Plants 30-60 cm. Corms subglobose to depressed-globose. Stems stipitate-glandular. Leaves: basal and proximal cauline 1-nerved, linear to linear-lanceolate, 60-110 × 1.5-4(-4.5) mm, gradually or abruptly reduced on distal 1/2 of stems, stipitate-glandular. Heads in dense, (cylindric) spiciform arrays. Peduncles 0. Involucres cylindro-turbinate, 8-12 × 3-5 mm. Phyllaries in 3-4 series, (green, rarely purplish) oblong-lanceolate to lanceolate-triangular, unequal, densely glandular (mixture of sessile-sunken and slightly elevated glands), margins without hyaline borders, apices broadly to narrowly acute or acuminate (sometimes with indurate mucros). Florets 3-4(-5); corolla tubes glabrous or glabrate inside. Cypselae 5-6 mm; pappi: lengths ± equaling corollas, bristles plumose. 2n = 20. Flowering (Aug-)Sep-Oct. Limestone outcrops, gentle slopes or flats, shallow gravelly soils over limestone, usually with juniper and yucca; 100-300 m; Tex.