BRIT446677 W. R. Carr 36914 2017-09-12
United States of America, Texas, Travis, E side of Jones Rd. ca. 0.3 airmiles SSE of jct. Jones rd. and Littig rd., 30.32058333 97.47825, 143m
TEX00212740 Ferdinand Lindheimer 683 1850-07-01
United States, Texas, Comal, New Braunfels.
TEX00287343 William R. Carr|Paul D. Turner|Martin Whiting 12970 1993-09-02
United States, Texas, Bexar, NE side of perimeter road in NE 1/4 of Randolph Air Force Base, ca. 2.0 roadmiles E of entrance gate, SE of road to recycling center. Schertz Quadrangle., 29.53472 -98.2625
TEX00287344 Joe C. Johnson 952 1952-07-12
United States, Texas, Karnes, Along bank of bog, near Jacobs Creek Crossing, 3 miles N.W. of Panna Maria, State Hwy. 123.
TEX00287345 Steven R. Hill 6112 1977-07-26
United States, Texas, Goliad, River Ranch, entrance is 7 mi. southeast of Hwy. 183 intersection along Hwy. 289; 7.5 mi. ESE of Goliad., 28.626601 -97.273654
TEX00287346 William R. Carr|David Wolfe 16384 1997-05-14
United States, Texas, Nueces, Southern perimeter road ca. 0.8 roadmiles W of 90° turn in SE corner of Naval Auxiliary Landing Field Cabaniss, ca. 1.1 airmiles S to SSE of jct. St. Rt. 357 (Saratoga Blvd.) and St. Rt. 286 (Ayres St.). Oso Creek NW Quadrangle., 27.6925 -97.42972
TEX00287347 Robert Runyon 2171 1939-07-04
United States, Texas, Cameron, 2 miles south of San Banito.
TEX00287348 William R. Carr|Mary Lou Price 15342 1996-05-11
United States, Texas, Travis, Partially shaded terrace along E bank of Shoal Creek ca. 800 ft. S of W 34th St. bridge, Austin. Austin East Quadrangle., 30.3025 -97.74917
TEX00287349 Ferdinand Lindheimer 683 1850-01-01
United States, Texas, Comal, Comanche Spring; New Braunfels; etc., 29.703002 -98.124453
TEX00287350 Gustav M. Watkins s.n. 1927-10-07
United States, Texas, Hays, San Marcos.
TEX00287351 William R. Carr 7703 1986-07-04
United States, Texas, Bastrop, SE side of Shipp Lake ca. 50 ft. NE of RR crossing NE of St. Rt. 71. West Point Quadrangle.
TEX00287352 Victor L. Cory 45214 1944-07-23
United States, Texas, Gonzales, Palmetto State Park.
TEX00287353 Benjamin Carroll Tharp 2483 1923-06-15
United States, Texas, Dewitt, Cuero.
TEX00287354 Steven R. Hill 4514 1976-07-11
United States, Texas, Brazos, West bank of Little Brazos River, at Hwy 21, 7 mi. W of Bryan.
TEX00287355 Steven R. Hill 18396 1987-07-28
United States, Texas, Victoria, O' Connor Ranch. Coleto Creek bottoms N of Fleming Prairie Road, W of Rte. 77. SW of Victoria., 28.697909 -97.013592
TEX00287356 Benjamin Carroll Tharp s.n. 1941-08-28
United States, Texas, Jackson, Jackson county.
TEX00336396 F. McAllister s.n. 1919-01-01
United States, Texas, Nueces, Corpus Christi., 27.8006 -97.3964
TEX00336397 Benjamin Carroll Tharp|Joe C. Johnson|Grady L. Webster 48-88 1948-12-03
United States, Texas, Nueces, Corpus Christi, Bluff Street leading along bluff toward Naval air base, ca. 3-4 mi. from Nueces Hotel., 27.6747 -97.2779
TEX00336399 William R. Carr 12024 1992-06-09
United States, Texas, Nueces, Ca. 500 ft. SW of South Padre Island Drive (St. Rt. 358), 1000 ft. NW of W edge of Oso Bay, Peary Place Transmitter site (US Navy). Oso Creek NE Quadrangle., 27.68111 -97.32167
TEX00336401 Ivan Shiller 26
United States, Texas, Cameron, Cameron County.
TEX00336402 Robert Runyon 2681 1941-04-23
United States, Texas, Cameron, Bordering Los Fresnos road, near Resaca Viejo.
TEX00336403 William R. Carr|Margaret Campbell|John Gee 9308 1988-10-05
United States, Texas, Travis, Formerly grazed river terrace, Onion Creek Preserve, ca. 1.4 airmiles W 10 degrees S of mouth of Onion Creek at Colorado River. Webberville Quadrangle.
