Rhizomes short to long-running, thick. Culms cespitose, 15--50 cm. Leaves: basal blade flat, apex involute?? revolute??, mostly glabrous; cauline leaves 3--5, 2--6 cm x 3--10 mm. Inflorescences anthelate; branches spreading less than 90°, lax; proximal bracts much shorter than inflorescence; bracts brownish, clear toward apex, margins lacerate; bracteoles light brown, 1/2 length of tepals, margins dentate. Flowers solitary or in pairs; tepals reddish to dark brown, nearly equal, 2.5--3.5 mm, apex acute, not reflexed; anthers 3 times filament length; stigmas 2 times style length. Capsules blackish, ovoid, 2.5--3.5 mm; beak to 1 mm. Seeds dark brown, 1.2--1.8 mm; caruncle barely visible. Flowering and fruiting summer. Montane forest to subalpine and alpine slopes, ridges, and meadows; 1700--2400 m; Alta., B.C.; Idaho, Mont., Oreg., Wash. Although Luzula hitchcockii has been reported from California, no convincing specimens have been seen by this author. The species resembles the European L. glabrata (Hoppe) Desvaux very closely; however, it is readily distinguished from all other North American species. Plants may be heavily infested with Ustilago vuijckii Oudemans. and Beijerinck. complete last names??, which considerably alters their usual appearance.