5772 F. H. Sargent 10367 1970-09-06
United States, Mississippi, Pearl River, ca 4 mi NW Picayune, 30.571989 -89.723741
TEX00199989 William R. Carr 18419 1999-08-24
United States, Texas, Newton, N side of an E-W road ca. 1.0-1.3 mi. E of its Jct. with St. Rt. 87. This Jct. is 500 ft. N of St. Rt. 87 bridge over Nichols Creek. Suddeth Bluff Quadrangle., 30.47778 -93.78861
TEX00281530 Benjamin Carroll Tharp s.n. 1939-10-15
United States, Texas, Austin, Austin County.
TEX00281533 Walter C. Holmes 7482 1994-09-16
United States, Texas, Leon, Ca. 8.5 miles northeast of Buffalo on US Hwy 79.
TEX00281534 Barbara R. MacRoberts|Michael H. MacRoberts 3507 1997-08-26
United States, Texas, Tyler, Turkey Creek Bog/ Savanna. Pitcher plant bog/savanna on pitcher plant trail. N. of Muscadine Rd. Ca. 3.5 km south of FM 1943 on east side of Turkey Creek Unit. Big Thicket National Preserve.
TEX00281536 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 7968 1988-08-15
United States, Texas, Anderson, Ca. 1.0 mi due S of FM 2961, and 0.5 mi E of main road through Engeling WMA, Cayuga 7.5' Quad, Andrews Bog, Engeling Wildlife Management Area., 31.97667 -95.87944
TEX00281531 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 8059 1988-08-18
United States, Texas, Wood, 0.1 mi N of Co Rd 3245 at a point 0.5 mi E of int. Co Rd 3235, ca. 0.4 mi upstream from end of SE arm of Lake Lydia, ca 5 air miles SE of Quitman, Quitman 7.5' Quad., 32.77417 -95.3825
TEX00281535 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 8007 1988-08-16
United States, Texas, Henderson, Near SW corner of Koon Creek Klub, above 2 small lakes and below one lake ca 1.1 mi N of Anderson Co. line, 0.7 mi S of Wilson Lake, Cross Roads 7.5' Quad, Cross Roads Bog, Koon Creek Club., 32.04306 -95.87556
TEX00281538 Frank W. Gould|C. L. Leinweber 6529 1952-09-19
United States, Texas, San Augustine, Near Boykin Spring Camp, Angelina National Forest.
TEX00281539 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 8431 1988-09-22
United States, Texas, Polk, 0.2 mi. E of end of W.D. Boyce Rd, 0.5 mi S of FM 1316 at a point 3.1 mi E of int. US 190 in Livingston, on E-NE facing slope above tributary to Choates Creek, Livingston 7.5' Quad, Brough Seep., 30.73167 -94.89444
TEX00281540 William R. Carr 17048 1997-09-24
United States, Texas, Jasper, Mostly S-facing slope underlain by Catahoula Formation, N side of Little Rocky Creek in NE Corner of Little Rocky Creek in NE corner of Little Rocky Preserve, ca. 3.4-3.5 airmiles E of jct. US Rt. 96 and FM 1007 near Browndell. Harrisburg Quadrangle., 31.11583 -93.93139
TEX00281542 Laurence J. Dorr|James P. Folsom|James D. Mauseth 1890 1980-08-31
United States, Texas, Hardin, Kountze Fire Tower, Hwy 770, W of Kountze.
TEX00281543 Marvin Kruger 19 1929-01-01
United States, Texas, Chambers, Pine Island School. Eagle, Texas.
TEX00281544 Corrie H. (Mrs. J. L.) Hooks s.n. 1936-09-15
United States, Texas, Jefferson, Beaumont.
TEX00385902 Benjamin Carroll Tharp s.n. 1923-08-31
United States, Texas, Jefferson, Beaumont.
TEX00385903 Corrie H. (Mrs. J. L.) Hooks s.n. 1932-09-10
United States, Texas, Jefferson, Beaumont.
TEX00385905 S. R. Warner 476 1945-08-25
United States, Texas, Tyler, Near Warren, L. L. Pine sour flat.
TEX00385909 Victor L. Cory 49804 1945-09-30
United States, Texas, Newton, State Forest No. 1, 5 miles E of Kirbyville., 30.6357542 -93.82241253
TEX00385911 Edward Palmer 12739 1917-09-13
United States, Texas, Hardin, Fletcher.
TEX00385904 William R. Carr 17085 1997-09-25
United States, Texas, Tyler, NW corner of Big Thicket Bogs & Pinelands Preserve (TNC), 100 ft. S of Co. Rd. 4770 ca. 0.4-0.5 miles E of its jct. with US Rt. 69/287 near Lake Hyatt, Warren Quadrangle., 30.57778 -94.39306
TEX00385912 Benjamin Carroll Tharp s.n. 1937-09-10
United States, Texas, Hardin, Hardin County.
