Ipomoea trichocarpa var. trichocarpa
BRITWORK371397 Barney L. Lipscomb 2449 1977-09-25
United States, Texas, Parker, Mineral Wells State Park. Around park office.
BRITWORK371467 R. G. Reeves 2549 1972-09-18
United States, Texas, Dallas, Richardson. Along Custer Road between Arapaho and Beltline.
BRITWORK486833 Lloyd H. Shinners 10581 1948-10-09
United States of America, Texas, Dallas, Turtle Creek at Stonebridge Drive, Dallas. On steep bank, in gray clay; trailing. Flowers rose-magenta with dark eye.
BRITWORK486834 Lloyd H. Shinners 10581 1948-10-09
United States of America, Texas, Dallas, Turtle Creek at Stonebridge Drive, Dallas. On steep bank, in gray clay; trailing. Flowers rose-magenta with dark eye.
Ipomoea trichocarpa var. trichocarpa
BRIT371432 A. Traverse 195 1956-07-19
United States, Texas, Matagorda, hwy - Texas 60 ca. 5.5 mi. S of Bay City, 9m
BRIT371428 Terrence Walters 555 1979-06-17
United States, Texas, Llano, Enchanted Rock Natural Area Granite outcrop 29.0 km. north, on north side of RM 965, from the intersection of RM 965 and U.S. Highway 290.
BRIT371427 Barney L. Lipscomb 2867 1979-06-08
United States, Texas, Limestone, Roadside along Lambs Creek ca. 1 mi E of Farrar and ca. 4 mi SE on FM 1512.
BRIT371426 J. Singhurst 1459 1993-07-00
United States, Texas, Limestone, Hwy 14 & Pk. Rd 28. Fort Parker State Park.
BRIT371425 J. Singhurst 1460 1993-07-00
United States, Texas, Limestone, Hwy 14 & Pk. Rd 28. Fort Parker State Park.
BRIT371420 D. S. Correll 26924 1963-01-03
United States, Texas, Kenedy, Knoll along highway, near Rudolph, south of Norias.
Ipomoea trichocarpa var. trichocarpa
BRIT371417 Greg H. Hall 163 1972-06-08
United States, Texas, Hill, Remote roadside near Cobb Creek ca. 2 mi. S of Vaughan.
BRIT371415 Geyata Ajilvsgi 7836 1980-09-18
United States, Texas, Harrison, Ca. 3.5 mi. s. of IH 20, ca. 1.2 mi. n. of Sabine River, 3 mi. n.e. of Easton, ca. 1 mi. s. of Pleasant Hill Church.
Ipomoea trichocarpa var. trichocarpa
BRIT371414 Alfred Traverse 2362 1961-05-25
United States, Texas, Harris, San Jacinto River bottoms, 300 m. W of highway 10, 200 m. E of river., 6m
Ipomoea trichocarpa var. trichocarpa
BRIT371413 Alfred Traverse 355 1957-09-30
United States, Texas, Harris, 3737 Bellaire Blvd, Houston. Outside rm. 132; south side of building., 18m
BRIT370746 Joe Cornelius 1731 1982-08-27
United States, Texas, Throckmorton, Clear Fork of the Brazos River; approximately 11 km W and 16 km S of Throckmorton. Jim Matthews Ranch.
BRIT370744 Wm. F. Mahler 9496 1982-06-09
United States, Texas, Llano, 2 mi N of Bluffton on Hwy 2241.
BRIT370743 Geyata Ajilvsgi 3321 1976-05-03
United States, Texas, Goliad, West of Coleto Creek and North of Hwy. 59, approx. 13 mi. West of Victoria.
Ipomoea trichocarpa var. trichocarpa
BRIT371397 Barney L. Lipscomb 2449 1977-09-25
United States, Texas, Parker, Mineral Wells State Park. Around park office.
BRIT371398 Tom Starbuck 3045 1982-08-30
United States, Texas, Robertson, SE 1/4 Calvert Quad, U.S.G.S. 1962; 3.3 mi W of Hearne along FM 1644.
Ipomoea trichocarpa var. tricocarpa
BRIT371399 Tom Starbuck 908 1981-09-10
United States, Texas, Robertson, S.E. 1/4 Camp Creek Lake Quad, U.S.G.S. 1965; 5.7 mi. S-SE of Easterly.
Ipomoea trichocarpa var. trichocarpa
BRIT371403 Pat Burleson 512 1976-08-05
United States, Texas, San saba, 9.3 mi. N Richland Springs on FM 45.
BRIT371405 Robert Eckhardt 1201 1973-07-28
United States, Texas, Sutton, At Camp Allison Park.
Ipomoea trichocarpa var. trichocarpa
BRIT371406 Peggy A. Amerson 707 1971-09-15
United States, Texas, Titus, Along county road, 3 miles south of I-30, Macon community.
BRIT371447 Sandy Beadles 10 1974-09-22
United States, Texas, Brazos, College Station. South of Travis House Apt. 505 Hwy 30.
BRIT371448 John R. Wood 38 1950-06-26
United States, Texas, Brazos, 1 1/2 mi. E of College Station, along highway., 91m
BRIT371449 Julie Ludwig 15 1980-10-24
United States, Texas, Brazos, Roadside 1 mi, on Texas 50 & 60 jct, 9 mi W of C.S.
BRIT371450 Peggy Schulz 29 1975-10-07
United States, Texas, Brazos, Corner of Welsh St. and southwest Parkway, 12' from Brazos Co. intersection. College Station.
BRIT371451 Ruth Tijerina 056 1988-04-24
United States, Texas, Brooks, About 1 mile south of Falfurrias, Texas on Hwy 281.
BRIT371453 Wm. F. Mahler 9558 1982-10-29
United States, Texas, Burnet, Opposite the Roadside Park. 3.6 mi N of junction of 281 and 29 on Hwy 281.
BRIT371455 Harold Gentry 660 1950-06-12
United States, Texas, Cass, Between Huffins and McLeod.
BRIT371459 Alfred Traverse 2343 1961-05-25
United States, Texas, Chambers, 3 mi. N of Wallisville, at end of side road toward Lake Charlotte from highway 563., 5m
BRIT371462 Lindheimer 1033 1950-06-00
United States, Texas, Comal, Comanche Spring, New Braunfels. etc.
BRIT371463 Barney L. Lipscomb 2281 1977-06-09
United States, Texas, Coryell, Approx. 3 miles NW of Mosheim west from dam site along Hog Creek.
BRIT371467 R. G. Reeves 2549 1972-09-18
United States, Texas, Dallas, Richardson. Along Custer Road between Arapaho and Beltline.
BRIT371472 Mary E. White 122 1971-10-16
United States, Texas, Galveston, Junction of Texas Ave. with 5th St.
BRIT371475 Geyata Ajilvsgi 416 1989-08-11
United States, Texas, Grimes, On Pete Allen property on the Gibbons Creek Lignite Mine permit area.
NLU0129440 Larry E. Brown 8095 1984-09-29
United States, Texas, Harris, Present along a roadside along a road into a prairie at intersection of Underwood Street and Fairmont Parkway in Deer Park.
NLU0129441 Larry E. Brown 8095 1984-09-29
United States, Texas, Harris, Present along roadside off of Underwood Street just north of intersection with Fairmont Parkway in Deer Park.
NLU0129443 Norcliffe Meyer, III 029 1978-08-15
United States, Texas, Brazos, Roadside, OSR 2 mi S of intersect. W FM 1687.
NLU0129444 Bro. Daniel Lynch, CSC 9830 1987-08-13
United States, Texas, Travis, S. E. U. campus.