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Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Bouteloua barbata (Chondrosum exile, Chondrosum microstachyum, Chondrosum polystachyum, Chondrosum subscorpioides, Chondrosum barbata, Bouteloua arenosa), Bouteloua barbata var. rothrockii (Bouteloua rothrockii), Bouteloua barbata var. sonorae, Bouteloua barbata var. barbata
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 217

Angelo State Natural History Collections Herbarium (TEST)

2888Floyd R. Waller Jr.   16941967-10-28
United States, Texas, Mason, 1 mi SW Mason, bank of creek

2889Stanely D. Jones   60781990-10-31
United States, Texas, Brooks, east of Falfurias, 7.0 mi E on FR 285 from its junction with FR 1418 North, entrance to Los Hermanos Ranch, south side of the road

Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0064324Wendy Hodgson   106071997-09-16
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Slide Canyon, along trail 58, near or within Kanab Wilderness Area, between first spring and leaky pipe., 36.656583 -112.589433, 1280m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0296601Rich Crawford   5742012-09-01
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Salt Trail Canyon, On the rim near the parking area south of trailhead., 36.215749 -111.698915, 1665m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0063609Wendy Hodgson   175232003-11-06
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Grand Canyon National Park, Clear Creek drainage, just upstream from campsite in a side drainage., 36.1072 -112.007, 1086m

Wendy Hodgson   175232003-11-06
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Flora of Grand Canyon National Park creek in Shinumo quartzite with Ericameria nauseosajuncea, Echinocereus engelmannii, Atriplex canescens, Isocoma acradenia, 36.1072 -112.007, 1086m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0063628Royal D. Suttkus   75-25-381975-09-29
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Colorado River, right bank at Lees Ferry: River Mile 0., 36.87 -111.59, 939 - 939m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0063633David J. Keil   55881969-09-04
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Ca. 1.5 miles south of Bitter Springs Trading Post., 36.6069 -111.654

Botanical Research Institute of Texas - TEST

Wm. L. McCart   3151935-09-23
United States, Texas, Graham, 11 miles north of Safford.

Wm. L. McCart   3151935-09-23
United States, Texas, Graham, 11 miles north of Safford.

Copy of Cal Poly Poaceae

Image Associated With the Occurence
OBI171900Barry A. Prigge, R.F. Thorne, et al   23591977-10-29
United States, California, San Bernardino, Mojave Desert, Providence Mts: Bonanza King Mine area, 34.9 -115.5

Image Associated With the Occurence
OBI171901David J. Keil   119201976-12-12
United States, California, Riverside, Along I-10, 37 mi E of Chiriaco Summit., 33.653 -115.196

Image Associated With the Occurence
OBI171902David J. Keil; Melissa Luckow   131521979-08-31
United States, California, Riverside, Jctn of Box Cyn rd and I-10, just S of exit ramp at wash crossing, 33.657 -115.801

Image Associated With the Occurence
OBI171899James M. André   148952010-09-18
United States, California, San Bernardino, Ivanpah Mts; Mojave Natl Preserve; along transmission line rd 2.4 mi SW of Nipton, in SE Ivanpah Valley, 35.433433 -115.2618, 957m

Image Associated With the Occurence
OBI171898Dr. Marc Horney; Katherine White, Kasey Cordova, Alexis Montgomery   2017-09-05
United States, California, San Bernardino, Mojave National Preserve, along Wild Horse Canyon Road, near turn-off to Mid Hills Campground, near Historic Gold Valley Allotment Boundary, 35.12407627 -115.43155471, 1685m

Image Associated With the Occurence
OBI162307J.M. Andre   289252013-09-20
United States, Arizona, Mohave, BLMeastern base of range, western end of Golden Valley, approx. 15 mi. west of Kingman, 0.8 mi. south of Hwy 69; Secret Pass 7.5', 35.2223 -114.3078333, 877m

Image Associated With the Occurence
OBI171903C.W. McLellan; L.L. Stitt   6441935-09-17
United States, Arizona, east of Mesa Arizona

