TEX00165454 James S. Henrickson|Scott Sundberg 22174 1997-10-05
Mexico, Coahuila, Ca 110 air Km SW of Cuatro Ciénegas, on limestone and gypseous slopes around and S. of agua Grande, the spring that lies 1 mi SW of Las Delicias, 26.2 -102.8
TEX00165455 Fernando Chiang C.|Tom Wendt|Marshall C. Johnston 9382 1972-09-20
Mexico, Coahuila, N foot of the Sa de la Madera about 5 Km SE of Rancho Cerro de La Madera, 27.11667 -102.38333
TEX00165457 E. M. Marsh 1532 1938-07-27
Mexico, Coahuila, Santa Rosa Mts
TEX00165458 José A. Villarreal|Miguel Agustín Carranza|Ricardo Vásquez A. 6952 1992-09-17
Mexico, Coahuila, Muzquiz, Carr Múzquiz-Boquillas (53) Ranch. La Babia áereas cercanas al arroyo La Babia, 28.55 -102.08333
TEX00165460 Jackie M. Poole|Warren A. Watson 2530 1982-06-29
Mexico, Coahuila, Ca 92.5 mi NW of Muzquiz on Hwy 93 (or 53) to Boquillas del Carmen
TEX00165464 José A. Villarreal|Miguel Agustín Carranza 3920 1987-08-20
Mexico, Coahuila, Ramos Arizpe, El Cedral, Sa de la Paila, 26.03333 -101.38333
TEX00165465 Ernest G. Marsh 532 1936-07-12
Mexico, Coahuila, Muzquiz, Múzquiz canal
TEX00165466 Ernest G. Marsh 532 1936-07-12
Mexico, Coahuila, Muzquiz, Múzquiz canal
TEX00165467 Marshall C. Johnston|Fernando Chiang C.|Tom Wendt|David H. Riskind 11920-A 1973-07-29
Mexico, Coahuila, Mina El Popo, ca 2 Km S of Cañón El Diablo on dissected E slope of Sa del Carmen; ca 19 Km by winding rd N of Rancho El Jardín, 29.20833 -102.75
TEX00165468 Tom Wendt|Emily J. Lott|Mike Mispagel 1776 1976-09-27
Mexico, Coahuila, Cuatrocienegas, Cañada Los Pozos, lower (E) part, near Tanque La Boquilla, 3.2 mi by rd W from Rancho Cerro de a Madera, 27.12917 -102.45972
TEX00165469 José A. Villarreal|Miguel Agustín Carranza|Ricardo Vásquez A. 6993 1992-09-19
Mexico, Coahuila, Muzquiz, Sa del Carmen, Ejido Torrecillas, 28.83333 -102.46667
TEX00165470 Sandra Aguilar Ruíz|Diana L. Doan-Crider 66 1991-06-29
Mexico, Coahuila, Acuna, Rancho El Rincón, on SW margin of Serranías del Burro (part of Sa del Carmen), ca 80 Km SE of Big Bend National Park, Texas; Mpio Villa Acuña, 28.66667 -102.25
TEX00165471 Tom Wendt|David H. Riskind 1723 1976-09-07
Mexico, Coahuila, Sa de La Gloria, ca 0.5 mi S of jct w/C. Obscuro ; Cañón Obscuro Chiquillo, side cyn. of C. Obscuro, latter draining into C. Chilpitín from S near El Chiplitín, 26.79583 -101.29722
TEX00165473 Marshall C. Johnston|Fernando Chiang C.|Tom Wendt|James S. Henrickson|D. Morofka 12182 1973-08-09
Mexico, Coahuila, Old candelilla camp, canyon in NW side of Sa de las Delicias, about 3 Km S of Puerto de Sardinas, 26.35833 -103
TEX00165474 Marshall C. Johnston|Tom Wendt|Fernando Chiang C. 11684-A 1973-07-05
Mexico, Coahuila, Mina El Aguirreño, N side of Sa de la Paila, 26.09167 -101.6
TEX00165475 José A. Villarreal|J. L. Elizondo|Miguel Agustín Carranza|J. Webbe 3065 1985-10-23
Mexico, Coahuila, Ramos Arizpe, Cañón Loma Prieta, aprox 12 Km al NE de Hipólito; Camino al Valle Loma Prieta; Sa de La Paila, 25.85 -101.5
TEX00165476 Tom Wendt 550 1974-08-10
Mexico, Coahuila, Cañón del Diablo, in "backside" (E side) of limestone Sa del Carmen plateau: in narrow bouldery section of main canyoon ca 1.5 mi up (SW) from entrance from S of Styrax Canyon; ca 2 mi due SW of Pico de Cerda, 29.19167 -102.775
TEX00165477 José A. Villarreal|Miguel Agustín Carranza|R. Rodríguez L. 7330 1993-09-15
Mexico, Coahuila, Cuatrocienegas, Sa de La Madera, Cañón Charreteras, Rancho Charreteras, 27.2 -102.7
TEX00165482 José A. Villarreal|Miguel Agustín Carranza|Ricardo Vásquez A. 6952 1992-09-17
Mexico, Coahuila, Muzquiz, Carr Múzquiz-Boquillas (53) Ranch. La Babia áereas cercanas al arroyo La Babia, 28.55 -102.08333
TEX00165483 Fernando Chiang C.|Tom Wendt|Marshall C. Johnston 7505 1972-06-02
