TEX00037718 Benjamin Carroll Tharp|William J. Krodel|Fred A. Barkley 17T146 1947-05-03
United States, Texas, Kendall, Below Edge Falls.
TEX00037719 William R. Carr 16068 1997-04-09
United States, Texas, Uvalde, S bank of Frio River, just upstream from (W of) mouth of small canyon marked on topo, ca. 1.0-1.1 airmiles W of RM 2690 bridge, on the Annandale Ranch. Concan Quad., 29.44667 -99.68194
TEX00037720 Mark H. Mayfield|Carolyn J. Ferguson 2158 1995-03-19
United States, Texas, Travis, Upper Bull Creek recreation area, ca. 1/3 mi. W of Spicewood Springs Rd. where it meet Loop 360, SE of Loop 360 ca. 300 meters, along major southern branch of Bull Creek., 30.38333 -97.76667
TEX00043261 William R. Carr|Bill Johnson 18091 1999-04-15
United States, Texas, Hays, S bank of Blanco River, ca. 3.5-3.6 airmiles SW of jct. F.M. 3237 and F.M. 150, 3.9 airmiles W to WSW of jct. F.M. 150 and F.M. 2770. Mountain City Quadrangle., 30.00417 -97.95611
TEX00197697 William R. Carr 18881 2000-04-23
United States, Texas, Travis, E side of Grape Creek, ca. 200-500 ft. S of fenceline at N edge of Morgan C. Tract (a Prop 2 tract), ca. 2.35 airmiles W to WNW of Jct. St. Rt. 71 and RM 2244. Bee Cave Quadrangle., 30.26944 -97.945
TEX00197698 William R. Carr|John P. Karges|Jackie M. Poole 18810 2000-04-05
United States, Texas, Val Verde, S side of Big Satan Canyon, ca. 0.2 mi. S of gaging station, ca. 0.7 mi. W of canyon's mouth at Devils River, on Devils River Ranch. Satan Canyon Quadrangle., 29.6625 -100.96111
TEX00197699 William R. Carr 18849 2000-04-18
United States, Texas, Travis, Ca. 50 ft. W of Bull Creek from a point ca. 50 ft. S of N edge of Stenis Tract (a Prop 2 tract), ca. 0.5 mi. N of Loop 360 bridge, E side of Spicewood Springs Rd. Jollyville Quadrangle., 30.39028 -97.77444
TEX00197700 William R. Carr 18872 2000-04-21
United States, Texas, Hays, S side of Onion Creek, 0.2-0.5 mi. W of low water crossing on Rutherford Ranch, ca. 1.4 airmiles ENE of Jct. FM 150 and RM 3237, 1.5 airmiles ESE of FM 150 bridge over Yorks Creek. Mountain City Quadrangle., 30.05222 -97.96556
TEX00198294 James S. Henrickson 14875 1976-03-15
United States, Texas, Travis, Ca. 2 mi. S of the State Capital along Barton Creek. S of the Colorado River in the city of Austin., 30.263451 -97.771114
TEX00207986 Mark H. Mayfield|John M. Mendenhall 1872 1994-02-19
United States, Texas, Travis, Barton Creek Greenbelt near N end of trail in floodplain of Barton Creek, ca. 0.5 mi. from Barton Springs Pool., 30.263635 -97.770704
TEX00404132 Victor L. Cory 38863 1942-04-18
United States, Texas, Edwards, Polecat Creek.
TEX00404133 William R. Carr|Paul D. Turner 16107 1997-04-19
United States, Texas, Travis, S side of Barton Creek just E of (downstream from) low water crossing near HQ of Barton Creek Habitat Preserve (TNC). Bee Cave Quadrangle., 30.30472 -97.91222
TEX00404134 Maria F. Zermoglio 13 1994-03-21
United States, Texas, Travis, Mopac (State Loop 1) 1/4 mile south of Loop 1 at southeast intersection of Barton Skyway and Spyglass Dr.
TEX00404135 Mary S. Young 61 1918-04-15
United States, Texas, Travis, Barton Creek valley. Austin.
TEX00404136 Barton H. Warnock 20584 1940-04-04
United States, Texas, Travis, Austin., 30.279395 -97.744729
TEX00404137 William R. Carr 3772 1982-04-15
United States, Texas, Travis, Ca. 1000 ft. SW of intersection of Loop 360 and S branch of Spicewood Springs Rd. SE corner of Jollyville Quadrangle.
TEX00404138 Mary S. Young s.n. 1915-04-03
United States, Texas, Travis, Barton Creek., 30.285206 -97.869175
TEX00404139 Benjamin Carroll Tharp 44137 1944-05-10
United States, Texas, Travis, Austin., 30.279396 -97.74473
TEX00404140 Hugh H. York s.n. 1908-03-22
United States, Texas, Travis, 20 mi. W of Austin., 30.2533333333 -98.0675
TEX00404141 Grady L. Webster 54 1949-03-18
United States, Texas, Travis, 1 mile above the mouth of Bull Creek., 30.359037 -97.788115
TEX00404142 Barbara Ertter|Linda Vorobik 5680 1985-04-13
United States, Texas, Travis, SW Austin, upper Barton Creek just W of Capitol of Texas Hwy. (Loop 360).
TEX00404143 William Henry Long s.n. 1901-01-01
United States, Texas, Travis, Austin, Texas.
