1578483 Adam F. Bradley Bradley 696 2001-05-18
Washington, Tenzing Momo Inc, 93 Pike, Seattle, WA 98101, ph: 206-623-9837., 47.6087 -122.3405
365532 Patty Thum Newbold Newbold 122 1919-06-12
Virginia, near Long Bridge
365643 Agnes Chase Chase 3195 1919-07-16
Illinois, Tazewell, Illinois River bottom, Fon du lac Tp.
373454 Alan E. Brant|Dylan P. Hannon Brant 886 1986-05-31
Missouri, Perry, Ca. 4.7 miles N then S on gravel rds. (County Rds. 818 & 846) from end of pavement of State Rd. N. Woods and limestone glades E of Rd; Above Dry Fork Creek.
373477 Alan E. Brant|Germán Carnevali Brant 2075 1990-07-02
Illinois, Fayette, State route 23, ca. 1.0 miles W of US route 51; bottoms of the Kaskaskia River., 38.75 -89.25, 170m
1629963 Francis P. Daniels Daniels UMO 183598 1898-06-00
Massachusetts, Middlesex, Bogs.
1629950 Francis P. Daniels Daniels s.n. 1897-06-00
Missouri, Boone, Brooks and ponds, Columbia.
1690033 Rebecca A. Haefner Haefner RH-78-29 1978-07-20
Minnesota, Clearwater, Itasca state park.
1682033 Powell, M. Powell 9 1963-04-18
Missouri, Boone, Low, upright, strap-leafed monocot found in pool between botany greenhouses, Also occurs native in ponds, 213m
1681746 Julian A. Steyermark Steyermark 79046 1955-08-12
Missouri, Lewis, In open swamp; swampy area (now dried up) in valley of north fabius river, T60n, r6w, sect. 33, 2 Miles e of maywood
1681819 Ernest J. Palmer Palmer 68125 1958-10-14
Missouri, Barton, Wet margin of ditch. 1 And 1/2 miles n of lamar
1681889 Ernest J. Palmer Palmer 66933 1957-09-24
Missouri, Polk, Margins of slough. 1 Mile nw of schofield
1681958 Norlan C. Henderson Henderson 65-240 1965-06-02
Missouri, Andrew, Marshy roadside, at the junction of u.s. #71 And u.s. #59, About 1 mile w of Savannah
1681101 Norlan C. Henderson Henderson 67-621 1967-06-02
Missouri, Johnson, Shallow stream, along mo. #13, About 5 miles s of warrensburg
1681028 Louis G. Williams Williams 587 1937-05-15
West Virginia, Cabell, Wet swale near milton
1681384 David B. Dunn Dunn s.n. 1962-07-07
Missouri, Plants collected at missouri botanical garden. Cultivated from various parts of The world. Pond behind climatron (sweet flag)
1681312 Rebecca A. Haefner Haefner 609 1979-05-31
Missouri, Bollinger, Blue pond natural area. Very deep, clear, spring-fed sink-hole developed in Ordovician dolomite on a partially wooded slope above a trib. To pond cr. Which Flows into the castor r. Pond margin shrub community: alder-buttonbush se1/4 Sw1/4 sec. 11, T29n, r8e (gipsy 7 and 1/2",1963), 165m
1681241 Norlan C. Henderson Henderson 66-564 1966-07-01
Missouri, Randolph, Marshy area between u.s. #24, And the norfolk and western r.r, About 10 miles W of moberly
1681169 Rebecca A. Haefner Haefner 2266 1980-04-27
Missouri, Bollinger, Blue pond natural area. Very deep, clear spring-fed sink-hole developes in Ordovician dolomite on a partially wooded slope above a trib. To pond. Cr. Which flows into the castor river. Pond margin shrub community: Alder-buttonbush; sw1/4 sw1/4 sec. 11, T29n, r8e (gipsy 7 and 1/2", 1963), 165m
1681446 Norlan C. Henderson Henderson 67-597 1967-05-24
Indiana, Martin, Swampy delta of a spring-run, along u.s. #150, About 5 miles se of shoals
1681517 Scott McCoy McCoy 4350 1936-05-30
Indiana, Sullivan, Low open places between c. & E. I. R.r. And u.s. Road #41, 1 mile n of carlisle
1681601 Ernest J. Palmer Palmer 64662 1956-10-25
Missouri, McDonald, Margins of pond. 3 And 1/2 miles se of jane
2649078 Norlan C. Henderson Henderson 96-498 1996-06-28
Kansas, Anderson, Rosdside ditch along U.S. #169, about 3 miles north of Garnett.
