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Abbey, Kathleen
Abu Doush, Iyad
Ackerfield, Jennifer
Admin, Guest
Adrian, Brent
Alcock, John
Alexander, Patrick
Anderson, Jacklyn
Anderson, James
Anderson, Wynn
Andre, Jim
Anzaldo, Salvatore
Arizona State University Herbarium,
Arrellin, Jonathan
Ayers, Tina
Baker, Marc
Ballard, Leanna
Balmer, Daltrey
Barber, Anne
Barkworth, Mary
Beatson, Bob
Bertelsen, David
Best, Brooke
Blackwell, Steve
Boyd, Lisa
Brandt, Benjamin
Brokaw, Joshua
Brownlie-Edward, Blair
Bryan, Alec
Buckley, Steve
Butler, Max
Carnahan, Sue
Cevallos, Erika
Chester, Tom
Chilcote, Carolyn
Clark, Lia
Clark, Lynn
Coburn, Frankie
Cook, William
Cowles, Jillian
Curran, Raymond
Danforth, Douglas
Davis, Christopher
Deyo, Nick
Dimmitt, Mark
Dong, Jennifer
Downard, Rebekah
Durazo, Jesus
Earle, Christopher J.
El-Sayed, Sanaa
Enderson, Erik
Fall, Patricia
Fehlberg, Kevin
Fehlberg, Shannon
Ferguson, George
Ferguson, George
Fertig, Walter
Flanders, Angela
Flesch, Aaron
Fonseca, Julia
Franz, Nico
Frates, Tony
Gade, Kristin
Gerst, Kathy
Gilbert, Edward
Goodrich, Sherel
Goodwin, Glen L.
Goodwin, Greg
Guest, MAM
Gust, Gregory
Hale, Stephen
Hale, Stephen
Hansen, Ashley
Hardy, Christopher
Hare, Trevor
Hayes, Richard
Hazelton, Andrea
Hedgcock, Charles
Hegji, Steve
Heil, Kenneth
Henke, Shannon
Hodgson, Wendy
Holiday, Susan
Hull, Jeremiah
Jacobs, Sky
jercinovic, eugene
John, Roth
Johnston, Andrew
Jones, Connor
Jones, Steve
Jones, Timothy
Jorgensen, Henry
Kaczmarczyk, Nicholas
kim, candice
King, Austin
King, Matthew
Kitchen, Lara
Kleinhesselink, Andrew
Kleinman, Russ
Kreisheimer, Shannon
Lafferty, Daryl
Landrum, Leslie
Landry, Katherine
Lehman, Thiel
Lewis, Chris
Leyshon, Danielle
Li, Hebi
Licher, Max
Limmer, Elroy
Lindley, Ries
Liska, Kelly
Loyola, Beatriz
M, Mike
Makings, Liz
Markgraf, Vera
Marzonie, Chris
Maxa, Christine
Mendoza, Anthony
Minckley, Charles
Mohlenbrock, Robert
Molina-Freaner, Francisco
Morin, Nancy
Muniz, Nathan
Mygrant Merrell, Ingrid
Noudali, Sean
Olmon, Kirstin
Palting, John
Papa, Jaclyn
Piep, Michael
Pigg, Kathleen
Plagens, Michael
Pogue, Bria "Selina"
Project Staff, MABA
Radke, William
Reeder, Jed
Reina-Guerrero, Ana L.
