TEX00001344 William R. Carr 14187 1994-09-26
United States, Texas, Harris, Addicks Training Area (Tx Natl Guard)ca. 300-500 ft. N of Clay Rd. from a point ca. 1.1 roadmiles E of St. Rte. 6 just W of Langham Cr. within Addicks Reservoir., 29.83806 -95.62861
TEX00001346 Guy L. Nesom 7259 1991-10-11
United States, Texas, Brazoria, 9 mi. SE of Danbury; At junction of Co Rd 2004; road embankment and flat disturbed areas near highway.
TEX00001347 Billie Lee Turner 4461 1958-10-12
United States, Texas, Galveston, 4 mi. NW of La Marque; Black clay soil of coastal grassland.
TEX00085886 Walter Pruess|Sandy Elsik s.n. 1998-11-14
United States, Texas, Matagorda, Along W side of N arm of Mad Island Lake, ca. 800-1200 ft. N of HQ at Mad Island Marsh Preserve. Palacios NE Quadrangle., 29.64722 -96.102222
TEX00085883 William R. Carr|Matt Williams 17870 1998-10-28
United States, Texas, Brazoria, In 50-ft-long striip of grassland between road and fenceline, SW side of a NW-SE road, 0.2 roadmiles SE of its junction with the major N-S road that leads from Halls Road North southward, ca. 2.5-2.6 airmiles E of F. M. 2004 bridge over New Bayou, on IP F, 29.23972 -95.131667
TEX00085884 William R. Carr 17857 1998-10-27
United States, Texas, Galveston, On soils of Bernard-Edna complex, ca. 200 ft. S of an E-W road from a point 200-300 ft. W of its jct. with main N-S entrance road (southern extension of F. M. 646 S of F. M. 2004) on Halls Bayou Ranch. Hitchcock Quadrangle., 29.28 -95.0675
TEX00085885 William R. Carr 17869 1998-10-28
United States, Texas, Brazoria, 50-500 ft. E of major N-S road, 2.9-3.0 roadmiles S of its jct. with Halls Road North, ca. 2.6 airmiles ESE of F. M. 2004 bridge over New Bayou, on IP Farms property. Hoskins Mound Quadrangle., 29.22722 -95.136111
TEX00201330 William R. Carr 22653 2003-10-30
United States, Texas, Goliad, Upper part of slope on NE side of Elkins Branch ca. 0.6-0.7 airmiles NNW of culvert at FM 2441, ca. 0.2-0.3 airmiles W of FM 2441 from points 4.1-4.2 roadmiles S of Jct. US Rt. 59 (S of Goliad). Crow Ranch. Melo Quadrangle., 28.58738 -97.40885
TEX00201331 William R. Carr 22607 2003-10-29
United States, Texas, Goliad, Ca. 1.2-1.3 airmiles ESE of FM 2441 bridge over Sarco Creek. Sarco Creek Ranch. Melo Quadrangle. Along minor drainage just S of its confluence with Sarco Creek., 28.53823 -97.3918
TEX00201332 William R. Carr 22688 2003-11-05
United States, Texas, Goliad, W side of Keys Hollow, S side of road along N fenceline of W half of Sarco Creek Ranch, 3.1-3.2 airmiles NW of FM 2441 bridge over Sarco Creek. Melo Quadrangle., 28.5737 -97.45023
TEX00212397 Laura L. Hansen 8394 2015-05-08
United States, Texas, Mason, East of Mason, along Bickenbach Avenue, 0.1 mile north of junction with Highway 29, at Comanche Creek crossing. UTM 4788 34018.