2648772 Thompson Thompson 3353 1986-06-20
Pennsylvania, Bucks, SSW of Upper Black Eddy: State Game Land: 0.2 mi from Jct. of Ringing Rock Rd. & Woodland Dr.
2648873 Clyde F. Reed Reed 93925 1973-05-05
Maryland, Frederick, Fields along creek, Loy's Sta. & Old. Fred. Rd.
2648917 Sue A. Thompson Thompson 13185 1996-08-22
Michigan, Lenawee, 7.9 km ENE of Adrian, near Raisin Center Highway. Presently dry depression along railroad track. Assoc. spp: Typha, Eupatorium, & Solidago., 41.915 -83.94527, 200m
2648509 Charles C. Plitt Plitt 200 1900-06-04
Maryland, Baltimore, Shallow water, Dundalk.
2648528 BUSSEY BUSSEY s.n. 1909-07-00
Maryland, Baltimore, Rich, damp soil. 153 Lamali St.
2648466 Clyde F. Reed Reed 114904 1980-07-26
Maryland, Harford, Marsh along Bush River at Rt. 40.
2648488 M.N. Dawson Dawson 7 1940-06-23
Maryland, Anne Arundel, Margin of swamp, Hills Bridge near Upper Marlboro.
2648549 Anonymous Anonymous 223 1835-00-00
Ohio, Canton. Swamps.
2648571 Clyde F. Reed Reed 119037 1980-08-06
Delaware, New Castle, Edge of swampy woods, Rt. 13, 2 mi. S. of Blackbird.
2648609 Thompson Thompson 3375 1986-06-22
Pennsylvania, Susquehanna, Ararat: gravel road near old railroad tracks. Small population of short plants in relatively dry open field
2648415 Clyde F. Reed Reed 82339 1969-06-21
Kentucky, Pulaski, Edge of farm pond, Rt. 27, Somerset.
2648439 Clyde F. Reed Reed 83192 1969-09-05
Maryland, Howard, Wet ditches in meadow, Dorsey Rd. nr. Wash. Blvd. (US #1.)
2648322 Clyde F. Reed Reed 15374 1949-06-26
Kentucky, Elliott, Low wet ground near Tillden.
2648288 Graham, Herbert William|Edward H. Graham Graham s.n. 1923-06-07
Pennsylvania, Beaver, Towards Legionville from cemetery.
2647960 William K. W. Baldwin|J. MacPherson Baldwin 10515 1966-07-22
Saskatchewan, Waskesiu. Marshy pond above Waskesiu Lake - Prince Albert National Park. Marshy pond., 53.95 -106.25
2647920 R. Dale Thomas|Eric Sundell|Carl Amason|D. Ethridge Thomas 112999 1989-09-21
Arkansas, Union, Wet open area beside paved road at Ark. 15 & Ash Branch; Sec. 10, T19S, R17W.
2648076 Roberta G. Poland Poland s.n. 1977-06-04
Massachusetts, Franklin, North side of Hillside Road, Deerfield.
2648047 TOTURA TOTURA 124 1993-05-17
Illinois, University of Illinois Pharmacognosy Field Station. Edge of pond, adjacent to stand of Typha sp., 200 - 300m
2648008 V.E. McNeilus McNeilus 97-557 1997-07-17
Minnesota, Becker, Shallows of Little Bemidji Lake. About 5.0 miles south of Rt. 113 & Elbow Lake Village.
2648259 J.W. Singer Singer 393 1938-05-29
Kentucky, Powell, Swampy field near Clay City.
2648187 Clyde F. Reed Reed 137098 1975-07-16
Virginia, Washington, Open swamp along Logan Creek, Rt. 740, N of Arlington.
1348650 Heidi H. Schmidt|John K. Myers Schmidt 3026 1998-12-09
Washington, King, City of Seattle: Pikes Place Market - Tenzing Momo; 93 Pikes Place Market, 98101, telephone: (206) 623-9837. Herbal apothecary store, open market., 47.66666 -122.58333, 50m
100469895 Bernard M'Mahon M'Mahon s.n.
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Phld. [=Philadelphia].
