TCSW000364 Albert Ruth 496 1922-06-20
United States, Texas, Tarrant, [No data]
TCSW000365 B. C. Tharp 44105 1944-05-10
United States, Texas, Travis, Austin
TEX00197998 Elinor Lehto L25740 1993-06-06
United States, Texas, Van Zandt, US 80, 4 mi. E of Edgewood., 32.563717 -95.836514
TEX00198206 William R. Carr 18949 2000-05-08
United States, Texas, Travis, Ca. 300 ft. W of gate at W end of Green Emerald Terrace, ca. 2.2 airmiles NW of RM 1626 bridge over Bear Creek, on Edwards 82 Tract (a Prop 2 tract). Signal Hill Quadrangle., 30.16056 -97.87528
TEX00290271 Logan D. Smith 735 1947-06-21
United States, Texas, McLennan, Post oak thicket south of Old Mart Lake.
TEX00290273 Mary S. Young s.n. 1916-05-24
United States, Texas, Travis, Post oak woods, Austin.
TEX00290274 William R. Carr|David Wolfe 13765 1994-05-06
United States, Texas, Bastrop, W side of East Center Road, 0.1-0.2 mi S of its jct. with New Road, ca. 2.9 airmiles SE of jct. US Rt. 290 and F.M. 696. Camp Swift Training Site (Texas National Guard). Elgin East Quadrangle., 30.27861 -97.27361
TEX00290275 Paul A. Fryxell 3752 1982-05-31
United States, Texas, Fayette, On FM 954, 1 mi E of jct. with Hwy 237 (S of Round Top, road to Willow Springs)., 30.014644 -96.71315
TEX00290276 Marguerite Riedel s.n. 1941-07-03
United States, Texas, Dewitt, Western De Witt County.
TEX00290277 Billie Lee Turner|Gayle Turner|Matt W. Turner 94-69 1994-05-30
United States, Texas, Austin, 3.9 mi NW of Bellville along Texas Highway 36.
TEX00290280 Talco School 6005 1927-01-01
United States, Texas, Titus, Talco.
TEX00290282 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 10529 1989-06-08
United States, Texas, Limestone, On W side of TX 39, ca. 3.3 mi NW of jct TX 164 (near Personville), ca. 3.5 mi SE of Fallon; Teague South 7.5' Quad., 31.54167 -96.36944
TEX00290283 L. H. Do 693 1995-05-20
United States, Texas, Freestone, Fairfield Lake State Recreational Area; 6 miles northeast of Fairfield; tall grass field near Springfield camp entrance.
TEX00290284 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 10362 1989-06-06
United States, Texas, Leon, On S side of Sycamore Branch near headwaters, at NE corner of Hilltop Lakes Resort, ca. 3 air mi ENE of resort headquarters, ca. 5 air mi NNW of Normangee; Hilltop Lakes 7.5' Quad., 31.09028 -96.16389
TEX00290285 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 10403 1989-06-07
United States, Texas, Burleson, SW of FM 908, ca. 1.5 mi E of jct Co Rd 319, 0.7 air mi SW of Shiloh School & Cem, ca. 3.5 mi NW of jct TX 21, ca. 5.3 mi W of Caldwell; Chriesman 7.5' Quad., 30.50556 -96.79444
TEX00290287 Audrey Freeman s.n. 1930-05-03
United States, Texas, Houston, Lovelady.
TEX00290288 Benjamin Carroll Tharp|Billie Lee Turner|Marshall C. Johnston 54965 1954-06-02
United States, Texas, Angelina, Shawnee Prairie, 3 miles west of U.S. 69 on road no. 844 south of Huntington.
TEX00290289 Mary S. Young s.n. 1914-06-02
United States, Texas, Walker, Huntsville.
TEX00290290 Alfred Traverse 1216 1959-05-04
United States, Texas, San Patricio, Welder Wildlife Foundation, N of Sinton. In field 50 m. from house at Moody's Camp.
