouri, Boone, Moist waste places, Columbia.
3589035 Gerrit Davidse Davidse 39666 2008-06-07
Missouri, Saint Louis City, St. Louis, Missouri Botanical Garden, 2345 Tower Grove Ave, near staff parking lot gate., 38.61 -90.2577778, 160m
3570115 Bruce Schuette Schuette 0947 1985-05-03
Missouri, Lincoln, Cuivre River State Park, natural area, hamilton forest mesic forest, creek valley., 39.01111 -90.92611
3572714 Thiele, K. Thiele s.n. 2003-05-03
Missouri, Knox, Baring; on farm property of Joseph, Catherine, and Margaret Delancy low woods near stream
3554120 Wallace R. Weber Weber s.n. 1982-05-18
Missouri, Greene, Valley Water Mill, just N of Springfield
3550338 Bill Summers Summers 7364 1995-05-19
Missouri, Oregon, Mark Twain National Forest, Greer Spring Special Management Area, Long Hollow, about 3 mi NW of Greer hunting campsite on W side of road in wooded valley; disturbed open area; cherty, gravelly soil, 36.80611 -91.36138
3546378 Julian A. Steyermark Steyermark 7902 1934-05-27
Missouri, Schuyler, E of Livonia lower portion of wooded slopes along E side of Chariton River
100264678 Moore Moore 52-0429 1952-05-10
Arkansas, Newton, Bufdfalo Rier Valley Region, near Boxley, (40 miles SW of Harrison). Boston Mountains., 305m
100751569 John R. White White 128 1977-05-03
Missouri, Clay, Excelsior Springs, 718 Ruby Ave. In open wooded area east of house., 39.3469444 -94.3102778, 274m
100749413 Michael H. Nee Nee 61041 2014-05-12
Missouri, Lewis, La Grange, riverfront park and along railroad along Mississippi River., 40.0439 -91.4967, 146m
100749391 Michael H. Nee Nee 61064 2014-05-16
Missouri, Lewis, N side of Canton, Highway B., 40.1419 -91.5239, 148m
100828915 Leroy J. Korschgen|Thomas E. Toney Korschgen 1811 1973-05-03
Missouri, Pike, Ted Shanks Conservation Area â?" Dupont Reservation Conservation Area..
100334827 Brent Eastty Eastty MA-158 2007-05-14
Missouri, Macon, Flora of Moarng Macon Training Site; South 61 Training Area; NE side of Truman Road 900 ft S of intersection with Icebox Road; W of pond located between Hough Trail and Doniphan Road, 39.6501 -92.5124, 228m
100832891 Nels J. Holmberg Holmberg 2784 2008-04-28
Missouri, Franklin, Shaw Nature Reserve, Gray Summit, MO, Dana Brown Woods, 0.1 mile SSE of Dana Brown Overnight Center., 38.4714 -90.8128, 127m
100832952 Steve R. Turner Turner 15-042 2015-04-28
Missouri, Franklin, Along railroad immediately to southwest of St. Albans., 38.5794 -90.7747, 143m
100857986 Nels J. Holmberg Holmberg 5339 2015-05-20
Missouri, Moniteau, Prairie Home Conservation Area, Schaaf Creek, 70 m N of Cedron Road. Growing on creek bank, partly shaded, in association with Elymus virginicus., 38.7747 -92.5737, 210m
100358550 Norlan C. Henderson Henderson 67-758 1967-06-10
Missouri, Atchison, Along US 136, about 4 miles E of Rockport.
100362259 Robin C. Kennedy|John R. White|Baadi Tadych Kennedy TP-2010-9 2010-04-19
Missouri, Callaway, University of Missouri Tucker Prairie Research Station. ~20 mi. E of Columbia, along the S side of U.S. Interstate Hwy 70. 160 acres of never-plowed prairie. In woods at W side of prairie, near disturbed small ravine., 38.9472222 -91.9958333, 271m
100392908 Bruce Schuette Schuette 3056 2011-05-10
Missouri, Clark, Battle of Athens State Historic Park, in upland wooded campground., 40.5902777 -91.7069444
100747838 John R. White White 60 1959-04-29
Missouri, Boone, Hinkson Creek, 1 mile south of Columbia in Hinkson Creek area, west of Rock Quarry Rd.and south of Stadium Blvd., 213m
3522405 Stan Hudson Hudson 425 1994-05-19
Missouri, Butler, 2610 Shady Lane, Poplar Bluff waif, growing in edge of driveway
3527277 Ronald L. McGregor McGregor 37094 1986-05-28
Missouri, Holt, 4.5 mi SE of Forest City on Highway T edge of field; common
3518578 David Grimes Grimes 479 1977-04-24
Missouri, Boone, 1 mi. S Route AC on Rock Quarry Road side, 190m
3519325 Norlan C. Henderson Henderson 67-337 1967-05-05
Missouri, Cass, Along Missouri #58, at its junction with County Road BB, ca. 2 mi. E of Pleasant Hill roadside
100466728 King, S.H. King 360 2000-05-07