1757333 Baadi Tadych Tadych OF-1 2002-06-16
Missouri, Boone, Collected on property belonging to Otto Fajen. Restored strip pit area of approx. 40 acres along Maupin Lane, E off of Route Z., 91m
3501662 David E. Boufford Boufford 18710 1976-06-26
Missouri, Saint Charles, 4.3 mi NE of U.S. Route 40 on MO Route 94 wet ditch, extensive colonies
1370390 John K. Myers Myers 843 1999-07-14
Washington, King, Seattle. Tenzing Momo, 93 Pike., 47.60639 -122.33083
3506866 Arthur Christ Christ s. n. 1975-05-12
Missouri, Iron, Cave Hollow along slough, 37.58722 -91.07805
3527759 Franklin P. Metcalf Metcalf 777 1920-07-23
Missouri, Sainte Genevieve, Near Ste. Genevieve
3529505 R.T. Ovrebo Ovrebo W0115 1989-05-04
Missouri, Pulaski, Spring near Cookville, in Cannon Range spring with nolin silt loam soil, level terrain, 37.64166 -92.20388
3526515 CETA:|David H. Lorence|David Bell|Clyde Niblett CETA 313 1978-06-29
Missouri, Saint Louis, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis edge of marsh
3512765 Francis P. Daniels Daniels 4476 1897-06-00
Missouri, Boone, Columbia, 38.95166 -92.33388
3520697 Norlan C. Henderson Henderson 96-422 1996-06-24
Missouri, Atchison, Along I-29 about 2 mi N of Corning roadside ditch
3518456 Jesse M. Greenman Greenman 4539 1928-05-19
Missouri, Franklin, Gray Summit, 38.48972 -90.81666
3518964 Thomas E. Heineke Heineke 3302 1983-08-23
Missouri, Mississippi, Along MO Hwy 80 wet ditch
3530266 Ernest J. Palmer Palmer 14747 1919-04-08
Missouri, Butler, Neeleyville low open ground
3534443 Grant L. Pyrah Pyrah 4049 1979-07-09
Missouri, Lawrence, Near Interstate 44, Halltown farm pond
3545314 Julian A. Steyermark Steyermark 67699 1949-05-15
Missouri, Platte, 3.5 mi NE of Platte City
3555142 George Yatskievych Yatskievych 93-129 1993-05-31
Missouri, Saline, Chevalier Springs, ca. 2 mi W of Malta Bend on N side of U.S. Highway 65 freshwater marsh area fed from springs at base of W- to NW-facing wooded slope; abundant in marsh in large colonieswith Scirpus, Iris, Sparganium, and Carex, 39.195 -93.39888, 198m
3553922 Randall L. Walker Walker 2064 1987-07-10
Missouri, Adair, Thousand Hills State Park, 40.19027 -92.61916
3552826 Ralph L. Thompson Thompson 2745 1976-04-24
Missouri, Webster, Cedar Gap Lake, 503m
3547089 Julian A. Steyermark Steyermark 85094 1957-06-06
Missouri, Stoddard, E of Essex
3547395 Julian A. Steyermark Steyermark 960 1929-04-21
Missouri, Washington, Old Mines in moist, iron-impregnated soil along creek, 38.01527 -90.75583
3548733 Bill Summers Summers 4422 1991-05-24
Missouri, Texas, 4 mi. southeast of Cabool at end of Highway AV at Sargent. overflow waters of Sargent Spring and spring branch between road and railroad., 37.09222 -92.02611
3547991 Bill Summers Summers 1408 1984-06-06
Missouri, Osage, W part of Morrison, between Hwy. 100 and railroad drainage ditch, 38.68222 -91.64972
3573896 Douglas Ladd Ladd 17244 1993-05-26
Missouri, Carter, Chilton Creek Preserve; ca 8 mi N/NW of Van Buren, in vicinity of Kelly Hollow marsh area near beaver pond, 37.08055 -91.08138
100599783 Doris B. Epstein Epstein s.n. 1984-05-13
Missouri, Lincoln, Cuivre River State Park; emergent aquatic along margin of pond.
3563194 Davoudi, H. Davoudi 136 1985-05-03
Missouri, Cape Girardeau, R. Kelso Wildlife Sanctuary in pond
3569807 Bruce Schuette Schuette 0479 1984-05-12
Missouri, Lincoln, Cuivre River State Park, pond, mccains along shallow pond, along margin (in the shallow water) of small man-made pond., 39.03944 -90.92611
100758471 J. Richard Abbott|B.S. Carlsward Abbott 20844 2006-05-04
Missouri, Saint Louis City, Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard (main entrance; garden runs S to Magnolia Avenue, W to Alfred Avenue, E to Tower Grove Avenue)., 38.6106 -90.2589
100258538 Samuel P. Faulkner Faulkner s.n. 1983-05-14
Mississippi, Specimens located in roadside swale in fine sandy and loamy soils on Alt. HW 45 North at Shannon, Mississippi. Plants growing both in moist soil and in standing water 5-12 cm deep.