TEX00322537 Matt Williams s.n. 1999-01-01
United States, Texas, Galveston, In grazed coastal prairie, 400-500 ft. E of the main N-S preserve road from a point ca. 300-500 ft. S of gate at seawall, or ca. 1.4-1.5 airmiles ESE to E of St. Rt. 146 bridge over Dickinson Bayou. Texas City Preserve (TNC). Texas City Quadrangle., 29.45833 -94.44778
TEX00322610 William R. Carr 19171 2000-10-16
United States, Texas, Colorado, Level to gently sloping railroad right-of-way; SW side of F. M. 102, 0.6 roadmiles NW of 90° turn at N edge of Eagle Lake town square, opposite (SW of) intersection of Austin Road (F. M. 102) and Post Office Street, immediately NW of railroad bridge over, 29.59556 -96.3425
TEX00322629 William R. Carr|Mark Dumesnil 19320 2000-11-08
United States, Texas, Matagorda, Mad Island Marsh Preserve, Jackrabbit Pasture; in transitional coastal prairie, both sides of a NNE-SSW road, 0.25-0.35 mi. SSW of its T jct. with an E-W road that crosses East Branch of Mad Island Slough, 2.7-2.8 airmiles NNE of preserve HQ. Palacios NE, 28.68139 -96.08583
TEX00322636 William R. Carr|Judy Teague|Thomas Adams 19181 2000-10-16
United States, Texas, Brazoria, Brazoria NWR, Hoskins Mound Unit; in transitional coastal prairie, on level landscape, 1.0-1.6 airmiles S to SSW of F. M. 2004 bridge over Chocolate Bayou, ca. 3.5-4.1 airmiles N to NNE of summit of Hoskins Mound. Hoskins Mound Quadrangle., 29.19111 -95.21306
TEX00391486 Billie Crabill s.n. 1930-01-01
United States, Texas, Matagorda, Citrus grove.
TEX00391487 William R. Carr|Matt Williams 17872 1998-10-28
United States, Texas, Brazoria, 0-500 ft. SW of a NW-SE road, 2.3 roadmiles SE of its junction with the major N-S road that leads from Halls Road North southward, ca. 1.5-1.7 airmiles NNE of windmill on Rattlesnake Mound, on IP Farms property. Sea Isle Quadrangle., 29.22278 -95.10028
TEX00440118 David J. Rosen 31001 2004-09-23
United States, Texas, Brazoria, Nash Ranch. 275 acre hay meadow W of CR 25, ca. 8.7 mi. N of its jct. with Hwy 35 in West Columbia., 29.25648 -95.60319
TEX00443502 David J. Rosen 3932 2006-09-27
United States, Texas, Brazoria, Nash Ranch, 275-acre hay meadow W of CR 25, ca. 8.7 mi. N of its int. with Hwy 35 in W. Columbia., 29.25244 -95.59633
TEX00445212 David J. Rosen 3978 2006-11-02
United States, Texas, Matagorda, East roadside of Oyster Lake Road, ca. 1.6 km S of FM 1095, E of Collegeport., 28.71153 -96.16308
TEX00457004 Kathy Bruce s.n. 1993-10-27
United States, Texas, Matagorda, On Mad Island Marsh Preserve (see map for location).
TEX00460820 David J. Rosen 5455 2011-10-16
United States, Texas, Brazoria, Nash Praire. Hay meadow S of CR 18, ca. 0.4 miles E of its intersection with Hwy 36, SE of the town of Damon., 29.27112 -95.67209
TEX00512005 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 12844 1989-11-04
United States, Texas, Brazoria, NW side of FM 2004, 1.9 mi NE of int Co Rd 227, ca. 1.9 mi SW of Chocolate Bayou, ca. 14 mi NE of int TX 288 and 10 mi SW of Galveston Co. line; Hoskins Mound 7.5' Quad., 29.193055556 -95.228333333
TEX00512006 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 12848 1989-11-04
United States, Texas, Austin, S side of FM 1093, 3.5 mi W of int TX 36 on NW side of Wallis, ca. 1.1 mi E of San Bernard River and Wharton Co Line, ca. 0.3 mi E of East Bernard Creek; Rexville 7.5' Quad., 29.626666667 -96.129722222
TEX00512007 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 12885 1989-11-04
United States, Texas, Galveston, Coastal prairies along Broadway Ave in San Leon, from Factory Bayou west to 24th St, ca. 3 mi SE of Bacliff and ca. 7 air mi ENE of Dickinson; Texas City 7.5' Quad., 29.491111111 -94.937222222