Retter, Alex
Rink, Glenn
Rogers, Nicholas
Roll, Chris
Rose, Frank
Roth, Daniela
Ruiz-Guerrero, Marcela
Rupp, Larry
Rutman, Sue
sabet, mohammad mehdi
Salywon, Andrew
Sanchez, Joaquin
Sandoe, Ian
Santori, Paul
Schmidt, Krista
Schneider, Al
Schneider, Al
Scott, Gordon
Shelley, Nathan
Sivinski, Robert
Stromberg, Juliet
Sturla, Eugene, (Gene)
Sánchez-Escalante, José Jesús
Thornburg, David
Tuegel, Marty
Valenzuela, Melissa
Valov, Debra
Van Devender, Thomas
Van Devender, Wayne
Walker, Lindsay
Walker, Lindsay
Weidle, Megan
Weissman, Lyndsay
Wilson, Ashlin
Wilson, Michael
Wolf, Cynthia
Wolkis, Dustin
Yanes-Arvayo, Gertrudes
Yatskievych, George
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38 Trillium pusillum var. virginianum sec. NatureServe 2021 [G4T3]: 99 occurrences
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Arizona State University Plant Fossil Collections
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Page 1, records 1-200 of 83,145
Angela De Palma-Dow
MSC-: MSC0225216
MSC-: MSC0285417
MSC-: MSC0285413
MSC-: MSC0285393
MSC-: MSC0285412
MSC-: MSC0285411
MSC-: MSC0285419
MSC-: MSC0285416
MSC-: MSC0285421
MSC-: MSC0285418
MSC-: MSC0285415
F. Steares
MSC-: MSC0286254
MSC-: MSC0286255
MSC-: MSC0286258
MSC-: MSC0286256
MSC-: MSC0286259
MSC-: MSC0286257
MSC-: MSC0115098
MSC-: MSC0286293
MSC-: MSC0173933
MSC-: MSC0261901
MSC-: MSC0262W39
MSC-: MSC0V62378
MSC-: MSC0287817
MSC-: MSC0292075
MSC-: MSC0292688
MSC-: MSC0291295
MSC-: MSC0291163
MSC-: MSC0291478
MSC-: MSC0291477
MSC-: MSC0291361
MSC-: MSC0291313
MSC-: MSC0291352
MSC-: MSC0291460
MSC-: MSC0291315
MSC-: MSC0291273
MSC-: MSC0291476
MSC-: MSC0291194
Abies balsamea
D. A. Landis.
Abies balsamea
Jacob Mantela
Abrodictyum dentatum
Abrodictyum dentatum
I. Franc
Abrodictyum elongatum
A. E. Wright
Abrodictyum elongatum
Eric Craig
Abrodictyum elongatum
I. Franc
Abrodictyum elongatum
L. A. Doore
Abrodictyum gemmatum
L. Averyanov
Abrodictyum meifolium
John H. Beaman
Abrodictyum meifolium
John H. Beaman
Abrodictyum obscurum
John H. Beaman
Abrodictyum rigidum
J. Torrey
Abrodictyum rigidum
John T. Mickel
Abrodictyum rigidum
James Montgomery
Abrodictyum rigidum
William R. Stimson
Abrodictyum rigidum
M. R. Crosby
Abrodictyum rigidum
A. Loher
Abrodictyum rigidum
George Wall
Abrodictyum stylosum
J. Torrey
Abutilon theophrasti
Trey Ellens
Abutilon theophrasti
Ethan Smith
Abutilon theophrasti
Drew Davis
Abutilon theophrasti
Carolina Freitas
Abutilon theophrasti
Matthew Dishon
Abutilon theophrasti
Ray Rantz
Abutilon theophrasti
A.L. Karow
Abutilon theophrasti
Derry Kramer
Abutilon theophrasti
Kristina Scarborough
Abutilon theophrasti
K. Carter Wynne
Abutilon theophrasti
Ryan Wiggins
Abutilon theophrasti
Hayley Wineland
Abutilon theophrasti
Morgan Klosowski
Abutilon theophrasti
Kirsten Klee
Abutilon theophrasti
Garrett Menko
Abutilon theophrasti
Kileigh Johnston
Abutilon theophrasti
Tyler Reisig
Abutilon theophrasti
Jake Rasmussen
Abutilon theophrasti
Shaddick, J.; Skeels, H.C.
