Annuals, 5-20+ cm (taproots relatively short and thin). Herbage glabrous or sparsely tomentose (especially distally). Stems usually 1 (relatively thin, delicate). Leaves evenly distributed; sessile; blades oblanceolate to lance-linear, 2-4 × 0.5-1 cm, bases sometimes weakly clasping, margins usually subpinnate to dentate, sometimes subentire (distal leaves bractlike). Heads 4-10+ in open, cymiform arrays. Calyculi 0 or of 1-3+ lance-deltate bractlets. Phyllaries ± 8 or ± 13, 5-6 mm, tips greenish. Ray florets 0 or 1-5; corolla laminae 0.5-1+ mm (barely surpassing phyllaries, heads perhaps technically disciform). Cypselae densely hairy. 2n = 40. Flowering late winter-spring. Dry, open ground, especially alkaline flats; of conservation concern; 10-400 m; Calif.; Mexico (Baja California).