TEX00166322 David J. Rosen 4319 2007-07-11
United States, Texas, Jackson, On and S of CO RD 412, 7.1 km E of its intersection with Hwy. 111, E of the town of Edna., 28.97127 -96.546
TEX00166356 David J. Rosen 4196 2007-05-25
United States, Texas, Matagorda, Franzen Prairie; private property on and SE of the intersection of FM 1095 and Oyster Lake Road, E of the town of Collegeport.
TEX00196075 William R. Carr 22533 2003-10-22
United States, Texas, Victoria, W side of a NE-SW gravel road through McFaddin Ranch, S of Linn Lake, 3.8-3.9 airmiles NE of RR crossing of FM 445 at McFaddin. McFaddin Quadrangle., 28.5983 -96.97643
TEX00196076 William R. Carr 22659 2003-10-30
United States, Texas, Goliad, Valley of Elkins Branch, ca. 0.7 airmiles upstream from (NNW of) culvert on FM 2441 at Crow Ranch. Melo Quadrangle., 28.58613 -97.412
TEX00196077 William R. Carr 22522 2003-10-22
United States, Texas, Victoria, Both sides of a main NNW-SSE gravel road through McFaddin Ranch, 2.6 airmiles NE of RR crossing of FM 445 at McFaddin. McFaddin Quadrangle., 28.586 -97.01468
TEX00196078 William R. Carr 23430 2004-06-16
United States, Texas, Refugio, Terrell Ranch, both sides of major N-S caliche road, 0.8-0.9 roadmiles S of Jct. with main road at HQ, ca. 8.4 airmiles S of FM 2441 bridge over Medio Creek. Cranell Quadrangle., 28.24156 -97.42078
TEX00210826 William R. Carr 22219 2003-09-24
United States, Texas, Victoria, Along private road through McFaddin Ranch, ca. 0.7-0.8 airmiles E of US Rt. 77 from a point ca. 4.7 airmiles N of jct. FM 445, S of Victoria. N edge of McFaddin Quadrangle., 28.62498 -97.0332
TEX00211042 William R. Carr|David J. Rosen 22196 2003-08-26
United States, Texas, Brazoria, Ca. 0.2 mi W of St. Rt. 36 from a point ca. 1.0-1.1 roadmiles SE of jct. Co. Rd. 18, S of Damon. Damon Quadrangle., 29.26233 -95.71807
TEX00308432 Benjamin Carroll Tharp s.n. 1933-09-13
United States, Texas, Calhoun, Seadrift.
TEX00308433 William R. Carr 16748 1997-07-08
United States, Texas, Matagorda, In seasonally wet drainage ditch on NW side of road running NE-SW through somewhat salty prairie in south-central part of Mad Island Marsh Preserve, 500-1500 ft. NE of 90° curve in road ca. 1.0 mile SW of its jct. with main preserve road, N of Shell Lake, 28.64917 -96.09306
TEX00343002 Benjamin Carroll Tharp s.n. 1930-06-15
United States, Texas, Calhoun, Port Lavaca.
TEX00343003 Benjamin Carroll Tharp 2138 1923-06-13
United States, Texas, Calhoun, 5 miles from Port Lavaca., 28.609997 -96.63301
TEX00343004 Benjamin Carroll Tharp s.n. 1929-08-22
United States, Texas, Matagorda, College Port.
TEX00343005 William R. Carr|Jim Bergan 17169 1997-10-31
United States, Texas, Matagorda, E side of NNE-SSE road +/- parallel to and 1/4 mi E of East Branch of Mad Island Slough, in Mad Island Marsh Preserve. Palacios NE Quadrangle., 28.68889 -96.0925
TEX00343006 William R. Carr 17929 1998-11-19
United States, Texas, Matagorda, E side of main preserve road, 0.0-0.2 mi NW of jct. with road to preserve HQ and extending eastward for ca. 0.3 mi or more. Mad Island Marsh Preserve. Palacios NE Quadrangle., 28.66528 -96.08694
TEX00375829 William R. Carr 22679 2003-11-05
United States, Texas, Goliad, S side of road along N fenceline of W half of Sarco Creek Ranch, E side of fence separating Coyote and Mary Ellen pastures. 2.3-2.4 airmiles NW to NNW of FM 2441 bridge over Sarco Creek. Melo Quadrangle., 28.57448 -97.43203
TEX00431965 David J. Rosen 4792 2008-05-05
United States, Texas, Wharton, On and NW of the intersection of FM 2674 and CO RD 320, 4.9km S of Hwy. 71, S of El Campo.