TEX00337961 Benjamin Carroll Tharp 1672 1922-05-20
United States, Texas, Travis, Austin., 30.279241 -97.744575
TEX00337962 William R. Carr|Craig Farquhar|John Maresh 14651 1995-05-25
United States, Texas, Bastrop, 0-200 ft. S of East Road from a point ca. 0.4 mi. W of its jct. with New Road, ca. 3.7-3.8 airmiles SE of jct. US Rt. 290 and F. M. 696 near Butler. Camp Swift Training Site (Texas National Guard). Elgin East Quadrangle., 30.26389 -97.27083
TEX00337964 Hugh H. Duval s.n. 1928-06-15
United States, Texas, Bastrop, N road to Country Club.
TEX00337965 Hugh H. Duval s.n. 1924-06-09
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Collected in Lechea Hills.
TEX00337966 Fred A. Barkley|Burford L. Westlund|Chester M. Rowell, Jr. 7042 1947-05-04
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Near West Point.
TEX00337967 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 10255 1989-06-03
United States, Texas, Bastrop, On SW section of loop road in developed part of park, just SE of golf course, ca. 0.6 mi. ESE of park entrance and jct. TX 21 & Loop 150 on E side of Bastrop; Bastrop State Park, Bastrop 7.5' Quad., 30.10639 -97.28472
TEX00337971 Paul A. Fryxell 1008 1969-06-01
United States, Texas, Brazos, E of College Station., 30.625254 -96.255182
TEX00337972 D. H. Buck s.n. 1946-05-10
United States, Texas, Brazos, College Station.
TEX00337973 H. B. Parks s.n. 1947-05-18
United States, Texas, Brazos, College Station.
TEX00428709 Hillary Loring|Elizabeth Winston-Mize|Zenaida Alejandro PK 110 2005-05-12
United States, Texas, Washington, Peaceable Kingdom Farm, ca. three miles NW of Washington, Texas. Behind Summerland., 30.3554 -96.1929
TEX00442468 William R. Carr|Wade Harrell|Laurie Heintz 23223 2004-05-24
United States, Texas, Goliad, Ca. 1000 ft. W of S tip of Gibson Lake at S edge of San Antonio River floodplain, E of a Welder Ranch road, ca. 0.9 airmiles NNW of St. Rt. 239 crossing of Goliad-Refugio county line, at N28o33'31", W097o10'34". Lott Lake Quadrangle., 28.55861 -97.17611
TEX00442502 William R. Carr 23280 2004-05-26
United States, Texas, Goliad, Both sides of Welder Ranch access road on SW side of Gibson Lake at S edge of San Antonio River floodplain, ca. 1.5 airmiles NNW of St. Rt. 239 crossing of Goliad-Refugio county line, at N28o33'56", W097o10'38". Lott Lake Quadrangle., 28.56556 -97.17722
TEX00446900 William R. Carr 26017 2007-06-11
United States, Texas, Wilson, Ca. 0.5-0.8 airmiles S of jct. St. Rt. 97 and F. M. 539, ca. 4 airmiles NE of Floresville, at N29o10'36.8", W098o06'44.6". Mary Gaddis property. Marcelinas Hills Quadrangle., 29.17689 -98.11239
TEX00448123 William R. Carr 26807 2008-05-28
United States, Texas, Parker, Ca. 1.1-1.2 airmiles SW to WSW of jct. Lution Rd. and F. M. 1884 at Bethel, 0.7-0.8 airmiles ESE of jct. Old Dennis Rd. and Lution Rd, SSW of Weatherford. Weatherford South Quadrangle., 32.68939 -97.84178
TEX00448320 Laura L. Hansen 5963 2008-05-29
United States, Texas, Coryell, Training Area 47, 0.4 miles southwest of Antelope Road, on gravel road that is 1.1 miles east of boundary fence., 31.26046 -97.88875
TEX00463325 William R. Carr 30833 2012-06-13
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Ca. 50-400 ft. E of Harmon Road from a point 0.1 mi S of its jct. with Park Road 1, ca. 3.4-3.5 airmiles E of jct. St. Rt. 21 and St. Rt. 95 in Bastrop. E part of Bastrop State Park. Bastrop Quadrangle., 30.10744 -97.24978