TEX00385913 Jason R. Singhurst|Kay Fleming|Rick Maxey|Jeff Sparks 6955 1998-09-18
United States, Texas, Henderson, 0.9 miles E of jct. of St. Rt. 753 and Hwy. 59 on St. Rt. 753, S on Rome Church Road to Roam Church and Cemetery 0.2 miles. At S gate between church and cemetery 175 m SSE to hillside bog.
TEX00385918 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 8632 1988-10-05
United States, Texas, Anderson, Ca. 1.0 mile due S of FM 2961 and 0.5 mile E of main road through Engeling WMA, Cayuga 7.5' Quad, Andrews Bog, Engeling Wildlife Management Area., 31.97667 -95.87944
TEX00385919 Monique Dubrule 1355 1993-10-16
United States, Texas, Anderson, Gus Engeling Wildlife Management Area NW of Palestine.
TEX00385921 Ernest G. Marsh, Jr. 255 1951-08-05
United States, Texas, Anderson, Gus Engeling Wildlife Management Area, 6 miles NW Tennessee Colony. D. D. Area, head of Big Marsh.
TEX00385922 Edward Palmer 12853 1917-09-23
United States, Texas, Houston, Grapeland.
TEX00385923 Barton H. Warnock 20644 1939-01-01
United States, Texas, Austin, Austin County.
TEX00385924 E. McMullen s.n. 1927-08-26
United States, Texas, Wood, Golden.
TEX00385925 Fred A. Barkley 13408 1943-08-08
United States, Texas, Robertson, Robertson County., 31.027042 -96.512789
TEX00385926 Grady L. Webster 1930 1948-08-21
United States, Texas, Robertson, 4 miles E of New Baden.
TEX00425781 Walter C. Holmes|Jason R. Singhurst 11088 2000-09-24
United States, Texas, Jasper, Kirbyville Airport. Kirbyville.
TEX00536496 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 8657 1988-10-08
United States, Oklahoma, Choctaw, Just W of railroad, ca. 0.4 mi N of Hamden, 0.6 mi S of Pushmataha Co. line, ca 2.5 mi N of Speer and 9 mi NNW of Hugo, One Creek, Antlers East 7.5' Quad, Hugo Bog., 34.148611111 -95.565277778
TEX00536497 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 8669 1988-10-08
United States, Oklahoma, Pushmataha, On tributary to N of Beaver Creek, S of gravel rd intersection 0.5 mi S of OK 3 & OK 7, ca. 5 mi WSW of Antlers, Antlers West 7.5' Quad, Harrison Bog., 34.225 -94.710277778
TEX00569565 Charles Mohr s.n. 1892-11-18
United States, Texas, Hardin, Eastern Texas, Nona., 30.334 -94.292
OKLA30618 John Taylor 23379 1976-09-01
United States, Oklahoma, Pushmataha
BRIT489654 Geyata Ajilvsgi 7235 1978-09-05
United States, Texas, Wood, Ca. 7 mi. n. w. of Hawkins, ca. 3.6 mi. n. of Hwy. 80, ca. 2 mi. e. of Hwy. 778; edges of West Lake.
BRIT489653 V. L. Cory 54905 1948-09-28
United States, Texas, Tyler, 2 1/2 miles south of Warren.
BRIT489652 V. L. Cory 57938 1950-09-12
United States, Texas, Smith, One-half mile north by east of Swan.
BRIT489651 J. Reverchon 3191 1902-09-17
United States, Texas, Smith, Swan.
BRIT489650 F. W. Gould 6529 1952-09-19
United States, Texas, San Augustine, Near Boykin Spring Camp, Angelina National Forest.
BRIT489649 Robert Lonard 2463 1969-09-20
United States, Texas, Robertson, 13 miles south-southeast of New Baden; near F.M. road
BRIT489647 Steve L. Orzell 8431 1988-09-22
United States, Texas, Polk, 0.2 mi E of end of W. D. Boyce Rd, 0.5 mi S of FM 1316 at a point 3.1 mi E of int. US 190 in Livingston, on E-NE facing slope above tributary to Choates Creek, Livingston 7.5' Quad, Brough Seep, 30°43'54"N, 94°53'40"W., 88 - 91m
BRIT489648 Fred Corbin 100 1952-09-14
United States, Texas, Orange, 12 miles east of Beaumont on Highway 90.
BRIT489646 V. L. Cory 49804 1945-09-30
United States, Texas, Newton, State Forest No. 1, 5 miles east of Kirbyville.
BRIT489643 Eula Whitehouse 11231 1938-09-24
United States, Texas, Nacogdoches, 8 mi. south of Nacogdoches at Country Club.
