TEX00308218 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 5645 1987-08-12
United States, Texas, Sabine, East of Fox Hunters Hill, in valley of Shingle Branch, 0.5 mi N of FS Rd 113, 0.5 mi E of TX 87, Fairmount 7.5' Quad, Shingle Branch Bog, Sabine NF., 31.18944 -93.72056
TEX00308214 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 8058 1988-08-18
United States, Texas, Wood, 0.1 mi N of Co Rd 3245 at a point 0.5 mi E of int. Co Rd 3235, ca. 0.4 mi upstream from end of SE arm of Lake Lydia, ca. 5 air miles SE of Quitman, Quitman 7.5' Quad., 32.77417 -95.3825
TEX00308215 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 8011 1988-08-16
United States, Texas, Henderson, On small stream near SW corner of Koon Creek Club, above 2 small lakes and below one lake, ca 1/1 mi N of Anderson Co. line, 0.7 mi S of Wilson Lake, Cross Roads 7.5' Quad, Cross Roads Bog, Koon Creek Club., 32.04306 -95.87556
TEX00308216 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 7972 1988-08-15
United States, Texas, Anderson, Ca. 1.0 mi due S of FM 2961, and 0.5 mi E of main road through Engeling WMA, Cayuga 7.5' Quad, Andrews Bog, Engeling Wildlife Management Area., 31.97667 -95.87944
TEX00308217 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 8330 1988-08-26
United States, Texas, Angelina, 0.4 air miles W of FS Rd 302A at a point ca. 1.3 mi S of FS Rd 302, ca. 0.6 air mi N of Jasper Co. line, on slope N of tributary to Big Creek, ca. 10 mi SE of Zavalla, Boykin Spring 7.5' Quad, Angelina National Forest., 31.07222 -94.29583
TEX00308219 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 8375 1988-09-20
United States, Texas, Jasper, On N side of FS Rd 314, 3.9 mi E of US 69, 0.2 mi W of int FS Rd 330, Boykin Spring 7.5' Quad., 31.04667 -94.34194
TEX00308220 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 8263 1988-08-25
United States, Texas, Newton, Ca. 2 mi E of TX 87 at a point 0.3 mi S of Sabine Co. line, on W side of valley of tributary N of Mill Creek, Fairmount 7.5' Quad., 31.16306 -93.70083
TEX00344756 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 8072 1988-08-18
United States, Texas, Wood, On W side of Co Rd 3235, 0.5 mi N of Co Rd 3245, at head of SE arm of Lake Lydia, 0.1 mi S of dam of Quitman Club Lake, ca. 4.5 air miles SE of Quitman, Quitman 7.5' Quad., 32.77583 -95.38667
TEX00344757 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 7983 1988-08-16
United States, Texas, Henderson, Ca. 0.5 mi W of Black Lake and 0.9 mi W of Coon Creek Lake, 1.5 mi WSW of club headquarters, ca. 4 mi W of TX 19, 8 mi S of Athens, Coon Creek Lake 7.5' Quad, Black Lake Bog, Koon Kreek Klub., 32.07361 -95.86417
TEX00344758 Barbara R. MacRoberts|Michael H. MacRoberts 3992 1998-06-24
United States, Texas, Anderson, Andrew's pitcher plant bog. North end of Engeling Wildlife Mgnt. Area. Cayuga Tex. 1982 Quad. map. NE of DD Spring.