TEX00463727 David J. Rosen|A. Sipocz 6125 2013-09-13
United States, Texas, Galveston, Plants of Galveston Island State Park. E of the improved hiking trail through scrubby hummock that runs NS between Oak Bayou and Butterowe Bayou., 29.20327 -94.95985
TEX00469216 Cate Bergman 324 2003-05-07
United States, Texas, Lee, Roadside collecting along FM 320 (old Elkin Rd.) N of FM 318 and S of FM 419
TEX00469594 Cate Bergman 741 2004-05-20
United States, Texas, Lee, Junction FM 180 and CR 128; 2.1 miles N of junction with Hwy 290., 30.18217 -96.80017
TEX00470321 William R. Carr 34913 2015-05-21
United States, Texas, Caldwell, Along N side of fence at S edge of Hogan Ranch, ca. 4.3-4.4 airmiles SW to WSW of jct. St. Rt. 713 and St. Rt. 304 at Delhi., 29.79508 -97.45758
TEX00478377 William R. Carr 34857 2015-05-21
United States, Texas, Caldwell, On S fenceline of Hogan Ranch, ca. 4.3 airmiles WSW of jct. of St. Rt. 304 and St. Rt. 713 at Delhi., 29.795 -97.45522
TEX00485227 Madalynne Gatto|Mark Gustafson|Savannah Hight|Alan W. Lievens 125 2016-07-08
United States, Texas, Guadalupe, Collected at Christensen Ranch, off of Old Colony Road, south of Seguin., 29.41488 -97.98453
TEX00496834 William R. Carr|Diane Sherrill|Brush Freeman 36613 2017-05-23
United States, Texas, Williamson, W edge of side trail off Jim Rodgers Trail near N tip of Southwest Williamson County Regional Park., 30.57047 -97.76961
TEX00501455 William R. Carr 35781 2016-06-10
United States, Texas, Blanco, Along unpaved service road leading NE from N end of parking lot for swimming area, NE part of Pedernales State Park, ca. 2.8-3.0 airmiles NNE of jct. R.M. 2766 and Co. Rd. 201., 30.31486 -98.24819
TEX00515254 Burford L. Westlund|John Young s.n. 1997-06-10
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Czech-Moravian Cemetery, on N side of Zimmerhanzel Road(County Road 311), 0.2 mile E of junction with Kovar Road (County Road 310), 0.65 air mile NW of Kovar., 29.91056 -97.21861
TEX00546208 Deise J. P. Gonçalves|William R. Carr 933 2019-06-10
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Texas Ecolab Property Bastrop 2019-22, ca. 4.4 air miles ESE of Red Rock on S side of County Road 245., 29.92922 -97.380833
TEX00546216 Deise J. P. Gonçalves|William R. Carr 942 2019-06-10
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Texas Ecolab Property Bastrop 2018-17, S side of County Highway 535, ca. 0.6 mile E of Rosanky., 29.9285 -97.282417
TEX00572001 Taylor Sultan Quedensley|Kelsey Beavers|Dale Kruse|Rachel Carmichael 21300 2018-07-31
United States, Texas, Van Zandt, Purtis Creek State Park, 32.355277778 -95.993333333
BRITWORK10238 J. Quayle 1648 2010-05-29
United States, Texas, Montague
BRITWORK24597 E. Whitehouse 16215 1946-07-04
United States, Texas, Denton, 4 1/2 miles north of Grapevine, farm of E. P. Cheatum.
BRITWORK551358 Albert Ruth 496 1917-06-20
United States, Texas, Tarrant, [No additional locality data on sheet]
BRITWORK20056 J. Reverchon 54 1880-06-00
United States, Texas, Dallas, Dallas.
BRITWORK446149 Elinor Lehto L25327 1992-05-30
United States, Texas, Montague, ca. 40 mi. NW. Denton.
MSC0288439 Burford L. Westlund 1997-06-10
United States, Texas, Bastrop
OKLA81412 J. & C. Taylor 798 1962-07-17
OKLA81413 George J. Goodman 7044 1960-06-24
United States, Oklahoma, Marshall
BRIT370435 Norlan C. Henderson 63-928 1963-05-19
United States, Texas, Callahan, Along Tex. #36, about 2 miles southeast of the Taylor County line.