Image Associated With the Occurence
OBI171905David Keil; et al.   168081983-01-11
Mexico, Baja California Sur, NE of Las Cuevas; 1.1 mi south of Microondas Las Barcitas and east along dirt rd. c. 1.5 miles toward Rancho San Agustin

Image Associated With the Occurence
OBI171904David Keil; Tom Daniel; Mark Mohlenbrock; Mary Butterwick; Peg Gallagher; Dennis Wood   166811983-01-09
Mexico, Baja California Sur, 6 mi E of San Carlos, 12m

Image Associated With the Occurence
OBI171906David Keil; Tom Daniel; Mark Mohlenbrock; Mary Butterwick; Peg Gallagher; Dennis Wood   16872-11983-01-13
Mexico, Sonora, 7 miles E of jctn w/Mexico rte 15 along Masiaca-Alamos rd., 61m

Image Associated With the Occurence
OBI171907Elinor Lehto   35881963-12-13
United States, Arizona, Yuma, West entrance to Telegraph Pass, 18 miles E of Yuma, 229m

Image Associated With the Occurence
OBI171897Edward Palmer   15431891-00-00
Mexico, Culiacan

Image Associated With the Occurence
OBI171908Elinor Lehto   11831962-08-11
United States, Arizona, Yavapai, 20 miles south of Wickieup

Image Associated With the Occurence
OBI171981D.H. Thomson   1943-10-13
United States, Arizona, Pima, Tucson-E. Sixth, 32.227835 -110.952371, 762m

Image Associated With the Occurence
OBI171980D.H. Thompson   1941-09-22
United States, Arizona, Pima, Colossal Caves; Rincon Mt. Range, 32.057638 -110.623566, 975m

Image Associated With the Occurence
OBI171979D.J. Keil; et al.   135751979-09-11
Mexico, Sonora, Fronteras, WNW of Esqueda in foothills of Sierra de los Ajos; c. 13.5 miles along dirt road trending W from jct. w/ hwy 2.7 miles north of Esqueda, 30.76389 -109.80833, 1357m

Image Associated With the Occurence
OBI179814Arnold Tiehm; Jan Nachlinger   169932015-06-25
United States, Nevada, Mineral, Wassuk Range, 1.3 road miles east of County Line on Highway Alt 95 from Yerington to Schurz, north of the highway, 39.036317 -118.92755, 1432m

Image Associated With the Occurence
OBI148594Arnold Tiehm   182692018-08-19
United States, Nevada, Lincoln, 1.15 road mile east of main west side valley road on east/west road to Ely Springs Ranch, 37.90528 -114.81436, 1463m

Image Associated With the Occurence
OBI148597Arnold Tiehm   182802018-08-20
United States, Nevada, Nye, Hot Creek Valley, 2.8 road miles N of highway 375 at Twin Springs on the road to Blue Jay., 38.230317 -116.182967, 1585m

pilotorch2 - Now TEX for TORCH Georef testing

TEX00143683S. González|Saturnino Acevedo   25081983-09-29
Mexico, Durango, Poanas, 2 Km al SE de 18 de Agosto

TEX00143684S. González|Saturnino Acevedo   25081983-09-29
Mexico, Durango, Poanas, 2 Km al SE de 18 de Agosto

TEX00143685E. García M.   SN1981-07-19
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Villa Hidalgo, Km 19.5 de la carr SLP-Matehuala

TEX00143686James L. Reveal|N. Duane Atwood   33731973-09-22
Mexico, Zacatecas, E of San Juan de los Cedros, about 35 mi W of Méx Hwy 54 near Concepción del Oro

TEX00143691John D. Bacon|Walter R. Leverich   11861971-10-17
Mexico, Coahuila, 115 mi W of Cuatro Ciénegas on dirt rd following RR track to Esmeralda, 26.34 -101.37

TEX00143694Albert Michael Powell|James F. Scudday|C. Surratt   1282-D1964-09-04
Mexico, Chihuahua, Near Charco de Peña