TEX00336404 Benjamin Carroll Tharp s.n. 1928-10-10
United States, Texas, Travis, Waller Creek, Austin.
TEX00336405 Bro. Daniel Lynch s.n. 1962-07-28
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Bastrop State Park.
TEX00336406 Benjamin Carroll Tharp s.n. 1929-07-14
United States, Texas, Gonzales, Ottine.
TEX00336407 Marguerite Riedel s.n. 1941-07-18
United States, Texas, Dewitt, Western De Witt County.
TEX00336408 Steven R. Hill 7778 1978-09-08
United States, Texas, Brazos, Seed from S. R. Hill 6430, floodplain of the Little Brazos River at Hwy. 21, west of Bryan, Texas.
TEX00336409 Steven R. Hill 6430 1977-11-04
United States, Texas, Brazos, West bank of the Little Brazos River at intersection with Hwy. 21, 7 mi. west of Bryan.
TEX00336410 Paul A. Fryxell 439 1966-07-17
United States, Texas, Brazos, Brazos County, in fields., 30.6608 -96.302386
TEX00425642 William R. Carr 22259 2003-10-02
United States, Texas, San Patricio, N bank of Nueces River, ca. 1 mi. E of I-37 bridges, ca. 4.1-4.2 airmiles SSW of Jct. US 77 ad FM 631 at Odem. Near homesite in SE corner of McGregor Ranch/Nueces Delta Preserve. Odem Quadrangle., 27.89427 -97.61033
TEX00431541 Alfred Thomas Richardson|Ken King 3350 2007-07-04
United States, Texas, Nueces, Bishop cementary. About .1 mile from entrance.
TEX00431944 Laura L. Hansen 5451 2007-09-24
United States, Texas, Coryell, Training Area NFH 304, 1.4 miles southeast of NFH Poop Pond 2., 31.35035 -97.66483
TEX00448760 William R. Carr 25822 2007-05-01
United States, Texas, Kleberg, On E side of San Fernando Creek just upstream from sewage treatment plant on Naval Air Station Kingsville, ca. 2.8 airmiles ENE of jct. US Rt. 77 and St. Rt. 425, ca. 2.8 airmiles ESE of jct. US Rt. 77 and F. M. 2045 (Santa Gertrudis Ave.). Kingsville Eas, 27.50686 -97.79694
TEX00463197 William R. Carr 32414 2012-11-13
United States, Texas, Fayette, Just inside pasture gate on W side of Kruppa Road just S of Williams Creek bridge, ca. 1.6 airmiles E of jct. US Rt. 77 and F. M. 2436 S of La Grange. Swiss Alp Quadrangle., 29.8382 -96.88443
TEX00467168 Justin Cortez|Alan W. Lievens|Julia K. Byrd 0839 2008-06-19
United States, Texas, Guadalupe, Weston Ranch, S of New Braunfels, N of Weil Road., 29.63669 -98.14864
TEX00470376 Paul A. Fryxell 2947 1977-07-08
United States, Texas, Nueces, 3.5 miles W of Petronila at Agua Dulce crossing., 27.576 -97.6997
TEX00471104 William R. Carr|Elena Pinto-Torres 34048 2014-06-18
United States, Texas, Wharton, NW side of US Rt. 59 on E side of Bosque Slough bridge just SW of Mackay., 29.26614 -96.15581
TEX00471107 William R. Carr|Elena Pinto-Torres 34055 2014-06-19
United States, Texas, Wharton, E side of N-S stretch of US Rt. 59 on N side of small drainageway ca. 0.2 roadmiles N of Colorado River bridge, NW of Wharton., 29.31608 -96.1245
TEX00493996 William R. Carr 35697 2016-05-07
United States, Texas, Goliad, Near SW corner of Kelly Tract (Goliad State Park, ca. 0.4 airmiles E to ENE of US 183 bridge over San Antonio River., 28.6505 -97.37722
TEX00499657 William R. Carr|Diane Sherrill 35993 2016-07-21
United States, Texas, Travis, Along E-W paved trail in N part of Barkley Meadow County Park., 30.18758 -97.62092
TEX00531499 Arthur C. Gibson 7149 2019-06-19
United States, Texas, Williamson, 2801 CR 426 just W of junction with CR 427, northeastern Thrall.
