Biennials or perennials, 30-40 cm; fibrous-rooted; stolons usually absent [reportedly present in Australia and New Zealand]. Aerial stems erect, simple, thinly and persistently white-tomentose. Leaves: basal withering before flowering; cauline 6-10, blades linear to linear-oblanceolate or linear-lanceolate, 3-8 cm × 2-3 mm (largest at midstem), bases subclasping (not ampliate), margins revolute, abaxial faces silvery, tomentose, adaxial faces green, glabrate (shiny). Bracts subtending heads 3-5, 10-15 mm, surpassing heads, plus some shorter. Heads in hemispheric clusters 10-15 mm diam. (sometimes with axillary clusters). Involucres 4-4.5 mm. Phyllaries tawny or rosy-tinged (shiny), oblong, apices rounded to obtuse. Pistillate florets 80-150. Bisexual florets 3-5(-7). Pappus bristles distinct or basally coherent (falling in groups). Flowering Jul-Oct. Grassy open places, often moist or wet; 50-700 m; introduced; Calif., Mass.; Pacific Islands (New Zealand); Australia.