TEX00344759 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 8354 1988-09-20
United States, Texas, Angelina, W of FS Rd 302A, ca. 1.5 mi S of FS Rd 302, ca. 9.5 air mi SE of Zavalla, Boykin Spring 7.5' Quad, Angelina NF., 31.07 -94.29167
TEX00344760 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 8348 1988-09-20
United States, Texas, Angelina, 0.4 mi W of FS Rd 302A, ca. 1.2 mi S of FS Rd 302, on SW-facing slope of tributary to Big Creek, ca. 9.5 air mi SE of Zavalla, Boykin Spring 7.5' Quad, Angelina NF., 31.07556 -94.29583
TEX00344761 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 8338 1988-09-20
United States, Texas, Angelina, Ca. 1.1 mi S on FS Rd. 302A from FS Rd. 302, then 0.3 air mi W, on SW-facing slope of tributary to Big Creek, ca. 9.5 air mi SE of Zavalla, Boykin Spring 7.5' Quad, Angelina NF., 31.07694 -94.29556
TEX00344762 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 8321 1988-08-26
United States, Texas, Angelina, Ca. 1.9 mi S of FS Rd. 313 from TX 63, then 0.2 air mi W to W-facing slope above tributary draining S to Boykin Spring Lake, ca. 9.7 air mi SE of Zavalla, Boykin Spring 7.5' Quad, Boykin Spring Longleaf, Angelina NF., 31.07139 -94.27333
TEX00344763 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 8314 1988-08-26
United States, Texas, Angelina, Ca. 1.6 mi S of FS Rd. 313 & TX 63, near FS Rd. 313 & FS Rd. 327, then 0.3 air mi W, on W side of trib. draining S to Boykin Spring Lake, 9.7 air mi SE of Zavalla, Boykin Spring 7.5' Quad, Boykin Spring Longleaf, Angelina NF., 31.07306 -94.27306
TEX00344764 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 8307 1988-08-26
United States, Texas, Angelina, Ca. 0.8 mi W on FS Rd. 313A from FS Rd. 313, vicinity of headwaters of unnamed tributary to Boykin Spring lake, ca. 9.7 air miles SE of Zavalla, Boykin Spring 7.5' Quad, Boykin Spring Longleaf, Angelina NF., 31.07694 -94.27778
TEX00344765 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 8300 1988-08-26
United States, Texas, Angelina, Ca. 0.3 mi W on FS Rd. 313A from FS Rd. 313, above headwaters of unnamed tributary draining S to Boykin Spring Lake, ca. 9.7 air miles SE of Zavalla, Boykin Spring 7.5' Quad, Boykin Spring Longleaf, Angelina NF., 31.07806 -94.27333
TEX00344766 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 8293 1988-08-26
United States, Texas, Angelina, SW of FS Rd 313 & 313A, N of Boykin Spring Lake and Recreation Area, Boykin Spring 7.5' Quad, Boykin Spring Bog, Angelina NF., 31.07 -94.27778
TEX00344767 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 8291 1988-08-26
United States, Texas, Angelina, SE of FS Rd. 313A, 1.2 mi W of jct FS Rd. 313, on upper slopes of tributary draining S to Boykin Spring Recreation Area, ca. 9.7 air miles SE of Zavalla, Boykin Spring 7.5' Quad, Boykin Spring Longleaf, Angelina NF., 31.07111 -94.27944
TEX00344768 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 8288 1988-08-26
United States, Texas, Jasper, Ca. 1.4 mi W on FS Rd 313A from FS Rd 313, ESE of FS Rd 313A, on slopes above unnamed tributary draining S to Boykin Spring Lake, ca. 9.7 air mi SE of Zavalla, Boykin Spring 7.5' Quad, Boykin Spring Longleaf, Angelina NF., 31.06917 -94.28028
TEX00344769 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 8157 1988-08-22
United States, Texas, Jasper, Along powerline r-o-w near headwaters of tributary of Hog Creek, ca. 5 mi S of R255 at Rayburn Country via poor logging roads, McGee Bend 7.5' Quad., 31.00861 -94.05389
TEX00344770 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 8164 1988-08-23