TEX00143705Ana Lilia Reina G.|Thomas R. Van Devender|David A. Yetman   96-6151996-10-01
Mexico, Sinaloa, 28.3 Km N of Presa Josefa Ortíz de Domínguez, 20.9 Km S of Tapesuela (Sonora), 26.53361 -108.76694

TEX00143706Irene Díaz Vilchis|Joaquina Vilchis Nieto|Amada Díaz V.   3501988-08-08
Mexico, Hidalgo, Ajacuba, Planicie de Tulancalco, camino de terracería rumbo a la estación ferroviaria "El Rosal", a 1 Km de la carr pavimentada que va a Ajacuba, ej. Tecomatlán. Poblado de Emiliano Zapata, 20.15 -99.025

TEX00143707Elaine Joyal   17131991-09-22
Mexico, Sonora, Gentle drainage W to Nácori Chico drainage, due E of Buena, 29.61667 -108.98333

TEX00143708Peter W. Fritsch|Lisa K. Fritsch|Annie Henderson   12461992-03-12
Mexico, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, S shore, between lagoon and La Mona, 28.94083 -113.55

TEX00143709William H. P. Emery   1621955-10-01
Mexico, Durango, Aprox 3 mi SW of Yerbanis

TEX00143710William H. P. Emery   1221955-09-30
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, 2 mi E of the State line separating Nuevo Leon from Coahuila

TEX00143711William H. P. Emery   1401955-10-01
Mexico, Durango, 9 mi NW of Cd Lerdo, 25.6395 -103.608

TEX00143712J. H. Thomas   82031959-10-16
Mexico, Baja California, Near S end of Laguna Chapala, 31.89278 -116.33

TEX00143713Marcus E. Jones   240251928-01-19
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Los Cabos, San José del Cabo, 23.31 -109.74

TEX00143714Harde LeSueur   0591935-10-10
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sand dunes

TEX00143715Harde LeSueur   0651935-10-10
Mexico, Chihuahua, Villa Ahumada

TEX00143716Duncan M. Porter   681958-12-25
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Los Cabos, 0.2 mi from main rd and 2.8 mi SSE of Todos Santos on rd to Cabo San Lucas, 23.31 -109.74

TEX00143717William Larrey McCart   71251959-07-24
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Cola de Caballo, 22 mi S of Monterrey

TEX00143718Ira L. Wiggins   157211959-12-02
Mexico, Baja California Sur, La Paz, 1.5 mi SW of La Paz along paved Hwy, 23.9 -110.06722

TEX00143719Ira L. Wiggins   151381959-10-21
Mexico, Baja California, Viscaino Desert, 12 mi S of El Solito, 27.88333 -113.8

TEX00143720Ira L. Wiggins   152711959-11-01
Mexico, Baja California, Bahia de Candelero, Isla Espiritu Santo, 24.53333 -110.4

TEX00143721Gene A. Pratt   5141958-08-20
Mexico, Durango, 20 mi SW of Torreón on Coahuila 40

TEX00143722Gene A. Pratt   5231958-08-21
Mexico, Durango, 55 mi SW of Torreon on Durango 40

TEX00143723Rzedowski   42111954-09-06
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Laguna Seca, Km 20 carr SLP-Antiguo Morelos, 22.523 -99.3362

TEX00143724William H. P. Emery   3391955-10-07
Mexico, Durango, 3 mi N of Donato Guerra

TEX00143725William H. P. Emery   3681955-10-07
Mexico, Durango, 2 mi NW of Torreon de Canas, 26.3921 -105.297

TEX00143726José Vera Santos   20511941-09-25
Mexico, Sonora, Mesa de las Carreras, W of Colonia Morelos; Region of the Río Bavispe, 30.7892 -109.241

TEX00143727Ira L. Wiggins   144131958-12-19
Mexico, Baja California, 1 mi S of Rancho Calera on bajada West of Los Planes, 26.05667 -111.81722