TEX00540161 William R. Carr|Audrey Archer|Patty Ramirez|Beryl Armstrong 36914 2017-09-12
United States, Texas, Travis, E side of Jones Road ca. 0.3 airmiles SSE of jct. Jones Rd. and Littig Rd., 30.32058 -97.47825
TEX00559034 George Yatskievych|Kay Yatskievych 20-018 2020-06-18
United States, Texas, Travis, NE part of Austin; Lakeside portion of Harris Branch neighborhood, on E side of Harris Branch Parkway and N side of Farmhaven Road. W side of small artificial lake., 30.35704 -97.61486
TEX00559086 Thomas J. Watson 2020-28 2020-07-18
United States, Texas, Hays, In Buda at SE corner of junction of Highway 967 and Cole Springs Road at W end of bridge over Onion Creek., 30.08635 -97.8784
TEX00570266 William R. Carr 37649 2020-07-10
United States, Texas, Travis, No locality name provided., 30.33894 -97.7405
TEX00570317 William R. Carr|Bill Owens|Lynette Cason|Bryan Zirkelbach 37650 2020-07-14
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Ca. 200-300 ft. W of N. Pecan St, from a point about 1500 ft. N of its jct. with Mesquite St, on Bill Owens property at north edge of city of Bastrop., 30.13247 -97.318722
BRITWORK251561 Zelma Hall s.n. 1994-08-00
United States, Texas, Tarrant, Collected from River Legacy Park in the city of Arlington.
BRITWORK20552 Bonnie Wenk 209B 1974-10-05
United States, Texas, Dallas, Pasture N of Lower Tarrant Rd, ca 2 blocks E of NW 19th St, Grand Prairie.
BRIT251561 Zelma Hall s.n. 1994-08-00
United States, Texas, Tarrant, Collected from River Legacy Park in the city of Arlington.
BRIT251560 Fred B. Jones 324 1950-07-05
United States, Texas, San Patricio
BRIT251559 Fred B. Jones 324 1950-07-05
United States, Texas, San Patricio, 7 miles south of Taft along roadside ditch.
BRIT251558 Wm. R. Carr 22259 2003-10-02
United States, Texas, San Patricio
BRIT251557 S. Jones 3566 1989-07-22
United States, Texas, San Patricio
BRIT251556 Tom Starbuck 2455 1982-06-19
United States, Texas, Robertson, NW 1/4 Bryan West Quad, U.S.G.S. 1962; 4 mi SE of Mumford near Little Brazos River bridge.
BRIT251555 Paul A. Fryxell 2952 1977-07-09
United States, Texas, Refugio, 17 miles E of Refugio.
BRIT251554 Steven R. Hill 7575 1978-07-23
United States, Texas, Refugio
BRIT251553 D. S. Correll 38904 1970-06-07
United States, Texas, Nueces, Bank above Petronila inlet between Chapman Ranch and Bishop (10 mi.) Farm Rd. #70.
BRIT251552 Alfred Richardson 3350 2007-07-04
United States, Texas, Nueces
BRIT251551 Wm. R. Carr 12024 1992-06-09
United States, Texas, Nueces
BRIT251550 V. L. Cory 45213 1944-07-23
United States, Texas, Gonzales, Palmetto State Park.
BRIT251549 E. Dapprich 8221
United States, Texas, Comal, New Braunfels.
BRIT251548 Steven R. Hill 5878 1977-06-23
United States, Texas, Goliad, Cadena Creek at the San Antonio River bottoms. Cadena Creek ca. 0.5 mile east of road.
BRIT251547 Ferdinand Lindheimer 683 1850-07-00
United States, Texas, Comal, New Braunfels.
BRIT251545 Steven R. Hill 6430 1977-11-04
United States, Texas, Brazos, West bank of the Little Brazos River at intersection with Hwy. 21, 7 mi. west of Bryan.
BRIT251544 Paul A. Fryxell 3759 1982-06-19
United States, Texas, Brazos, At crossing of FM 1687 and Little Brazos River, ca. 1 mile N of junction of FM 1687 and OSR.
BRIT251543 Simon E. Wolff 2123 1930-05-13
United States, Texas, Bell, Rogers Hill, 2 mi. N. of Rogers.
BRIT251542 Wm. R. Carr 7703 1986-07-04
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Roadside, SE side of Shipp Lake, ca. 50 ft. NE of RR crossing NE of St. Rt. 71. West Point Quadrangle.
OKLA020034300 Tharp, Johnson, and Webster 48-88 1948-12-03
United States, Texas, Nueces, Corpus Christi, Bluff Street, leading along bluff toward Naval air base, ca 3-4 mi from Nueces Hotel
BRITTRAIN473932 Alyssa Austin 168 2012-10-23
United States, Texas, Tarrant, Tarrant Regional Water District Sump #7. Near intersection of 183 HWY and White Settlement Rd, ca 1.3 mi from 183 exit. Intersection of White Settlement Rd. and Trinity Tr, on the right before bend in road. WGS 1984, 165m
NLU0218659 Steven R. Hill 22453 1991-07-24
United States, Texas, Goliad, O'Connor River Ranch, River Pasture, Montgomery Bend of the San Antonio River. N side Rt. 239, 7.0 rd miles SE of Rt. 183, Goliad. Hensley Lake & Live Oak Lake quadrangles., 30 - 61m