1484170 SMALL SMALL s.n. 1892-06-06
Virginia, Smyth, Hutton's Branch, 762m
1484172 SHIELDS SHIELDS 395 1950-08-22
Ontario, Lot 11, Conc. XIII, Dover Tp, Loc. 29c, 1 mi NNW of the bay
1484175 CHURCHILL CHURCHILL s.n. 1919-06-22
Massachusetts, Berkshire
1484177 CHURCHILL CHURCHILL s.n. 1892-06-11
Massachusetts, Dedham
100360458 Delzie Demaree Demaree 64604 1972-04-23
Arkansas, Clay, P.O. Saint Francis Roadside ditch. Common., 91m
100377773 Anonymous Anonymous s.n. 1963-05-19
Missouri, Adair, Novinger, N
100377774 Anonymous Anonymous s.n.
3257793 Shirley M. Abbott Abbott 552 1980-07-16
Missouri, Boone, Abott Farm pond.
100378430 Benjamin F. Bush Bush 289 1896-05-03
Missouri, Jackson, Sibley, 39.1786 -94.1931
1484173 Frank C. Seymour|Susan C. Gates Seymour 24534 1966-08-13
Vermont, Caledonia, Route 14. Hardwick Pond. Hardwick.
3529189 Daniel L. Nickrent Nickrent 1052 1975-09-27
Missouri, Reynolds, Johnson Shut-Ins State Park, 37.5544 -90.8514
2648361 Wayne E. Manning Manning s.n. 1950-06-09
New York, Oneida, S. of Rome.
1682103 Murray Murray UMO 48878 1946-07-10
Missouri, Boone, Pond e of ashland
373490 Alan E. Brant|Bruce K. Holst Brant 637 1985-06-29
Missouri, Adair, T64 N, R16W, E 1/2 Sec. 34; floodplain of old Chariton River (original stream bed which existed prior to channeliza- tion.)
2648718 Sue A. Thompson Thompson 3388 1986-06-22
Pennsylvania, McKean, 1 mi NE of Hazel Hurst on US 6. Along flowing stream through old field.
2648844 Sue A. Thompson Thompson 13085 1996-08-14
Indiana, Steuben, 8.5 km E of Orland on IN 120. Ditch and low wet area along road., 41.74444 -85.07138, 290m
2648137 Octavia B. Reed Reed s.n. 1950-06-21
New York, Schuyler, Marsh, root sweet, scented. S. end Lake Wanita, Wayne.
1608689 Rebecca A. Haefner Haefner H-77-76 1977-08-11
Missouri, Boone, Forest service land. Pond located in a grazed field se of engelwood. T.47n, r.11w, sec.33.
100360978 Patrick DeLozier DeLozier 1068 1983-06-02
Missouri, Ray
100377772 Anonymous Anonymous s.n. 1890-09-21
Missouri, Lincoln, Chain of Rocks
2648393 Clyde F. Reed Reed 90040 1971-06-19
West Virginia, Monroe, Roadsides, Rt. 219, Lindside.
100661836 John R. White White 92 1960-10-10
Missouri, Boone, Stephens Lake, East Broadway, Columbia, in water., 208m
100232906 Scott McLeod McLeod s.n. 1992-09-03
South Dakota, Codington, Round Lake (fen and associated marsh at south end of lake).
3551256 Bill Summers|Joe Ryan Summers 4399 1991-05-22
Missouri, Laclede, 2 mi. northeast of Competition on the Gasconade River. open spring fed meadow/fen complex, 37.51083 -92.40583
3551883 Bill Summers Summers 5644 1993-05-21
Missouri, Howell, Ca. 6 1/2 mi S of West Plains wet seepy ditch beside county gravel road, 36.63333 -91.87138
3530386 Ernest J. Palmer Palmer 1716 1909-05-06
Missouri, Jasper, Preston prairie ponds and sloughs, 37.27916 -94.38888
2648659 Sue A. Thompson Thompson 3696 1987-06-03
Pennsylvania, Washington, 4 mi W of New Eagle on PA 136. Low, wet area with Typha & Acorus.