TEX00404144 Rom Welborn s.n. 1972-04-01
United States, Texas, Travis, Austin, Barton Creek Valley.
TEX00404145 Mary S. Young s.n. 1914-02-28
United States, Texas, Travis, Barton Creek bank.
TEX00404146 Mark H. Mayfield|John M. Mendenhall 717 1991-03-24
United States, Texas, Travis, Barton Creek Greenbelt ca. 0.1 mi. upstream from the Hwy. 360 bridge on the south side of the stream., 30.244029 -97.803862
TEX00404147 Tom Green 9 1995-04-02
United States, Texas, Travis, Barton Creek, 1.3 km from junction of Loop 360 and Bee Caves Road.
TEX00404148 Thomas F. Patterson 7226 1993-03-21
United States, Texas, Travis, Upper Bull Creek in Barrow Reserve.
TEX00404149 Eunice Brackett s.n. 1938-03-02
United States, Texas, Travis, Travis County.
TEX00404150 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 9287 1989-04-17
United States, Texas, Travis, In valley of Barton Creek, ca. 2 mi. upstream from Barton Springs in Zilker Park and 2.5 mi. from Colorado River, ca. 0.5 mi. NE of Loop 360 bridge over creek, Oak Hill 7.5' Quad, Barton Creek Greenbelt., 30.24861 -97.79639
TEX00404151 William Henry Long|A. M. Ferguson s.n. 1901-04-13
United States, Texas, Travis, Bee Creek., 30.299061 -97.790457
TEX00404152 Ferdinand Lindheimer 1147 1850-01-01
United States, Texas, Comal, New Braunfels., 29.703002 -98.124453
TEX00422850 William R. Carr|Bill Johnson 19382 2001-03-06
United States, Texas, Hays, N side of Blanco River ca. 3.0-3.1 airmiles SE of jct. St. Rt. 150 and R. M. 3237 at Hays City, on Halifax Ranch. Mtn City Quadrangle., 30.01083 -97.95806
TEX00448345 William R. Carr|Cynthia Tull 26783 2008-05-12
United States, Texas, Uvalde, Ca. 0.9 airmiles WNW of Bald Mountain, ca. 0.7 airmiles ESE of confluence of Anton and Blanco creeks. Uvalde Quadrangle., 29.52028 -99.60211
TEX00457705 William R. Carr|Ernest Smith|Paula Smith|Bill Lindemann 28836 2010-05-08
United States, Texas, Edwards, E side of West Nueces River at and S of Wiley Waterhole, ca. 2.6 airmiles E of St. Rt. 674 crossing of Government Draw., 29.67025 -100.38489
TEX00470172 Geoff Denny|Susan Harvey 113 2001-03-15
United States, Texas, Bandera, Love Creek Nature Preserve. 10 miles east of Medina, on Hwy. 337., 29.79233 -99.42083
TEX00473828 Leslie Lewis s.n. 2004-03-20
United States, Texas, Comal, River Road. New Braunfels, TX.
TEX00500608 George Yatskievych|William R. Carr|Charles W. ("Chuck") Sexton|Julie Murray 19-003 2019-03-22
United States, Texas, Travis, Balcones Canyonlands Preserve, to W of Road RR 620 via Bayshore Bend, NW portion of Austin; Bunton Tract, at far NW end of property from BCP Field Office., 30.44831 -97.853167
TEX00500855 Thomas J. Watson 2019-4 2019-03-07
United States, Texas, Hays, Rutherford Tract of Onion Creek Management Unit of Wildlands Conservation Division of Austin Water Utility; 6555 RR 967; on slopes of limestone bluffs on S side of Onion Creek, ca. ¼ mi W of Sage Inn., 30.05175 -97.94331
MSC0288396 Thomas J. Watson 2019-4 2019-03-07
United States, Texas, Hays
MSC0288489 Thomas J. Watson 2019-4 2019-03-07
United States, Texas, Hays
BRIT251301 B. C. Tharp 17T146 1947-05-03
United States, Texas, Kendall, In woodland below Edge Falls.
BRIT245224 Toney M. Keeney 4585 1985-04-16
United States, Texas, Uvalde, At Chalk Bluff NW of Uvalde on Hi. 55.
BRIT245223 Wm. L. McCart 6715 1957-05-11
United States, Texas, Travis, Bull Creek, 8 miles northwest of Austin.
BRIT245222 M. H. Mayfield 1872 1994-02-19
United States, Texas, Travis, Barton Creek Greenbelt near north end of trail in floodplain of Barton Creek, ca. 1/2 mi from Barton Springs Pool.
BRIT245221 M. H. Mayfield 717 1991-03-24
United States, Texas, Travis, Barton Creek Greenbelt ca. 0.1 mi. upstream from the Hwy. 360 bridge on the south side of the stream., 122m
BRIT245220 Wm. R. Carr 4839 1983-05-08
United States, Texas, Travis, On E side of N flank of North Cat Mt, ca. 2000 ft. S of Loop 360, 0.3 mi. NE of Lakewood Drive. NE corner of Austin West Quadrangle.
BRIT245219 Ferdinand Lindheimer 1147 1850-02-00
United States, Texas, Comal, Comanche Spring; New Braunfels, etc.
BRIT245218 Ferdinand Lindheimer 446 1850-02-00
United States, Texas, [No additional locality data on sheet]
OKLA020028459 Mary O. Rice 167 1938-04-16
United States, Texas, Comal, Landa Park, New Braunfels