TEX00001180 Larry E. Brown 14742 1990-07-28
United States, Texas, Montgomery, Along service road of Hwy. 59 betw. exits for Community Rd. and Hwy. 1314 in Porter.
TEX00001194 Effie Boore 30 1943-08-29
United States, Texas, Harris, Seabrook 6 mi. W.
TEX00001195 Larry E. Brown 17579 1993-10-03
United States, Texas, Galveston, 1 mi. E LaMarque, intersection w/ Hwy 6Along Hwy 2004.
TEX00001196 M. Kruger 39
United States, Texas, Chambers, Eagle.
TEX00282045 Peter B. Andrews 96 1964-11-07
United States, Texas, Aransas, St. Joseph Island.
TEX00391298 Ray Jordan s.n. 1991-10-12
United States, Texas, Hardin, In Lance Rosier Unit of Big Thicket; .6 mi. E of Saratoga, Tx. on Hwy 770, then S on dirt road .7 mi. to fork, then left 1.8 mi.
TEX00391299 Larry E. Brown 16604 1992-09-25
United States, Texas, Harris, At the intersection of Port and Todville Rds W of Galveston Bay and S of the Bayport Channel in La Porte.
TEX00391300 William R. Carr|J. Richard Carter 12303 1992-09-10
United States, Texas, Harris, N side of Spencer Highway, W side of Southern Pacific RR tracks, ca. 0.6-0.8 mi W of St. Rt. 146 in La Porte. La Porte Quadrangle., 29.66528 -95.04028
TEX00391301 Benjamin Carroll Tharp s.n. 1937-09-09
United States, Texas, Jefferson, Beaumont.
TEX00446640 David J. Rosen 4332 2007-08-08
United States, Texas, Chambers, Small, low-lying remnant clayey prairie on private property along State Hwy 124, between High Island and Winnie., 29.67281 -94.37372
TEX00456483 Charles M. Allen|Marc Pastorek|Peter Loos|David Lewis 22147 2010-09-18
United States, Texas, Newton, Off County Rd. 1132 just south of Sabine County line ca. 6 miles west of Texas 87 ca. 15 miles north of Burkeville., 31.1618 -93.78347
BRIT286308 Larry E. Brown 8102 1984-09-29
United States, Texas, Harris, Off of Underwood Street just north of intersection with Fairmont Parkway in Deer Park.
NLU0052861 Larry E. Brown 9445 1985-09-24
United States, Texas, Harris, Sandy field along Tanner Road ca 0.5 mile W of intersection with Britmoore rd at NW edge of Houston.
NLU0052862 Larry E. Brown 23595 1999-10-10
United States, Texas, Liberty, Plants growing on sandy soil in a prairie near the Tarkington Prairie school along CR 2268 N of intersection with Hwy 163 in the village of Tarkington Prairie east of Cleveland., 30.315556 -94.964444
NLU0052863 Larry E. Brown 8127 1984-09-30
United States, Texas, Harris, Present on dark clay soil in a small prairie patch along Underwood Street at intersection with Fairmont Parkway in Deer Park.