Herbs, colonial, scapose, rhizomatous; rhizome slender, scale-leaved, lignescent. Stems erect, unbranched. Leaves basal, rosulate from rhizome buds, 30-80 mm; petiole present; blade orbiculate to elliptic-orbiculate, ovate-oblong, or ovate, margins coarsely crenate-serrate, apex emarginate to truncate, surfaces glabrous, pinnately veined. Scapes bracteate, elongating after flowering. Inflorescences solitary flowers. Flowers: sepals distinct; petals connate in proximal 1/4-1/2, corolla campanulate to funnelform, 15-25 mm, lobes white to rose-purple, margins obtusely toothed to laciniate or fringed; anthers 2-locular, without basal spurs, longitudinally dehiscent; filaments adnate to corolla tube; staminodes present. x = 6. The Asian species of Shortia occur in Japan (three endemic), Taiwan and the Ryukyus (one endemic), and Yunnan Province, China (one endemic).