Stems (when present) 1-2.5 dm. Basal leaves: petiole (1-)1.5-3.5 cm; blade (2-)2.7-7.5(-9) cm, lobes (0 or) 1-6 on each side, margins usually entire or shallowly dentate, rarely lobed, terminal lobe orbicular to broadly ovate, 0.5-1.1 cm × 5-12 mm, considerably larger than lateral lobes, margins entire or shallowly dentate. Fruiting pedicels: solitary flowers 30-80(-100) mm; racemes to 60 mm. Flowers: sepals suberect to spreading, narrowly oblong, 3-5.2 × 0.8-1.7 mm; petals spreading, white to lavender or, rarely, yellow, broadly spatulate, (5-)7-10 × (1.5-)2.5-4.5(-6) mm, claw yellow, (1.2-) 2-3 mm, apex emarginate, apical notch 0.3-1.1 mm deep; filaments: median 3.5-4.7 mm, lateral 1.2-2.5 mm; anthers 0.7-1.4 mm. Fruits linear, (1.5-)2-3 cm × 2-4 mm, markedly torulose to submoniliform, latiseptate; valves somewhat thick; ovules 8-16(-18) per ovary; style 2.5-5 mm. Seeds 1.9-2.8 mm diam.; wing obsolete or to 0.1 mm wide; embryo slightly bent. 2n = 30. Flowering Mar-Apr. Cedar glades, pastures, seepy areas, thin soil over limestone beds, roadsides, old fields; 150-300 m; Ala., Ky., Tenn. Leavenworthia torulosa is known in Alabama only from Madison County and in Kentucky only from Warren County.