TEX00143728William H. P. Emery   3721955-10-08
Mexico, Chihuahua, 5 mi N of Parral

TEX00143729William H. P. Emery   3231955-10-06
Mexico, Durango, 25 mi N of the State line separating Zacatecas from Durango

TEX00143730William H. P. Emery   1131955-09-30
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, 21 mi W of Monterrey, 25.6896 -100.649

TEX00143731William H. P. Emery   4291955-10-09
Mexico, Chihuahua, 40 mi S of El Paso, 31.1451 -106.462

TEX00143732William H. P. Emery   4181955-10-09
Mexico, Chihuahua, 65 mi N of Chihuahua (Encinillas basin), Km 1860 marker of the Juárez Hwy, 29.5787 -106.04

TEX00143733William H. P. Emery   3921955-10-08
Mexico, Chihuahua, 35 mi S of Camargo

TEX00143734William H. P. Emery   3881955-10-08
Mexico, Chihuahua, 15 mi NW of Salaices (K 1517)

TEX00143735William H. P. Emery   3791955-10-08
Mexico, Chihuahua, 19 mi NE of El Parral, 27.1587 -105.498

TEX00143736William H. P. Emery   1691955-10-01
Mexico, Durango, Aprox 30 mi E of Durango, 24.0249 -104.18

TEX00143738William H. P. Emery   3871955-10-08
Mexico, Chihuahua, 15 mi NW of Salaices (K 1517)

TEX00143740E. M. Marsh   20651939-08-23
Mexico, Coahuila, Cuatrocienegas, Cuatro Ciénegas.., 26.60556 -101.91667

TEX00143741Billie Lee Turner   61801970-09-25
Mexico, Coahuila, 3 mi SW of Cuatro Ciénegas, close to railrd, 26.34 -101.37

TEX00143742Gene A. Pratt   5351958-08-21
Mexico, Durango, 110 mi SW of Torreón on Durango 40

TEX00143743Fred A. Barkley|Grady L. Webster|John B. Paxon   7731947-08-29
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, San Luis Potosi, Four mi NE of SLP

TEX00143744Fred A. Barkley|Grady L. Webster|John B. Paxon   7731947-08-29
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, San Luis Potosi, Four mi NE of SLP

TEX00143748J. H. Thomas   84771959-10-30
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Near Km 24 on Hwy b/n La Paz and Santo Domingo, 23.8808 -110.253

TEX00143749Paul A. Fryxell|R. Maguill   30681978-08-11
Mexico, Sonora, San Carlos (W of Guaymas)

TEX00143750Richard S. Felger|L. Leigh   86-3361986-09-14
Mexico, Sonora, Pinacate Region; 46 Km W of Sonoyta on Méx Hwy 2, or 2.8 mi by rd E of Pinacate Junction (rd to Elegante Crater)

TEX00143751G. Hinton B.   230291993-07-20
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Galeana, Sandia->Santa Gertrudis

TEX00143752Guy L. Nesom|Linda Vorobik   54961986-10-14
Mexico, Chihuahua, Baños de San Diego, 1.8 Km E of San Diego de Alcalá, ca 16 Km NE of jct of local rd with Hwy 45 (the jct 19.5 Km SE of jct of Hwy 45 and rd to aguiles Serdán, SE of Cd Chihuahua), 28.6 -105.51667

TEX00143753Thomas R. Van Devender|Rebecca K. Van Devender|Andrew C. Sanders|B. Pitzer|John F. Wiens|K. J. Johnson   92-10721992-10-08
Mexico, Sonora, Camahuiroa between Agiabampo and Las Bocas on the Gulf of California, 26.51667 -109.26667

TEX00143754Thomas R. Van Devender|Rebecca K. Van Devender|Andrew C. Sanders|B. Pitzer|John F. Wiens|K. J. Johnson   92-10241992-10-06
Mexico, Sonora, Arroyo El Mentidero, at El Chinal rd, 11.3 Km S of Alamos, 26.9125 -108.91806

