Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Eupatorium mohrii
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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pilotorch2 - Now TEX for TORCH Georef testing

TEX00001180Larry E. Brown   147421990-07-28
United States, Texas, Montgomery, Along service road of Hwy. 59 betw. exits for Community Rd. and Hwy. 1314 in Porter.

TEX00001194Effie Boore   301943-08-29
United States, Texas, Harris, Seabrook 6 mi. W.

TEX00001195Larry E. Brown   175791993-10-03
United States, Texas, Galveston, 1 mi. E LaMarque, intersection w/ Hwy 6Along Hwy 2004.

TEX00001196M. Kruger   39
United States, Texas, Chambers, Eagle.

TEX00282045Peter B. Andrews   961964-11-07
United States, Texas, Aransas, St. Joseph Island.

TEX00391298Ray Jordan   s.n.1991-10-12
United States, Texas, Hardin, In Lance Rosier Unit of Big Thicket; .6 mi. E of Saratoga, Tx. on Hwy 770, then S on dirt road .7 mi. to fork, then left 1.8 mi.

TEX00391299Larry E. Brown   166041992-09-25
United States, Texas, Harris, At the intersection of Port and Todville Rds W of Galveston Bay and S of the Bayport Channel in La Porte.

TEX00391300William R. Carr|J. Richard Carter   123031992-09-10
United States, Texas, Harris, N side of Spencer Highway, W side of Southern Pacific RR tracks, ca. 0.6-0.8 mi W of St. Rt. 146 in La Porte. La Porte Quadrangle., 29.66528 -95.04028

TEX00391301Benjamin Carroll Tharp   s.n.1937-09-09
United States, Texas, Jefferson, Beaumont.

TEX00446640David J. Rosen   43322007-08-08
United States, Texas, Chambers, Small, low-lying remnant clayey prairie on private property along State Hwy 124, between High Island and Winnie., 29.67281 -94.37372

TEX00456483Charles M. Allen|Marc Pastorek|Peter Loos|David Lewis   221472010-09-18
United States, Texas, Newton, Off County Rd. 1132 just south of Sabine County line ca. 6 miles west of Texas 87 ca. 15 miles north of Burkeville., 31.1618 -93.78347

pilotorch1 - Now BRIT for TORCH Georef testing

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT286308Larry E. Brown   81021984-09-29
United States, Texas, Harris, Off of Underwood Street just north of intersection with Fairmont Parkway in Deer Park.

University of Texas collab with BRIT

Image Associated With the Occurence
NLU0052861Larry E. Brown   94451985-09-24
United States, Texas, Harris, Sandy field along Tanner Road ca 0.5 mile W of intersection with Britmoore rd at NW edge of Houston.

Image Associated With the Occurence
NLU0052862Larry E. Brown   235951999-10-10
United States, Texas, Liberty, Plants growing on sandy soil in a prairie near the Tarkington Prairie school along CR 2268 N of intersection with Hwy 163 in the village of Tarkington Prairie east of Cleveland., 30.315556 -94.964444

Image Associated With the Occurence
NLU0052863Larry E. Brown   81271984-09-30
United States, Texas, Harris, Present on dark clay soil in a small prairie patch along Underwood Street at intersection with Fairmont Parkway in Deer Park.

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