United States, Texas, Jasper, On W side of US 96, 1.2 mi S of R255, Harrisburg 7.5' Quad, Brookeland Bogs., 31.0375 -93.97972
TEX00344771 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 5931 1987-10-16
United States, Texas, Angelina, On S side of erroded FS Rd 3078, just E of Millstead Branch, Boykin Spring 7.5' Quad, Millstead Branch Bog, Angelina NF., 31.05639 -94.29583
TEX00344772 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 8251 1988-08-25
United States, Texas, Newton, Ca. 2.5 mi E of TX 87 at a point 0.3 mi S of Sabine Co. line, at head of small tributary N of Mill Creek, Fairmount 7.5' Quad., 31.16278 -93.69333
TEX00344773 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 8243 1988-08-25
United States, Texas, Newton, Ca. 0.4 mi SE of TX 87 at a point 0.3 mi S of Sabine Co. line, on N side of tributary N of Mill Creek and just E of pipeline r-o-w, Fairmount 7.5' Quad., 31.15722 -93.72917
TEX00344774 Steve L. Orzell|Edwin L. Bridges 8219 1988-08-23
United States, Texas, Angelina, Ca. 2.0 mi N of FR 363, ca. 6.5 mi NE of Bleakwood, on E side of Big Cow Creek, N of Sand Ridge Cemetery, Bleakwood 7.5' Quad, Big Cow Creek Sandhill Complex., 30.7375 -93.76389
BRIT383783 B. R. MacRoberts 3999a 1998-06-24
United States, Texas, Anderson, North end of Eagling Wildlife Mgnt. Area, on Gibson Br, South of FM 2961 just down stream Lake. Below small cabin marked on Cayuga, Tex. Quad. sheet.
BRIT383784 Steve L. Orzell 8291 1988-08-26
United States, Texas, Angelina, Upper-slope seepage area, SE of FS Rd. 313A, 1.2 mi W of jot FS Rd. 313, on upper slopes of tributary draining S to Boykin Spring Recreation Area, ca. 9.7 air miles SE of Zavalla, Boykin Spring 7.5' Quad, Boykin Spring Longleaf, Angelina NF, 31.069333 -94.274333, 76 - 82m
BRIT383785 Steve L. Orzell 8293 1988-08-26
United States, Texas, Angelina, Mid-slope hillside seepage herb bog, SW of FS Rd 313 & 313A, N of Boykin Spring Lake and Recreation Area, Boykin Spring 7.5' Quad, Boykin Spring Bog, Angelina NF, 31.069333 -94.274333, 82m
BRIT383786 Steve L. Orzell 8300 1988-08-26
United States, Texas, Angelina, Lower-slope seepage area, ca. 0.3 mi. W on FS Rd. 313A from FS Rd. 313, above headwater of unamed tributary draining S to Boykin Spring Lake, ca. 9.7 air miles SE of Zavalla, Boykin-Spring 7.5' Quad, Boykin Spring Longleaf, Angelina NF, 31.0735 -94.279, 94 - 98m
BRIT383787 Steve L. Orzell 8321 1988-08-26
United States, Texas, Angelina, ca. 1.9 mi S on FS Rd. 313 from TX 63, then 0.2 air mi W to W-facing slope above tributary draining S to Boykin Spring Lake, ca 9.7 air mi SE of Zavalla Boykin Spring 7.5' Quad. Boykin Spring Longleaf, Angelina NF, 31.0695 -94.270667, 76 - 79m
BRIT383788 Steve L. Orzell 8330 1988-08-26
United States, Texas, Angelina, 0.4 air miles W of FS Rd 302A at a point ca. 1.3 mi S of FS Rd 302, ca. 0.6 air mi N of Jasper Co. line, on slope N of tributary to Big Creek, ca. 10 mi SE of Zavalla, Boykin Spring 7.5' Quad.
BRIT383789 Steve L. Orzell 8338 1988-09-20
United States, Texas, Angelina, ca. 1.1 S on FS Rd. 302A from FS rd. 302, then 0.3 air mi W, on SW-facing slope of tributary to Big Creek, ca 9.5 air mi SE of Zavalla, Boykin Spring 7.5' Quad. Angelina NF, 31.072833 -94.290667, 67 - 76m
BRIT383790 Steve L. Orzell 8348 1988-09-20
United States, Texas, Angelina, 0.4 mi W of FS rd 302A, ca. 1.2 mi S of FS Rd 302, on SW-facing slope of tributary to Big Creek, ca. 9.5 air mi SE of Zavalla, Boykin Spring 7.5' Quad, Angelina NF., 31.072 -94.290833, 61 - 67m
BRIT383791 Lloyd H. Shinners 19019 1954-08-08
United States, Texas, Freestone, 15 miles south of Fairfield.