TEX00143755J. A. Villareal Q.|Jesús Valdés Reyna|Miguel Agustín Carranza   21021990-06-05
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Matehuala, Real de Catorce, Mts a la entrada del túnel. (El Mirador) ladera W., 23.83333 -101.08333

TEX00143756Kevin C. Nixon|Clark P. Cowan   9021977-12-16
Mexico, Baja California, 3 mi W of Bahía de Los Angeles on Méx Hwy 1, 26.05667 -111.81722

TEX00143757Gabriel Flores F.   5421987-01-27
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Isla Cerralvo, de lado S de la isla, a 1 Km de la playa, 24.15833 -109.85583

TEX00143758Richard S. Felger|R. S. Devine   85-3571985-02-28
Mexico, Sonora, El Baviso, ca 2.5 mi NE of Bahía San Carlos

TEX00143759J. A. Villareal Q.|Miguel Agustín Carranza|R. Rodríguez L.   44131988-08-25
Mexico, Coahuila, Torreon, Sa de Jimulco, proximidades al ejido la Trinidad, 25.13333 -103.36667

TEX00143760Richard S. Felger|L. Leigh   86-3791986-09-15
Mexico, Sonora, Pinacate Region, ca 1 Km NW of Tezontle Cinder Mine, 31.93333 -113.35

TEX00143761J. A. Villareal Q.|Miguel Agustín Carranza|R. Rodríguez L.   73591993-09-15
Mexico, Coahuila, Cuatrocienegas, Sa de La Madera, Cañón Charreteras, Rancho Charreteras, 27.2 -102.7

TEX00143762Richard S. Felger|Ken Van Hounten   85-10101985-10-05
Mexico, Sonora, Pinacate Region; 24 Km on Méx 2 W of Los Vidrios

TEX00143763LeRoy Harvey H.   11411939-07-06
Mexico, Coahuila, Monclova, Monclova, 26.9 -101.41806

TEX00143764John R. Reeder|Charlotte G. Reeder   65731974-12-24
Mexico, Baja California Sur, 7 mi N of Todos Santos, 23.64 -110.24

TEX00143765John R. Reeder|Charlotte G. Reeder   65841974-12-24
Mexico, Baja California Sur, 4 mi S of El Pescador (Pescadero), 25.31444 -111.90861

TEX00143766John R. Reeder|Charlotte G. Reeder   51841969-09-11
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, 40 mi SE of jct of Monterrey-Monclova rd with Méx 57

TEX00143767John R. Reeder|Charlotte G. Reeder   64991974-10-06
Mexico, Coahuila, Forty mi SW of Cuatro Cienégas along rd to San Pedro

TEX00143768John R. Reeder|Charlotte G. Reeder   65101974-12-21
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Ca 22 mi NNW of Rosarito, 24.17722 -110.93611

TEX00143769John R. Reeder|Charlotte G. Reeder   65181974-12-21
Mexico, Baja California Sur, 3 mi SE of Rosarito

TEX00143770John R. Reeder|Charlotte G. Reeder   65391974-12-23
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Llanos de Hiray on the Magdalena Plain. This is an extensive level plain., 25.31444 -111.90861

TEX00183416Lorenzo Escalante   531962-04-24
Mexico, Tamaulipas, 20 mi E of the International Hwy, by the Ribereña rd

TEX00195342José Vera Santos   20031941-09-15
Mexico, Sonora, Colonia Morelos; Región of the Río Bavispe, 30.806 -109.212

TEX00195730Thomas R. Van Devender|Ana Lilia Reina G.   20052005-03-16
Mexico, Sonora, Soyopa, No locality name provided., 28.5675 -109.55694

TEX00196332William R. Carr   199162001-08-24
United States, Texas, Presidio, N side of E-W road paralleling and just N of railroad track, ca. 400-700 ft. E of main road on Hip-O Ranch Preserve (TNC), ca. 5 airmiles WNW of Marfa. Marfa Quadrangle., 30.32892 -104.10633

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