BRIT370434 Geyata Ajilvsgi 3159 1976-04-06
United States, Texas, Goliad, West of Coleta Creek and North of Hwy 59, approx 13 mi. West of Victoria.
BRIT370433 Tom Starbuck 2307 1982-06-03
United States, Texas, Robertson, SW 1/4 Dunn Creek Quad, U.S.G.S. 1963; 8 mi. S-SE of Hearne along Tx. Hwy. 6.
BRIT370412 Elinor Lehto L25740 1993-06-06
United States, Texas, Van Zandt, US 80. 4 mi. E. Edgewood.
BRIT370411 Elinor Lehto L25748 1993-06-06
United States, Texas, Van Zandt, US 80. 4.4 mi. E. Edgewood.
BRIT370338 Alfred Traverse 1216 1959-05-04
United States, Texas, San Patricio, Welder Wildlife Foundation, N of Sinton. Infield 50 m. from house at Moody's Camp., 15m
BRIT370337 E. S. Nixon 17959 1992-05-29
United States, Texas, Leon, Fort Boggy State Park; 4 miles S. Centerville, Tx, Hwy 75.
BRIT370334 Geyata Ajilvsgi TES Job 8901 1989-06-08
United States, Texas, Grimes, 4.3 miles southwest of Carlos.
BRIT370333 George L. Fisher 1759 1921-05-08
United States, Texas, Galveston, Kemah., 12m
BRIT370332 George L. Fisher 797-7 1921-05-08
United States, Texas, Galveston, Kemah.
BRIT370331 F. Lindheimer 8204 1843-05-00
United States, Texas, Galveston, Galveston Island
BRIT370330 Paul A. Fryxell 3752 1982-05-31
United States, Texas, Fayette, On FM 954, 1 mi E of jct. with 237 (S of Round Top, road to Willow Springs).
BRIT370329 Lloyd H. Shinners 14660 1953-05-16
United States, Texas, Colorado, 10 miles east-northeast of Columbus. Sandy roadside and fencerow.
BRIT370328 Eula Whitehouse 21314 1949-05-20
United States, Texas, Cass, 4 miles east of Hughes Springs on Highway 11.
BRIT370327 Paul A. Fryxell 1008 1969-06-01
United States, Texas, Brazos, E. of College Station, in open woods
BRIT370326 Wm. F. Mahler 9088 1981-05-12
United States, Texas, Brazos, Ca 3 mi E of Rock Prairie & hwy 6.
BRIT370325 S. E. Wolff 764 1929-05-21
United States, Texas, Bell, 3 mi. N of Holland.
BRIT370324 C. L. Lundell 8975 1940-05-18
United States, Texas, Bastrop, About 5 miles south of Bastrop.
BRIT370323 Fred A. Barkley 7042 1947-05-04
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Near West Point.
BRIT370322 Lloyd H. Shinners 11313 1949-05-26
United States, Texas, Bosque, 12 1/2 miles north-northeast of Walnut Springs. Above Brazos River terrace.
BRIT370321 Mary Anne Pickens s.n. 2002-04-29
United States, Texas, Colorado, 8 mi N of Columbus off FM 109; Pickens homeplace. In gravelly, thin soil in Post Oak Savannah.
BRIT370320 Wm. F. Mahler 9088 1981-05-12
United States, Texas, Brazos, Ca 3 mi E of Rock Prairie & Hwy 6.
BRITTRAIN370413 Robert J. O'Kennon 18303 2003-05-17
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ Grasslands Unit 66., 253m
BRITTRAIN35165 R. J. O'Kennon 12253 1994-05-31
United States, Texas, Parker, Azle sands. Commerce St. ca 0.2 mi W of Tarrant-Parker county line., 236m
BRITTRAIN370336 Jeff Quayle 1110 2006-05-13
United States, Texas, Johnson, Egan, Judith Spear property, south part of property, east of main N-S road
BRITTRAIN370335 Jeff Quayle 1081 2006-05-09
United States, Texas, Johnson, Egan, Judith Sear property, North part of property
BRITTRAIN07633 Albert Ruth 496 1924-06-20
United States, Texas, Tarrant, [No additional locality data on sheet]