Plants 15-60 cm. Basal leaves: blades (dark green) nearly deltate or broadly lanceolate to lance-linear, 15-35 cm, margins entire or irregularly serrate (sometimes undulate), sometimes strigillose, not ciliate, faces hirsute, hirtellous, scabrous, or strigillose (sometimes vernicose); cauline leaves smaller distally (petiolate or sessile). Heads usually borne singly, sometimes 2-3+ in corymbiform arrays. Involucres ± hemispheric, (15-)20-30+ mm diam. Phyllaries 26-40, subequal, ± herbaceous, margins ciliate, faces (abaxial) hispid, hispidulous, or strigillose; outer 15-25 mm (not or little surpassing discs). Ray florets (8-)12-14; laminae 15-25 mm. Cypselae 7-8 mm, ± strigillose. 2n = 38. Flowering May-Jul. Meadows, grassy slopes, chaparral, wet to dry openings in pine and pine-oak forests; 20-2100 m; Calif., Oreg., Wash. Wyethia angustifolia ranges from southwestern Washington, in and west of the Columbia Gorge, through Oregon into California west of the Cascade-Sierra axis.