TEX00037868 Philip Clayton 1014 1990-05-09
United States, Texas, Hidalgo, General location: 3.5 mi. SE of La Joya. 1.25 mi. NE of Penitas. 1.5 mi. W of Perezville. 1.25 mi. NE of the Rio Grande. USGS map. 7.5 ' topo, 1:24,000, La Joya Quad. NE corner of Edinburg Settling Basin. Specific location: Private property of Joe Metz/S
TEX00037869 Fred A. Barkley 13605 1943-08-06
United States, Texas, Travis, Grown on University of Texas campus; plant from La Joya.
TEX00102123 Marshall C. Johnston 5363-B 1960-04-26
Mexico, Tamaulipas, Rancho Loreto
TEX00102124 John R. Crutchfield|Marshall C. Johnston 5572-B 1960-08-16
Mexico, Tamaulipas, Papalote de la Mirandena, 3 mi SSW of headquarters, Loreto Ranch, 24.33333 -98
TEX00197689 Ann Miller s.n. 2000-01-01
United States, Texas, Bexar, San Antonio Botanical Garden.
TEX00197690 Dana Price|Benito Trevino|Carol Evans s.n. 2000-12-11
United States, Texas, Starr, Carrera Ranch, S of La Sagunada Rd, N of Rio Grande City.
TEX00209463 Mark H. Mayfield 1775 1993-08-18
United States, Texas, Travis, University of Texas at Austin campus. S side of Biological Laboratories building, within ca. 10 ft. of building.
TEX00404409 Fred A. Barkley|Barton H. Warnock 13070 1943-06-07
United States, Texas, Travis, From La Joya, Texas, grown on University of Texas campus.
TEX00404410 Thelma Ratcliff [Mrs. E. J.] Walker s.n. 1941-10-22
United States, Texas, Hidalgo, La Joya, Texas.
TEX00425752 Dana Price 150 2001-02-28
United States, Texas, Hidalgo, W side of FM 2221, 2.4-2.5 mi. N of intersection of 2221 and US Hwy. 83 (La Joya)., 26.28556 -98.47917
TEX00501158 Dana Price s.n. 2002-11-20
United States, Texas, Hidalgo, La Joya Right-of-Way, W of Jara Chinas Road (Road FM 2221), ca. 2.8 miles N of junction with U.S. Highway 83., 26.289 -98.48078
TEX00501159 Dana Price s.n. 2002-11-20
United States, Texas, Hidalgo, Penitas City (San Antonio) Cemetery, on N side of Road FM1427 (Military Road) and E side of Manuelita Rios Street, 0.2 air miles N of the Rio Grande River., 26.22811 -98.44347
TEX00570798 Chris Best s.n. 1994-11-29
United States, Texas, Hidalgo, Santa Anna Wildlife Refuge.
BRIT245189 L. B. Smith
United States, Texas, Hidalgo, detailed locality information protected