TEX00442350 William R. Carr 23076 2004-04-22
United States, Texas, Refugio, S side of main road through Runner Pasture, just W of major powerline crossing, ca. 1.4-1.5 airmiles W to WSW of Welder Ranch HQ, ca. 3.2-3.4 airmiles SE of center of South St. Nicholas Lake. Vidaurri Quadrangle., 28.42636 -97.17136
TEX00442472 William R. Carr 23227 2004-05-25
United States, Texas, Goliad, In shallow swale along service road for powerline through coastal prairie on gently undulating upland underlain by Goliad Formation, at bend in main ranch road ca. 0.6 mi SW of gate on F. M. 2441, or 0.6 airmiles SW of F. M. 2441 bridge over Sarco Creek, 28.54028 -97.41683
TEX00443796 David J. Rosen 3973 2006-11-02
United States, Texas, Matagorda, Franzen Prairie. On and SE of the jct. of FM 1095 and Oyster Lake Road, E of the town of Collegeport., 28.72408 -96.16603
TEX00446262 David J. Rosen 4307 2007-07-09
United States, Texas, Wharton, On and E of Hwy 71 at its jct. with FM 1160, 1.9 km S of Co. Rd. 474, 17 km N of El Campo., 29.33068 -96.35355
TEX00456784 Kathy Bruce s.n. 1993-07-27
United States, Texas, Matagorda, On Mad Island Marsh Preserve (see map for location).
TEX00456796 Kathy Bruce s.n. 1993-07-29
United States, Texas, Matagorda, On Mad Island Marsh Preserve (see map for location).
TEX00456797 Kathy Bruce s.n. 1993-07-21
United States, Texas, Matagorda, On Mad Island Marsh Preserve (see map for location).
TEX00457083 William R. Carr 17432 1998-04-22
United States, Texas, Matagorda, Mad Island Marsh Preserve. Both sides of road to HQ, near windmill ca. 0.2mi. N of HQ., 28.64861 -96.10333
TEX00458960 William R. Carr 29219 2010-11-01
United States, Texas, Matagorda, NE side of main road on Mad Island Marsh Preserve ca. 0.8 roadmiles NW of its jct. with road to HQ., 28.67617 -96.09239
TEX00473415 Paul Roling s.n. 2010-01-01
United States, Texas, Harris, Sheldon Lake State Park, north property.
TEX00516821 Chris Kneupper s.n. 2016-05-27
United States, Texas, Brazoria, Roadside ditch along W side of Road FM 1459 just N of intersection with County Road 725, ca. 2.5 air miles E of Old Ocean., 29.081881 -95.689415
TEX00516822 Chris Kneupper s.n. 2016-05-27
United States, Texas, Brazoria, Roadside ditch along W side of Road FM 1459 just N of intersection with COunty Road 725, ca. 2.5 air miles E of Old Ocean., 29.081881 -95.689415
TEX00516829 Chris Kneupper s.n. 2016-05-27
United States, Texas, Brazoria, Along SE side of exit ramp from N0bound State Highway 288 onto E-bound Road FM 253 (Highway 35 Bypass Road); NW side of Angleton. Many plants found in the immediate area, smaller isolated groups in nearby areas to N and E., 29.196183 -95.449889
TEX00516830 Chris Kneupper s.n. 2016-05-27
United States, Texas, Brazoria, Along SE side of exit ramp from N-bound State Highway 288 onto E-bound Road FM 253 (Highway 35 Bypass Road); NW side of Angleton.Many plants found in the immediate area, smaller isolated groups in nearby areas to N and E., 29.196183 -95.449889
BRIT245095 Gerry Moore 3516 1996-07-19
United States, Texas, Jackson, Along Rte. 211 (N of road), approx. 13 mi. E of Edna in the Lake Texana watershed. Manson Quadrangle. Occasional in intermittent streamlet running perpendicular to Rte. 211.
BRIT245101 D. J. Rosen 4196 2007-05-25
United States, Texas, Matagorda, Franzen Prairie; private property on and SE of the intersection of FM 1095 and Oyster Lake Road, E of the town of Collegeport.