Perennials; (relatively diminutive, strongly condensed); caudex (buried), simple or branched, (stout, thatched, thickened with persistent leaf bases); densely pubescent, trichomes (appressed, stiff), 4- or 5-rayed, rays fused at center, (mostly bifurcate). Stems simple or few from base, decumbent to ascending, (arising laterally from a tight hemispherical tuft of leaves), to 0.15 dm. Basal leaves similar to cauline, (erect, surfaces silvery). Cauline leaves (ascending, subsessile); blade linear-oblanceolate, (0.6-)0.8-1.3(-1.5) cm, margins entire, (apex acute to narrowly obtuse). Racemes strongly congested, (often sessile or nearly so, lateral to leaves). Fruiting pedicels (erect or ascending, straight to slightly curved), 3-6 mm. Flowers: sepals (loosely erect), narrowly oblong, 3-4 mm; petals spatulate, 5-6 mm. Fruits ovate, compressed (latiseptate) on margins and apically, 4-5 mm; valves pubescent, trichomes densely appressed; ovules 4 per ovary; style 1-1.5 mm. Seeds plump. Flowering Apr-May. Barren knolls with pinyon-juniper; of conservation concern; 1800-2100 m; Colo. Physaria congesta is found on white, decomposed shale of the Thirteenmile Creek Tongue of the Green River Formation.