TEX00197419 Jason R. Singhurst|M. Singhurst 8596 1999-09-15
United States, Texas, Jefferson, IH-10, road side park, adjacent to Gollier Canal.
TEX00282758 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 11440 1989-08-14
United States, Texas, Angelina, SW of FS Rd 313 and FS Rd 313A, N of Boykin Spring Recreation Area; Boykin Spring Longleaf, Angelina NF, Boykin Spring 7.5' Quad., 31.07417 -94.275
TEX00282759 Guy L. Nesom 94/13-47 1996-08-02
United States, Texas, San Jacinto, Sam Houston National Forest, Compartment 94, Stand 13. North of FS Road 280, E side of pipeline ROW. Relatively narrow baygall area along small stream (Clear Creek) with immediately adjacent seepage and steep slopes on both sides.
TEX00282760 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 8442 1988-09-22
United States, Texas, Polk, 0.2 mi E of end of W. D. Boyce Rd, 0.5 mi S of FM 1316 at a point 3.1 mi E of int. US 190 in Livingston, on E-NE facing slope above tributary to Choates Creek, Livingston 7.5' Quad, Brough Seep., 30.73167 -94.89444
TEX00282762 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 11053 1989-07-19
United States, Texas, Jasper, Ca. 0.9 air mi SE of FS Rd. 332 & FS Rd. 335, ca. 1.0 air mi N of FS Rd. 335 & R255 jct, ca. 2 air mi ENE of Ebenezer, along unnamed tributary to Ward Branch; Angelina NF, Ebenezer 7.5' Quad., 31.06667 -94.13972
TEX00282763 William M. Thompson|Billie Lee Turner 112 1958-05-17
United States, Texas, Hardin, 7 mi. NE of Saratoga on Hwy 770.
TEX00354693 Roy P. Turner 46 1964-05-16
United States, Texas, Jasper, Boykin Bog.
TEX00354694 Benjamin Carroll Tharp s.n.
United States, Texas, Jasper, Jasper County.
TEX00354695 Donovan S. Correll 27403 1963-05-12
United States, Texas, Jasper, About 10.5 miles W of Kirbyville., 30.6605 -93.8927
TEX00354699 Benjamin Carroll Tharp|Billie Lee Turner|Marshall C. Johnston 548074 1954-06-01
United States, Texas, Tyler, At roadside park 6.1 miles NW of Woodville on US 287.
TEX00354701 William M. Thompson|Billie Lee Turner 137 1958-05-17
United States, Texas, Tyler, 12 mi. N of Fred.
MSC0293201 Mark Whitten 4138 2015-05-02
United States, Florida, Putnam, Ordway-Swisher Biological Station. Management Unit D-7b. Pond between marker posts D10 and D14.., 29.72309 -81.98795, 47m
OKLA104414 Marshall C. Johnston 54807 1954-06-01
United States, Texas, Tyler, roadside park, 6.1 miles northwest of Woodville on US 287
BRIT364386 Larry E. Brown 31079 2006-03-18
United States, Texas, Hardin, Along pipeline right of way southeast of Hwy 770 east of Saragota, 30.301833 -94.4515
BRIT364387 B. Thompson 112 1958-05-17
United States, Texas, Hardin, 7 mi. NE of Saratoga on hwy. 770.
BRIT364388 Steve L. Orzell 11053 1989-07-19
United States, Texas, Jasper, Ca. .9 air mi SE of FS Rd. 332 & FS Rd. 335, ca. 1.0 air mi N of FS Rd. 335 & R255 jct, ca. 2 air mi ENE of Ebenezer, along unnamed tributary to Ward Branch., 31.066667 -94.139722, 49 - 52m
BRIT364389 Charles Allen 20744 2008-02-23
United States, Texas, Newton, Off U.S 12 in Deweyville
BRIT364390 Eula Whitehouse 23305 1950-05-21
United States, Texas, Tyler, 8 miles west of Woodville
NLU0211292 R. Dale Thomas 101623 1987-09-07
United States, Texas, Newton, Hardwoods forest north of Texas 63 about 2.5 miles west of Sabine River and the Louisiana State Line.
NLU0211293 R. Dale Thomas 101812 1987-09-07
United States, Texas, Newton, Top of dry, sandy hill on south side of U.S. 190, 8.8 miles east of Texas 63 intersection near Jasper and 4.3 miles west of Newton, Texas.