Missouri, Taney, Drury Conservation Area, between lake and 1st food plot on top of hill after large glade
3576871 Tim E. Smith Smith 4078 2005-05-02
Missouri, Ralls, Ca. 2 mi S of Spaulding. Eastern Section of Glaciated Plains Natural Division. SW side of Salt River; edge of riparian forest adjacent to riverbottom cornfield; common along edge of silver maple-dominated forest., 39.5833333 -91.5383333
3570837 Bruce Schuette Schuette 2555 1994-05-07
Missouri, Montgomery, Graham Cave State Park, loutre river bottomland forest, along trail. bottomland woods, 38.90138 -91.59166
3555311 George Yatskievych Yatskievych 93-27 1993-05-07
Missouri, Sainte Genevieve, Along Terre Bleue Creek, SE from County Highway JJ bridge gravel bar and lower terrace along stream at base of NE-facing sandstone bluff, common in mesic bottom, 37.88722 -90.39083, 238m
3552231 Bill Summers Summers 1256 1983-06-25
Missouri, Ralls, 2 1/2 mi E of New London sandy soil of old field, 39.57527 -91.3525
3528593 Viktor Muehlenbach Muehlenbach 34 1954-04-24
Missouri, Saint Louis City, St. Louis, right-of-way of the Burlington Railroad on an open area along the connection line between the grain elevator and the freight yard of the company
100468628 Nels J. Holmberg|Jonathon Bear Holmberg 3554 2011-05-09
Missouri, Scotland, 6.2 mi NE of Memphis, W bank of North Wyaconda River, S of unnamed county road., 40.5319445 -92.0811111, 212m
100859354 Erin Skornia|Tamara Riedle Skornia 77 2013-05-22
Missouri, Boone, Eagle Bluff Conservation Area., 38.8581 -92.4333
100911482 Gerrit Davidse Davidse 42937 2016-05-19
Missouri, Marion, Steyermark Woods Conservation Area, just north of Hannibal, ca. 1.3 road miles southeast of the intersection of MO Hwy 168 and MO Hwy 410., 39.7402777 -91.3894444, 164m
100608752 Francis P. Daniels Daniels s.n. 1903-05-00
Missouri, Boone, Low waste places, Columbia.
100608732 Francis P. Daniels Daniels s.n. 1897-05-00
Missouri, Boone, Waste places, Columbia, MO.
3570114 Bruce Schuette Schuette 0055 1983-05-09
Missouri, Lincoln, Cuivre River State Park, wild area, northwoods bottomland forest, in alluvial soil of young bottomland forest along big sugar creek, near fork in creek., 39.06805 -90.945
3546642 Julian A. Steyermark Steyermark 8070 1934-05-03
Missouri, Laclede, Along Gasconade River, NE of Hazel Green rich alluvial woods
3523977 John H. Kellogg Kellogg 480 1914-04-27
Missouri, Phelps, Jerome, 37.92611 -91.9775
3511368 Melvin L. Conrad|James E. Dimit|L. Leonard Conrad 8992 1981-04-03
Missouri, Randolph, 6.5 mi N of Huntsville; E fork of Little Chariton River river floodplain, deciduous woods, 39.53472 -92.52305
3519337 Norlan C. Henderson Henderson 67-449 1967-05-12
Missouri, Saline, Along Missouri 240, ca. 6 mi. E of Marshall low roadside
3537714 Tim E. Smith Smith 3430 1999-04-23
Missouri, Stone, Ca. 1.0 mi W of Carr Lane. White River Section of Ozark Natural Division between Missouri Highway 86 and Kings River arm of Table Rock Lake just E of county line s-facing dolomite bluff; mesic bottomland forest near base of bluff above lake, 36.51166 -93.575
3533363 Ernest J. Palmer Palmer 67274 1958-05-01
Missouri, Cedar, Along Bear Creek, 3 mi. W of Fairplay rich moist ground, along creek
3533300 Ernest J. Palmer Palmer 65211 1957-05-22
Missouri, Polk, Along banks of Pomme de Terre River, near Burns moist shaded ground
3546350 Julian A. Steyermark Steyermark 7879 1934-05-26
Missouri, Shelby, Along Salt River, N of Shelbina low woods
436161 Clifford Ochs|Betty Nellums Ochs 43 1992-04-20
Missouri, Saint Louis, Ladue: Litzsinger Road Ecology Center, Litzsinger Road., 38.61805 -90.36805
3568654 Katz, R. Katz 29 1999-05-02
Missouri, Scotland, Joe Neese, woods in southwest corner grazed woods, 40.33944 -92.08944
3574774 Tim E. Smith Smith 4365 2007-05-10
Missouri, Sainte Genevieve, Magnolia Hollow CA, ca. 4 air miles E of Bloomsdale, Bloomsdale quad, forested hollow to S of Lawrence Hollow near S edge of conservation area mesic forest on terraces and lower slopes of drainage; uncommon on mesic terraces, 38.01277 -90.12055