Stems erect, 1-4 m, branches spreading. Leaves: petiole 1-3 mm; blade 3-8 cm, surfaces pilose on major veins abaxially. Inflorescences spreading or ascending, secund, curved or recurved, 5-12 cm; bracts ± deciduous, ovate-deltate, 1-1.7 mm. Flowers: calyx campanulate, sepals ovate, 2.5-3 mm, apex acute; corolla white to pale pink, 7-9 mm, lobes recurved, glabrous; stamens 3-4 mm; anthers 2-awned, ca. 1.5 mm, thecae divergent distally; ovary glabrous. Capsules 3-5 mm wide. Seeds winged, oblanceoloid, flat, 1-1.3 mm. Flowering mid spring. Damp woods in mountains, heath balds, granitic domes, bogs; 100-1200(-1500) m; Ala., Ga., Ky., N.Y., N.C., Ohio, S.C., Tenn., Va., W.Va. The occurrence of Eubotrys recurva in New York state, in mixed oak woods on Long Island, may represent naturalized plants, rather than a native population. Records from Ohio may also represent escaped plants.