Acacia angustissima var. chisosiana
Robert Baker
Acalypha ostryifolia
Robert W. Smith
Acalypha rhomboidea
Acalypha rhomboidea
Drew Davis
Acalypha rhomboidea
Jessika Maas
Acalypha rhomboidea
Jacob Mantela
Acalypha rhomboidea
Jacob Mantela
Acalypha rhomboidea
Jacob Mantela
Acalypha rhomboidea
Elise Kunkel
Acalypha virginica
K. Carter Wynne
MSC-: MSC0161946
Acer campestre
Jack Haynes
Acer grandidentatum var. sinuosum
Geoff Denny
Acer grandidentatum var. sinuosum
Geoff Denny and Susan Harvey
Acer negundo
MSC-: MSC0161853
Acer negundo
Beach, James
Acer negundo
Stevens, Warren
Acer negundo
Crow, Garrett
Acer negundo
Beach, James
Acer negundo
MSC-: MSC0276900
Acer negundo
Michael Kalwajtys
Acer negundo
Michael Orbain
Acer negundo
Doug A. Landis
Acer negundo
Gabi Meitler
Acer negundo
Jacob Mantela
Acer negundo
Jacob Mantela
Acer negundo
Scott M. Warner
Acer negundo
Scott M. Warner
Acer negundo
W. R. Carr
Acer negundo
Jordan Zapata
Acer negundo
Jordan Zapata
Acer negundo
Christian Tibaudo
Acer negundo
Christian Tibaudo
Acer negundo
Dorthea Leisman
Acer negundo
Dorthea Leisman
Acer nigrum
Kolp, Matthew
Acer nigrum
Alex White
Acer nigrum
Alan Stockdale, Lydia Abma, Garrett Crow
Acer nigrum
Doug A. Landis
Acer nigrum
Jacob Mantela
Acer nigrum
Jacob Mantela
Acer nigrum
Dorthea Leisman
Acer pensylvanicum
Christian Tibaudo
Acer platanoides
Goch, Mark
Acer platanoides
Duvendeck, Jerry
Acer platanoides
MSC-: MSC0149094
Acer platanoides
Lauren Aldrich
Acer platanoides
Erin Conklin
Acer platanoides
Christy Miller
Acer platanoides
Jacob Mantela
Acer platanoides
Jacob Mantela
Acer platanoides
Christian Tibaudo
Acer platanoides
Sarah McDonnell
Acer rubrum
MSC-: MSC0174791
Acer rubrum
Goch, Mark
Acer rubrum
Thomas, William
Acer rubrum
Stevens, Warren
Acer rubrum
Kolp, Matthew
Acer rubrum
Stevens, Warren
Acer rubrum
Hamel, Paul
Acer rubrum
Hamel, Paul
Acer rubrum
Wetmore, Clifford
Acer rubrum
Wetmore, Clifford
Acer rubrum
Scott M. Warner
Acer rubrum
Jack Haynes
Acer rubrum
MSC-: MSC0276898
Acer rubrum
Claire Henley
Acer rubrum
Christian Tibaudo
Acer rubrum
Coll.: Dorthea Leisman
Acer rubrum
Shaddick, J. & Skeels, H.
Acer saccharinum
Crow, Garrett
Acer saccharinum
Crow, Garrett
Acer saccharinum
Jack Haynes
Acer saccharinum
Jack Haynes
Acer saccharinum
MSC-: MSC0276899
Acer saccharinum
Michael Kalwajtys
Acer saccharinum
Derry Kramer
Acer saccharinum
Doug A. Landis
Acer saccharinum
Jacob Mantela
Acer saccharinum
Jordan Zapata
Acer saccharinum
Jordan Zapata
Acer saccharinum
Jordan Zapata
Acer saccharinum
Jordan Zapata
Acer saccharum
Stevens, Warren
Acer saccharum
MSC-: MSC0161945
Acer saccharum
Beach, James
Acer saccharum
Kolp, Matthew; Springer, Joshua
Acer saccharum
Hamel, Paul
Acer saccharum
Goch, Mark
Acer saccharum
Stevens, Warren
Acer saccharum
Hamel, Paul
Acer saccharum
Hamel, Paul
Acer saccharum
Smith, Robert
Acer saccharum
Hakala, D.
Acer saccharum
Bailey, Harold and Virginia
Acer saccharum
Janke, R.
Acer saccharum
Alex White
Acer saccharum
Alex White
Acer saccharum
MSC-: MSC0276897
Acer saccharum
Jacob Mantela
Acer saccharum
Jacob Mantela
Acer saccharum
Jordan Zapata
Acer saccharum
Scott M. Warner
Acer saccharum
Ash Trace
Acer saccharum
S. N. Stephenson
Acer saccharum
Lynn Felton.
Acer saccharum
Tyler Jennings
Acer saccharum
Shaddick, J.; Skeels, H.
Acer spicatum
Hanks, Charles
Acer spicatum
Hanks, Charles ; Flemming, Millar
Acer spicatum
Rutter ; Fleming
Acer spicatum
Hanks, Charles ; Flemming, Millar
Acer spicatum
Rutter ; Fleming
Acer spicatum
Bailey, Harold and Virginia
Acer spicatum
Wetmore, Clifford
Acer spicatum
Hakala, D.
Acer x freemanii
Alex Fung
Heaton, G.
Achillea filipendulina
John A. Churchill
Achillea lanulosa
Kennedy, P.
Page 1, records 1-200 of 83,145