Plants 10-70 cm, self-compatible (heads not showy). Stems proximally villous to hirsute, distally glandular-pubescent, glands purple, lateral branches often surpassing main stems. Leaf blades linear, 2-9 cm × 1-10 mm. Heads in open, corymbiform arrays. Involucres ± ovoid to hemispheric, 6-8 mm. Phyllaries ± villous or hirsute, glandular-pubescent as well (often sparsely), glands purple, apices usually ± erect, flat. Paleae mostly persistent, mostly connate 1/2+ their lengths. Ray florets 5-12; corollas greenish yellow, laminae 4-11 mm. Disc florets 8-50+, functionally staminate; corollas 2-3 mm, pubescent; anthers ± dark purple. Ray cypselae black or brown, sometimes mottled, glossy, ± 3-angled (abaxial sides rounded, adaxial sides 2-faced, angles between those faces ca. 70°), beakless (or nearly so). Disc cypselae 0. 2n = 16. Flowering Apr-Jul. Openings in woodlands, forests, and shrublands, disturbed sites, stream banks, often in dry, stony or clayey soils; 30-1600 m; Calif., Nev., Oreg., Wash. Madia citriodora occurs in northern California, northwestern Nevada, Oregon, and Washington, sometimes with (and often confused with) M. gracilis.