BRIT383792 Steve L. Orzell 8011 1988-08-16
United States, Texas, Henderson, On small stream near SW corner of Koon Creek, above 2 small lakes and below one lake, ca 1.1 mi N of Anderson Co. line, 0.7 mi S of Wilson Lake, Cross Roads 7.5' Quad, Cross Roads Bog, Kool Creek Club., 32.039167 -95.872, 104 - 107m
BRIT383793 Steve L. Orzell 7983 1988-08-16
United States, Texas, Henderson, Ca. 0.5 mi W of Black Lake and 0.9 mi W of Coon Creek Lake, 1.5 mi WSW of club headquarters, ca. 4 mi W of TX 19, 8 miS of Athens, Coon Creek Lake 7.5' Quad, Black Lake Bog, Kool Kreek Klub., 32.070833 -95.8585, 108 - 110m
BRIT383794 Steve L. Orzell 5931 1987-10-16
United States, Texas, Jasper, Just E of Millstead Branch, Boykin Spring 7.5' Quad, Millstead Branch Bog, Angelina NF. on S side of eroded FS Rd 3079., 31.053833 -94.290833, 55 - 61m
BRIT383795 Steve L. Orzell 8157 1988-08-22
United States, Texas, Jasper, Along power line r-o-w near headwaters of tributary go Hog Creek, ca. 5 mi S of R255 at Rayburn Country via poor logging roads, McGee Bend 7.5' Quad., 31.005167 -94.052333, 88 - 98m
BRIT383797 Steve L. Orzell 8288 1988-08-26
United States, Texas, Jasper, Ca. 1.4 mi W on FS Rd 313A from FS Rd 313, ESE of FS Rd 313A, on slopes above unnamed tributary draining S to Boykin Spring Lake, ca. 9.7 air mi SE of Zavalla, Boykin Spring 7.5' Quad, Boykin Spring Longleaf, Angelina NF.; 31.069167 -94.280278, 31.069167 -94.280278, 70 - 76m
BRIT383798 Steve L. Orzell 8375 1988-09-20
United States, Texas, Jasper, On N side of FS Rd 314, 3.9 mi E of US 69, 0.2 mi W of int FS Rd 330, Boykin Spring 7.5' Quad, 31.041333 -94.3385, 46 - 55m
BRIT383799 Steve L. Orzell 8263 1988-08-25
United States, Texas, Newton, Ca. 2 mi. E of TX 87 at a point 0.3 mi S of Sabine Co. line, on W side of valley of tributary N of Mill Creek, Fairmount 7.5' Quad.; 31.163056 -93.700833, 31.163056 -93.700833, 101 - 107m
BRIT383800 Steve L. Orzell 8219 1988-08-23
United States, Texas, Newton, Ca. 2.0 mi N of FR 363, ca. 6.5 mi NE of Bleakwood, on E side of Big Cow Creek near Sand Ridge Cemetery, Bleakwood 7.5' Quad, Big Cow Creek Sandhill; 30.7375 -93.763889, 30.7375 -93.763889, 38 - 41m
BRIT383801 Steve L. Orzell 8243 1988-08-25
United States, Texas, Newton, Ca. 0.4 mi SE of TX 87 at a point 0.3 mi S of Sabine Co. line, on N side if tributary N of Mill Creek and just E of pipeline r-o-w, Fairmount 7.5' Quad., 31.154333 -93.724167, 113 - 116m
BRIT383802 Steve L. Orzell 8251 1988-08-25
United States, Texas, Newton, Ca. 2.5 mi E of TX 87 at a point0.3 mi S of Sabine Co. line, at head of small tributary N of Mill Creek, Fairmount 7.5' Quad., 31.157667 -93.689333, 91 - 98m