TEX00512046 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 12839 1989-11-04
United States, Texas, Matagorda, E side of TX 71, 0.1 mi S of int TX 111 in Midfield, just S of railroad crossing; Midfield 7.5' Quad., 28.935277778 -96.207777778
TEX00512078 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 12914 1989-11-05
United States, Texas, Aransas, On side of TX 35, 0.3 mi N of Cavasso Creek, ca 57 mi S of Refugio County line and 41 mi N of Holiday Beach; Aransas NWR; St. Charles Bay 7.5' Quad., 28.1325 -96.5909
TEX00512079 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 12895 1989-11-04
United States, Texas, Fort Bend, N of ditch levee rd, E of sewer plant, near pipeline ca. 0.6 mi N of Barker Dam and 0.45 mi SW of Clubhouse Lake in Barker Reservoir, ca. 3 mi WNW of Clonidine: Codeine 7.5 Quad., 29.714444444 -95.7375
TEX00512080 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 12846 1989-11-04
United States, Texas, Harris, N of Clay Road opposite W entrance to Bear Creek Park, W of Langham Creek in Addicks Reservoir, on W side of Houston; Addicks 7.5 Quad., 29.5022 -95.374
TEX00512081 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 12843 1989-11-04
United States, Texas, Matagorda, On right-of-way along FM 521, ca. 0.7 mi W of int TX 60 at a point 1 mi S of Wadsworth and 9 mi N of Matagorda, 0.8 mi E of St. Francis Church, 1.4 mi E of int FR 2668; Wadsworth 7.5' Quad., 28.810555556 -95.941666667
TEX00512082 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 12873 1989-11-04
United States, Texas, Colorado, Railroad r-o-w prairies on SW side of FM 102, ca. 2.2 mi NW of center of Eagle Lake, ca. 4.5 mi SE of int FR 949 and 10.5 mi SE of int I-10 at Alleyton; Eagle Lake 7.5' Quad., 29.610833333 -96.356388889
TEX00512091 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 12922 1989-11-05
United States, Texas, Bee, Vacant lot with disturbed grassland at NW comer of S. Kathleen St and E. Houston St, opposite Trinity Chapel, on N side of US 59 05 Wof US 181 bypass and 0.5 mi E of courthouse in Beeville; Beeville East 7.5 Quad., 28.406111111 -97.736944444
TEX00512097 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 12876 1989-11-04
United States, Texas, Colorado, Railroad r-o-w prairies on S side of FM 1093, ca. 1.3 mi E of int FM 3013 on E side of Eagle Lake, ca. 2.6 air mi E of Eagle Lake; Eagle Lake 7.5' Quad., 29.592222222 -96.291666667
TEX00566454 David J. Rosen 7430 2020-11-06
United States, Texas, Matagorda, Hawkins Ranch. About 750' S of Middle Pasture Road, .8 miles SW of its intersection with Farm Road, about 1.7 miles S of Farm Gate on FM 521., 28.861922222 -95.777555556
BRIT232902 George L. Fisher 48179 1948-09-25
United States, Texas, Fort Bend, Sugarland., 24m
BRIT232901 D. J. Rosen 3978 2006-11-02
United States, Texas, Matagorda
BRIT232900 V. L. Cory 51113 1945-11-23
United States, Texas, Matagorda, Water front at Palacios.
BRIT232899 C. L. Lundell 11934 1942-09-15
United States, Texas, Live Oak, So. of George West.
BRIT232896 D. S. Correll 26822 1962-11-11
United States, Texas, Galveston, Southeast edge of Hitchcock.
BRIT232894 Billie Lee Turner 1732 1949-11-25
United States, Texas, Galveston, Texas City, city limits; north side of town.
BRIT320594 D. S. Correll 13040 1946-07-04
United States, Texas, Randall, On rim of Palo Duro canyon, Palo Duro State Park.
NLU0077754 Larry E. Brown 9516 1985-10-10
United States, Texas, Harris, Along Gessner Roads between Clay and Taner Roads at north-west edge of Houston.
NLU0077755 Larry E. Brown 10732 1986-10-18
United States, Texas, Harris, Across Clay Road from entrance to Bear Creek Park west of Houston.