BRIT489642 C. L. Lundell 11801 1942-09-08
United States, Texas, Jasper, Off U.S. highway 63, near Beans Places.
BRIT489641 Barney L. Lipscomb 1791 1976-06-05
United States, Texas, Jasper, 13 mi. N. and ca. 2 1/2 mi. E of Jasper.
BRIT489640 C. L. Lundell 14669 1946-10-03
United States, Texas, Jasper, 20.5 miles northwest of Jasper, off highway to Zavala.
BRIT489639 James McGrath 52 1978-09-24
United States, Texas, Jasper, 9 mi SE of Zavalla.
BRIT489638 Eula Whitehouse 22418 1949-09-11
United States, Texas, Houston, 3 miles south of Grapeland.
BRIT489637 D. S. Correll 14194 1946-08-28
United States, Texas, Henderson, Eight miles from Athens, along stream.
BRIT489636 Peggy A. Amerson 815 1971-09-29
United States, Texas, Hardin, North of Hwy 182 between Batson and Moss Hill. Maysu prairie.
BRIT489635 C. L. Lundell 11488 1942-08-18
United States, Texas, Hardin, Near Ariola.
BRIT489634 C. L. Lundell 11530 1942-08-18
United States, Texas, Hardin, Southwest of Kountze.
BRIT489633 V. L. Cory 49925 1945-10-02
United States, Texas, Hardin, 5½ miles west of Silsbee.
BRIT489631 Peggy A. Amerson 248 1970-08-27
United States, Texas, Hardin, Clear Lake Heights, south of Hwy. 327, between Kountze and Silsbee.
BRIT489632 Billie Lee Turner 1590 1949-10-02
United States, Texas, Freestone, 14.5 mi. south of Fairfield
BRIT489630 Harold Gentry 2896 1958-09-20
United States, Texas, Freestone, Off highway 75 15 miles S. E. of Fairfield.
BRIT489629 Geyata Ajilvsgi 5115 1977-08-18
United States, Texas, Cherokee, Ca. 9.5 mi. e. of Troup, ca. 6 mi. w. of Price, ca. 1.5 mi. n. of Hwy. 13.
BRIT489627 C. L. Lundell 11789 1942-09-08
United States, Texas, Anderson, 19 mi. so. of Athens.
BRIT489626 E. G. Marsh 255 1951-08-05
United States, Texas, Anderson, Gus Engeling Wildlife Management Area. 6 mi. NW Tennessee Colony. D. D. Area, Head of Big Marsh.
BRIT489625 B. R. MacRoberts 3422 1997-08-09
United States, Texas, Anderson, Chester's pitcher plant bog. North end of Engeling Wildlife Mgmt. Area, on Gibson Br, south of FM 2961 just down stream from Lake. Below small cabin marked on Cayuga, Tex. Quad. sheet.
BRIT489623 L. N. Lodwick 593 1976-08-16
United States, Texas, Anderson, Engeling Wildlife Management Area, Lake #2 Bog.
BRIT534266 John Taylor 23379 1976-09-01
United States, Oklahoma, Pushmataha, about 5.5 miles west of Antlers, Oklahoma
BRIT534265 L. K. Magrath 11915 1981-08-18
United States, Oklahoma, Pushmataha, Harrison Bog, 5 mi w on SH 3 & 7 and 0.5 s of Antlers.
BRIT534264 L. K. Magrath 11972 1981-08-19
United States, Oklahoma, Choctaw, Railroad Bog, 4 mi e on US 70, 5 n on US 271, 4 e & 2 n of Soper
BRIT534263 John Taylor 23224 1976-08-22
United States, Oklahoma, Choctaw, West of railroad track, 11 miles Northwest of Hugo, Oklahoma. This is about 2.5 miles North of Speer, Oklahoma
OKLA68897 Fred A. Barkley 13408 1943-08-08
United States, Texas, Robertson
OKLA68895 V. L. Cory 57938 1950-09-12
United States, Texas, Smith, 0.5 mile north by east of Swan
OKLA68896 C. L. Lundell & Amelia A. Lundell 11488 1942-08-18
United States, Texas, Hardin, near Ariola
John Taylor 23379 1976-09-01
United States, Oklahoma, Pushmataha, Antlers; 5.5 mi W of Antlers
NLU0028295 W. C. Holmes 11088 2000-09-24
United States, Texas, Jasper, Kirbyville Airport, Kirbyville.
NLU0028374 John Taylor 23379 1976-09-01
United States, Oklahoma, Pushmataha, Collected from a bog about 5.5 miles west of Anthers.
NLU0028400 James Kessler 3111 1979-09-15
United States, Texas, Hardin, Hwy. 327, .6 miles east of Hardin Co. Airport.