Annuals, 15-40 cm. Stems erect, stramineous, ± villous and/or stipitate-glandular. Cauline leaf blades ± oblong or spatulate, 10-30(-45+) mm, lengths 2-3.5 times widths, bases clasping, margins ± crenulate (teeth 6-8 per cm, obtuse, resin-tipped), apices obtuse or acute, faces usually hirtellous and glandular (glands usually in pits, seldom sessile or stipitate), sometimes glabrate. Heads in open, corymbiform arrays. Involucres broadly urceolate to hemispheric, 6-9 × 8-13 mm (usually subtended by leaflike bracts). Phyllaries in 5-6 series, spreading to appressed, lanceolate, apices acute to subulate, slightly recurved to straight, little, or not at all, resinous. Ray florets 16-27; laminae 6-9(-12) mm. Cypselae brownish, 3.5-4 mm, apices smooth or obscurely coronate, faces smooth or slightly rugose (little, if at all, transversely fissured); pappi of 2-3 straight or weakly contorted, smooth (apices dilated), bristles or setiform awns 3.5-5 mm, equaling or slightly surpassing disc corollas. 2n = 12. Flowering (Nov-)Mar-Jun(-Aug). Bottomlands, rich low ground, thickets, near streams; 0-500 m; Tex.