Mexico, Coahuila, About 2 Km SW of Rancho San Miguel (WSW of Cd Acuña) on N skirts of Serranías del Burro, 29.2 -101.51667
TEX00165484 James S. Henrickson|Barry Prigge 15012 1976-08-06
Mexico, Coahuila, Ca 54 (air) mi SE of Big Bend National Park basin, in S end of Sa Maderas del Carmen, in the Cañón de la Fronteriza, 1-3 mi NW of Rancho San Isidro, at end of Cañón del Alamo, 28.91667 -102.55
TEX00165485 David H. Riskind 2077 1977-09-17
Mexico, Coahuila, Acuna, Serranías del Burro, Rancho El Bonito, Mpio de Villa Acuna, 29.025 -102.125
TEX00165486 Guy L. Nesom|Mark H. Mayfield 7388 1992-06-03
Mexico, Coahuila, Muzquiz, Ca 130 rd Km NW of Muzquiz on Coa Hwy 2A (Mzq.-Boquillas), midslope of Sa La Encantada along rd up to tunnel entrance to La Encantada basin and mining area, 28.51111 -102.325
TEX00165487 Marshall C. Johnston|Tom Wendt|Fernando Chiang C.|David H. Riskind 12005 1973-08-02
Mexico, Coahuila, Cañón de La Gavia, above (S. of) Rancho de la Gavia, 26.30833 -101.25
TEX00165488 James S. Henrickson|Barry Prigge 15324 1976-08-13
Mexico, Coahuila, 29 (air) mi WNW of Cuatro Ciénegas, on the N slope of the Sa de la Madera, ca 7.5 (air) mi W of Rancho Sa de La Madera, at base of Cañón Desiderio, in upper Cañón Pozos, 27.15 -102.5
TEX00165490 Miguel Agustín Carranza|L. García S. C-1181 1991-11-11
Mexico, Coahuila, Ocampo, Rancho La Cruz, ca 25 Km por la brecha Ocampo-Sa Mojada, entrando por el Rancho San Pedro, 27.25 -102.66667
TEX00165492 Fredrick Neil|Kathy Mueller|David H. Riskind 2194 1977-09-18
Mexico, Coahuila, Acuna, Serranías del Burro, Rcho. El Bonito. In Canyon La Pantera, 29.025 -102.125
TEX00205218 J. A. Villarreal Q.|Ismael Ramírez S. 9285 2005-10-08
Mexico, Coahuila, Ramos Arizpe, Sierra de La Paila, camino a El Cedral., 25.98917 -101.46944
TEX00205364 Miguel Angel Carranza Pérez|Ismael Ramírez S.|M. Narcia C-4500 2006-10-20
Mexico, Coahuila, San Pedro, Ejido Nuevo Delicias, Cañón el Ojo de Agua., 26.21212 -102.82417
TEX00369327 Mary L. Butterwick|J. Lamb 1646 1975-09-25
United States, Texas, Presidio, E of Solitario Peak within the Solitario, on the Big Bend Ranch.
TEX00369328 Mary L. Butterwick|Stuart Strong 862 1975-06-07
United States, Texas, Presidio, At the bottom of the Righthand Shutup, in the Solitario on the Big Bend Ranch.
TEX00369329 Barton H. Warnock|Wilbur D. McBryde 15710 1957-07-30
United States, Texas, Presidio, Solitario Peak area., 29.466796 -103.839855
TEX00380162 Jackie M. Poole|Ben Brown|David D. Diamond|Bob Murphy 2565 1984-08-25
United States, Texas, Presidio, The Solitario, Big Bend Ranch. In draw W of Fresno Peak.
TEX00418560 James S. Henrickson|David H. Riskind 23109 2002-10-16
Mexico, Coahuila, No locality name provided., 26.8 -102.2
TEX00423726 J. Mark Porter|J. T. Columbus 11294 1996-09-17
Mexico, Coahuila, No locality name provided., 26.16167 -101.54917
TEX00432921 David H. Riskind|Jesús Valdés Reyna|James S. Henrickson 23862 2004-08-12
Mexico, Coahuila, Ocampo, Sierra Maderas del Carmen; in limestone Cañón de la Fronteriza, from where it joins the Cañón del Alamo about 0.8 mi. N of Rancho San Isidro, and extends N up the canyon 0.5 mi. to above the abandoned mine housing site., 28.915 -102.555
TEX00447071 James S. Henrickson 24033 2004-09-01
Mexico, Coahuila, ± 73 air miles SW of Cuatro Cienegas in the Valle de Sabaco. Above Agua Grande, above Las Delicias., 26.21667 -102.81167
TEX00451403 Rafael Torres Colín|Juan Carlos Montero C. 15953 2000-10-14
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Guadalcazar, San José de Las Flores, La Borrega hacia Pozas., 22.8 -100.38333
TEX00489259 Michael J. Moore|Hilda Flores Olvera|Helga Ochoterena Booth|Norm Douglas 2600 2013-09-07
Mexico, Coahuila, On W side of Valle Padilla., 27.51775 -102.02744